Pureblood Temptation of Zerg...

By cloud_hh

19.8K 210 2

A story about traveling to the Zerg world and becoming a fatally attractive pure-blood male who is sexually h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 5

846 9 0
By cloud_hh

But this man, who made him so crazy that he lost his mind, used these gentle actions today to tell him that everything he did did not get any response!

On the contrary, his Bai has become obsessed with him under his inducement!

Arlin let out a contented sigh. Even though his ‎‍‌cock‎‍‌‍stick‌‎‍ was in pain due to the inability to spray out the turbid liquid at this moment, he could still feel a ‍‍‌‎high‌ coming from his soul.

Tide‌‍‎ is stirring up the lustful‎‍slut under every inch of his skin with the blood.

In such extreme pleasure, he could more and more clearly feel how the male child's tongue was racing inside his ‍‎‎‍‌sao hole‍‍‎.

Such a beautiful and precious male...the only thing he could hope for was the male who could only hold the other person's underwear and secretly masturbate...he was not even in estrus yet. Here comes a male who has never fucked a female’s cunt. He is lowering his noble head and licking the meat of a slut who is old enough to be his mother and father. 


Yaerlin felt that he was about to die, dying from this little male, from the madness and tenderness that the other party brought to him.


“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” ‌‍‎‌Aaahhhhh..." The man's hoarse moan was filled with the feeling of lust. Chi Bai's current body could not feel desire, but he was still attracted by his lust.

The words made his eyes turn red.

Chi Bai no longer slowly licked the man's sexy ass, but forcefully opened the man's sexy ass, pulled out his tongue, and then inserted it directly, along the flesh wall completely Licking around.

The man's whole body softened after being licked by Chi Bai, and his fat ass was swaying, almost unable to support it.

Chi Bai didn't have the strength to hold the other person's butt, so he pushed the other person's legs directly, making the man's upper body buried directly on the bed to support his center of gravity, so that it would be covered with ‎‍‌‌obscene‍‎‎ water‌‍‌ The big honey-colored butt with saliva can be raised high.

The change of these movements only took a few seconds, but it made the man cry out impatiently. He felt that his ‍‎‎‍‌slut‍‍‎‎ hole‍‍‎ is now inseparable from Xiao Xiongzi. If there is no Xiao Xiongzi's Touching his ‍‎‎‍‌sao‍‍‎‎hole‍‍‎ makes it tickle like crazy.

"Ahhhh... my little ‍‎‎‍‌slutty‍‍‎‎hole is so itchy... I want to be fucked by a little male... little male ‍‎‍‌fuck‎‎‌‍my ‌‍‍‎'s slutty‎‌‍‍butt‎ ‍‌‍‌Eye‌‌Ah...fuck me to the back and squirt‌‌slut‎‌‎water‎‍Ahhhh..." He forcefully spread his fat ass‎‌‍‍ butt‎‍‌‍‌ eyes‌‌, and then shook himself crazily. His big buttocks, the ‎‍‌‌obscene‍‎‎‎water‌‍‌ splashed out a lot due to his swing. His lower body was completely soaked, and his thighs stained by the ‎‍‌‌obscene‍‎‎ water‌‍‌ were like smear There was a layer of honey, and some ‎‍‌‌obscene‍‎‎ water‌‍‌ flowed directly along the tilted body to his ‎‍‌meatrod‌‎‍ his abdomen.

"I want the little male's ‎‍‌meat‎‍‌‍cock‌‎‍ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." ...It’s so itchy inside and it’s so big. I want a big meat. ‌‍‍Fart‎‍‌‍‌ Eye‌‌I just know that I can’t even close my eyes after squirting water..."

“I want the ‍‍‍‎‍‌‎‍cum‎‍ thick‍‍ cum‎‍‌‎‍ cum‎‍...the little male gave me the ‍‎‎‍‌slut‍‍‎‎ hole‍‍‎‌‍ cum‍‌‌ cum‌‎‍ ahhh Ah... there is no young man's ‍‍cum‎‍‌‎‍ juice‎‍ slut bitch's ‎‌‍‍butt‎‍‌‍‌ eyes are so itchy... Stick‌‎‍‎‌‌‍‎ Insert‎‎‌‍‎‌‎ Come on...Slut bitch wants big meat‎‍‌‍ stick‌‎‍ Ahhh...‍‎‍‌Fuck‎‎‌‍I Fuck‎‎‌ I‌ah...Fuck the hot bitch’s pussy...The hot bitch wants to be fucked by‎‍‌‌‎‍‍‌ Oh my God..."

The man's screams became louder and louder, and the content became more and more raunchy. In the end, his voice even turned into a cry because of the lack of filling.

