~Marriage Of Asmodeus~ (Updat...

By Cyrilwolf

971 57 2

The sequel of Love for Asmodeus is here! I didn't really think I'd continue this story, and here I am, made t... More

~Serious Conversation~
~The Dream~
~The Abnormal Morning~
~Unexpected Visit~
~The Date~
~The Fear~
~Helping out a Friend~
~Plans Afloat~
~Difficult Day~
~The Condition~
~The Mark~
~The Fight~
~The Fault~
~Final Stop~
~Happily Together~

~Paint of Love~

23 2 0
By Cyrilwolf

Hours have Passed, And Filimena stayed in the bed for some time to cool down, she felt horrible after what happened this morning, while her chest isn't hurting anymore, it sure is to her. She sighs and couldn't sleep away, she's afraid she might run into these nightmares again, and tries so hard for her eyes to stay open. It was quiet in here, except for outside the city, but the glass barricades the noises to make the room more secluded. She looks around the room, and decided to occupy herself in the room. She sees photo frames of Asmodeus in different places, mostly him just being himself. There's one with Fizzarolli and they were at the beach, and Also him with Filimena, herself in a winter festival. A few more frames she saw of how much she and him had loads of great memories together, and how time flies fast here in Hell, she brings a bittersweet smile as she looks at the one that caught her attention, Her and Asmodeus's first real date. Oh how she remembers the special day after decades of hiding, she finally told him how she felt for him, and that he accepts her love towards him. She remembers when they first met as little kids, forming their friendship in a long-lasting century as it felt.

She didn't how she can get through all these short days if whatever's bothering her kept her from Asmodeus. She didn't know how she can only see it or that May could also see it as well when looking deeper into her soul. She knows she'd never done anything wrong, so why would she feel hurt and sorrowful, seeing all these horrible thoughts run into her mind. Her train of thought stops when she heard calm jazz music playing outside of the room. She walks over to hear it was coming from the other side of the room. She decides to leave the room to look for the music. She walks down the hall as the song got louder the further she approaches. She took a small peek of the living room, but nothing was there, until she saw the basement door. The same door she was concerned earlier today, she sees it wasn't fully shut, and the music was coming from there. She didn't want to go in still, but her curiosity got the better for her this time. She slowly walks up to the crack of the door, slowly opening it and making sure it doesn't make a creek. She sees the room, and it was more of a V.I.P lounge than really an actual basement. She even sees incredible art portraits of exquisite art pieces of what seems to be varieties of lust cultures. Many involve the magic of seduction, and the succubi worshiping the greater power of it. The others were mainly spirals of colors that only true artists can figure what they mean. She looks around to only realize Asmodeus was there. He seems to be doing something there, painting. He uses his magic to paint on a canvas with his use of flames. Filimena watched as he controls his way and uses whatever color he has on his paintbrush and splatters it onto the whiteboard, even some drip onto the floor.

Filimena feel she should leave him alone before he noticed her, she tries to close the door, but then, it may a creek, which was enough to have Asmodeus's attention. Filimena was scared as she tries to close it, but the door was having a hard time closing it firmly. Asmodeus turns around to see Filimena struggling to shut the door.


His voice stops her, nervously she looks at him.

"Oh..O-Ozzie, it's not what it seems, the door was..Open, and I was trying to close it."

Asmodeus stares at him, until he got up and went to where she at, Filimena was becoming anxious when he came up to her.

"I-I'm so sorry! I know you said not to come down here, and I tried to respect your privacy, p-please don't do anything bad, I'm truly sorry."

She backs away, scared of what he might do, but then, Asmodeus gently brings her over, and closes the door gently, Filimena opens her eyes and looks up to her, bewildered.

"It does that, sometimes I have it closed, but it never goes to click."

He laughs, Filimena looks at the door to see it was now fully shut.

"Also, you didn't need to apologize, I know what you were doing, your curious mind never lies."

"O-Ozzie, what's this room?"

