Eclipse of Heart

By Silver_Scribblesss

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Samaira Lakshmi Deshpande is caught between two worlds, two masks. Amidst the hunt for her missing twin and t... More

1 | Serendipity
2 | Game of Deception
3 | Identity Crisis
4 | Warm & Cold
5 | Matchmaking
6 | Midnight Plans
7 | Stars Aligned
8 | Rewind
10 | Pinky Promise
11 | Aira
12 | Date
13 | Selfish
14 | Close but yet so far
15 | Engagement
16 | Friends to Lovers?
17 | Worlds Collide
18 | Connecting Dots
19 | Protective
20 | One Step at a Time
21 | Progress
22 | Vulnerable
23 | Singhanias Mystery
24 | Drunk Nights
25 | Enigma
26 | Friend or Foe?
27 | Awkward
28 | Buddy
29 | Amaira
30 | Birthday

9 | Predestination

166 29 1
By Silver_Scribblesss

Bangalore, India

Samaira's POV

The oppressive darkness in the room mirrors the weight in my chest. I lift my gaze towards the ceiling, finding solace in the lack of light. The persistent pricking sensation in my eyes has subsided, and the sharp pain in my head is slowly dissipating.

With deliberate intent, I move my left hand back and forth, grounding myself in the physicality of the moment. The creak of the door pierces the silence, and a soft glow from the corridor spills into my room. I instinctively shut my eyes, allowing the soft footsteps to draw closer. The door locks again, prompting me to reopen my eyes.

"Hey," a gentle voice breaks through the quiet, and I instantly recognize it.

"Aryan," I acknowledge him, uttering his name as if testing the waters of our interaction. No further words are exchanged as an unspoken understanding settles between us.

Time stretches in the ensuing silence, neither of us compelled to initiate conversation.

"I-I wanted your statement," Aryan's voice breaks the hush, carrying a hint of hesitation. My eyes, though veiled with residual blurriness, flicker open. I turn my head slightly in his direction, seeking clarity in the shadows.

"Why?" I respond in a hushed tone, my curiosity piqued.

"To file a case on those men," Aryan states, revealing a glimpse of determination beneath the surface.

"I don't want to," I respond in a firm tone as I clench my right hand and turn away from him as I lie on my left side.

This time he is surprised by my answer as his response comes a few seconds later, "Why?" He questions me and his tone seems bitter about my decision.

"I guess that's up to me and that's my decision," I reply just staring into the dark room. The darkness that's seems to become my only comfort in life.

"But those men tried to ra- misbehave with you." He says, disbelief evident in his tone.

"I was vulnerable at that moment. Otherwise, I swear I would have-" I stop myself from raising my voice as my head starts to pound. "Otherwise I can assure you I would have been safe," I say through my gritted teeth as I curl myself into a ball.

"Yeah, I can see that." Aryan scoffs behind me. Sarcasm is evident in his tone.

I scramble in my bed to look at him. The audacity of this man. But a sharp pain shoots through my veins in my left hand at the needle injected in me and a hiss leaves my lips. "Careful." Aryan murmurs coming to my side immediately to see what it is.

I gesture him a stop sign behind me and he doesn't move after that. After making sure I didn't move it a lot, I sharply turned to see him so close to me that my breath hitched.

I tilt my head up towards his face, still a little blurry for me and he is already looking at me with a concerned expression as his eyebrows furrow in a v.

I gulp involuntarily, "I don't want to get involved with police." I whisper, my voice mixed with emotions.

I don't even know why I am whispering.

He stares right into my eyes which sends goosebumps all over my skin, "Why?" he whispers back, again the same question.

"I am not obligated to answer you, Aryan," I respond my neck starting to ache looking up at him but I don't want to look away.

A slight smirks take over his lips complete contrast to the soft and warm smiles he has been giving me, as his eyes move between mine, "I am a police Amaira. You are obligated to." He answers in a calm voice.

My eyes widen a tad bit at that revelation.

I look away immediately giving a much-needed release to my neck.

"I don't want to. That's it." I answer heaving out a breath.

"Are you hiding something?" Aryan asks in a curious tone as if he knows something about me and my neck immediately snaps in his direction.

