In My Rearview Mirror, JACK.H...

By newyorkintheair

29.3K 325 129

Following a breakup with her ex-fiancé, Morgan Carter relocates to New York to live with her brother, Cedric... More

Characters & Playlist
First Chapter


536 6 0
By newyorkintheair

In a hurry, my first guests are showing up, and I haven't even put on my heels yet. I hear my brother welcoming them at the door. I quickly apply lipstick and rush to greet them.

I didn't have time to do much with my hair today, so I'm just letting it stay curly. It's New Year's Eve, and I decided to splurge on an expensive dress because, why not? I threw on some black sheer tights and pointy black heels to complete the look.

My jewelry really adds to the look. I've adorned myself with my everyday gold pieces—just rings, a simple bracelet, and a necklace. But for today, I've also got on my stylish vintage Cartier watch, adding a touch of elegance to the ensemble.

In a rush, I head to the front door, making sure to close my bedroom door behind me.

For the occasion, my brother has decided to invite a few of his teammates who are in town, as they are leaving soon to play out of town for a couple of days. Some couldn't make it, celebrating with their families, but the rest are expected. Even Olivia is supposed to join us for the celebration.

We've collectively decided to organize a potluck-style party, so I've set up a table where everyone can place their dishes.

The first to arrive is Alexis Lafreniere, one of Ced's best friends and teammates. His girlfriend Taylor follows, and we greet them, taking care of the dishes they brought with them. Then Miller arrives which I'm excited to see since I haven't seen him in a long time. 

As Miller enters with a bright smile, he exclaims, "Yo, M! How are you?" I reciprocate the excitement, expressing how long it has been since we last caught up. Amidst the joyous atmosphere, I notice Addison, his stunning girlfriend, cradling a sweet little baby in her arms.

"Hey there, little one!" I coo, my eyes lighting up at the sight of the adorable bundle. Addison proudly introduces their son, sharing stories of the challenges and joys that come with parenthood. As I gently reach out to the baby, he responds with a delightful gurgle, capturing everyone's attention.

"He's so precious!" I remark, smiling at the charming addition to their family. The room fills with warmth as we exchange stories and laughter. The presence of the little one adds an extra layer of joy and family connection to the gathering. 

Braden is the next to arrive, and I eagerly embrace him, feeling an excitement at seeing him again. As we hug tightly, a feeling of warmth and comfort envelops us when our bodies touch, creating a rare sense of intimacy. Braden adds a touch of affection by kissing my forehead and complimenting how gorgeous I look.

He wears tastefully dressed pants that perfectly complement the occasion, giving off a refined and stylish vibe. On his upper half, he sports a polo long-sleeve shirt that adds a touch of casual elegance to his ensemble. 

I take a moment to offer everyone a glass of champagne, ensuring each guest is welcomed with a sparkling touch. The atmosphere is lively, filled with laughter and excitement, when Kaapo Kakko makes a grand entrance, radiating a celebratory mood. The room buzzes with greetings and exclamations as he joins the festivities.  

In the corner of the room, I catch sight of Braden interacting with the baby, and he seems completely in his element. A warm feeling washes over me as I observe him lifting the baby into the air, the little one responding with a joyful smile. The scene triggers a deep desire within me to have a baby of my own.

Despite being certain in my younger years that I didn't want children, lately, the yearning to become a mom has grown so intense it feels almost physical. Imagining the joy of caring for a little human fills me with excitement, but I haven't yet found the right person to share that journey with.

Watching Braden display such care and tenderness with the baby intensifies my appreciation for him. It's a moment that resonates deeply, making me acknowledge the qualities I value in a partner and stirring a hopeful anticipation for the future.

As I observe Braden interacting with the baby in the corner, my heart warms at the sight of their playful exchange. The little one giggles as Braden lifts him in the air, creating a heartwarming scene. Unable to resist, I join them, smiling.

"He's taken a liking to you, hasn't he?" I remark, my admiration for the caring display evident.

Braden chuckles, gently bouncing the baby in his arms. "Seems like it. Babies have a way of making you forget about everything else, don't they?"

"Yeah," I reply wistfully. "They really do."

The conversation takes a reflective turn as I admit, "I never used to envision myself as a mom, you know? But lately, there's this longing, this ache almost, to experience the magic of motherhood. And seeing you with the baby, it makes me appreciate the kind of father you could be."

Braden's eyes soften, and he takes my hand. "Morgan, the thought of sharing that future with you, of creating a family together, is something I've been hoping for."

In that intimate moment, the future feels tangible, brimming with the potential for love, family, and a shared journey. My heart races as I grapple with the weight of the words that slipped out of my mouth. The feelings of guilt start to creep in; I voiced my desires without being entirely sure of my emotions toward Braden. Do I truly love him or not? It's a question that lingers, casting a shadow over the vulnerability I just exposed.

