Falling For Regina George

By lilasian1021

17K 609 321

You're Y/N L/N and you moved in Evanston after your parents divorce. You soon realize Regina George is the qu... More

~Authors Notes~
First Day

The Mansion

1.6K 67 66
By lilasian1021

School had finally come to an end, and I couldn't tell if I was happy or upset about how the first day ended. I made friends well I wasn't quite sure if they were all friends yet per say. As I took my bag out of my locker all I could think about was the fact that in a couple hours I would be at Regina's house. I rushed out of the school I didn't want to interact with anyone till I went to her house, so I could be the least anxious I could be.

As I walked through the parking lot I could feel a pair of eyes on me like they were looking straight into my soul. I looked around to find none other than Regina George in her Jeep. The way she looked at me it felt different than anyone had every looked at me. It was intense, scary, but somehow a small part of me felt happy when she did.

I shook myself from my trance and sat in my car for a moment trying to find reason for what happened today. This all felt like it happened ten times faster than it was supposed to, I fully expected to be alone and friendless for at least a week. But now I was going to the most popular girl in the whole schools house. I finally started my car and headed home

As I walked into my house I felt my dad wrap his arms around me he knows I have anxiety when it comes to meeting new people. It felt so good to be home again with him, my dad and I have always been close I have always been around him copying what he does. I wanted to be exactly like him he is my hero. 

I told dad about school skipping the parts about Regina scaring the crap out of me. He told me he was proud of me and left me to my own devices. I went to my room and tried to prepare myself for Regina to pick me up.

~time skip~

Regina will be here in a couple of minutes my heart is racing I try to calm myself by listening to music. Just like that I hear honking outside my house I walk downstair and tell my dad I'll be back in a bit. I see Regina in her jeep but I don't see Gretchen or Karen. That's weird I thought but whatever I'm probably just overthinking it. "Get in loser" I hear her yell something about the way she insulted me made me feel butterflies. I opened the passenger door, got in, and thought "I'm not a loser thank you very much" realizing I said that out loud I immediately felt my face burn red and look straight at the floor.

She laughed and said "Whatever you say honey" she started driving to her place and we pulled into the driveway of her hous- HOLY SHIT she had a whole mansion. It was crazy I had never been in a mansion before this was so cool. "Come on in" she said walking through her front door. This place was beautiful It was so open and had so much artwork.

"So where are the other two?" I ask not seeing or hearing anyone else "Oh right yea they both were suddenly busy" she said while we walked into her room "oh" I said I was gonna be alone with her I barely knew her she barely knew me what were we gonna talk about? what where we going to do?

We entered her room and she turned around and shut the door locked it. I heard her walk up behind me as I was analyzing her room. She stopped right behind me I felt her breath on my neck I didn't dare turn around. She was right next to my ear when she softly said "are you disappointed? scared?" I could feel her breathe on my ear when she talked. My whole body had goosebumps my face had gone beet red my heart was beating faster than ever. "n-n-no" I said my voice barely at a whisper

"Speak louder" She demanded and with that I could feel my stomach turning the butterflies were back I spoke louder "n-no" still stuttering like an idiot. I could hear her chuckle at how flustered I was "You're cute y/n" she backed away and laid on her bed. "come here let's talk" she said

I walked over and sat on the edge of her bed facing away from her not wanting her to see how red my face had gotten. "What do you wanna talk about?" I nervously asked. "You" she said in a low voice "Where did you move here from? What do you like? What don't you like? Do you like anyone?" Like anyone? it was my first day how could I like anyone? Well I liked her- wait no no I don't like her what am I talking about?

I realized I hadn't answer her question yet so I said "I'm not that interesting, I moved here from Michigan, I like music, books, girls, and my dad, I don't like loud noises, big crowds, and people who lie to me, and I don't like anyone right now I haven't met enough people to start liking anyone" I turned around after I finished to find she was staring at me again it immediately made me nervous so I started fidgeting with my fingers.

"If you ask me that was pretty interesting" she said I had a shocked look on my face saying "what no" 

"Especially the part about you liking girls" She sat up obviously intrigued "so tell me y/n are you bi, lesbian, or pan?"

"I'm a lesbian" I said softly I was scared for her reaction

"See this is interesting" She said and she scooted closer to me on the bed my heart was beating so fast I was sure she could hear it.

"I guess it's just who I am" I said my voice cracking a little bit

"hmm very interesting" She whispered she was now a couple inches from my face Oh god I could smell her perfume it was like I was under a spell. I barely knew her yet I wanted her to kiss me. She got closer and put her hand on my neck and whispered in my ear "Have you ever been with a girl?" I was shocked by the question "uh n-no I-I haven't" I said in a shaky breath

She backs up a bit and says "Really? Have you kissed a girl?" she was putting me on the spot but for some reason I didn't mind it. I liked it? why? I just met her I shouldn't feel this way with someone I just met. "No" I said quietly obviously embarrassed. Then next question made me almost pass out "Would you like to kiss me?" she asked I froze was this an invitation to kiss her? was she messing with me? "I mean you are very pretty but I barely know you I mean I just met you today wouldn't that be a little weird" I quickly rambled not knowing what to do.

"You're cute n/n" she said she laughed a little bit "I was joking" whew thank god I mean of course I would but I couldn't I wouldn't let myself.

We hung out for a bit longer talking about our music tastes and what we liked to do in our free time until I had to go home. She dropped me off and blew me a kiss "See you tomorrow y/n and wear pink" I looked back at her and yelled "Okay I will"

I walked straight to my room ignoring my dad watching tv on the couch. God what happened today what the hell kind of first day of school was this. I laid in my bed replaying the day in my head trying to come to terms with what had happened. I gradually fell asleep thinking about Regina and her perfume.

 ~Authors Note~ 

They almost kissed :0 do you want to see Regina's Pov?

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