Kiss Him, Not Me (One Shots)

By IcyPinkPanda12

7 1 1

Hello.!! I recently binged watched this anime and I fell in love with it. Soooo, I've written story's about i... More

Am I That Obvious [Mutsuki x Shinomiya]

7 1 1
By IcyPinkPanda12

Mutsumi’s POV

Soft wind sipped through my open mouth, breaking into the still silence within the history room. Screeching metal breaking my trance, “Asuma, why are you here alone..?” Shinomiya’s brown eyes stared into mine, his soft hand pushing against the plastic gray table my arms rested upon, “The others wanted to do Karaoke today, we’re all curious if you’d like to join. But I didn’t expect you to be alone here. Are you always alone in here..?”

Smiling softly, setting down the romance book occupying my fingers, “I think I could make it. When is it happening..?” Burning flooded through my cheeks, eyes breaking from his. Fidgeting with the closed book on the table. 

“Cool, we’re going right after school,” Looking back towards him, heart skipping a beat from his adorable smiling face. Silence over took the room before Dingggg, loud ringing followed through filling the empty halls, “Crapp, I’m lateee.” Sliding of the door echoed within the room before the sound of his footprints added to it, slowly drifting away with time.  

Biting my lip, my hand slipping into my hair as I let out a deep sigh, ‘He’s gonna kill me one of these days..’ Laughing softly at the thought, eyes looking toward the open window. 

“Maybe.. Just maybe..”


Echoes of steps strode through the filled hallways, the end of school was finally here. Everyone hurrying out the building, as if any fluctuation of time left standing would restart the long day.

“Nana, I thought you said Mutsumi and Shinomiya were coming too. Did they suddenly decide against it..?” Igarashi hummed, his dull pink eyes staring into the other’s frustrated glance. Kae’s voice in the background fangirling with Nishina, who learned of a new series. One which would be full of romantic gay attraction.

“I’m not a messenger pidgin so how the HELL would I know..??” Nanashima huffed, rolling his green eyes. Echoing footsteps approached fast, Nana looked towards it. Mutsumi and Shinomiya approached, hands grasping each other, “Sorry about the wait.” Mutsumi said, biting his quivering lip. 

Kae’s face turned, eyes burning with enjoyment at the two, “Omgg there holding hands, what if they grew closer..?! Hugged, Kisseddd, Omg that, that would bee..”

“I know.!!! So tender, loving, bold. I-I would just let the gods have me.!!!” Nishina squealed, hands colliding with each other. Smiles expand their faces.

Shinomiya ripped his hand away, blushing covering his face as he bowed down to Mutsumi, “I’m sorry for grabbing you without asking.. I-I just didn’t want to be late.. Yet we still ended up that wayyy..”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t mind. Not like it means anything,” He croaked out, smiling softly at the other. Silence hanging in the air.

“Alright, we’re finally all here. Let’s get going,” Nana broke the silence, walking away with the others following. 

‘Why did that hurt so much to say.. After all, Shinomiya makes it obvious he only likes Kae.. Why did I have to fall for him..’ 

“Are you coming or not..?! What’s with you today..?!!” Nana turned, glaring at Mutaumi who immediately started walking.

“Right, sorry. Just a bit lost in thought,” He smiled, “Coming.”


Kae’s POV

“Nishina, have you noticed something about Mutsumi and Shinomiya, after Karaoke they’ve been acting differently. Like they started dating or something,” She shook her head, pushing her pointer finger against her lips.

“I haven’t, can you tell me what you’ve been seeing..?” Interest clouding her eyes, a breeze from the open window blowing paper around the empty room.


: 3rd POV

Eyes hung together with hot breath circulating the room, sweat pooling their tender body’s, “Mutsumi.. I need you to hold my feet without moving.” Shinomiya huffed, laying under him, failing at the situps he was ordered to do.

“R-right, sorry,” His hands pushed softly against them, Shinomiya pushed. Eyes closing as he began to ascend, Popp a loud sound broke through the silence. Grimace in his face as he slammed back against the floor, “Are you alright..?”

Groaning escaped the man under him, “Owwww… My backkk.. I think I'm done with doing this for today..”  Mutsumi nodded, sitting on his feet.