"What do you mean?" I narrow my eyes at him at his question which makes him smile amused for some reason. But my heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my ears.

Thank goodness they didn't connect me to some machine that would give away my heart rate right now.

"You seem jittery." He answers as he analyses my face as if searching for answers.

"Jittery?" I ask with my one eyebrow raised to which he nods innocently looking down at me.

Not wanting him to give the benefit of the doubt anymore.

I decide to tell the truth.


"I had migraine when I got into the cab and I immediately dosed off as soon as I gave the driver OTP. Because sleeping helps. The cab driver took benefit of the situation, which is me sleeping, and gave me the chloroform during my sleep which put my body in deep sleep." I explain what happened as he listens with attention.

"If I didn't sleep, he would be the one sleeping here," I say pointing at the bed below me. His eyes fill with amusement.

"That's your statement?" He quirks a brow at me as his concentration wavers on my face.

"No. That's my explanation for you." I say softly hoping it will remove any doubt from his mind even though I revealed a tiny spec of myself to him.

"And about the complaint, I don't want to do it because my family knows many people in the department. And if they even catch whiff something about me there is going to be a huge problem in the family. The relatives will start blaming my father, for his upbringing 'Letting your daughter stay out so long' and all and as you know there is already a lot going on, my Appa, father, I don't want him to feel more pressure than he already has from his health. And my brother will panic and I don't want that. My Anni, my sister-in-law, will also go berserk. I don't want that Aryan." I elaborate more in a helpless voice as I swallow hard.

"And your sister?" Aryan speaks so quietly as if it would hurt me. It catches me off guard along with the question that I least expected.

I am stunned into silence at his question.

I stare into his now visible eyes from the moonlight that glows the room a bit.

He looks earnest and so sincere about his question that I don't know what to do except stare at him.

I feel a light nudge, I look down at the cloth edge of my kurti which Aryan holds in a pinch of his fingers and pulls at slightly to bring me out of my reverie.

I look back up at him and he is waiting for my response patiently. "Samaira," I begin in a hoarse voice, it feels different to say my name to someone who has no idea she is sitting right in front of him. "She is not with us," I say in a whisper. His brows knit in confusion.

"What? What do you mean by that?" He asks utterly confused at my reply.

"She ran away from home," I reply holding back my emotions.

He gazes into my eyes as if searching for truth in my expression.

I try to maintain an honest look, convinced that this is the most I can reveal.

There's a reason why my family never reported the missing to the police.

They were more concerned with societal pride and respect than finding me. I wasn't welcome back home. They preferred a daughter who adhered to their stringent rules, and Amaira fit that mould perfectly. They wouldn't even prefer Amaira's if they knew it was her and not me.

I am used to their insults and views on me. I wouldn't let them do the same to Amaira.

"Where did she go?" Aryan's question carries a multitude of emotions, making it hard to pinpoint the exact sentiment.

I avert my gaze, responding quietly, "I don't know." My throat tightens as I swallow.

Aryan falls into a contemplative silence, seemingly lost in thought.

"That's why you seemed upset watching the annual day video," he observes as if he sensed something amiss during that time.

I glance back at him surprised he had observed me, "Yeah, those were cherished memories, but it hurt to revisit them after so many years," I admit, a tear rolling down my cheek.

I was hurt to watch the old me.

It's been ages since I did what I loved. Singing and dancing were once my life, and I had big plans for my talent. To pursue them after my 12th grade. However, my family was manipulated by relatives and pushed me to abandon my dreams.

Life hasn't been the same since.

A soft touch beneath my cheek catches me by surprise. Aryan wipes away my tears with a sad smile, displaying more empathy than my father ever did when I wanted him the most.

Another gentle touch beneath my other cheek and I realize tears are welling up and I am tearing up. Aryan cradles my face, tenderly wiping away my tears of pain as if applying too much pressure might shatter me.

No, I can't break down like this, especially not in front of Aryan out of all the people I could do this in front of.

I turn away from his touch, shocked I was finding comfort in his touch and his arms drop to his sides. Wiping my face, I blink rapidly, rubbing away tears against my shoulder.

"You seem like you need a hug," Aryan observes, stating it as if it's a necessity.

