The Wild Side

By ClementineCat04

150 1 0

Tara is freshly 18. Like most girls her age she's still finding herself as she blossoms into a young adult. ... More

The coffee shop
Character description.
Dress up

The club

12 0 0
By ClementineCat04

Tara and the boys talked the whole 20 minute bus ride there. They were dropped at the bus station and had to make their way rest of the way there by foot. Thankfully the walk was only ten minutes but all this walking has Tara regretting her choice of foot wear, golden ankle strapped heels were not suited for this amount of walking. But the walk was made more enjoyable as she window shopped with James and Liam ended up buying her some plasters from a drug store they passed so she wouldn't develop any blisters and she was still wrapped in yhe warmth of Benji's jacket as they walked in the darkening streets if town.
"We're definitely getting an uber back" Tara remarked which was awarded a chuckle.

Once they arrived the queue seemed long, but not "an hours wait" long.
You could hear the music blasting through the walls and the chatter of the crowd made it so you'd almost have to yell even outdoors.

The 5 chatted for the time being till Amelia appeared wearing a tight white dress which hugged her curves perfectly. Her hair was down and styled so you could see the defined layers which framed her face, she wore silver hoops with matching rings and a charm bracelet. She had a dark Smokey eye and dark red lipstick which complimented her complexion.
"Amelia!" Tara screamed, "Fuck, you look hot."
Amelia leaned in hugging her, "No you look hotter, I told you, golds your thing, it suits your skin tone perfectly, and damn girl." She inhaled as if she was shocked, "who knew you had not just a perfect face but the body to boot," she admired while leaning back, keeping her hands placed on Tara's waist. She then turned her attention to Leo, checking him out with a sly look on her face.

"Hey" she greeted, with a sly smile, an arm still wrapped around Tara but turned her body to face him.
"Hey" he mirrored, wearing the lustful expression the others had seen countless of other times, on countless of other girls.
"I'm Amelia, if you couldn't already tell" she giggled.
"Leo," he replied smirking, "y'know I think I've seen you around campus"
"Oh really?" She teased, turning her head slightly to one side.
"Yeah." His gazed lowered, checking out her slim yet curvaceous body and her short frame.
"Then how come you've never introduced yourself?" She asked playfully.
"I'm regretting that decision"
"Better late than never." She remarked flirtatiously making him grin.

As the two continued to flirt, the rest of the group passed around the bottle of vodka Benji brought along knowing the wait would be a little while.
"So Liam, as your designated wingwomen, what's your type so I can be on the look out?" Tara asked after talking a small swig for the bottle.
"Physically?" Tara nodded passing him the bottle , "I don't know, just hot I guess, I don't really have a certain look I prefer." He then took a swig himself.
"Well that makes it easier I guess." Tara stated with a laugh. "You know when it's all... successful with you tonight I might try whoring around myself." Tara explained.
Liam raised a brow in surprise and looked over at her with a smirk surprised at her new outlook, people wouldn't call Tara a prude, but she's never been the one for one night stands and hookup culture.

"You've got a game plan?" Benji quizzed, "Who you planning on hitting on?"
"Im not sure," she shrugged, "we'll just have to wait and see if there are hot guys interested."
Benji laughed, "Oh, so you're a little picky, huh? What's your type then?"
"Yeah physically, you're not gonna be able to tell a guys personality by just looking at them, are you?"
Tara rolled her eyes at him, challenging him with a glare which was met by a cheeky smirk.

"Well I guess if I had to narrow it down, I'd say I like pretty boys. But honestly I could be into anything if they're hot enough." Which makes the guys laugh a little.
"Hmm... well I'd say I'm a pretty boy" Benji smirked teasingly, earning him a shove to the arm and a second eye roll, but Tara couldn't take him seriously, a smirk plastered to her painted lips.
"I would be surprised if anyone has ever referred to *you* as 'pretty'" Tara chided.
"Ouch." James's hissed with a chuckle.
"And they said the worst thing a girl can do is say no." Benji cried dramatically, playing it up for show. Which made Tara laugh. She really couldn't take him seriously. Benji was flirty with everyone as a joke, and she'd be a liar if she said it wasn't a little entertaining.