“Should I bring you to the nurse's office..?” He questioned, moving beside him. Hands slipping under the other.

“N-no, i’m fine now.. I- I promise, there’s no need,” Shinomiya exclaimed, blush covering his cheeks.

“Can I at least check your back..? Make sure you didn’t pull anything..?” Worry flashing over Mutsumi’s face, Shinomiya turned his head, biting his lip before nodding, “Fine..” 

Mutsumi gently pushed Shinomiya up, then pushed his shirt up. His hand pushed against the middle of his back, “Does this hurt..?”

The other shook their head, “Alright, It seems like it just cracked. But tomorrow make sure to stretch before practicing. I know you skipped out on it today.”

Shinomiya nodded, “T-Thanks.. I will..” Mutsumi let down the other shirt, beginning to tuck it in.

“I can tuck it in myself..” He jumped up, “I need to go get changed..” Shinomiya bit his lip running into the other room before shutting the door.

“What was that about..?” Kae asked, just “now” running out into the gym, “Did something happen..?”

“I don't really know,” Mutsumi sighed, pushing his finger against his chin. A look of serious thought flooded his face, ‘Did I do something wrong..?’

: *Back to Kae's POV*

“- That's what happened,” Nishina's mouth hung open, excitement filling up. Smiling at her I began to chuckle, “It was amazing to watchh.”

“I just have to imagine, I just want them to be together now. They seem so cute, utterly adorable.”

“What are you girls talking so loud about..?” Nana asked, him and Igarashi approached, sitting at one of the desks. 

“Mutsumi and Shinomiya, They seem like they’re beginning to blossom in romance,” I squealed, Igarashi frowned.

“Well, I'm happy for him,” He huffed, biting his lip. 

“I'm sorry Guys, but we don't have the outfits for the play anymore..” Shinomiya's voice rang loud through the room. With our interest peaked we pushed against the door window, determined to see what's going on. 

Three first year men seemed to back Shinomiya into a corner, one held a phone which was pointed straight into his face.

“Common you know how much you don't want to disappoint us, last time it didn't turn out so pretty,” One of their sickening voices rang through the halls. Nana grabbed the door about to open it.

“He said no, why aren't you backing off,” Mutsumi scolded, stepping in front of Shinomiya who seemed to slip into the wall.

“What seems to be your problem..?” One of them huffed, “It's not like this one is worth saving. He can't even fight for himself.”

“Hey Assholes,” Nana slammed open the door, “What do you think you're doing..?!” 

“Leave him alone,” Igarashi added, stepping into the hallway with his hands curled into fists.

Shock slammed into me before I also ran out, “Leave Shinomiya alone, He doesn't deserve anything that you're giving him.” 

They bit their lips, obviously too nervous to get into a fight. One of them stepped away, the others following suit.

“Shinomiya, are you ok..?” Mutsumi questioned, turning around then looking into his eyes which were dripping with tears.

“I'm so useless, I-.. I can't even stick up for-r myself..” Sobs escaping him, “I.. I didn't know what to do..”

“I'm sorry we let it get this far,” I frowned, stepping forward.

Shinomiya shook his head, “No it was me who did.. I couldn't do it.. Their attitudes left me silent.. I couldn't escape, I could hardly speak.. I-I..” His voice went silent as Mutsumi got closer, pushing his chin up before using his thumbs to wipe his tears. Pulling out a tissue then handing it to him.

“Please use this,” His face got a bit closer to his, leaving a blush on Shinomiya's cheeks, “Oh look at the time.. I have to get home. Please let me know if you need anything more.” Pulling away before walking away. Shinomiya fell to the floor, covering his fidgeting face.

“Ohhhh… That's what you meant about romance..” Blood ran down my face from my nose.

‘OMGGG, THAT WAS AMAZING.. T-THANK YOU GOD.. THANK YOU FOR THIS DAY.!!’ A big smile spread on my face, ‘Oh please get closer.. I just need for those two to get together.. But stop hurting Shinomiya, he didn’t deserve to be hurt..’

Well, let’s see how this continues one day :DD. I'll definitely make a part 2. But what other story's could they go through..? What kind of ships would you like..?

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