"No, I don't," I replyit curtly, tired by everything and everyone.

Just then, a flood of light enters the room as someone else walks in. I instinctively shield my eyes from the brightness covering my eyes with my arms.

"You're awake, Amaira," the newcomer acknowledges.

"Yes," I respond softly, peering through my eyelids. Once the room dims, I open my eyes and see Aryan blocking the doorway's light.

My heart skips a beat at his thoughtful gesture.

"How are you feeling now?" the doctor asks as he moves to my left to remove the drip.

"Better," I lie, putting on a fake smile. I endure the pain as he dresses up my vein, which starts bleeding when the needle is removed.

"Okay. Are migraines a regular occurrence for you?" He questions once he's done with the dressing and lowers my hand.

"Yes. I've been having them for a few years now," I reply, gazing at my bandaged hand and contemplating how to hide it at home.

"So, does it hurt every time like this?" He inquires further, jotting down notes in a notepad.

"No. It's usually milder than today," I patiently respond, while Aryan stands quietly without intervening. "Chloroform has heightened the pain for you. Migraines generally make you sensitive to light, but not as sensitive as you felt an hour ago," he explains, and I nod without knowing what else to say.

"What triggers migraines for you?" He asks, adding more notes.

"I guess not enough sleep or maybe stress does that," I answer, and he nods, jotting down more points.

"How do you alleviate the pain? Do you have any medications or practices you follow?" He questions, putting down the notes and looking at me. "I have herbal tea, and I sleep to reduce it, but sometimes sleep doesn't help. So, I do yoga and have healthy foods," I explain the routines I've been following for years.

He smiles warmly at me, "You already know what you're doing," he says with a chuckle. "Yes, I guess. I do have some antibiotics, and I try my best not to take them. Only when the pain becomes intolerable and I'm in no position to do other things to heal it, I take them," I say with a small smile.

A throat clearing reminds us that Aryan is also present in the room. "Doctor, if you're done, I would like to take her home," Aryan says. I turn back to him, seeing his arms crossed and a fake smile on his face. I look back at the doctor when I hear him chuckle.

"I'm done, sir," the doctor answers him before turning to me again. "You could also try the hot water remedy. Whenever you feel the onset of a migraine, dip your legs in a tub filled with hot water, maintaining a temperature at which you can sustain having your feet in the water for 15 to 30 minutes. It will reduce your migraine, and you'll feel better. Also, ensure you get at least 8 hours of sleep and try to avoid taking antibiotics, as your body might become addicted to them. You're good for now, Amaira. You can leave," he finishes explaining.

"Thanks, doctor," Aryan says in a tone I've never heard him use, and I give the doctor a thankful nod as he exits the room.

As soon as the doctor exits, we are left in silence. A vibration resonates in the room, and Aryan takes his phone out of his pocket and forwards it to me.

Oh, that's my phone, and my brother is calling.

I glance at the screen for the time, and it shows 11:14 pm.

Oh god, he is going to lecture me.

I slide the answer button and lift it to my ear, and his voice pierces into my ears, "Where the fuck are you?" He yells, and I immediately lower the volume when I see Aryan's grimace as he stares at my phone and then at me. If he is cursing at me, it means Nithya is not near him or he is standing outside the house. "Anna-" I begin to make an excuse when he cuts me off again, "Don't Anna me. Where are you?" He asks in a hard voice.

"I am on my way. A colleague took me out for dinner," I answer, trying not to snap back at him. Such a protective ass he is.

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" He asks, now a little calmer than before. I roll my eyes at that, "Now you know. Hang up. I am coming. Don't stay up for me; I have an extra key." I say, not waiting for his answer. I ended the call because I knew what his next words would be, 'I will sleep when I see your ugly face.'

"Ready to go?" Aryan asks, hiding his smile as he straightens up. I nod silently, and he comes to my side to help me get down. "I am good. Thanks." I say as I give him a tight smile, and he nods reluctantly at me with pursed lips.

As I get off the bed, my legs feel a bit wobbly, but I manage to steady myself. We walk to the door quietly, with him trailing behind me. But as soon as I open the door, the bright lights feel like a stab in the eye, and I close the door immediately.

How long is this going to take? I think to myself, frustrated.

