Winston Academy 1 โœ…

By TheOfficalTruth

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[Book 1: Winston Academy] [Book 1 Of The Blood War Chronicles] [Description] The wind blow, snow fell heavily... More



362 18 0
By TheOfficalTruth

[Part 2:The End & A New Beginning]


Lupine and the others all sat around the dining room table. They slowly ate, while the headmaster and his daughter as well as Asher slowly sipped from the cup of AB negative they all had.

The conversation was light at the other end of the table, opposite of Lupine's position at the table. The house was warm, the wind blowed outside. As snow continued to slowly fall.

Lupine watched the snowy white world through the window in the dining room. He so wished he could go outside and run through the woods, but it was important that they remain hidden. Leaving their scent the forest could possibly lead to rogues or even the hunters finding them.

Which is why it was surprising that the headmaster had let them go running through the woods earlier that week. But It didn't really matter now, since the snow storm would have blown any trace of them away with the wind and hail.

"What do you all think about going to the mall today?" Krystal asked eagerly. Tessa eyes brightened at the suggestion, Lucy just said she didn't care. Groans of annoyance left both Lupine and Kyle's mouth.

"I don't wanna go." Kyle said, as he folded him arm and turns his the away from the rest of his friend group.

"Come on Kyle." Krystal tried to persuade him. But Kyle wasn't having none of it. "It'll be fun Kyle. We can pick out clothes and shoes and other stuff we want.

"No." Kyle said simply.

"I don't wanna go either." Lupine interrupted. "Plus I don't even have money to buy clothes or anything really."

"It's alight. I have my dad's black card, I'll just pay for you." Krystal said, looking towards Lupine before turning back to Kyle. "Come on Kyle, You too Lupine." Krystal whined, a pour formed on her plump Cupid bow lips. Which for some reason made Lupine cave instantly.

Kyle tried his hardest not to look because he knew once he did, he would most definitely cave. Which is what he did exactly.

"Alright fine." Kyle said, before letting out a heavy and annoyed sigh.

"Yes!" Krystal said excitedly, as she quickly got up and walked up to the headmaster. After whispering a few words, Krystal came back and sat down in her seat.

"He said we could go, but only if we take Asher, True, Sora and Tristin with us. And a few bodyguards."

"Find by me. Because once we get to the mall, we can go our separate ways." Kyle said, as he glanced at his brother and his brother's girlfriend who sat at the other end of the table near the headmaster.

"No that is not how this is going to go. You're going to stay together while at the mall. It makes it easier for you all to defend yourselves if someone tries some bullshit. And if you think about trying to spilt up, one of the bodyguards will inform me and your little trip into town will be your last. You will spend the rest of your break in this house. You all understand me." Headmaster Cole spoke, his tone gave no room for argument. His presence over the room was slightly overwhelming.

Every gulp, before nodding their head and replying with a quickly 'yes sir.'


"So we're to first?" Tessa asked.

"First we can all look for clothes and things we want to buy, afterwards we can got to the arcade and the food court. Is that alright with everyone?" Krystal spoke up, as she walked closer to Tessa, looping her arms with Tessa before walking towards the nearest clothing shop.

They went to shop after shop, picking out clothes and shoes. Jewelry and accessories, but the whole time Lupine just watched as everyone else picked out what they wanted. He was hoping that shopping would keep Krystal busy enough to not notice that he hadn't picked out and bought anything.

But unfortunately for him, Krystal notice.

"Lupine?" Krystal called, which caused Lupine to let out an annoyed groan as he turned his body towards her. He already knew what she wants, and unfortunately for Lupine, Krystal can be VERY stubborn when she wanted to.


"Why haven't you picked anything out? I told you I would pay for it."

"Im good Krystal. You don't have to do that. Plus all of these shops prices are through the roof."

"I'm not taking no for an answer Lupine. Either you come with me to find you some clothes or I'll just go alone and pick you out some clothes and buy them and give them to you."

