Brand New Zaibatsu - Palworld...

Da Ethanthegreatest

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While on your way to attend the King Of Ironfist Tournament 8 you find entering a sudden maelstrom! Tearing a... Altro

Chapter 2 : What is a fight about?
Chapter 3 : Power is Everything.
Chapter 4 : The Free Pal Alliance.
Chapter 5 : Power is all that matters.

Chapter 1 :Better never than late.

425 21 10
Da Ethanthegreatest

This came to me in a dream. So why tf not make it for funsies. Hope you enjoy it :D






It was a dark and stormy night in the ocean. So rough that it was making the unshakeable tanker rock! The ship would make concerning groaning as its metals deformed with every crashing wave. But despite the relentless weather, the owner of the ship refused any and all pleas from the captain and its crew to turn back and delay the trip.

Standing at the front of the ship, with their arms crossed. Was a well built man around his 20s. Wearing a sleeveless gi that had a tiger emblem on its back. Yet despite the thin clothing. He remained completely unfazed by the harsh conditions and staring on into the distant land with a serious glare. Not so much as a shiver, a stumble or a blink!

(Y/N) : ".........................." That man, was (Y/N) Mishima. One of Heihachi Mishima's bastard children. With his father's disappearance six months ago, he sought to claim full control of the Mishima Zaibatsu after proving his might by winning the King of Iron Fist Tournament 8! A world wide fighting tournament to decide the strongest, in the world!

(Y/N) : "........................." He closes his eyes. Remembering what he heard just a few days ago.

*I speak now to all of humanity. For too long have you humans relied on weapons and ordnance, Transforming into a race of spineless weaklings. The rulers of this world are too frail and have forgotten what it means to fight. Why should we blindly abide by the rules and conventions invented by such cowards?* A demonic voice speaks

*Foolish humans! Open your eyes! I shall rewrite the rules of this irrational world. Only those who show the depths of the mettle, have any place in the world I shall rule! Towards that end, I announce the opening of the King Of Ironfist Tournament! Come to the tournament if you count yourself among the strong!*

*Seize glory in your own hands- Achieve it with your fists! But be warned... those who fail to prove their might shall be wiped from the earth, along with their country! Come humanity! Unleash the dogs of war! Hahahahahahaha!!!!*

(Y/N) : "You're mistaken 'brother'.... The world isn't yours to rule." He opened his eyes once again. This time even more serious to win the tournament.

But there were going to be many obstacles in his wake. Most of which, ironically, was family. You see, the Mishima family isn't exactly normal. In fact they might be the most fucked up family throughout history. All of them extremely power hungry pieces of work, that has caused irreparable damage to their world resulting in billions of lives lost because of their internal dispute with one another! I'm serious! (Y/N)'s nephew, Jin Kazama, who is actually older than him but lets not talk about that, started WW3! While his half brother, Kazuya Mishima, fought on the other side of the war!

And that's not even getting into all of that 'Devil Gene' nonsense! But let's not go into that. If you try and summarize the history of the Mishima's, you'd find the synopsis longer than the bible!

Unfortunate for him, but fortunate for the world, (Y/N) did not have the Devil gene. Though that doesn't stop his sister from trying to transform. No matter how much he's explained to her that they don't have it, she's been obsessed with the devil gene. In fact, their very existence was solely because Heihachi wanted proof that it wasn't himself that gave the devil gene

(Y/N) : "Reina..." He grunted, both in frustration and concern. Having just found out earlier that she too had entered the tournament. And was already waiting in Japan for the Asia region qualifiers after taking the private jet this morning. 

Which has resulted in him having to take the company oil tanker and go by sea. Now you might be asking yourself, 'Why not just buy a plane ticket'? Pha! As if a Mishima would disgrace themselves to travel alongside peasants on public transport!

First mate : "SIIIIIIIIR!!!!!!" He shouts at full volume in hopes that his voice could be louder than the raging storm. The first mate of the ship struggled against the strong winds, fighting with all his might just to try to get close to the man.

(Y/N) : "What?" He doesn't even turn to look at the man. Keeping his focus for the fight's to come.


(Y/N) : "No. We continue." He stated.


(Y/N) : "This is not a negotiation." He glared over his shoulder. And in that moment, the sailer felt more fear than any storm could ever inflict on him!