"Young man, fuck me with your tongue, fingers, meat, and cock. You can fuck me anywhere! Fuck my big pussy! Fuck my ass, eyes! Take me, this slutty bitch!" I’m so fucked that I can’t even close my eyes! Woohoo…‍‎‍‌Fuck‎‎‌‍me‌‍‎‍‎‍‌fuck‎‎‌‍me‌‍‍‎…”

Chi Bai squeezed the other person's bound flesh‎‍‌‍stick‌‎‍ hard. Men have a physique that is easy to ejaculate. After being tied up, he had already had several spurts of semen. The fluid was blocked, but because the pleasure in the hole was too great, he ignored the pain of being unable to ejaculate. At this moment, the ‎‍‌flesh‎‍‌‍‌‎‍ was pinched by Chi Bai. The pain made the man finally stop ‍‎surge‎‎‍‌‌ and screamed‎‍‍‌‌, almost crying.

Chi Bai also took advantage of this moment to insert his tongue back into the opponent's ‎‌‍‍butt‎‍‌‍‌eyes‌‌, which was already itching like crazy, and directly touched the prostate point.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" The man immediately changed from severe pain to a heavenly pleasure. The pleasure brought by having that hot spot fucked directly was so good that he almost had hallucinations in front of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were not even touched. A few lines of saliva flowed down in a controlled manner, and the whole face showed the distortion that only occurs when lust reaches its extreme. Swallowed by the pleasure brought by the ‍‎‎‍‌slut‍‍‎‎hole‍‍‎, he can now do nothing else but make some meaningless screams!

Chi Bai could feel that when his tongue hit that hot spot, the other person's entire hole tightened violently. He had to forcefully slap the other person's big ass a few times to relax it a little. ‌Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get in.

As a result, as soon as he slapped it, the other party's ass began to spray water violently, and spurts of water were sprayed out crazily, until Chi Bai's entire face was flushed. Water light.

Chi Bai knew that this was the opponent's ‌‎‍‌‎rear‍‎‎ hole‎‍‍‍‌‎, which made him cum, but he didn't like being squirted all over his face, and he was a little angry. He sped up the movement of his tongue and rushed towards the most erotic point without hesitation.

His manipulation like this made the man scream again and again, and he spurted out not only no less water, but more water. After doing this for dozens of times, Bai Chi's tongue was firmly wrapped by the already engorged flesh wall and could no longer move.

Chi Bai was not in a hurry. Since his tongue was held by the hot spot, he only moved the tip of his tongue. He no longer used the whole tongue to push against the other person's hot spot, but filled it with his whole tongue. The tip of the tongue with tiny particles grinded hard over that hot spot again and again.

The man ‎‎was fucked so hard that his whole body immediately tensed up. The pleasure of having his prostate point grinded made him unable to utter any exciting words anymore. He was now like a fish that landed on the beach, every time Every breath is an almost deathly pleasure. This kind of pleasure was so strange and terrifying that the man lost his mind. He could only cry and beg Chi Bai to stop his tongue and stop grinding his slut. He was going crazy. his fat butt kept moving forward, trying to escape from the other party's tongue.

But Chi Bai just ignored it. He pressed the opponent's butt firmly, and then like a pile driver, he rubbed the raised hot spot hard and fast, one after another, in the blink of an eye. It has been ground hundreds of times.

The man's cries also turned into pure whines under such a fuck hole. His restrained ‎‍‌meat‎‍‌‍stick‌‎‍ would produce violent ejaculation almost every time it was rubbed against the hot spot. ‍‌‌Semen‌‎‍The desire was suppressed due to the restraint of the ribbon. Only a slight amount of semen flowed out along the urethra and wet the entire meat‎‍‌‍stick.

A man feels like he is between hell and heaven. The pleasure of being fucked in his hole is so devastating that the meat of his body is unbearable. The pain of ejaculation was so painful that it made him despair.

He was tortured to the point that he could no longer adhere to Chi Bai's order. He stretched out his trembling hands to the meat stick. He wanted to untie the shackles of the ribbon and ejaculate happily. But he had already been tortured by the pleasure and became a prisoner of desire. The ribbon that could usually be removed in a few seconds could not be untied no matter what. He was so uncomfortable that he roared like a wild beast, and then kept shouting Xiao Xiongzi's name.

The other party kept shaking his big honey-colored butt, finally attracting Chi Bai's attention, and he discovered that the other party's ‎‍‌meat‎‍‌‍stick‌‎‍ was so congested that it was a little blue.

He knew that the other party was already intolerable to the extreme, and after finally using all his strength to crush the other party's lust, he quickly untied the ribbon and watched the other party ejaculate mixed with urine while screaming wildly. ‍‍Jing‎‍‌‎‍ Liquid‎‍.

The man understood that he was fucked by Chi Bai's tongue until he ejaculated.

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