The two continued their meaningless bickering and passing of vodka as the queue grew shorter and shorter until the vodka bottle was done and disposed of, then eventually they got through security and inside.

The group walked into the main room and were met with sensory overload. The music was blasting at full volume, you'd have to scream to be heard by the person 5 inches away from you. The room smelt of a mix of perfume, alcohol and sweat and the strobe lights were blinding. They barged their way through the crowd to find a table, Tara was holding onto James for dear life after almost getting sucked into the crowd of swaying drunks twice.
They found themselves a table at the wall where the music seemed slightly quieter, now you just had to raise your voice slightly to be audible to the person 5 inches away from you.
When they sat Tara was still clinging onto James, a mix of excitement and slight nervousness filled her. She was all for new experiences and wasn't nervous before but now she was here, she realised she'd never been to a club this big before. She took off the oversized leather jacket as the humidity of the club started to warm her up.

"This place is fucking huge!" she yelled to James.
"I know!" He smiled back. The two leaning back into the cushioned sofa which was lined across the side wall of the table area where Tara seemingly took off Benji's leather jacket.

"I'll get the first round of drinks" Liam offered, "what do yous want?" He asked the group. They all gave him their orders and he went off. Leo and Amelia went to go dance together.

"You think he'll pull?" Tara asked stupidly.
"Of course he will, have you seen that man?" James laughed, "he doesn't need us as his "wingmen", the bitch gets hit on every time we go out for god sake."
"What? Then why's he agree if he's so already fuckable?" Tara yelled genuinely confused, feeling a bit foolish for have not realising herself at her friend's popularity.
James shrugged his shoulders, "donno, but he doesn't really care as much for hook ups... compared to a certain someone." He sided eyes Benji trying to act disgusted but his honest nature broken his character as he started chuckling.
"This isn't helping with the rumours." Benji joked.
"What rumours?" Tara asked laughing.
"That he's a slut." James retorted.

Liam came back with the drinks, "See anyone to your fancy?" Tara asks curiously. The question made him smirk.
"Maybe." He said sitting down placing Tara her cocktail infrount of her.
"What you sitting down for?" Tara yelled, "The dance floor is this way!"
Tara grabbed his bicep pulling him so he'd stand, but he was a lot harder to budge than she initially thought, he'd really changed over the last few years, he was no longer the scrawny kid he used to be.
"Fuck," she groaned, "I really need to start lifting."
Liam looked up at her trying to suppress his smile, finding Tara's efforts cute.
"Fine." she wailed and moved to sit down next to him. "Have I just gotten weaker or have you just gotten stronger?"
"Probably both," he teased, "You went from like, exercising 5 times a week to nothing, of course you're going to lose some muscle mass."
Liam was a big nerd when it came to working out, that man knew everything about the muscle groups and dieting, all the trick and tip and all the false ones that just try scamming people.

"You're right I was probly way stronger that you before. It's because of this stupid wrist." she claimed. "Yea that's the only reason," he played along, sipping his drink.
"It's nearly fully healed up you know?" She said referring to her accident 2 months ago, where she fell badly at an ice skating competition, fractioning her wrist.

"Good. You know you can always join me in the gym if you want, build some actual muscle?"
"Really? Oh my god we can be gym buddies aww," she said playfully getting excited.
"Yea, it's a good way to stay accountable."
"Aw, and we'll spot each other and do sets at the same time," Tara added, excitedly getting wrapped up in the idea.
"I'm not sure about the spotting." He teased.
"Yea, I don't know if you'll be able to lift my weights." Tara joked which made Liam chuckle.
"Yea you're probably right." He laughed.

"Tara, come dance with me," James urged as he held out a hand towards her, she looked to Liam to double check that he was fine with it. When he nodded she eagerly took James hand giggling as he dragged her towards the swarm of dancing people, it's was a complete free for all, a mass of bodies moving to the rhythm of the music.