(Y/N) : " We. Continue." He said stern. A lightning strike in the background making his eyes glow briefly with intimidation. The sailor gulped before nodding and running back to the control room to deliver his answer to the captain.

(Y/N) : "Kazuya, Jin.... Reina. I don't care who gets in my way. They'll all fall the same."

(Y/N) : "I'll avenge you, father." His grip on his own arm tightened.

(Y/N) : ".......Srnk! Pfthahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  As if!" His serious expression suddenly breaks as he busts out in laughter. Beyond unsympathetic for his father's dissapearance.

(Y/N) : "That old fart didn't give two shits about us. Why shouldn't I do the same?" He says with deep seeded hatred.

(Y/N) : "I'll make the zaibatsu far better than he ever could. Anything and everything shall be mine!"

However, fate would have different plans for (Y/N). As the ship's groanings grew louder and louder. Until-


 A very loud snapping of important metal is heard throughout many kilometer radius!


A fighting arena in Japan

3rd person P.O.V

The crowd erupts in cheers as one of the latest fights ends in a knock out. The victor huffing and puffing with exhaustion, but having the most relieved smile on their face when the referee lifts up their arm.

However, up above in their own VIP area, one person was far from pleased. A well dressed man with spikey black hair. He watched the entire fight on a large monitor with a pissed off expression, their left eye briefly glowing red as he grumbled annoyed. This was none other, than the man behind it all. The leader of G-corp and organizer to the King of the iron first tournament 8. Evil incarnate

Kazuya Mishima.

Kazuya : "Hmph. They call that flailing 'a fight'? I can't wait to eradicate their nations once they lose. They deserve it if this is the best fighters they can produce." He was half tempted to shut off the monitor and leave to go shopping for any new sneakers to add to his collection.

However, he knew Jin was going to enter the tournament, and he couldn't afford to miss it when he showed up.

He needed to confirm his suspicions that Jin might have lost his devil powers after their last encounter.

Back at the arena, after wheeling off the loser of the last fight with a stretcher. The announcer shouts into the mike to grab everyone's attention. While another man slowly walks into the ring. The man wore a trendy white and black jacket with wing designs on them and had hair even spikier than Kazuya's!

However, even though no fight had started yet, the man seemed to be slightly short of breath.

Announcer : "Laaaaadies aaaaand gentleman! Hold on to your seats, because this next match is bound to blow you all away! In the red corner! The man who once held the world in his hands as the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu... but later fell from grace! The man who lost control of the Zaibatsu, JIIIIIIIIIIN..... KAAAAZAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"  He shouts as the man stops in the centre of the ring.

The group erupts in Boo's and jeers at the announcement of the man. After all, he was the reason many of them lost close ones because of his actions.

Jin : ".................."  But he doesn't pay them any mind. He remained stone faced and focused. He looked directly into one of the camera's. Staring it down with anger in his eyes, that the camera man behind it felt intimidated and feared for their life.

Kazuya : "Heh..." He smirked as the monitor showed Jin staring right at him. That likely being his intention.

Announcer : "And in the blue corner, we have a man shrouded in mystery. His refusal to pre-match interviews just adding more to the fact. His only statement, is that he'll make the Zaibatsu better than its ever been once its in his hands!" The man takes a deep breath in to shout their name however doubletakes and looks at the page in his hand in complete disbelief

Announcer : "(Y/N)......... Mishima....?"

Kazuya : "NANI?"
Jin : "WHAT?" Both father and son gasp in shock upon hearing the surname. Quiet murmurs heard from the crowd as all eyes were on the other ring entrance. Awaiting with baited breath for this person.



Announcer : "Ahem.... Uhhhh..... (YYYYYYY/NNNNN)!!!! MISHIMAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" He awkwardly repeated when nobody shows up.

Kazuya : "................"

Jin : "......................" They waited with anticipation.

But nobody came...

Announcer : "I....uhhh.... Apologize for the delay ladies and gentlemen. Seems (Y/N) is unable to fight."

Jin : "I have no time for games." He scoffed before walking off. As he was declared winner by default.

Kazuya sits back down in his chair. Even more pissed off now.

Kazuya : "Hey! Get in here!" He shouted towards the door. Instantly, a solider that was clad from head to toe in armor, rushes in and stands at attention in front of Kazuya.

Kazuya : "Find the 'jokester' who thought it be humorous using the Mishima name as a prank to sign up on my tournament. I want their head on my desk before nightfall!" He ordered angrily. The solider bowed before rushing out.

