beta squad ♡ bxb ♡ FLUFFEBRUA...

By natureknowsnokings

20.1K 251 202

Writing prompts Fluffy February 2024 Challange More

Fluffebruary 2024
Day 1 [soft kisses]
Day 3 [chocolate]
Day 4 [cooking together]
Day 5 [gifts]
Day 6 [date night]
Day 7 [picnic]
Day 8 [hugs]
Day 9 [eye contact]
Day 10 [jealously]
Day 11 [self sacrifice]
Day 12 [misunderstanding]
Day 13 [rain]
Day 14 [making up]
Day 15 [coffee shop]
Day 16 [soulmate]
Day 17 [promise]
Day 18 [gunshots]
Day 19 [healing]
Day 20 [broken promise]
Day 21 [last kiss]
Day 22 [cuddling]
Day 23 [celebration]
Day 24 [surprise]
Day 25 [collapsing]
Day 26 [dancing]
Day 27 [sickness]
Day 28 [nightmares]
Day 29 [crying]

Day 2 [gentle touch]

1.1K 12 7
By natureknowsnokings

Prompt fill: gentle touch
Beta squad - no specific pairing

When you know each other as well and as long as they have known each other, there were certain things that just were the way they were without being questioned.

All friend groups were different, Chunkz knew that. Everyone had a different level of comfort and different boundaries when it came to their friends and life.

Still, he couldn't help but feel lucky every time he met up with his boys. They just fit so well, and he loved each of them so much.

He loved the jokes and the laughter and how they were always themselves together, never hiding, never faking.

He loved that they didn't play pretend and had no problem being affectionate with each other.

He loved that the best, probably, that the love shared between them was so visible and not hidden away or labeled as something to be ashamed of.

His attention snapped back to Kenny and Aj play fighting on the floor, Niko cheering them both on, and Sharky slumped at his own side, completely wiped out for the day.

They had been filming earlier, and Chunkz suspected Sharky was coming down with something, since even though the video was tiring, he wasn't usually that knocked out from it.

Chunkz was laying on the couch mindlessly scrolling through his phone. Sharky had his head halfway between the pillows and on Chunkz's shoulder, his hand loosely holding on to Chunkz's arm.

He did that a lot, Chunkz realised with a grin. Whether they were going somewhere or just to make a point, Sharky often grabbed the wrist or arm of the person closest to him, dragging them along.

Sometimes, he would stand really close, waiting for the other person to notice or give the okay. Since he had realised that, Chunkz always made a point of nudging Sharky first, keeping at least one arm free and holding his hand out for him.

"Niko, quick help me hold him down!"

Kenny's muffled scream broke through Chunkz's thoughts, and he looked up just in time to see Niko with the biggest grin moving closer to help Kenny pin Aj down.

"Pause! That's so pause, Ken!" Aj gasped out through laughter, trying to put his hand over Kenny's mouth so he wouldn't be able to call out for help from Niko. "Ayo! Doubling up on me ain't fair!"

"Doubling up on you is mental," Chunkz commented and snorted when Niko let himself drop down on both of them.

His boys could pretend all they wanted, but he knew they were all just big softies.

Kenny specifically, always acting tough with his boxing, but still hugging them with such care, as if they would break apart, would he go any harder.

Always from the sides as well, pressing close and holding on with both arms. He didn't do that with just anyone, though. No, Chunkz knew they were the only people he really let his guard down so completely with.

It was something that made him unbelievably proud, to have another human being, his brother, trusting him so much and being so comfortable in his presence to allow others to see him in that vulnerable state.

Niko, on the other hand, couldn't pretend to be anything else but soft. Chunkz loved that man dearly, but Niko pretending to be tough was hilarious.

The way he sought out touch alone was so uniquely Niko, Chunkz couldn't help smiling thinking about it.

He remembered the first times Niko had hugged him in that way of his - frontal, tight grip, both hands placed on the others back, clutching the shirt fabric in his hands. It had taken a while to get used to the way Niko hugged without instantly worrying about if something had happened to him.

But now? Chunkz wouldn't trade the way Niko showed affection for anything. He was so impressed with Niko's ability to not care what others thought and spreading his love regardless, it was almost comical.

"Kenny licked me! Niko, do something!"

Again being brought out of his thoughts train by Aj, Chunkz did a double take at the scene in front of him trying to figure out, how three people could entangle themselves in the span of a few seconds that bad.

"You kept placing your hand over my mouth! What was I supposed to do?"

Aj had managed to half climb on Kenny's back, Niko had somehow gotten lodged between them both and also behind Aj, and Kenny was flailing his arms around, trying to roll them back around.

He saw Niko wriggling around to face Aj and whisper menacingly, "Bold of you to assume I would help and not lick you, too!" Followed by a loud screech from Aj.

That was probably what he was most impressed by. Aj had come such a long way dealing with any kind of touch.

He still didn't like it very much, but when he was in the right mood, his hugs were the best.

Aj's touch was something special. All the boys could agree with that.

Due to the rarity, of course, but also, because Aj's hugs mirrored back what he tried to hide behind facades. And that wasn't even said with malice, Chunkz thought, it was just that Aj was a bit more reserved about opening up and showing his emotions.

So while he covered up a lot with jokes and laughter, an actual hug from Aj was always carefully constructed, making sure to put all the sappy emotions behind it. Never pulling away too early and holding just tight enough to feel comforting.

Kind of like Kenny's in a way, only a tad softer, almost as if not sure the touch was welcome. Which it was. Chunkz couldn't even begin to describe how much it was, and he knew the others would wholeheartedly agree.

Next to him, Sharky stirred, woken up from the boys' antics. Still half asleep, he mumbled, "Why is he screaming like that?"

Chunkz leaned his body closer to Sharky and replied with a toothy grin, "Kenny and Niko are trying to eat Aj, and he's fighting them off semi successful."

"Ah", Sharky nodded with the wisdom that comes from being woken up while dreaming the weirdest shit and having to adapt to the scenes and the confidence of someone convinced that dream hasn't ended yet, "he does look delicious."

Chunkz pressed his face against the side of Sharky's head and laughed out, "Pause!"

~ the end

[1085 words]

[That one was a bit rushed, writing everyday ain't easy, I said, on day two. Hopefully I get into bit of a rhythm soon]

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