Apocalyptic Returning

By JackMachina

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A futuristic world full of interesting characters, advanced technology and plenty of action. More

Chaper 1: Crossfire
Chapter 2: Wind of Change
Chapter 3: Be Afraid
Chapter 4: Seedling of Chaos
Chapter 5: Always a Bigger Fish
Chapter 6: The Eater of Worlds
Chapter 7: Generation Zero
Chapter 8: He Who Is Above All
Chapter 9: Old World Remnant
Chapter 10: Alea Iacta Est
Chapter 11: Blood and War
Chapter 12: Fragments of Genesis
Chapter 13: Hells Current
Chapter 14: Sins of War
Chapter 15: Old World Grudge
Chapter 16: Dia De Muertos
Chapter 17: We lose?
Chapter 18: The Day the Streets Ran Red
Chapter 19: When Shit Gets Loud
Chapter 20: The Devils Curtain Call
Chapter 22: Navidad Caido
Chapter 23: What Came Before
Chapter 24: A Monster in Wolves Clothing
Chapter 25: Ordinary Exceptions
Chapter 26: First Light
Chapter 27: Intertwined Trauma
Chapter 28: The Birth of a Level Zero
Chapter 29: A Presidents Second Term
Chapter 30: Malevolent Scheme
Chapter 31: What happened at Ceramin Bay?

Chapter 21: New War New Me

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By JackMachina

Dashing forward, Crow deflected Azrael's scythe into the ground before jabbing his sword towards Azrael's face. Yet even though the tip of the blade was mere centimeters from Azrael's face, he was able to react in time and grab the sword by the blade. He then kicked Crow in the stomach, sending him sliding backwards.

All of a sudden while Crow was preparing to dash forward, he phased away onto the side of a nearby skyscraper. Luckily for him it was just in time to avoid the meteor that was Rampage who fell from the sky, punching the ground where Crow once stood. The punch so powerful it created a shockwave of energy that destroyed the entire city block, causing all the skyscrapers along the street to fall.

"Jack Monroe, Rampage, Zaraph and Azrael." Crow thought to himself while running along the falling skyscraper and dodging lightning blast. "Calm down Crow, you just need to survive another thirty seconds."

Watching Crow run along the falling debris to avoid an onslaught of lightning blast, Rampage jumped up into the air towards him. Landing on the piece of debris Crow was on, he sent a kick flying up to Crow's face. And when Crow successfully dodged the attack, he stomped his foot into the debris, destroying his and Crow's only solid ground.

The two were freefalling for a moment before Jack flew past Rampage and punched Crow in the stomach. This sent Crow flying backwards where Zaraph appeared behind him and placed his palm on his back. A blast of lightning then exploded into Crow's back propelling him into the ruble below.

Before Crow could even try and stand, Rampage flew down from the sky towards him. Rampage landing on the ruble sent debris flying into the air. "Where'd you go fucker?" He asked as Crow reappeared behind him.

Slashing his sword down into Rampage's shoulder, Crow was filled with Suprise when it shattered instead of slicing through flesh. "There you are." Rampage reached back and grabbed Crow by the throat. "You fucking rat." He cursed as energy began to swell around Crow, Azrael's scythe quickly closing in on Crow's neck.

"Toodles" Crow flipped Rampage off before he suddenly disappeared from Rampage's grasp.

Rampage simply stood there, his arm falling back to his side as Azrael spun his scythe around and let it rest upon his shoulder. "They're gone." He stated while sitting down on a piece of ruble next to Rampage.

"Teleportation" Jack informed before walking up beside Rampage, the mechanical raven on his shoulder. "Most likely the work of a machine rather than one of their members."

Zaraph walked up to the three, dragging Ian and Lone Star behind him. "The blind one's still alive...don't know about the other."

"Just lay em down right there." Jack ordered. "Got someone already on the way." Right as Jack finished speaking, Scout, Rika and Rook teleported beside him. "Check and see if Lone Star's still alive please." Jack asked Rika. Giving a nod as she walked past him, Rika kneeled beside Lone Star and placed her hand over his chest.

Without a word, Rika simply looked back at Jack and nodded her grimly from head side to side. She then stood up, walked over to Ian and kneeled beside him. After placing her hand over his chest, her green energy began to flow down into him. "He'll live."

"Was that Muerte I saw cowering behind Crow earlier?" Rampage asked aloud.

"Along with Rez." Zaraph confirmed.