However, once the solider left, Kazuya actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Back stage however, one particular girl was looking on at the vacant entrance with concern. She wore a black and purple hoodie jacket and had dark black hair with purple tinted tips on the ends.

Reina : "Ni-chan...?"

(Y/N) P.O.V




"Mrrrgghhh...." I groan as I slowly wake up. My body hurting a little and my head aching. I can hear calm brushing waves and they sand crunching under my shifting body. However, I could also hear the sounds of animals near me! Specifically a cat, a chicken and a... sheep? Or could it be a ram?

When I open my eyes, I see three strange creatures that vaguely resembled what I excepted. But were quite different too! They seemed to be communicating with one another. Probably negotiating on who eats what part of my body. 

"What... in the fuck?" I groan at these strange new creatures. They all gasp, realizing that I'm alive and awake.




Instantly all three of them run away startled! With the cat thing briefly tripping and falling on its face before quickly getting back up and running!

"Were they... genetically modified? They don't look like no ordinary barnyard animals..." I groan as I sit up. Taking in a look of my surroundings, I see that I had washed up on the shore of some island. Bits of ship scrap having drifted ashore with me. Yet I didn't see the actual ship itself. The wreck must be miles deep on the ocean floor. But even though I see ship scraps here and there. I don't see any of the crewmen I traveled with.

"Pha.... Weaklings." I grunt as I get up and brush off some of the sand on my body. Sadly, I didn't have my phone on me. And even if I did, I doubt it would still be working after all that. But as I'm brushing off my pants, I notice a tablet on the ground that strangely, still had power! On the screen, it read 

*The towers are the key... The tree holds the truth.* 

Before the screen fizzes out. Be it low battery or damage, I do not know. Nor do I care.

"What nonsense." I scoff as I start walking to try and find a phone or some form of transportation. In a pissed off mood because now he'd be late for the tournament!

After a few minutes, I stumble upon an old ancient castle ruins. Am I somewhere in Europe? That place got a lot of desolate castles. But No that doesn't make any sense. No way I washed up on European soil while on my way to Japan.

I climb up the walls then explore the castle, though their wasn't much of it left to explore. Majority of the castle debre was reclaimed back by nature. However, once I reach the otherside of the castle I am greeted by.

"Wheeeeeaaaare, the.....?" I say breathlessly as I take in the view. Both in awe, and in sheer loss for words. I recognize NONE of this place. I see way more diversities of those creatures stumbling around too. There were some small dinosaur creatures, and even a penguin in this climate!? What the heck is this place!?

I sniff the smell of smoke and snap my head to the right to see a campfire! And for the first time since I got here, I see another human being. Cooking something in a pot above the fire. Though their clothing was quite an odd choice. It reminded me of that Mad Max movie I saw one time.

"You there." I call out as I walk over. Instantly, the girl gets up with her gun at the ready. But then tilts her head in confusion.

??? : "An outsider?" She asked in disbelief.

"What is this place?"

??? : "Been a while since I've met someone who hasn't reeked of pals." She said as she put her gun away.

??? : "This place is a hell hole. Everyone I came with is gone. Those damn place ate every single one of them." She said as she side eyed one of the creatures with bitter venom in her tone.

??? : "You be careful ya hear. Take this. You'll need basic supplies if you're going to survive this place." She said as she offered me some blue orb made of stone.

"I don't need your pity." I slapped the ball out of my face.

"I simply need your pho-"


Unbeknownst to me, the orb I slapped away,

*PSSSYYYUM!!!* It landed on the head of one of those creatures. One of those pink cat ones. Upon contact, the orb zapped out a light that absorbed the creature into it!

"Huh?" The orb floats in the air. Rocking three times, before dropping down to the ground.

??? : "Whoa! Cool! Already caught your first pal. Usually ya gotta weaken em first."

"All are weak compared to me." I scoff as I walk over to the orb curiously. But while doing so-

"Are all these creatures, Pals-Oto!" I accidentally dropped it. The orb slips from my fingers and when it hits the ground, the cat creature from earlier. 


But strangely, when the cat pops out. It looks at me with kindness and heart in its eyes. As if it assumed we were friends or something.

*Mew!* It meows as if in greeting.

??? : "Aww, the little cattiva likes ya already~" She teased. I scoff, folding my arms and returning my attention to the women. I have no time for nonsense.