The pair merged themselves into the crowd wearing matching grins. James looked down at her as they danced in the chaos. He couldn't help but admire how good she looked and how genuine her smile seemed. They danced for a couple songs making their way all around the dance floor until they bumped into Amelia and Leo who were getting 'frisky'.

"Heyyyy!" Amelia screamed with a massive grin. She made her way over to Tara and swayed with her.
"Thank you Angel! I love you!" she yelled in the brunettes ear, bringing her closer, dancing in a hug.
"I love you!" she screamed back. Amelia put had her hands on Tara's hips moving with her motions.
"Fuck, I can't get over how hot you are! How do those boys survive?!"
Tara felt slightly flushed at her words. She closed her eyes, scrunching her nose in the process which Amelia couldn't help but see as adorable.
"I don't know!" She yelled in false confidence after getting over her initial flusteredness.

As the girls danced, Leo watched their encounter as he swayed with the music. He found the two alluring, looking them up and down, noting their open and touchyness, as if they didn't have a care in the world at who was watching. He observed how the two danced, feeling one another, he couldn't help but feel like they were showing off.

Amelia's tight dress captivated him, it revealed her bottom heavy body perfectly, the curve of her wide hips and slender waist clear. Amelia's hands glided across Tara's bare back. Her dress was loose and it had become a bit of a distraction for him. He was mesmerised as golden fabric moved with her, revealing more of her soft tan skin as she swayed carelessly. He looked up again at the two and Amelia met his eyes smirking as she looked up at him, unconsciously biting her lower lip.
God, how he wished he'd talked to her sooner.

Liam was yet again at the bar. He and Benji chatted for a bit until a girl had attracted his attention and he ditched Liam to make his move. Now being alone, without any of his "wingmen", he decided on getting another drink as he had no idea where the rest of the group where on the swarmed dance floor. He sat on the tall cushioned bar stool, drink in hand, questioning his next move. The others would probably come back after a couple more songs, so he figured he'd just have to wait it out. As he took another sip a tall women approached him, he glanced her way curiously.
"Hey," she greeted confidently, "can I sit?" She asked gesturing onto stool beside him. He nodded in response silently. The woman was a wearing a tight dark blue dress, her fingers bore silver rings, bangles wrapped around her wrists and a singular necklace hung from her neck, its shape parallel to the cut of her dress.

"So what's a fine man like yourself doing, drinking alone?" She asked twisting a strand of her black coily hair with her finger.
"My friends all ditched me," he smirked, enjoying the strangers attention.
"Oh really? How about I keep you company for the time being?" She asked smirking.
He glanced over at her again, "Sure." He said as his gaze lowered to her curvaceous body. He appreciated when a girl would approach him, he found confidence in a girl extremely attractive .
"You're a man of few words, huh? You seem exactly my type." She said eyes lowered admiring his carefully crafted muscular figure which was highlighted through his slightly opaque dress shirt. The two continued to converse, getting flirtier and flirtier, slowly closing their proximity, touching each other subtly, until they were making out at the bar.

Leo whistled, "See that Tar?" he said while collapsing exhausted onto the cushions bench with Amelia in his arms. The three had come back for a breather after a track they didn't know began to play, leaving James behind with his new found company.
"He really didn't need us did he?" Tara grinned.
Leo and Amelia were sat leaning on each other, their legs intertwined as they whispered and giggled to one another. Tara had to just amuse it was the alcohol.

"I'm parched." Leo piped up, "Tar, be a babe and get me a drink?"
Tara looked at him a little annoyed, "What's wrong with your legs?"
"Please" he pouted. "I'm so tired from dancing, I can't move,"
"Could you get me one too please?" Amelia asked joining in on the pouting, "I can't move either" she joked.
"Yea we're stuck!" Leo yelled laughing over the music.
"...fine, but yous owe me." To that they both smile childishly at Tara before continuing their whispering.

Tara walked up to the bar feeling a little dejected, she felt as though everyone had left her for their hookups, it was obvious what Amelia and Leo were doing. Earlier she claimed she was gonna "whore around" as well, but from the men who had tried talking with her none of them really caught her attention.

