Short Stories From Out There

By JamesCrayloft

399 49 11

Embark on an amazing journey through science fiction, fantasy, and horror, with intriguing points in between. More

All That's Right With The World
Home: A Ghost Story
The Election
To Die With Light In Their Eyes
The Green Leaves of Love
The Keepers of the Colors
A Lesson in the Stars
Another Way of Things
The Concubine's Choice
When The Wasn't Wasn't The Wasn't
An Opening
Gift in a Basket
For The World, A Cage
The Grass Got Too High
Copy Thoughts
The New World, Preserved
Get Some Rest, Said The Doctor
The Curtains Thrown Wide
If You Could

The Guns of Saint Adamis

37 4 1
By JamesCrayloft

Father Provious Del Ladra stared out the window at the green planet. His hands clasped in front of him, his eyes closed, and his head bowed.

"And please, Father, bless the 237th, especially Commander Nadia Ryes, as they protect your works so they can be brought to your everlasting..."

There was a soft succession of chimes, gently noodling around a central tone.

"... light and love. Please look out for their safety and please return them to us unscathed. If that isn't possible ..."

Again, the chimes.

"... then take their souls into your loving embrace and, if you will, grant them an eternity of warmth as a reward for their devotion and dedication to your war against the Included. Amen."

He unclasped his hands and turned to the door. "Enter," he said.

"Please excuse the interruption, Father Del Ladra." The woman bowed deeply, her bare head reflecting green from the window.

"What is it, Attendant Theodre?"

"Father, I've been sent to inform you that we're losing. The 88th and 237th were overrun, and none of the leadership is replying. The others have requested your approval in triggering the Pre-Apocalypse."

"It's that bad now? Is the Michael still with us?"

"Yes, Father. Barely. They are drawing fire away from us as much as they..."

They stumbled toward the door. The ship shook as klaxons sounded. A young male voice came over the speakers.'

"We've been breached! I say again, we've been brea..."

The speakers went silent.

"Father, you have to get to your escape pod!"

"You go. I need to stay with the ship. There are things I must do when a ship is about to be ransacked."

"But Father, they will be boarding..."

"I know, I know. Go. Your services are needed elsewhere. Remember, you are chosen. I'll try to make it, but I need to finish my tasks. Now go."

Theodre rushed out the door, pausing to look back at Provious, then the doors hissed shut.

"Good kid, that one. She'll make an excellent angel."

Provious calmly walked to the window and once again, looked out at the green planet.

"Thousands of years of work. All the terraforming and guidance and preparing. So unfortunate."

He watched as grey egg-shaped escape pods shot from the ship toward the planet. If they made it to the lower atmosphere, they would open in a burst of splendor and light and would be welcomed as angels sent to purge the world of demons. This belief was instilled in the populace ages ago. It was rumored that Saint Adamis himself had chosen this planet a thousand years ago as one of the twelve to begin. He had established himself as a great Father of the war, leading more successful operations than any other higher clergy, but he realized no one was winning. The Included had many aliens as allies. Adamis came up with something to give them the eventual edge. He planned to find lifeless worlds and make them into believer worlds that would give all to the cause. Already, seven worlds had come to fruition, and the war was quickly tipping in their favor.

"Provious to Captain Grange."

"Here, Father! What's the plan? Can the Adamis make it out?"

"No. I believe our last act will be as a heavenly sign to accompany the arrival of angels."

"Understood. Michael out."

The door behind him exploded and skidded across the floor a few feet to his right, crashing into the wall with a crunch. He did not flinch, nor did he stop looking out at the descending pods.

"Father Provious! We meet at last."

"General Paige Remanth. I'm surprised to see you so close to the action."

"Once I had confirmation that you were on board, staring out a window, I had to find you."

"Ah, so you would come to ensure I am treated fairly, out of a soldier's respect for a worthy foe."

"Hardly. I wanted to be the one to shoot you myself."

"I see. I take comfort in the fact that I performed so well in my tasks to warrant your direct attention. God will be pleased."

"Well, you'll certainly have a chance to find out. Turn around."

Father Provious, his hands still clasped, tapped a cufflink on his bright white jacket. A deep rumble started and quickly began rising in intensity.

"What's that?"

"Engine overload, General. In a few seconds, too fast for you to get out, this ship will join the Michael in an explosion seen all over the surface. Many will see it and recognize the new star in the East. The star that announces the arrival of angels."

"But you haven't sent your artificial Jesus yet. You can't destroy that. Your people put a lot of resources into its construction."

"It's a setback, no doubt, but we'll get one down there eventually. First, we need to ensure the people below keep believing enough to drive you and yours back into space when you eventually land, that is."

"You know we don't operate that way. We do not interfere in anyone's development. We merely observe and..."

"Yeah, sure. You don't have anyone down there trying to undermine God's plan with your teachings."

"I don't know about such things. I just know I'm going to make sure that people like you become extinct."

"Well, let me help with at least me. Saint Adamis, guide me home."

At that, the ship erupted.

As the escape pods dropped through the clouds, they exploded, revealing their winged passengers, who soared majestically down to the awestruck locals below.

And the sky lit up, a new star flickering gently in the night.

Hundreds of thousands dropped to their knees and began to pray.

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