"Why are you so insistent?" Lupine asked, before groaning once more.

"Because I am. Now let's go."

"Alright then, but only if we go somewhere where the prices aren't through the roof."

"Alright." Krystal said excitedly. "How about we go to Burlington?"

"Fine by me." And with that, the group of 9 all walked through the mall until they finally stood in front of Burlington's Coat Factory.

They walked through the rows of clothes that hung on racks until they found Lupine's size. And then Krystal went to work, she found pairs of pairs of jeans and shirts for Lupine to try on.

And that's exactly what she did. She made Lupine try on each and every pair of clothes, trying to match them by color. About an hour had passed and they were down to the last pair of clothes.

Lupine was currently in the changing room, changing into the last pair of clothing. It was a Black T-shirt with roses on it, with the words 'NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS, ALWAYS FOR THE BEST' on the front.

He pulled on a pair of black skinny ripped jeans, the hugged to his body perfectly. And most definitely showed off his ass.

"Lupine? Are you finished?" Krystal interrupted Lupine while he was busy checking himself out in the mirror.

"Yeah." Lupine's said, as he grabbed the clothes he pulled off, before walking out of the changing room.

As soon as he walked out of the changing room, Krystal started to eye each and every inch of his body.

"Ehhhh!!!" She said excitedly. "Those clothes look amazing on you. Now give me a quick spin."

Lupine groaned but otherwise did what Krystal said. He turned slowly, as everyone took in how good Lupine looked in the outfit. And then suddenly the air became tense. Lust was evident in the air, and all 9 of them could smell it.

There was an evident scowl on Tristin and Sora's faces. But it's not like they didn't have a right to be mad. Their supposed boyfriends were turned on by Lupine. Evident towards the bulges that were slowly making Asher and True's pants tighter and more uncomfortable.

After changing and putting his old clothes back on, and the group made their way to the food court. The scowls on Tristin and Sora's face were still there. And based off the stiff atmosphere, their scowls were going to remain there.


They took their seats at a table that was big enough for the 10 of them. Tessa had invited Alex to eat with them. Alex took his seat between Lupine and Tessa. And then small talk began.

The conversation was light, and after the waiter had took their orders, they continued to talk.

Alex and Lupine were deep in conversation, their gaze was locked with each other. A bright blushed graced Alex cheeks. It was obvious that he had a crush on Lupine.

"Has anyone told you, you're cute when you blush." Lupine said, which took Alex by surprise. The light blush slowly became darker, as a pout formed on Alex lips.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Alex asked, looking Lupine in the eye. "What do you mean I'm cute when I blush? It sounds like you're saying I'm only cute when I blush."

"No, that's not what I meant." Lupine chuckled light, as he fought to keep a light blush from gracing his cheeks. "I meant that you're even cuter when you blush."

This time Alex blushed so hard that he almost looked similar to a ripe strawberry.

"Umm...thanks." Alex said timidly.

"Is that flirting I see and hear?" Tessa said, eyeing the pair. Her eyes were bright with excitement.

"I thought I was hearing things." Kyle chimed in with a bright smile on his face. "Guess not."

"They would totally be a cute couple." Krystal jumped into the conversation as she eyed the pair.

At those words, from some unknown reason the air became tense once again. The thick and dense pressure around the table hit everyone hard. Especially Alex, who had to sit down before he fell or passed out.

Everyone except Lupine, breathing became tense. All the humans in the room grew tense and quiet as the pressure grew and enveloped the whole room.

Everyone knew who was causing the pressure, those two were the only two who could create a pressure so dense. But no one, knew why they were so mad. And they were to nervous to address the situation.

The pressure was enough to set the mood for the rest of their time at the mall.


After eating quickly and quietly, they paid the bill before leaving the food court. They made their way through the mall, before exiting the same way they came in.