"You. I need your phone." I ordered. But the girl chuckled.

??? : "Sorry dude. Ain't got none." She shrugged. 

"Pfa! Lies. As if someone in this day and age wouldn't have a phone on them." 

??? : "So then why don't you have one right now?" She countered.

"I......*Sigh....* Where's the nearest port or town?" I ask alternatively. Pinching the bridge of my nose to calm myself. It took everything in my power not to kill the girl right then and there for that snarky remark.

??? : "Hehehe... That's the neat part about this place. There aren't any.


??? : "Weeeeell, there is a small settlement somewhere faar to the east. But other than that. None at all. And if there was a way to leave, trust me. We wouldn't even be having this conversation right now because I woulda BEEN gone from this hell hole." I stare her down to try and see for any signs of deceit. But as far as I could tell, she was telling the truth.

"Useless." I scoff as I walk away. Annoyingly, the cattiva was following behind me."

??? : "Whoa, dude. I wouldn't go there. That area's got Rayne syndicate turf. Got thugs crawling all with em." She warned.


??? : "Yeah, you see that tower over there?" She points into the far distance. I have to squint in order to see what she was talking about. There, in the faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar distance, I could see a tower in the mountains with a menacing blue light emiting from the top of it.

??? : "That's there main base. And them fellas ain't too keen on new comers. Be it pal or human. Its kill on sight. They rule that part of tha island."  She says seriously.

"....................."  I stop and consider her warnings. Taking them to heart.

"So what you're saying is, is that if I want better info, they're the ones I need to go after." I deduce. 

??? : "I- Wha-!? NO! That's the exact opposite of what I just said!" She runs and stops in front of me to block my path.

??? : "Those fellas are too strong! You'll get yourself killed!" She warned. I look down at the girl. Her attempts at 'trying to save me', though well intent, just serve nothing but insult me.

"I am beyond strength." I push her aside with ease. 


??? : "Ah!" She falls on her but and I carry on walking. The cat thing seemed like it wanted to help her up, but quickly scurries after me.

??? : "*Sigh*.... Don't expect me to dig yer grave." She grumbled as she got up and dusted herself off. Seeing that there was no stopping me. She watches in pity in sadness as I start traversing down the hill.




"Stop following me." I puff annoyed at the little cat creature. It had been following for the past 20 minutes now.

Cativa : "Nya~!"But no matter what I say, this thing was adamant in staying by my side. 

"Hmph" I puff. I suppose it could do whatever it wants, so long as it stays out of my way.


I look down at my stomach as I start to feel a little hungry. To be fair, I haven't eaten anything since I got on this island. And who knows how long I was unconscious on that beach.

Cattiva : "Nya?" I look down to see that pal thing was holding up to me a couple of red berries. I puff and turn my back to it.  As if mere berries could satiate my hunger.

Cattiva : "Mew..." It whined sadly at my rejection. I look to my right to see there were a couple of trees there. An idea forming in my head. The Cattiva, noticing that I was staring at the thick tree, runs up to it and climbs it! 

"............." I watch it in mild curiosity.

Cattiva : "Mew!" With a few tugs, it snaps off a couple of twigs before hopping down. Then offers me the twigs with a happy smile on its face.

"..........." But I turn by back to it. As if I need the help of a weakling. Instead, I look over at the tree before taking in a small breath.


Cattiva "NYA!?" He steps back in shock when Lightning arcs briefly appear across my body in my moment of concentration. 

"Surya!" With a quick sideways chop of my hand! I slice through the entire tree trunk like it was wet tissue paper! The cattiva quickly running out of the way of the falling lumber before looking at me astonished. But again, I pay it no mind as I begin to chop it into smaller pieces. Then once I've made a neat pile, I grab on of the smaller tinder pieces. 

"....." With a brief moment of concentration, lightning traverses up my arm and towards the wood. Igniting it! I then toss it into the pile and all of them burn nicely to create a campfire.

Cattiva : ".....nya." It sadly drops the twigs that it has, seeing as they had no use. I ignore the cat creature once more as I scan the horizons for something else. 

And it didn't take long for me to spot what I was looking for.

Lamball : "Baa?" The spherical sheep notices me staring. And when I lick my lips in anticipation, it instantly runs!

"Oh no you don't!" I shout as I go full sprint after it.