She decided on avoiding Liam as she didn't want to get in the way of his hookup by going to the other side of the bar. She sat a free stool waiting to be served.

"Can I get you anything?" A gruff voice asked. Tara looked to her right to see the bartender leaned against the counter, his rag draped over his shoulder.
"Umm hi, yeah can I have a margarita, rum and coke and a gin and tonic please... actually can I have two bottles of water as well please." She added think of how alcohol isn't exactly the drink to quench your thirst.
"Sure," he replied then turned to make the drinks.

*Fuck* she thought to herself, *shit* she'd given her wallet and phone to James in the line and now he was gone dancing with some girl he met on the dance floor in an thick swarm of of dancing young adults. There's no way she could get it back in time. She turned to where Leo and Amelia where sat but the two seemed...occupied, with straddling Leo as they made out. There was no way Tara could walk back to that to ask for cash.
"Wait actually Sir," she exclaimed. He turned to look at her curiously. "I forgot I gave my wallet to my friend, I can't pay." She confessed.

"I can pay." A deep voice interjected. Tara turned to see the owner. A tall older man with a muscular build and dark thick hair stood beside her. He reached his arm over to the bartender passing him his card. Tara a bit shocked at the abrupt exchange froze for a second.
"Ah no it's fine I just won-"
"It's fine," he smirked, "I insist."
"-ah Okay, thank you so much." She replied with a smile.
He smirked sitting down on the stool beside her, "So why are you alone?"
Upon her further examination he seemed to be in his mid thirties, but she though unit gave him a little charm.
"Oh my friends are either dancing or hooking up, basically I've been ditched." She says with a short laugh.
"Wow, kinda shitty, your friends must be idiots if they'd rather hookup then have a fun night with you."
"Ahah I know!" Tara giggled playfully.
"I'm Jace by the way."
"I'm Tara," she smirked.
"Tara," He repeated. "That's pretty, it suits you."

"Ahah thank you," she blushed slightly. This felt strangely real to Tara. She'd never been in a situation like this, where a stranger had came up to her when she was alone at a bar, it wasn't that she was bad at conversations she just didn't know how to flirt and it was making her nervous.
She did find this guy attractive, and he could be a good distraction for the night if all her friends were busy, there was no point in wasting her opportunity.

"So, besides being ditched by your friends, how's your night been." He asked taking a sip of his drink.
"You know I've actually had a really good time, what about you?"

"My nights gotten better since I've met you." He raised his eyebrows playfully.
"Really? How?" She asked in an attempt to flirt back. How could she be so good at flirting as a joke with her friends, but when it came to real thing she felt like she was being so dry.

"'Cause a pretty girl like yourself is keeping me company." He smiled and put his hand on Tara's leg. "I bet I could make a good night better," he whispered leaning in, his hot breath tickled her neck and sent tingles down her spine.

Flustered at the sudden contact and closeness in proximity, she froze again, unsure what to do. She felt nervous at the strangers touch but also slight intrigued. She enjoyed the attention.
At that moment the bar tender slid across the drinks with the bottles of water. He gave Jace a stern glare then turned to Tara, "is that all?"
"Um yes thank you so much."
"No problem. If you need anything else just let me know." He responded hoarsely then returned to working.
Tara took a sip of her drink, "Damn, these were supposed to be for my friends"
"Why don't you put them at your table and we'll go dance?"
The idea didn't seem so bad but she wondered if this was just a waste of drinks as she wasn't too happy about leaving her friend's drinks out in the open, vulnerable to anything.
"Sure, let me finish this quick," she added then downed the rest of her drink.

The two walked to the table where Leo and Amelia where making out. Tara threw the bottles of water onto the couch and placed the drinks down quickly as possible finding the interaction slightly awkward. Tara knew before hand that her two friends would most likely be hooking up tonight, but that didn't mean she wanted to be a witness of it.

She turned quickly grabbing Jace's hand, leading him to the dance floor.
"Come on." She grinned backing into the swarm.

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