As I confront the uncertainty within myself, I'm acutely aware of the care and support Braden has provided me over the past year. There's a deep appreciation for the role he played in my life.

The entrance of Olivia serves as a welcome distraction, pulling me out of my labyrinth of conflicting thoughts. As she joins the celebration, her presence acts as a lifeline, providing a sense of relief from the mental tangle that had begun to ensnare me.

Olivia's entrance injects a burst of energy into the room, and soon, the air is filled with lively exchanges.

"Olivia, you made it!" Alexis exclaims, raising his glass in a toast.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" she responds, clinking her glass against his.

As the lively conversation continues, the topic of Olivia's boyfriend working on the official ball drop in town surfaces. The absence of her partner on this celebratory night is evident, but Olivia, ever resilient, joins the festivities with a smile.

"Oh, I wish he could be here, but you know how it is with the ball drop duty," she explains, a mix of pride and longing in her voice.

Braden, ever supportive, chimes in, "It's a crucial gig, especially on New Year's Eve. The whole city tunes in for that moment."

"Yeah, he's been doing it every year since we've been together," Olivia adds, a fondness evident in her expression.

The conversation takes a turn as I share my desire to attend the ball drop this year, a dream that I've been holding onto. "I've promised myself I'll do it one day," I say, my voice carrying a sense of determination. "Even if everyone thinks it's a crazy, dumb event that makes you pee in your pants."

Laughter erupts in response. The dream of experiencing the ball drop in person remains alive, a promise to myself that, despite the quirky warnings, I still believe will come true one day.

With our last guest having arrived, the lively group converges around the potluck table. The enticing aroma of various dishes fills the air, and the table is adorned with an array of culinary delights. Plates are filled with a diverse selection of foods, capturing the essence of each person's contribution to the feast.

Laughter and conversation continue as we navigate the table, serving ourselves from the delectable spread. The clinking of plates and the sound of chairs being pulled closer add to the symphony of shared enjoyment. It's a moment of communal celebration, where the culmination of everyone's efforts and contributions is savored with each bite.

Braden, with his characteristic enthusiasm, remarks, "This looks incredible! A huge shoutout to everyone who brought something."

In the midst of the lively exchange of compliments and recommendations, Alexis turns to me, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Dude, this casserole is amazing! What's the secret ingredient?" he asks with a playful grin.

I play along, sharing a conspiratorial smile. "Ah, that's a family recipe. But if I tell you, I might have to make you swear to keep it a secret." Alexis chuckles, accepting the challenge and promising to uphold the secrecy of the mysterious ingredient.

With our plates filled with the enticing mix of offerings, Miller raises his glass for a toast. "To good food, great company, and a Stanley Cup!" he proclaims, his eyes sparkling with the shared dream of hockey glory.

I take charge of the table, clearing space to showcase the delightful dessert prepared earlier in the evening with Olivia. Plates are shifted, and the remnants of the savory feast make way for the sweet finale.

As I set out the dessert, a tantalizing aroma wafts through the air, drawing the attention of everyone at the table. The anticipation builds, and I can't help but feel a sense of pride in presenting the culmination of our culinary efforts.

"Time for the grand finale," I announce with a smile, unveiling the dessert and inviting everyone to indulge in the sweet treat. The room buzzes with excitement as plates are passed around, and the dessert becomes the centerpiece of the post-meal celebration.

While the boys enthusiastically devour the dessert, I take a brief hiatus into the kitchen, busy packing cute little leftover plates for everyone to take home. The aroma of the sweet treats fills the air, and my focus shifts to the gathering of the girls around the kitchen island.

Alexandra, cradling her baby on the side of her hip, breaks the ice with a curious inquiry. "So, what's going on with Braden?" she asks, her tone carrying a mix of playfulness and genuine interest.

I respond with a shrug, a hint of shyness coloring my demeanor. "Well, you know, things are good. We're enjoying each other's company."

Alexis's girlfriend, with a knowing smile, interjects, "You guys have been dating for the past seven months, and you haven't officially labeled anything. At this point, you can call each other boyfriend and girlfriend," she remarks, taking a bite of dessert.

Ashley, Lindgren's girlfriend, chimes in, "You guys are great for each other." With animated gestures, she starts listing all the reasons why Braden and I would make an ideal couple. Yet, despite the affirmations, a subtle uncertainty lingers within me.

"I'll be honest," I admit, a touch of vulnerability seeping into my words. "A little over a year ago, I was engaged to a man I thought was the love of my life. But it wasn't perfect. Now I see Braden, who's perfect for me, but I don't know if he's the love of my life. I'm scared of everything," I confess, the weight of my uncertainties echoing through the kitchen.

he girls share understanding glances, and Alexandra, holding her baby, offers a comforting smile. "Morgan, relationships are complicated. It's okay to be scared and unsure. But you've got to communicate with Braden. Share your fears, and maybe you'll find a path forward together."

