beta squad ♡ bxb ♡ FLUFFEBRUA...

By natureknowsnokings

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Writing prompts Fluffy February 2024 Challange More

Fluffebruary 2024
Day 1 [soft kisses]
Day 2 [gentle touch]
Day 3 [chocolate]
Day 4 [cooking together]
Day 5 [gifts]
Day 6 [date night]
Day 7 [picnic]
Day 8 [hugs]
Day 9 [eye contact]
Day 10 [jealously]
Day 11 [self sacrifice]
Day 12 [misunderstanding]
Day 13 [rain]
Day 14 [making up]
Day 15 [coffee shop]
Day 16 [soulmate]
Day 17 [promise]
Day 18 [gunshots]
Day 19 [healing]
Day 20 [broken promise]
Day 21 [last kiss]
Day 23 [celebration]
Day 24 [surprise]
Day 25 [collapsing]
Day 26 [dancing]
Day 27 [sickness]
Day 28 [nightmares]
Day 29 [crying]

Day 22 [cuddling]

549 9 1
By natureknowsnokings

Prompt fill: cuddling
Romantic pairing
AJ x Chunkz

Chunkz was sitting on the couch, eating breakfast when Aj came stumbling in; sleep rumbled, and positively swallowed by a soft big hoodie. Taking a closer look, Chunkz nodded to himself fondly when he noticed it was one of his own.

He tugged on Aj's hand as he passed,  prompting him to collapse into his lap. His boyfriend moved to straddle him and hid his face in his neck, head resting on his shoulder. Chunkz pressed a kiss to the side of Aj's head, holding him close with one arm.

Aj buried himself in Chunkz's embrace, and Chunkz snorted softly when soft snores filled the room after a few minutes. Leaning over Aj's sleep pliant body, he was awed at how perfectly his boyfriend fit into him.

In a way, they always have. Fit perfectly together, making each other whole. Aj was perfect the way he was, and Chunkz shook his head, wishing he could magically ban all insecurities out of his boyfriend's head.

Growing up, hight had never been an issue for him, but Aj - Aj has always been small. Chunkz, in return, has always been very aware of this, but unlike Aj himself, he has never been bothered by it.

Why would he? Aj was pretty proportional, nothing looked weird or out of place, and his personality had always been bigger than life. Taking up so much room with his attitude and quick witt, it was impossible to miss or oversee him.

Purposefully, Chunkz avoided using the phrase 'he couldn't lose him in a crowd' because that had genuinely happened once and had left Chunkz terrified. For a while, he had even considered sneaking a GPS tracker onto his boyfriend, but had to overthrow the idea when said boyfriend threatened to withhold sexy times when he found out.

So, while he had a small statue, he was never really quiet, which made it very easy to forget their size difference. And also because Chunkz, on the other hand, had always been on the bigger side.

Coming with that, there was a mountain of insecurities that he liked to think he was pretty much over by now, and to no small part had Aj helped with that.

Being aware of how much a bad body image could fuck with your head, it hurt his heart knowing Aj might struggle with coming to terms with his height. He knew Aj sometimes beat himself up over it and he really wished Aj could see himself like Chunkz saw him.

As if on cue, Aj snuffled in his neck and slowly sat himself upright, nosing along Chunkz's jaw. "G'd mornin'", Aj slurred, "you left the bed."

Chunkz hummed, "I didn't want to wake you, you were completely done last night."

Aj scowled up at him, eyes still only half open. "Coulda taken me with'cha, innit?" Chunkz grinned fondly, and pecked his cheek. "You were sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to disturb you by carrying you around."

"Excuses," Aj huffed.

Chunkz nibbed at his neck lovingly before drawing back. "I wanted to ask about yesterday," he carefully uttered and Ah groaned. "Amin, I'm fine. I'm over it."

And Chunkz almost believed him, except - he knew how much Aj had to prepare himself mentally to even get the words out, tell him about the bullies and the mocking comments about his height.

It infuriated him to no end, knowing what his love had gone through. "There just wasn't an escape. Can't run away when the people holding you down are twice as tall as you." Aj had muttered angrily and so very hopeless as he pointed to the YouTube comment section, where a troll was mocking his appearance. "Couldn't get away then, can't do it now."

Chunkz had helplessly wiped away a few stray tears and cuddled Aj through the night.

So yeah, his boyfriend definitely wasn't over it, but that was alright. Chunkz had all the time in the world to prove his point and convince Aj to love himself.

He also understood the want not to talk about such a sensitive topic right after waking up. But since the second Aj fell asleep in his arms to the moment he climbed into his lap this morning, Chunkz couldn't help but wonder how Aj allowed his touch.

He didn't like that type of affection anyway, what even made Chunkz's different. He dreaded the day when his boyfriend realised that he was too big, too tall, too - "I know, I just wanted to make sure, that when we-" he started but the right words were somehow missing.

Aj tilted his head and gently raked his fingers through Chunkz's hair. "I love it when we cuddle," his boyfriend seemed to have understood his babble immediately, "you make me feel small, like you'll always be there for me. It's nice."

Chunkz nodded, loosening his arms a bit. "Good, that's - I wouldn't want you to feel like they made you feel, like you can't-", he breathed out shakily. Admitting that fear, irrational as it may be, about losing Aj because he was just too much wasn't as easy as it sounded.

Aj grabbed his arms when he loosened the hold and tightened them around himself again. "No," he said vehemently, "you make me feel safe. Always."

He cuddled himself under his chin and squeezed softly. "You hold me right here." He buried his face in Chunkz's chest, turning his head and listening to his boyfriend's heartbeat. "Right where I belong."

Chunkz smiled adoringly down on the smaller man. Squeezing his arms around his love again tightly, he dropped another few kisses on his head.

"I love you," he whispered in Aj's hair, letting him mould his body into his own.

"L've y'," came the garbled response, signalling him his boyfriend was already on his way back to sleep.

Chunkz stroked his back gently, moving back on the couch and letting his lover snuggle into his chest.

Cuddling on the couch like this, no worries whatsoever and touching from head to toe, Chunkz couldn't help but smile love-sick and silently agree with Aj.

Here, on his chest right over his heart, completely protected and loved so very dearly and fiercely, really was where his boyfriend belonged.

~the end

[1044 words]

[Almost didn't make it in time, sry. Completely forgot till like 2 hours ago, so this one is a bit rushed but I like the prompt. Also chunkz & aj really do fit. It's adorable.]

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