They quickly got into the two cars that they came in and left the mall. A car of bodyguards followed them, as they drove back to the manor. In both cars, the drive was driven in silence. The air was still tense.

While the situation at the mall just peeked Tessa and every one else's curiosity even more.
But Lupine just chose not to think about it, he was trying to get over everything. The whole entire situation was bullshit. And Lupine was over it, they both made it clear how they wanted things to be. And even if Lupine had accepted Trues offer, it would have just caused him more pain. Just like Asher had said from the very beginning.

So for them to think they can just get mad and stop the process of Lupine moving on. And getting over the stupid situation they had found themselves in. They can think again. And they can go fuck themselves.


Lupine was there once again. Everything was dark. But thinks to his wolf's abilities, Lupine could see perfectly.

The figure once again stood in the darkness. His face hidden but only slightly hidden. It was hidden enough where he couldn't be recognized.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Lupine yelled. He was tired of this little game, he was tired of this man thinking he could just waltz into his dreams.

"You. Or to be more specific, I want your blood." The man smirked, his fangs shown brightly in the dark.

"Why? What is so important about getting my blood that you have to haunt my fucking dreams?"

"A lot of things, but we can discuss that later." The man's voice was deep. His face as always, remained unseen. " Now can you please come with me?"

"No." Lupine said firmly. "I don't know you. And you don't know me. So why in the hell would I go with you."

"Because you don't have a choice." The man smirked once more. " veni ad me"

"Veni ad me." The man said again.

"Veni ad me." The man repeated once again.

"Veni ad me." The figure keep repeating the same words, again and again. Over and over again.

Lupine's head slowly became heavy, his eye fluttered slightly before fluttering closed.

And then Lupine finally fell into a deep unconsciousness in his own mind.

The world of darkness inside Lupine's mind began to crack, like cracks in a broken mirror. Until everything finally shattered. Lupine's limp body fell to the ground of a forest, which appeared out of nowhere. Petrification of stone slowly transformed Lupine's body until every last cell was finally turned to stone.


The noise of someone bursting into the room, woke Asher from his light slumbers.

He was quick to his feet, even before the rogue could make it to the bed. The moment Asher landed on his feet, he was already charging the rogue. They crashed into the wall, which in turn caused them
to break through it and land in the hallway. A few groans left their mouth, before they were quickly back to their feet and fighting again.

The rogue threw a quick jab at Asher's jaw, missing by a lot, thanks to Asher dodging the punch. But before the rogue could throw another punch, Asher slung his fist into the man's chest, sending him flying into the wall.

The wall cracked from the impact. The man slide from his standing position, down the wall and onto the floor. And just when the rogue was about to standing up and attack Asher, Asher pinned him to the wall and stabbed his claws through the rogues chest. He slowly and painfully pulled the rogues heart off and as the man coughed up blood and spit it out, a second later the man was dead.

Asher let out a breath, as he dropped the man's bloody heart onto the wooden floor.
A few moments later, everyone in the east wing walked out their rooms yawing and rubbing their eyes as they came out to see what was that noise. The looked of shock that was on all their faces as they looked upon the bloody scene.

They all walked up to a bloody Asher, shocked looks on their faces. No one said a word, until Sora decided to break the silence.

"What the hell happened babe?"

"Rogue." Asher said in a dark voice, he was still pissed from being woken from his sleep. Especially by a fucking rogue. "We have to meet the headmaster, there are probably more of them. One rogue wouldn't dare attack a house full of supernaturals alone. There has to be more."

"Alright then. Let's hurry up before they come." True spoke up, as everyone turned to go down the hall. They moved quickly but quietly as they made their way down the stairs. They rushed towards the headmasters room, bursting to find the headmaster sleep on his bed. They rushed to the bed, Sora woke her father from his sleep.

"What is it Sora?" The grumpy king spoke, as he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"A rogue snuck into the house, and attacked Asher in his room."

"We don't know how they got in or if they're more, but their most likely are more." At those words, the sleepiness completely left the headmasters body.