"What happened?" Aryan asks, his eyes revealing concern that I can't quite decipher. "The light feels like a stab to the eye," I answer meekly, embarrassed because I might need his help after I just declined it.

Stupid, Stupid Samaira.

He looks at me alarmed, "How can I help you?" He asks when he sees me hesitating. "Do you have a napkin or something with which I can cover my eyes?" I ask, turning towards him when an idea pops into my mind that could dull the effect of my pain when I walk out with it. He looks remorseful as he nods a no, scratching his nape with one hand. For a few seconds, I get distracted by the muscles bulging at his bicep, and I immediately look back at him.

"I have an idea," He says quickly, and I nod for him to say it, "You can keep your face to my side. Like this," He says, lowering his face to my height, into the crook of my neck. He hides his face, which cuts most of the light off. My breath hitches at his action, and shivers run down my spine as his stubble brushes against my skin and his lips slightly hover in the area. He pulls back a few seconds later when he realizes what he did and looks away from me in embarrassment.

"Huh Huh. Seems good," I answer quickly to remove the brief tension.

He raises his hand as if gesturing for me to move closer. I take a hesitant step and close the gap between us. Looking at him once, I place my face on his chest because he is freaking taller than me. I feel his stance turn rigid, and he clears his throat, "Ready?" He asks, his voice husky and closer than before. I nod into his chest as I raise my left hand covering my face. He plucks the phone from my right hand, and I pull back to look at him confused, but he is already putting my phone in his pocket. "I will give it to you outside," He answers, looking at my confusion. I nod briefly and go back to the previous position. The door opens, and I curl my right arm around his waist, and his arm goes across my shoulder, but his palm doesn't touch me. He keeps his hand fisted at my side, not trying to touch me like he remembers my words from the hospital. I push my face into his chest, covering my face as we walk out.

"Aryan, what-?" A voice trails off as we come to a brief stop. "I will drop her home and be right back. Meet in my office." Aryan orders the man, and he replies with a yes, and we start walking again. I keep my face in his chest.

He smells good.

I try to keep myself from inhaling because I don't want to get used to such comfortable perfumes.

Soon, we came to a stop, "We are at the parking." He says, his breath hitting my forehead, making me aware of the proximity.

I pull away immediately, only to hurl into his chest back like a boulder, which makes him stumble as his arms come around me in reflex, "What happened?" He asks in a worried tone. "It's still bright, help me get in the car." My voice comes muffled as I talk against his chest, covering my hands on my face. I feel him nod as he murmurs, "Okay."

He opens the door with me still in his arms, then holds my arm and guides me into the car. I take a step back, and he takes one forward, helping and then one more.

And fate decides to add some spice to my already miserable life. It all happens so fast it leaves me perplexed for a few seconds.

I take a final step back, only to stumble and fall backwards into the car seat. A shocked squeak leaves my lips, and Aryan comes stumbling on top of me as I have his shirt held in my fists instinctively. Aryan acts quickly on his reflexes as he balances on top of me with his hands beside my head not falling on me completely, and our wide eyes mirror each other's shock. "I am so sorry Aryan," I say horrified as Aryan backs away from me, holding on to the seat for support. Once he straightens up, I cover my face with my palms, half because of the embarrassing situation I caused and half because of the light.

"It's fine," Aryan says quickly and I refuse to look at him. "You can manage?" He asks as he clears his throat, and I mumble a yes as I start sitting up and straightening my clothes. Once he sees me comfortable, he begins to close the door when he notices something leaning down he picks up my kurti which is by the door tugs it inside safely and closes the door.

Don't flatter for his gesture you little traitor heart. I remind my traitorous heart, which starts to gain its momentum for the man beside me.

Heat rushes to my face as I lower my face, hiding it in my lap. The driver's door opens and closes signaling me that he is inside, and we are both in this confined place of his which smells like him making me addicted to it. "Where is your home?" he questions as he puts the car in the ignition, and the car starts moving. "Give me the phone; I will put the address in the maps for you," I mumble raising my hands in his direction not looking at him.

Instead of the feel of the phone, his warm hand engulfs mine, and I look in his direction, shocked to see him smiling at me amused. "Relax. It was an accident." He says noticing my behavior.