(Short timeskip)

I sat by the fire as a two lamb kebob sticks cooked on top of it. By setting sun and  the distance still left to travel. I'd say I'll reach the tower by mid day tomorrow. Though I'm hopping I'll spot some grunts before I need to travel that far and get the info out from them. This was 'Their turf' after all. But I ain't bump into a single one yet!

One the kebab was finished I take one and bite into it. The taste was bland without any herbs or spices. But I was eating for survival here, not enjoyment. So I can't complain.

Cattiva : "Mew." It tries reaching for the other kebab. But I quickly snatch it before it could get it. It looks up to me in sadness and betrayal. But I eye it with indifference as I eat and finish both pieces by myself.

(Smaller timeskip)

3rd person P.O.V

Once he was finished eating. He got back up and carried on walking. He didn't care if it was about to be night time.  He needed to get to the tournament before the DQ me. Though sadly, he didn't know that he had already been DQ'd. 

Besides, thanks to the unnatural blue light of that tower, He won't lose sight of it no matter how dark it gets.


And to his displeasure this DAMN CAT THING was still following Him! He grumbles as its presence was starting to annoy him. As they continued to walk towards their goal, and the light of day slowly left them. He noticed that the usual 'pals' that filled the area, like those balls of lamb and many of the same cattiva. Were slowly getting replaced with different types of 'pals'. That were more dark and mysterious.

For instance one particular type were these floating ones that had this stary purple 'hair' on their heads. Snickering behind one hand as if they knew a secret that he didn't.

He noticed some of them kept their eyes on them and watched from a distance. They're echoing giggles making the atmosphere more creepy than usual.

(Y/N) : "...................." Though that didn't bother him in the slightest as he remained stone faced as ever. Not even acknowledging their presence.

Cattiva : "N-n-nya!" The same can't be said however, for his companion. Who had attached themselves to the man's back and held tightly on him in fear.

In that moment, (Y/N) stops, and turns over his shoulder to stare at the cat on him with murderous intent!

(Y/N) : "Rggggghhh...

Cattiva : "NYA!!!" Instantly, the cat jumps off of him. That stare alone installed more fear in them than anything else here EVER could.

And so, the two continued on their journey. With (Y/N) leading the way, and the cattiva following behind. Nervously looking back and forth at their surroundings, its knees shaking and teeth clattering.

After a couple more steps of walking, the Cattiva saw something that boosted its fear 10 fold! As gracing in the grass ahead of them, was a dinosaur like creature that was easily twice (Y/N)'s height!

And the man was heading straight towards it...

Now, the average man, if they see something like this. Would try to avoid it or traverse around it so you don't bother it. However, (Y/N)... was a Mishima. 

They don't get out of the way for you. YOU get out of the way FOR THEM.

Cattiva : "N-nya! Nyanyanyanyanya!" It waved its arms and meowed as loud as it could to try and grab (Y/N)'s attention. Even go so far as tugging at his arm in an attempt to move him. 

(Y/N) : ".............."  But kept walking his path undeterred and shoulder checks the fucking dinosaur as he walks by it! Without slowing down a single iota.


Cattiva : "Nyaaaa..." It ears flopped on its head and its looked away in fear of what what about to happen.

Dinossom : "........" It blinks in surprise. Questioning if that actually just happened. Before flailing around in cartoonish anger. Puffs of smoke even fuming from it.

(Y/N) : "...................." He continued walking before coming to a stop and closing his eyes.


Before swiftly sidestepping to the left! A lethal grass attack flying straight by where his head was and he dodged it without even seeing it!

(Y/N) : "Eager to rush to your death?" He said as he looked over his shoulder at the aggroed dino. Leaves swirling around it in a menacing aura.

Dinossom : "GRAAAH!" It gives a hostile roar in response. The man gives a pompous but subtle smirk.

(Y/N) : "Hmph." He stances himself in Mimisha style karate. Goading the monstrous creature to fight. The dinosaur tries another shot of its grass projectile.

(Y/N) : "Weak!" He wave dashes underneath it! Closing the gap between them instantly! And since he was so low to the ground, he spins his body unnaturally with one leg sticking out. Almost as if he had to severed his spin! The extended leg, sweeps the dinosaur off of its feet! Before it gets punched right on its side of its face by a left hook. Causing it to spin wildly away in the air!

Dinossom : "GHuh!" It coughs out winded when it hits the ground hard. 