Taylor nods in agreement, adding, "Yeah, communication is key. And don't rush things. If it's meant to be, it'll happen naturally."

Olivia, always the voice of reason, chimes in, "And don't forget to trust your instincts. Sometimes, the heart knows what the mind can't figure out."

As they share their advice, I can't help but feel grateful for their support. The kitchen island becomes a safe space for vulnerability and honesty, where the complexities of relationships are laid bare.

The weight of past actions bears heavily on my conscience, especially when thoughts of what transpired with Jack in Vegas come rushing back. The unease and regret churn within me, and the urge to throw up intensifies. 

In stark contrast, Braden has been a pillar of support, always there for me. The realization dawns that while he is unwavering in his commitment, my own struggles with personal acceptance have cast a shadow on our relationship.

As the internal turmoil grows, the idea of being honest with Braden becomes both daunting and essential. The notion of admitting that this may not work out due to my unresolved issues feels like a betrayal, yet the fear of losing him grips my heart. 

The conflicting emotions manifest in the desire to cry all the tears in my body, a mix of anguish, fear, and the pain of contemplating a potential separation from someone who has been a constant source of support.

As the voices of the girls begin to blur in my mind, I shift my gaze to the living room where the boys are immersed in laughter, reminiscing about old memories. 

The contrast between the lighthearted atmosphere in the living room and the complexities of my own emotions adds to the weight on my shoulders. A sense of longing for simplicity washes over me, and I find myself yearning for a scenario where navigating relationships and personal struggles isn't laden with such intricacies.

As the New Year's Eve celebration continues, Alexandra gently places her adorable baby in his snug baby shell. The little one, perhaps overwhelmed by the festivities, is ready to rest and sleep. The atmosphere around the gathering softens as the baby nestles into a comfortable slumber. 

"Come on, girls! You're going to miss the countdown," Ced urges, sprinting towards the kitchen to grab the confetti.

Cedric returns with little confetti packs for everyone, distributing them as we all gather closely around the TV. Among the group, Kreider opts for a champagne bottle instead of a confetti popper, ready to pop it open after the countdown.

I position myself next to Braden, the conflicting thoughts still swirling in my head, yet ready for him to be my first kiss of the year. The anticipation builds as the countdown begins, the room filled with a collective excitement for the arrival of the new year.

"Five, four, three, two, one... Happy New Year!" The collective exclamation fills the room, punctuated by the explosive release of confetti that rains down on everyone.

In the midst of the joyous chaos, Braden gives me a meaningful glance. The confetti swirls around us as he grabs my waist, pulling me closer. The room blurs, and in that exhilarating moment, our lips meet in a passionate kiss, marking the start of the new year in a burst of emotion and shared connection. 

 As the confetti settles, he pulls me closer, his arm securing around my waist. "To us," he whispers, his voice a soft murmur against the backdrop of celebration.

I return his gaze, a mixture of emotions swirling in the air. "To new beginnings," I reply, the words tinged with the shared understanding of the complexities we navigate.

After the intimate moment with Braden, I share hugs with everyone, wishing them a happy new year. I express my pride in my brother's accomplishments, savoring the warmth of the connection with loved ones.

As I move through the celebratory atmosphere, I notice my phone lighting up on the kitchen table. Seeing it's a call from my mom, I rush to answer. "Bonne année, ma chérie!" her voice exclaims from the other side of the phone.

"Thanks, Mom, you too," I reply, lifting my glass of champagne as a virtual toast. On the screen, my sister blows gentle kisses, and my slightly inebriated dad adds his well-wishes, prompting a laugh from me.

As I turn the phone to capture the lively scene in the living room, Olivia joins my side to greet my parents virtually. Their voices express gratitude for my friend's presence, and Olivia maintains a friendly smile as my mom enthusiastically shares details of her beach vacation.

Amid the cheerful conversation, a notification appears on my screen, and my heart sinks as I read Jack's message. "Happy New Year, M. Wishing you the best year you'll ever have. Take care." Shock paints my face white, and Olivia, though attempting to maintain composure, can't hide the furrowed brow beneath her smiling facade.

I try to steady myself, offering a brief response to my mom while internally grappling with the unexpected intrusion of the past into the present celebration. 

After hanging up with my family, I exchange a knowing look with Olivia, who has remained unusually quiet during the call. She gives me a gentle pat on the back, a silent reassurance, as she walks back towards the group.

"Thanks," I dryly respond to Jack's message. The sincerity of well-wishing feels lost on me, and I find myself indifferent to whether it's the best year for him or not. 


This chapter was really easy to write, but it isn't my favorite one, though. 

The story is starting to get more and more interesting; there are some fun chapters coming soon, especially the next one!

Much love, xxx.

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