"Oh, it's my private art room, I sometimes like to draw freely if I don't have work I must do, it's mainly a secret talent I do when I'm alone. I don't let anyone in here for obvious reasons except for Fizzarolli. But I was actually going to show it to you when I was fully completed with everything or needed to fully trust someone who can be respectful."

He led her down to the main room, and then shows her the current work he's doing, it was incomplete, but she could tell it was a hardworking portrait he's creating. it symbolizes a pink figure, but missing a face.

"What's this piece?"

"Oh, it's a surprise, I don't really want to reveal it just yet, but so far, it's going pretty swell in my eyes."

Filimena was interested in this, and she asked her more about his secret hobby.

"How long have you been doing this for?"

"Ever since I was younger, I was involve in so many likes of art, I couldn't get enough of it, the art of desires, and the art of picturing the best canvas. But of course, I had to keep that as a secret so that none of my family members will know about it, they say it's just a silly hobby and will never get you anywhere as the ruler of the Ring. So the basement was the best option to hide most of my pieces."

Filimena sees some extra canvas on the shelf, and more art supplies as well. She then gets a small idea.

"Do you mind if I try to paint?"

Asmodeus raised his brow when Filimena asked, she goes over to the canvas, and grabs a paint brush and some paint for her to use. She even sets up the stand with her hands, it was fairly simple for her. She places the canvas in the opposite positing of Asmodeus's side.

"What if..We try to paint and see who paints the quickest."

Asmodeus sits down, skeptical about her idea to paint with him.

"You know how to paint?"

"Of course, last year I've practiced."

With that, she begins painting, this signals Asmodeus to start paint as well. The two paint on their canvas panels with what they've got, the music was smooth and soothing for them to listen as they press against the colors onto the blank white frame. Filimena was harmonized by the tunes, she paints while following the instrumental lines of the music. Asmodeus sees her as she closes her eyes while painting, he was adored by her distraction of peace. He works on his, and goes for the face, using the black and white for the eyes. Filimena uses blue and green, they couldn't see their works, they kept it to themselves. The brush waves around and circles along the tracks, as the rollarcoaster goes down back to the finish line, the line of paint drools against another, mixing the colors in its droopy effect. The values, the shading, and vibrant hues, all coming together like notes for a new song.

As the song was finished from the phone, the two opened their eyes from the beautiful melody that awaken them back to reality. They were finished with their paintings, and are ready to showcase each other. Filimena slowly shows hers, it was a portrait of Asmodeus, it was beautifully crafted to look more realistic, and the background showcases the stars and the full moon. With Amodeus, he shown his. It was of Filimena in the most elegant way possible, she held a rose, and was under the sunlight. Both are pretty proud of their works, and held their hands, beamed and fell in love by their sights for one another.

Soon, the two hung their portraits onto the wall of their living room, admiring each of their work with each other. They've certainly accomplish something pretty special, even if it's simple or small. Later, Asmodeus and Filimena were on the couch together, they were watching a film that's about romance. Two demons were dancing together, happy. Filimena was warmhearted by this scene, While Asmodeus rests his hand onto her like a blanket. Asmodeus wasn't so use to Romance, but Filimena enjoys them a lot, so he tries his best to enjoy some of them, so far, there's some he finds not-so boring, or just okay. Filimena rested against Asmodeus like a pillow as her eyes were glued on both the TV and Asmodeus. The moment was soon interrupted when a phone started to ring. Asmodeus heard it and paused the TV to go and get it.

Filimena sees him leaving and gets the phone.

"This is Asmodeus, how may I service in your need?"

He answered.

"Hello Sir, I just want to let you know the tickets to Lucifer's cruise will be delayed 10 days after Valentine's day, we just want to inform there's been a slight change in the schedule. So hopefully you'll know that it's in the morning, be there, or no go."

"Oh, of course, but why did you change the date? It's for my honeymoon plan."

"Sir, I'm only doing my job, it's what happens these days when you can't get the day plan right. Anyways, we'll upgrade your tickets, have a good evening."