"Alright, first we need to find out how they got in. Y'all follow me, we need to stay together if these rogues are working in groups. And kill every rogue you see."

"Where's Lupine?" Krystal asked with a worried expression.

"I don't know, but the rogues most likely came from the west wing, it's less guarded than the east wing. So let's head there first." The headmaster said.

They all moved quickly and quietly down the hallways once again, once they made it to the west wing second floor, the smell of rogue hit them strongly. The scent of different types of rogues was all over the west wing.

They stop rushing through the halls at that point, choosing to instead walk slowly as their eyes scanned the hallway. They checked room after room, but they couldn't find Lupine in either.

But once they made it to the last room, Lupine's scent was strong in the room, which means they had arrived at his room. But it was empty, no lupine in sight but there were signs of entry through the window.

"Fuck!" Kyle hissed. "The fucking bastards have Lupine."

The headmaster turned towards the way they came, heading down the hallway. But as soon as he turned the corner, he was rushed by a rogue.

The force of the man's tackle sent both him and headmaster Cole to the floor. But after they made contact with the floor, they started fighting again. Fighting for dominance over the other, it was basic werewolf nature.

Headmaster Cole dodged an attack for the rogue, when in turn caused the rogue to punch into the hardwood floors and get his hand stuck. He tried to pull it out but it wouldn't budge, so this was the perfect opportunity for headmaster Cole to strike.

He threw a punch right to the male rogues chest, sending him flying across the hallways. The headmaster hurried to his feet and attack the rogue.

A few ways down the hall, Asher and the others were fight more rogues.

Asher was bleeding, a few of the rogues had rushed him together leaving 10 to 20 big and small scratch's on his chest.

He coughed up blood slight, before fixing his stance and waited for them to attack.

Blood was dripping down True's face, one of the rogues had hit him in the head as well as in the ribs with a bat. A metal bat at that.

True could tell one of his ribs were cracked, but he didn't have time to worry about that. He could only defend himself and kill the rest of the rogues that were left, after he had killed 2 other rogues prior.

Tessa and Krystal, who were a few feet away from True; they were fighting about 7 rogues together. Krystal and a long scratch across her stomach, while Tessa was bleeding heavily from the leg. One of the rogues had slashed Krystal, and bitten deeply on Tessa's leg.

"Come on." Krystal said, her breath heavy. The poison from the rogues claws and teeth were already starting to affect them. Their vision was started to black with dots. "We have to finish this, before the poison takes effect even more and we become unable to move."

"Alright." Tessa breath out, before rushing the rogue closest to her. She punched the female straight in the face, before spinning around and kick her right in the ribs. The rogue flew backward crashing into one of the room doors. Tessa quickly leaped at the fallen rogue, bitting at her throat and ripped it out.

After standing completely up, Tessa dropped the dripping red piece of flesh. Blood was smudged around her mouth as she turns towards Krystal and the other rogues, who were looking at her with shock.

But after a moment, the shock of what happened wore off and they were back to attacking.


"Is that all of them." The headmaster asked, as he walked up behind Sora and Asher.

"Yes sir." Asher said, turning around to look up at the headmaster, who was a few feet taller than Asher.

"Now let's head down stairs. I have a few words to say to the fucking guards. They were suppose to keep rogues and everyone else out. Unless I say they can enter the premises. And then they turn around and let them sneak in anyways, someone had to be slack on the job. And those bastard took Lupine." The headmaster was furious, which wasn't like him. He was normally a cool, composed and collected person. But he had this urge and sense of need to protect Lupine. And now that the boy has been kidnapped, he feels like he has failed.

Which in turn, pisses him the fuck off.

But theirs nothing they can do now, Lupine has already been taken. And it just so happens that it wasn't the rogue who took him.

A/N: Their are like...9 chapters left ppl😆Hope U ❤️So Far, Bye✌🏾

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