Accidental. Can the earth open now and swallow me?

I don't respond. My gaze flickers to his hands, now noticing the white dressing across his knuckles. "What happened to your hands?" I ask, confused as I pull it closer to me to examine it. It's fresh. It wasn't there when we were at Zia's home. Aryan pulls back from my hold as he changes the gears, "Nothing." he answers. No explanation was given. His eyes were straight ahead.

Oh, so you wanna play that game big boy? Fine.

"Can you tell me the directions?" He asks looking in my direction but I don't respond. He sighs taking his phone and handing it to me after opening the maps, I type in my address and put it in directions, "Delete the address after dropping me." I mumble giving back the phone. He chuckles. "Yes ma'am." He replies now giving me my phone, and I take it back. I turn away from him as I lean back in the seat once we are out of the hospital and into the street lights and close my eyes, relaxing.

"We reached." I hear a soft voice as someone nudges me. I open my eyes looking in its direction and a blurry image of Aryan comes into view I blink my eyes a few times as his smiling face becomes clear. My eye's stinging sensation was reduced at my short nap. I look behind to see my home and my eyes widen all the sleep flying out of the window.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

I was supposed to stop him at the street end and walk to my house.

I frantically swirl my head in my Bua's house direction to see no one and then in my house direction to see no one.

"Thanks for the drop!" I say enthusiastically smiling in his direction as I frantically scramble to get out of the car once out, I close the door louder than needed and I flinch. I hope no one comes out and sees me with Aryan. I smile at him apologetically in his direction through the window to which he waves me off.

I take hurried steps towards my house when I come to a halt remembering an important thing, so I run back in the direction of his car and walk to his side, he lowers his window immediately, "Promise me you won't tell anyone what happened today." I ask him my head still looking back and forth between my house and my nosy aunt's house.

He smiles at my words and raises his right fist and with his little finger pointed in my direction and I look at him confused, "My nephew makes me do pinky promises so that I won't get him in trouble and I have never broken that." He gazes at me and I look between his pinky and his face, raising my little finger with apprehension I hook it with his and immediately lock it, "Pinky promise." He says in an earnest voice as zips his mouth and makes a gesture of throwing out the key behind me.

That draws a huge smile from me.

He is cute.

He looks at me with fascination and I chuckle at that, "Thanks, Aryan. It means a lot to me." I say genuinely thankful for his help today. "I owe you one," I say finally unhooking our fingers as I lower my hand. He is about to protest but I distract him, "So you have a nephew?" I ask intrigued at the prospect he lets out a happy smile at that, "I do. My sister's son. He is 5." He answers, his eyes twinkling with love for his nephew.

"That's nice.-" I hear a cough and I whirl my head in the voice's direction. I see someone coming out from my neighbour's house as their shadow moves across the window and my eyes widen. "Shit someone is coming out from my neighbour. They will assume something if they see you here at this time. Leave!" He looks back at the mentioned house and I shove at his arm bringing his attention back to me. "Move!" I whisper as I take a step back to let his car pass.

He nods but stretches to the backseat to pick something, "Here." He hands me my bag. "Add a pepper spray to its contents." He nods towards my bag, "Okay. I will. Now move it, Aryan." I whisper looking at the neighbor's door where now the front door light is turned on.

Aryan ignites his car and changes the gear, "Bye. Take care." He whispers at me as he drives forward waving at me back. And immediately I started running in my house's direction as I dug down so no one could see me. I dig my bag for the keys reaching the main door but I find everything and anything but that.

Fuck my life. I think to myself.

Going to the side of my house, I pick up the ladder that I laid out when we moved to this house and set it against the wall in the direction of my room. I quickly ascend it with my eyes around me I reach the window open it and thank god that it is not closed from the inside. Throwing my bag in, which falls on my mattress, I jump in too closing the window behind me and deciding to remove the ladder tomorrow morning.

I quickly pick up my pyjamas and walk towards my washroom to get changed before my brother comes to check on me. I hear my room door creak as I get changed, "Samai?" Adi whispers into my room. "Yes. I am back." I answer from the washroom as I change into my T-shirt.