Cattiva : ".........." The cat was at a loss of words. A mere human just managed to hurt a dinnosom, without ANY weapons! The man looking down at it with a smug grin. 

(Y/N) : "You're a waste of flesh and blood." He scoffed. Not even deeming the creature worthy enough to be killed by him. Returning to his walk.

Dinossom : "Gngngngng...." This just irked the dinosaur even more! As it forces itself back up. Its legs wobblily and vision blurry from those two strikes alone! Grinding its teeth in anger. Hearing this, (Y/N) turns to look back at it in slight surprise.

(Y/N) : "Oh?" Fuming in rage, the dino turns its back to him while lifting its tail. 

*WAHM!* Before slamming into the ground so hard, it cracks the earth and sends a shockwave directly to him! And for the first time, (Y/N)'s eyes widen in shock as he was taken off guard!

(Y/N) : "WHOA!" He manages to dodge it just barely! It cutting off slight strands of his hair just how close it was to hitting him!

(Y/N) : "Heheh, so you DO got some fight in y-" He smirked in anticipation, however...

Cattiva : "Nya! Nya! Nya! Nya! Nya!!!" The cat creature had snuck up behind the dino and was giving him the paws! Literally!

And since it had just taken two hits from a Mishima... it didn't have much left in the tank.

Dinossom : "Geeeeeeuuuhggghhh...." It groaned as it toppled over and hit the ground. Its eyes swirly from unconsciousness.

(Y/N) : "....................."

Cattiva looked down at the fallen giant and at its paws in amazement before jumping up in joy. Smiling ear to ear at the Mishima.

Cattiva : "Nya, nya, nya! Nya, nya, nya!" It celebrates on top of its body. Having just helped its master take down a massive foe like this, he's bound to have earn some respect with hi-

Aaaaaaand he's already walking away.

Cattiva : "N-nya!?" Sputtering in shock, it quickly leaps off the body to run after him. Embarrassingly, it didn't stick the landing and landed flat on its face. But with its master not stopping to help, it quickly had to pick itself back up and rush to him.


The hike continued throughout the night, with a few attacks here and there from the odd brave pal. But none were a match for him. They even came across a giant mamith that was asleep. Though thankfully it wasn't sleeping in (Y/N)'s walking path, so there wasn't a fight there. He didn't even break a sweat as the tower seemed within reach! However, something else caught his attention.

Close by, he could see a trail of smoke in the sky. Likely from some campfire. (Y/N) smiled. Deducing that this was probably a camp that belonged to some of those 'Rayne syndicate' thugs he was oh so warned about. He's deductions were proven true when he turns the corner to see a very rudimentary camp that had wooden spikes as barricades and small tents inside for its occupants. 

But most importantly, he spotted a few men menacing men keeping guard outside, with guns in their hands. They all wore some strange mask that showed glowing red eyes.

(Y/N) : "It has to be them..." Wasting no time, and full of confidence. He just walks towards the camp whilst out in the open.

Cattiva : "N-nya....." It reluctantly followed. One of the thugs on the watch tower spotted the approaching man and warned his comrades about them. The ones at the gate instantly point their guns at him and the cat.

Cattiva : "NYA!" It puts its hands up in surrender. But (Y/N) just scoffs with their arms folded.

(Y/N) : "Hmph. That warm welcome proves it. You're Rayne syndicate, correct? I come only, to negotiate." He explained with a smirk. Meanwhile, the thugs were slowly circling around him. Sealing off any exits he might've planned. But he didn't care.

(Y/N) : "All I ask, is for a phonecall." He said simply. Meanwhile one of the thugs was slowly approaching the cattiva with an extended hand. The cat creature backing up to its owner in fear. The thug directly in front of (Y/N) speaks up.

Syndicate thug : "Give us your pal, and MAYBE we'll let you leave alive." (Y/N) chuckles.

(Y/N) : "Hehehe.... Was that supposed to be threating?"

Syndicate thug : "Either you give it to us, or we'll take it from your corpse." He lifted a hand and pointed his gun directly at (Y/N)'s face. Who still remained unfazed. The mans cocky grin serving nothing but pissing off the syndicate thug.

(Y/N) : "Hundreds of dollars worth of ammunition. And you're choosing to waste them over a single phone call? Such fools." Even when he heard the plethora of guns cocking simultaneously at them, he remained confident as ever.

