Mafia's collateral (M Book2)

By Chick_ennugget

84.3K 3.9K 1.5K

Seraphina Allen has been struggling through life, trying to make ends meet. But the more she lives, the more... More

Crashing Down
Into the waves
Art work
Cold bastard
The pain in me
What to think of it all?
Trouble is never far
A Job
Unknown fear
The feeling of shame
The pain of my wolf
A softer side
Burning apartment
Trust your guts
His place
Stolen Item
The shadow at the window
The kid shouldn't be isolated
Special Event
His Broad Back
The heartthrob
Kindergarten problem
Brother figure
Of all the thing that could happen
Special service
Gut feeling
First Attack
One save
Reminder of what he is
Think again
Between rogues
Between rogues-Fight
Am I a pervert?
Bringing her back
Clean up
Crushed hope
Broken Heart
Broken Mind
Nothing but despair
My wolf
Can I say it?
Only Hope
Big things
How to seduce?
I think it might work
Something sweet
Secret helpers
Be Assertive
Missing Door
The surprise
A little bit of suspicion
The picture
He's gone
Feeling lost
Bad Decisions
Let's make a deal
Looming Threats
He was using me
Rescue Mission
Into the sea
Talk it out
Find the sister
His past
Pleasant days
The death of my first love
The Ghost of Sarina
The Death of A Demon
The Handover
The peace I always wanted
The last of my problems
My Peace
Happy Birthday


1.3K 56 15
By Chick_ennugget


"This is so amusing." Zhou-Lin, a chineses business partner of mine, had made a sudden entry when he saw me running towards my office, "You're puking blood?" He let out a laugh, making his pretty face very punchable.

"Shut up Zhou-Lin," I let out a shaky breath as I washed the sink, "And you better keep your mouth shut about this," I didn't want anyone to find out that this had happened, especially anyone from the pack. We're only at the beginning of making our pack into something that would get acknowledged, I can't show any weakness here.

"Or else?" Zhou-Lin sat on a three-seater couch, he placed his foot on the table, then put his leg on top of the other, "What are you going to do?" He had a smug look on his face.

"I'm going to tell Matthew that it was never Xia-Lin to begin with," I eyed him, "It was always you." I came out of the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

I saw his eyes go wide for a moment, then he looked away, "You're one formidable person." His smile dropped and I could tell he got nervous.

"So don't get on my nerves." I walked to the desk and grabbed the water bottle to drink.

"Why are you so annoyed?" He wasn't shutting up, "You're never like this," I gave him a quiet look and he sealed his lips tight. Then I took a sip of water.

Why am I annoyed?

I'm annoyed because I don't know what's happening. This is something that had never happened before.


My wolf is hurting for no reason at all and I'm lost!



For sure, I'm getting fired.

There's no way, he won't let it slide. I lost my temper. I should have held it in! I have another mouth to feed for Gods Sake!

To top it off Dad called at such bad timing. I bit my thumbnail as I walked on the sidewalk. Azef must think I've been lying to him! How do I fix this?

I need the money!

The weight of the day's stress lingered as I trudged through the dimly lit streets on my way back home. The flickering street lights cast erratic shadows, mirroring the unease that had settled within me.

I didn't even get the paycheck yet and I'm out of the money I had in my pockets when Azef brought me back. I used the last bit to buy food.

I gulped, feeling nervous but it didn't stop me from noticing what was behind me.

I became acutely aware of footsteps closing in behind me. I quickened my pace, heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and fear. Someone's following me!?

Who?! I didn't want to look back and make a run for it but suddenly, a hand clamped onto my shoulder, forcibly turning me around.


"Hey~" My eyes grew wide when I saw the boss of the debt collectors loomed before me, his smirk was wide making me feel uncomfortable, "You're always eager to run, aren't you?" He didn't remove his hand from me, making me stand still in front of him.

"...." I stared at him, unsure what to say but one look around showed he had no one else with him at the moment. None of his lackies were in sight. Was he out of a stroll by himself when he saw me?\

Just my luck then...

"Changed your mind about my offer, sweetheart?"

His touch was intrusive, his proximity unsettling. I instinctively recoiled, a surge of discomfort flooding over me.

Sweetheart? I felt disgusted and just like before, without a word I raised my hand to slap him but this time, it didn't work. Before my hand could reach his face he caught my wrist.