I hear his footsteps as he further comes into my room, "I was in the living room, how did you come in?" He asks pissed, clearly knowing how I would have come. "I didn't have my keys so," I reply shrugging as I come out. His hands move to turn on the light, "Don't. I have a migraine. I need to sleep. Goodnight." I say to him as I move to my bed and flop down.

Oh, it's heaven right here.

"Such a brat you are." He whispers and I launch a pillow in his direction which hits straight on his face. "We will talk morning. Good night." He says throwing the pillow back at me.

I wave him off in the dark as I get back to my much-needed sleep after staying awake for 5 consecutive nights which was the reason I got knocked off in the cab tonight.

I hear the door click and my eyes open, I get up walk to my study and take one pill for my insomnia knowing I will completely regret it this morning. Taking one out of the container I put it in my mouth and reach for the bottle on the desk, opening the bottle I drink some water to swallow the pill. As soon as my food pipe eases the sensation of the tablet I stop drinking and close the bottle. Walking back I fall back on the mattress and wait for the tablet to work.

I pull out my phone meanwhile to see what's happening, I swipe right on my home screen and the news pops up, I aimlessly scroll through it until a familiar name catches my eye. I click on it and my eyes widen at what I am seeing.

'An Indian Billionaire's son and current CEO of the world-famous Singhania Corporation, Aarav Singhania marries his long-time girlfriend, Dr Rhea Aggarwal who is a junior general surgeon. It is said to be that they were in love since...'

I don't read the rest of the news because I know it will be bullshit.

I dial my brother who answers it with an irritated 'What?', "Rhea got married!" I inform him. "I know, I saw the news this evening." He says and he lets out a breath. "Then why didn't you tell me?" I accuse him. He knows what Rhea means to us.

Rhea was my father's cousin's brother's daughter. She had no siblings so we pampered her a lot and we always went to each other's houses on weekends. We had a lot of fun.

"I thought we could talk about it when you came home." He accuses me back and I roll my eyes at his tactic. "Fine. So what do you think? Love marriage?" I ask in the mood to gossip with my brother. "I don't think so. There might be something more to it. Did you see her face in the pictures? It was so fake. That's not our Rhea. Also, the reporters were called in to photograph their engagement but then they got registered marriage in the same venue and you think it's a love marriage?" He asks in a mock tone as I hear some typing from his side which means he still working.

But his theory does make sense and logically.

Arranged marriage? Possible.

Forced marriage? That also is possible. Even if the chances are slim. Maybe due to circumstances. Who knows?

I love her parents. They are open-minded and don't hang on to orthodox culture like my family. Now we have not in talking terms since a few years before when my dad decided to start talking to my aunt and Rhea's father didn't like it because he knew what type of restrictions would be put on us. But we cousins still talked but that also slowly ceased as we grew up. My father's family didn't like my mother because she was a South Indian and educated than many of them in my father's family. So when my parents got married Rhea's father supported my parents when my father's side family were against it. He even stopped talking with them after that. Unlike my father's side family, my mother's family were the best. They supported the marriage. They got our parents married with only Anand uncle from my father's side present.

"You might be right," I mumble into the mic of my phone as I scroll through the pictures with the call on the speaker. Their smile does seem fake. I scroll through more where the guy, Aarav is holding Rhea's waist as she is out of the car and she looks up at him surprised or more like shocked.

"Wait, the name seems familiar," I murmur as I read about the Aarav Singhania. I have heard it somewhere. "Yeah, the guy who pranked Rhea on her winter vacation when she was little." My brother answers my doubt. "Yeah right. Aarav." I say in a recognizing voice I scroll through more photos of the new couple.

She looks beautiful though in a grin long skirt and a deep black full-sleeved crop top and he is not that bad either. He is handsome. They look good together.

"Don't you want to sleep now?" Adi asked in a sarcastic tone and I hung up the call immediately. I scroll through the photos and videos. When I feel the effect of the tablet I turn off my phone and face the wall as I pull up the duvet on me and sink into its comfort.