Having had enough of the mans cockiness, the thug in front of him pulls the trigger to put an end to this nonsense so that they could take the Cattiva and go about their day.


The shot was aimed right for his head!

(Y/N) : "RGH!"

Thinking the deed was done, the syndicate thug's turn their attention to a heartbroken Cattiva. 

Syndicate thug : "Everyone's cocky until they get a bullet in their sku-"

(Y/N) : "Did yew weawwy dhink dose peashootews can sthop me?" The thugs all gasp when hearing the words of what should've been a dead man! That bullet was a direct hit after all! However, (Y/N) raises his head to reveal that he had caught the bullet.

With his fucking teeth!

(Y/N) : "Pthoo!" He spat it out and glared at the man.

(Y/N) : "I don't have time for children's games." The thug shook from seeing this.

Syndicate thug : "OPEN FIRE!" He shouted in a panic as he too began unloading his entire clip! The rest of the group doing the same! 


Cattiva hits the deck and covers the head in fear, while (Y/N) bobs and weaves through the gunfire!

(Y/N) : "Useless!" He shouted as he uppercut the main thug. The hail of bullets comes to a stop as they all run out of ammunition! The haste sounds of panicked reloading can be heard.

(Y/N) : "I'll break every single one of you!" He shouted with an unhindged smile as he dashed up at them. 

Meanwhile, Cattiva took the opportunity to crawl away from the battle. Keeping its body low to the ground

The sounds of various body parts being broken and gunfire could be heard in the background as the cowardly cat escaped towards the base. Once there, it instantly dives to a nearby wall for safety.

Cattiva : "Nyooo..." It takes a sigh of relief.

Syndicate thug : "ARrrrrrrghhh!!"

Cattiva : "Nya!?!?" It flinches in shock when one of the thugs flies right past him! The thug's back hitting hard against something hard and metal before slumping to the ground unconscious.

That's when the cat noticed what the thug hit. It was a metal cage that had a pal trapped inside of it! It was a small bunny like creature that slightly floated in the air. 

And even though he was unconscious, the pal seemed beyond terrified of the thug as it was curled up in a shivering ball on the other side of the cage.

Cattiva : "........." The cat seemed at an impasse. He had just found safety from the fight. But one more glance at the scared pal was enough to change his mind. 

Cattiva : "Nya....." With a reluctant sigh and a deep breath in to brace itself. The cat runs over to the cage. Standing atop on the unconscious man so that it could reach the lock. And with a single claw from its paw, it begins picking the lock!

Back to the fig-nevermind, its already over....

Syndicate thug : "Hnnnngggg....Glaaaaarck!!!" He gasped and choked as the Mishima was holding him up by the neck with one hand! All around lay the bodies of his comrades. All of them taken down by a single man who didn't even have a single scratch on him!

(Y/N) : "All I asked, is for a phone." 

Syndicate thug : "(Choking) khuh..... I...... don't even know what that is!" He pleaded he tried to alleviate the choke by clutching at (Y/N)'s arm.

The Mishima raises an eyebrow. Was this place an uncontacted island? No way people advanced enough to have guns, has never heard of a phone!

(Y/N) : "I see... Then you're of no use to me." He said menacing as he tightened his grip! The mans eyes widen in panic.

Syndicate thug : "(Chocking) Waitwaitwait! B-but I bet the boss knows! She-she-she knows all types of thing! She stays in that base over there!"

(Y/N) : "I already knew that. " He said unfazed by his pleas.

Syndicate thug : "(Chocking) B-but she's got this insanely strong pal guarding her! E-even you'll stand no chance against it!" He pleaded in warning.

Syndicate thug : "(Chocking) I-if you let me g-g-go.... I can show you a secret entrance that you could use to sneak attack her. We-we-we.... could work..... together and-"

(Y/N) : "Hmph." He scoffed. A pissed off expression on his face. Electricity arcs off his body in fury before using all his might in the grip!

Syndicate thug : "HLAR-"

*C R A C K !*

The thugs arms fall limp to his sides as (Y/N) snaps the poor guys neck with ONE HAND! He tosses the corpse aside like a broken toy.

(Y/N) : "Your lack of loyalty disgusts me." She spat. Well, back to the original plan I guess. He gets ready to continue his walk, but stops when he feels a tug on his arm. Turning around, he sees the Cattiva that had been following him the entire time, and the pal that it had just freed. 