The call ends, and Asmodeus hangs up. He sighs and went back to the couch with Filimena.

"Who was that?"

"Oh, uh, nothing, just a fraud call. Something about..The packages from last week's order is delivered wrong."

He lies, tries to hide the real reason from her, and also tries to not act suspicious.

"Thats odd, hopefully it gets back."

"Yeah, hopefully, heh."

The two were in silence, then Filimena thinks to herself for a moment. and got something that got her attention.

"Hey Ozzie, can I ask something?"

Asmodeus looks down at her, he nods to let her speak.

"Your big show at your restraunt is almost close, ever thought of what plans you have for it? I know because it's our occasional celebration and all. I did actually think we should set up something special."

"Oh, like what exactly?"

He asked, wonderi ng what she's getting at.

"Just think, have decorations be more extraordinary and lively, and the place, the while building feeling more intriguing and loving, spreading the magic of of the show. It can be something far greater, make it special so that people will remember to come every year."

The idea of hers sounded pretty good, Asmodeus thought of it, and the possibilities of trying something that can make people not fall asleep or just eat and go. The restraunt was always the best spot in the Ring, but he does feel it'll get outdated pretty quickly after decades of same traditional aesthetics.

"Oh, that sounds like a fantastic idea! We can make it bigger and better, if you want to do it, then we can do it together, all whatever you want to make it special for this year."

Filimena beams and hugs him tightly.

"Of course! We'll make up ideas and new things to perform, just, not now, wait until the day before the show."

"Right, we've got a lot to think of this week."

They both laughs. Then Filimena kissed him on the cheek.

"So, anything else you like to do?"

Filimena asked. Asmodeus thinks for a moment, and then, something came up that made him wonder something.

"Well, there's actually one thing I was wondering, if it's okay to say it with you. Remember that time when we had out first date? At the rooftop?"

Filimena wasn't sure, but then remembers what he meant. She and Him, at the time when they were on the roof of the tower, and they've watched the city together, talked about their stories in their lives. It was a peaceful time before the rain hit them, the weather was always wet, so it made sense for it to rain so much. Asmodeus then gets up and gets his vest.

"Come along, there's something I want you to see."

He takes her hand, and the two left the room to head upstairs to where the rooftop was. They've stepped through the steps, and made it up to where the door stands. He opens it to reveal the outside view of the roof. The stars shine bright in the sky, and music played outsidem FIlimena was astonished by the beauty, for awhile she'd hadn't been up here for quite awhile. They head out to the rail and sees they are really high in the air, the building where three feet below from where they are. The people were nothing but ants, Filimena could barely see them.

"Wow, it's a lot further than I remembered."

"You can't get enough budget to make my place more bigger."

He chuckled. He then takes her by the waist.

"But that's not really what we're here for, come."

He directs her over to the other side of the roof. there, they've encountered a rail that looks different from the others. Filimena was confused by this part, as she never seen this before.

"Uh, Ozzie? What's this area?"

 "I want to show you something, Something I want you to know while others couldn't see."

He uses his fingers to snap, and then, trails of flames traveled to where they stand and created a bridge, and then a portal spawned in the end. Filimena now sees it was an entrance that leads to a magic gateway to "Somewhere" she's a little skeptical about the idea to go there at first.

"Don't be nervous, It's actually a place where there's no danger at all, just follow me, and don't let go."

He told her as the two carefully walk down the bridge of fire. Filimena clutches onto his palm with her fingers, wonder what this portal could lead to. Asmodeus slowly touches the inside of the circle made of purple fire. he gently goes first, and he waits for Filimena to come. She cautiously reaches her hand inside the portal, it was cold at first, but she didn't feel any harm after feeling it, she then got the heart to follow Asmodeus inside. They enter in a new world, Filimena had her eyes closed, afraid to see where Asmodeus brought her to. Asmodeus sees her, and smiles, he thought of her in this state was amusing and pretty funny.

"You can open your eyes."