Bangalore, India

My phone rings for the fifth time in the last 10 minutes and I release a frustrated sigh as I look at it. I put on a fake smile as I looked in front of me at the curious glances and thankful glances of the first-year students. "Excuse me, guys." I say picking up the call and walking out of the class, "You better be dying Adi or I am going to kill you myself when I come there." I whisper looking around me making sure no one is hearing me. I hear a series of laughs and loud chattering from his side.

I get annoyed, "Adi, what the fuck? I have a lecture to give." I whisper into the phone, a voice speaks from beside me startling me, "Careful Samaira." I look at my colleague, Meera, who looks at me amused, and I give her a guilty smile. I hold the phone mic before whispering to her, "Sorry." She nods patting my shoulder as she mouths me its okay before walking away.

"Adi?" I whisper into the phone again as I keep it to my ear and but he is already blabbering some shit. "Adi, slow down. I didn't hear a thing. Repeat it." I tell him who lets out an exasperated breath in return before whispering back, "Some groom family has come to see you. Bua brought them. Appa is telling you to come home."

My whole body freezes, "What?" I whisper as my throat tightens. "Yes. Please come home." He says in a pleading voice. "What Adi? No. I am not going to. You know I can't." I say shaking my head as I keep a hand on my forehead.

"Ammu, please. Appa seems very happy about the proposal and Appa has given the word that you are working but you will come home now to meet them." He says using the endearment which he only uses in desperate situations.

"Anna, I can't. I don't want to marry someone random." I whisper desperately, "Ammu. No. I will not let that happen. You know it." He says trying to give me a sliver of hope which is useless in our family. "No. You and I know it, if a groom comes to see any woman in our family, It means it finally, is fixed, this is just namesake." I speak the truth hoping he would understand but I already know everything is out of control.

"Ammu, I wouldn't force you if it wasn't for Appa's word. You know it. Now please come home. I will try to do something after this." He pleads to me, "Adi na varala. (I will not come.)" I murmur into the phone. "Ammu, Appa kaga va vituku va. (For Appa's sake come home.)" Adi says in defeat.

"Okay," I whisper brokenly as I end the call.

I don't know how long I am staring at my phone until I feel a hand on my shoulder and I flinch looking up, "Are you okay?" Karthik asks, a tinge of concern in his eyes which feels foreign because most of the time we are insulting each other and this sudden compassion feels weird. "I am good," I answer before walking into my class.

"I am sorry guys I have a family emergency. I need to leave." I say as I pack my bag in a trance and hang it on my shoulder just then Karthik enters the class looking at me and then towards the students, "That doesn't mean you guys can leave. I will be here. If you stay until the last minute you earn the attendance for this hour." Karthik announces to the students which is met by a chorus of groans of disagreement as they slump back into their seats grumbling among them.

I whisper a Thank you as I pass by Karthik who gives a curt nod in return. I quickly shoot a text to my head manager in this college whom I have been reporting, he sends a thumbs up in return and just then my battery dies making me curse as I take a run towards the parking lot. Students give me curious glances as a woman in a saree sprints across them like she is in marathon.

Once in the parking lot I quickly unlock my car and take a seat throwing the bag beside me and ignite the car and accelerate out of the parking lot at a higher speed than usual do.

In under 20 minutes, I am pulling into my house parking lot. I get out of the car with my phone and walk in to see Nithya waiting for me in the living room. She looks up at me and I immediately see the worry in her eyes, "Sorry Samaira. I couldn't do anything." She says, her eyes welling up. I squeeze her shoulder in gratitude placing my phone beside her before I take 2 steps at a time to my room, "Where are they? and also can you put my phone in charge I just need it to switch on. I kept it beside you." I shout once I am in my room and open my wardrobe to pick a saree.

"Should I wear a Western outfit to piss Bua off?" I say showing her black bodycon as she enters my room wiping her eyes and immediately laughing at my idea. "Brilliant idea. But keep it for some other time." She says leaning against my door frame. "Hmm," I say as I go through more and my eye catches a black saree attention with a copper sleeveless blouse. An evil grin takes over my lips as I pick it up, "What about this?" I show her. Her smile widens as she shakes her head at me. "Samai." She says in a warning tone, "Okay also another time I guess." I say as I place it back inside.