"Did you think that would work again?" He squeezed my wrist, making me wince.


"I'm being nice here," He said, "I said I'd treat you nicely, anyone would take an offer like that,"

I glared back at him, "Go to hell," My voice was low but it was full of anger, "I am not going with you."

His gaze bore into me, then he let out an amused chuckle, "This is why I like you. But you also need to play nice," I tried to yank my wrist away but he kept his grip tight, "Come to think of it, I never told you my name,"

"I don't care," I tried to use my other hand to slap him but he caught that wrist as well, "Let me go,"

"I'm Lilac," He smirked as he kept my wrists in the air but I only glared back at him.

"You have a stupid name," I kicked his shin with all my might. Luckily, this time, it worked. The painful impact caused him to momentarily loosen his grip on me and I yanked both my wrists away, then I turned around and made a run for it.

"You!!" He yelled, "Come back here!!" I ran but before I could gain any significant ground, his hand seized my shirt, wrenching me back with a force that sent tremors through my frame. I stumbled, a gasp escaping my lips as my shirt tore from the middle.

"Running won't change a thing," His grip tightened, and in an act of crude aggression, when he pulled me back he tore my shirt from the middle, exposing a vulnerability that left me raw and exposed.


A wave of humiliation ran over me and I covered my breast with my arms.

"I'll return the money my father owes you!" My cheeks flushed in embarrassment, "Please, just let me go!" I frantically grabbed my shirt, punching it together with my hands.

"You know full well you won't be able to pay that amount back." He smirked as his eyes traveled to my chest, "Not with that interest constantly piling up." His hand reached for my hand which was desperately trying to keep my shirt front closed.

I tried to move away, "Stop," But he didn't let me.

"Come on," He tried to move closer to my body, placing his hand on my waist. He tried to remove my hand from my shirt but I did my best to keep my arm from moving.

God! I glared at him with disgust.

"Let me go,"

"No-" It happened out of nowhere. I didn't even notice that anyone else was around or had walked up to us. So I had no idea how a punch came out of nowhere from behind me, landed on Lilac's face and sent him flying.


Confusion came before the shock

Before I could fully register the turn of events, Lilac was gone.


I shot my head around in a panic to look at who was behind me and saw the most unexpected person


He had delivered a powerful punch that collided with Lilac, sending him crashing into the wall of a shop. The force of the impact reverberated through the space, leaving me baffled.

Azef didn't say anything. He simply retracted his punch as he looked down at me

His commanding presence seemed to pierce the air which got my heart to pound.

"Sir?" There was this dangerous vibe to him that was scaring me. Something felt wrong. There was a commotion against the wall and he looked to the side. Seizing the opportunity, I stumbled backward, my torn shirt clinging to me as I made a hasty retreat.

Without a second glance, I sprinted away, my footsteps echoing in the alley as I fled towards the apartment.

What was that!?

How the hell did he punch someone into a wall!?!?

My heart beat went crazy.

That's inhuman! He sent Lilac flying! That's something you only see in movies! And where the hell did he even come from? I get that I had my back to him but Lilac didn't, how come he didn't even notice him?

I shook my head. I can't be hallucinating, can I?

I gulped.

No... I can't even convince myself that I am. It all happened. My heart was drumming by the time the building came into view.

The adrenaline-fueled sprint carried me to the safety of my apartment building, and with trembling hands, I fumbled for my keys to unlock the door. The sense of urgency heightened as my fingers trembled against the metal, the echoes of the recent ordeal still haunting my every step.

I managed to open the door and stepped inside but when I tried to close it, a sudden resistance jolted through it. Startled, I turned, only to find someone blocking the doorway. Panic surged as the door was forcefully yanked from my grasp, swinging open to reveal an intruder.

Before I could react, the figure stepped inside. The dim light of the corridor painted shadows on their features, concealing their identity and magnifying the sense of vulnerability that hung in the air.

"Who are you?" I got scared and stammered the words, "What... what do you want?" I paused, and focused on the person's face, "Azef?"

He raised his head as he walked towards me and I saw his face more clearly.

He seemed pissed off, for a moment his eyes weren't focusing, but then his sharp gaze came onto me, startling me.


He grabbed my shirt as out of the blue and tore all of it opened, exposing my body

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