Filimena slowly had her eyes open, and what she sees was extraordinary, it was a world made of stars, and there was a huge floor of water flowing down as the sky shines to make it bright in so many colors. Floating balls of light hover around in the atmosphere, and fire burst in the world, blue and pink were their hues.

"What is this place?"

Filimena asked, she walks closer where her heels nearly touched the water.

"This is the sacred realm which I like to call the other side of the Ring, my Ring. It's where only I can travel, and only I know its place. I want to bring you here because I want you to know what it'll be like to be the queen of Lust, it's important to know our history before we can be official. These light spheres, up in the sky, they're energies of the Lust Ring, memories even. I never come here because I didn't think I'd even need to, but I realize if we are going to be together, you must understand how it is to become one with us."

He then walks with her, the two step on the water, their shoes didn't sink inside the streams. Filimena looks around, the glowing spheres circle around the air, some even got close to her. She tries to touch one, but it only floats away like a balloon.

"Every century, we harvest the power to keep our cities in powerful charge, I, unfortunately, had to struggle due to the others being better than mine, I had a hard time knowing what it's like to be the king of my own home. It's my job to bring my spark for others, I want everyone to know I was all about talent and unbeatable. But, being the Lust king isn't all too much to brag. I'm the next generation of the bloodline, my family expect me to compete those who try to overstep me, I want to let everyone know that I'm not weak, I've struggled for many years, and still, it was a thin line to cross. Someday, I had to make a new heir, but I couldn't, my frustrations got me distracted from what really mattered, and why I'm even here. Filimena, it's really important that you know we aren't what you thought we are, we're much in fact. Hell's complicated with our history, and I've got many stories from others and their possibilities, Alone with only the power of seduction. Sometimes, I feel if I had failed, failed my own bloodline, I know I didn't, but sometimes, I feel if I didn't belong."

He moves forward, and Filimena follows him, she never stopped moving.

"Others have a problem with trying to find a relationship because they know the risks of fall in love. we mainly don't consider love as our standard, we all view it as a different experience, long ago, they even claimed it as a horrible experience, like a plague or something ridiculous."

"..You mean, they thought it kills them?"

Asmodeus didn't answer that, but, he turns his head to the other side for a brief moment.

"I wouldn't be too dramatic about it, but there are tales of it. I can't be literal about it, it happened centuries before I was born, only my ancestors knew, but all are dead. Love is..Not what we prefer, we have our own stories about it, some are true, but most are just legends and myths. But there are some possible evidence that consuming it would kill a succubus or even one born in the Lust Ring, but again, that's only a myth."

Filimena was uneasy to hear that, she looks at her hands.

"So, how would you think I'd be good as a queen? I don't think they'd be too happy about a cupid as a King's new wife, hehe."

"Oh hush now, you are the one that's special, and not like what others I've known, my eternal partner. The point is Filimena, if we are to wed, we got to keep our city in shape, you can help the Ring, right?"

Filimena looks at him.

"But, how though? I'm not as powerful as you."

"Only your spirit can help keep the spotlight on honey, All in the blood, it doesn't matter if you are powerful, yourself is all it really means to be special."

Filimena was warm about it, blushed even. then, Asmodeus stops for a moment, he turns to her. He then holds her hand, examines it.

"That's why it's really important for you to not openly say anything about us, I don't want anyone to think of me differently, or the fact I'm breaking the law of my own home. I just want to not let anything down, but I don't want to let you down either. It's just marriage in the Lust Ring is never always possible, we only marry to have more power and nothing less, but this will be the first of its kind that I do want everyone to know once it's done right. I hope you know my affections for you is genuine and real. Please don't forget it.

Asmodeus hugs her, and Filimena hugs back, their love was growing as they feel their touches, their hearts bloomed, and even Filimena's legs raise up to her to float.

"You don't always need to hide, you can be yourself, I just want you to be happy, that matters to me the most, seeing you blessed and loved. I promise to not let you down on anything."

It was concluded, they've agreed to their important conversation, their aura of affection was grower brighter, and Filimena was happy, so was Asmodeus.

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