I go through more, "Pick something that will match the Jasmine flowers your brother brought." I roll my eyes at that as I lean back looking at her, "Seriously?" She just nods shrugging. I go through several more a blue cotton saree catches my eye, "I am wearing this." I announce to her to which she reacts with a thumbs up.

In under 2 minutes, I am done draping my saree and I sit in front of my dresser after washing my face, "Put a messy bun and pin the flowers" I tell Nithya giving her pins. I start moisturizing my face and start applying eyeliner as I lean towards the mirror. Once done with that I apply kajal to both my eyes and lean back making sure it looks good. "You didn't apply makeup." Nithya reminds me. "I am not going to," I answer her shrugging. Nithya does my hair and pins the Jasmin flowers as apply a maroon lipstick lightly.

Then I change my earrings with heavy jhumkas, "Done." I say standing up when she pushes me down. "Keep bindi." She says, I roll my eyes pick one and place it between my eyebrows.

"Done. Let's go now." I say as I push some bangles through both my hands walking down the stairs. We are met with an impatient Adi at the entrance. "Come soon." He holds my hand pulling me with his long hurried strides.

"We will take the back door." He says as we walk behind our house which connects Bua's house backdoor. "Wait, wait. I need my phone." I say coming to a halt. "Samai." My grits out as he glares at me. "Or I am running away from here right away." I threaten to which his eyes turn serious. "Not funny, Ammu." He grumbles letting me go. I take a quick run to my house pick up my phone and turn it on.

I walk back locking the doors. And freeze mid-walk when I see 5 missed calls from Aryan notification on my lock screen.

Why did he call me so many times?

My brows knit in confusion as I unlock the phone to call him back, "Samai, they have called you, come." Nithya whispers and pulls me behind her hurriedly as we walk through the back door. I look back at my phone one last time before locking it.

Nithya glances at me one last time and corrects my hair before pushing a coffee cup tray into my hands, "Is this important?" I question flickering my eyes to the tray which has 5 cups of coffee and a cup of milk. "Yes." She hisses as she pushes me to walk out with her when Bua comes from the opposite direction my face reddens from anger and I look away from her, "Make sure to smile." She says through her huge smile. I glare at her which she blatantly ignores as she starts walking beside me too. "Did you see the groom?" I whisper to Nithya, "Ella. (No.)" She whispers back as she looks forward at the chatter-filled living room. "Why didn't you see him?" I ask her again in a murmur, "He was late like you. Maybe he just came." She murmurs back holding my arm.

"Hey, what are both whispering? And where is your smile Amaira?" My bua says and I give her a huge fake smile which soothes her heart a bit.

Nervousness fills my body as an involuntary shiver runs down my spine, the voices become more prominent as we near the room, Adi who is standing at the doorway looks at me with a smile.

Not a fake one, but a happy smile?

That raises a flag in my mind.

He looks at Nithya beside me with a smile too and a slight meaningful nod.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially betrayed by my only two hopes.

I look between both of them, my sister-in-law and my brother who are traitors right now exchanging happy smiles. Nithya squeezes my arm as we come to a stop outside the living room. She looks up at me with a tear-eyed smile, "It's going to be okay." She whispers smiling so genuinely that it makes my heart beat fast.

My eyes search hers, "What do you mean by that?" I whisper at her panicked. Because I need more explanation than that.

But too late, my nosy-evil aunt is already pulling me with her through the doorway and all the oxygen leaves when all eyes turn to me and I don't even see anyone clearly because I have lowered my head already, "This is my second daughter, Amaira Deshpande." My dad announces my arrival and swallows hard. "Amai, give the beverages to the groom's family beta," Bua says with a smile.

I feel rigid as I don't move, I feel my brother come beside me, "Look up. You are not shy are you?" He whispers into my ears before backing away from me taking his warmth with him. My fingers tighten around the tray.

I finally look up only to be met with familiar warm dark eyes

And right then, for the second time, all the breath leaves my lungs as I look at the only man who ever had an effect on me and will ever have that effect on me like no other.



So this has been my most favourite chapter of this story and the longest one till now and I love the drama happening right now.
Can't wait to upload the next chapter.
Hope you people enjoyed reading it has much had I enjoyed writing this one.

Do vote, comment, and follow if you liked them.

Happy weekend lovely Readers.

With love,

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