(Y/N) : "............." He didn't know what to make of this situation.

Floppie : "..............." It looked up at the man in wonder. Still a bit shaken from the experience though and was slightly hiding behind the Cattiva. But then it took a look at all of the bodies that littered the floor. The bodies of those that captured and caged her for weeks! All of them taken down, by the single man before her.

Floppie : "......Kh...." She started tearing up. She was finally free again! And it was thanks to them! She didn't know how she could ever repay them for saving her!

Floppie : "Hah....?" But when she opened her eyes again, she found the man walking away before she could express any form of gratitude to him. This earned her a soft pat on the head from the cat.

Cattiva : "Nya...." It shook its had with a knowing smile. As if saying 'you'll get used to it.' 

(Y/N) P.O.V

'Oh God, there's two of them now...' I groan annoyed as that other one started following me too. The two 'pals' were communicating with one another as if having a chat. And it was honestly getting a bit on my nerves. WHY EVEN FOLLOW ME!? I DID NOTHING FOR YOU! LEAVE. ME. ALONE.


A brief flash of light and looming clouds above indicate a storm approaching. (Y/N) sighs annoyed as he could already feel the discomfort of some rain droplets falling.

'Great. Just fucking great.' I groan. However, I find that my discomfort didn't last long as suddenly, I no longer feel any rain drops hitting me. Looking up, I see that floating bunny thing was holding a piece of bark above me as a makeshift umbrella.

Floppie : "Huhu!" It smiles down at me happily. I scoff. Purposefully trying to walk out of its range. But the rabbit thing was determined in keeping me covered. Even though it was getting soaked. It was more concerned about keeping me dry. Which just annoyed me even more!

'Well, no matter. It'll soon be over.' I think to myself as now I stand at the base of the tower. Eyeing up the impressive structure before-

"HRAH!" Kicking down the huge thick metal door! 


The interior of the tower far contrasted the outside world. It looked futuristic and almost as if they had been teleported to space judging by the stars lining the walls and roof. (Y/N) was almost impressed with the interior decoration. Was it magic that made this place, or just some insanely skilled interior decorator. 

Not giving the interior a second glance though. He walks in.




A girl in her 20s s sits with her back against one of walls the tower.  She had bright pink and dark black twintails underneath a cute cat eared beanie. However, despite her cute appearance, her face showed only apathy. A deep sadness in her eyes as she sighs. 

??? P.O.V 

'I don't have a family.'

'My father disappeared a long long time ago, and I never knew my mother's face.'

'The only ones that raised me were those thugs...' I think before looking down at the pal sphere in my hand.

'And Grizzbolt.' A soft smile comes on my face thinking about them. But it was only a momentary happiness.

'That's why I know I have no choice but to survive in this world.'

'Those guys all chase pals with their guns. They capture the ones they hurt, and sell them to those other weird guys. In return, they get food. They even shared it with me- That's why I don't have to go hungry.'

'I don't think any of those guys ever cared about me. They just kept me alive because I'm the daughter of their boss.'


I hear the unmistakable sound of the door crashing in. I'm not even surprised. I knew this day was a long time coming, so I get up and walk towards the entrance. 

When I reach the center room of the tower. On the other side, I see a menacing man walking towards me. Followed by two low leveled pals. Though I keep my guard up. I can tell by his aura alone. HE must be the one I gotta look out for. Not the pals.

'I still believe that...Even now, as their boss.' I continue my earlier monologue as I show this person my pal sphere. Unsuprised. He doesn't seem the least bit intimidated. 

I toss the sphere and in a blinding flash of light. My only friend in this world appears

Grizzbolt : "HRRRRAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" The gigantic yellow monster gives a mighty roar that was so powerful, the other two pals as sent rolling backwards from its mere shockwave! 

Floppie : "Waaaah!!!"

Cattiva : "Nyaaaaa!!!"

(Y/N) : "......." However, the man stood strong. Remaining unbothered with his arms crossed. I quickly leap on Grizzbolts back and giving the order to attack! 

(Y/N) : "Hmph. Pitiful." Finally the man unfolds his arms and gets into some form of karate stance.


Will (Y/N) manage to take down this powerful behemoth? Or does fate have him stuck on this island forever? 

With her brother out of the tournament, will Reina be able to handle the king of ironfist tournament by herself? Or will Kazuya prevail with his world domination?

Find out all this, and more. Next time.

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