After a moment of Scout and Zaraph conversing, Rook suddenly stumbled past Jack, his exosuit receding from around his face. "What's going on?" Scout asked while Rook leaned over and began to hurl out his lunch.

Everybody then looked to where Rook once stood, and everybody fell silent, the mood suddenly turning grim. On the ground beside a piece of ruble was a mangled body with an unrecognizable, mutilated severed head lying beside it. The sheer amount of blood still pouring from the body a sign of their recent demise.

"Oh god!" Rika forced herself to look away and focus on healing Ian.

Before Azrael could even turn to look, Scout teleported behind him and covered his eyes with his hand. "You don't need to see all that Az."

"Is it bad?" Azrael questioned after listening to Rook lose his lunch.


"Are you FUCKING insane!" Crow yelled while holding Rez up in the air by her throat. The entirety of the facility staff was now watching as Crow screamed his heart out about how idiotic Rez was. "Do you even understand that there are consequences to your fucking actions."

"What...consequences." Rez choked out. "After this, all the leading powers of the world won't even dare to...FUCK...with us anymore."

Tossing Rez to the ground, Crow placed his only remaining sword on his waist. "What the hell do you think we are?" He groaned from the pain that lingered in his back. "You think we're still old Mariquel? Sternum's Mariquel? Cause were fucking not ALRIGHT!"

"I want there to be a goddamn world left when were finished with this war!" Crow motioned to everyone in the room. "I really thought Infinium causing the death of another Apocalyptic Returning member was stupid. But here comes a fucking retard, destroying half of L.A and killing millions."

"What the hell does L.A have to do with Apocalyptic Returning!?" Rez yelled while floating off the floor back to her feet.

'Oh my god...you are a retard." Crow sighed while on the verge of a mental break. He then took a deep breath in order to calm down before continuing, already mentally scolding himself for his outburst. "Cause most of their members are fucking American. Jack Monroe is a former U.S. hero for crying out loud."

"So, when you destroy one of their only remaining major cities and kill millions of their people. Its bound to piss them off." Turning back to face Rez, Crow walked until he was right in her face. "Do you understand what a pissed of Apocalyptic Returning can do.

Crow motioned for Rez to look over at Muerte. "Exhibit A: the one who lost his entire empire in the span of two hours. All because he killed the Apocalyptic Returning's own Devil of Justice. Every single capable exosuit user under his reign was slain and his capital city was destroyed."

"Exhibit B." Crow motioned to everything around him. "Mariquel itself. In the beginning Sternum and Boss came to an agreement to stay out of each other's business. But then some stupid apprentice of mine decides to try and kill one of them. And what do they do in turn, he and his demon's destroyed all we had, even killing Sternum along the way."

"Not fucking with Apocalyptic Returning is a lesson I thought we all had learned at some point or another. But clearly I was-"

"My oh my." A female voice called out from behind Crow. "Is that the sound of cute little crow losing his shit again."

Crow turned his head around only to see Fade and Savage standing by another two exosuit users. The first was a woman with red energy flowing through her silver exosuit and a sword of fire in her right hand. The second was a man with pink energy running through his black exosuit.

"What are you doing here Lucifer?" Crow questioned.

"It sounds like you have a problem with a certain group of overly powered psychopaths. A group we all now would lay waste to what little forces you have at the moment if an all-out war were to commence." Lucifer strolled right up to Crow, leaned forward and tilted her head to look up at him.

"I'm willing to provide a helping hand with that problem." Lucifer proposed.

"I understand but do you really think you'll be able to kill any of them?" Crow questioned.

"No, no, no. I won't be killing any of them, just beating them up a little. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than capable of killing any one of their members. It's just surviving after the fact I'm not so confident about." Lucifer informed while grabbing Crow's hand and shaking it energetically.

"I mean sure, Muerte over there is still alive, but we all know that's just because he's a really good at hide and seek." Lucifer phased back as Atroz lunged forward, hand outstretched for her throat. "Can you really deny it? After years of hiding, the first fight you get into and you're already struggling against a couple of exosuit user's that really don't even compare to any Apocalyptic Returning member."

"That's fucking embarrassing." Lucifer said, her energetic playful tone suddenly getting serious. "Then when some of their members do show up, what are you doing? You're hiding behind daddy Crow hoping he'll survive against those two long enough for you to run away with your tail between your legs."

"And you... you oh you." Lucifer chuckled, turning her attention to Rez. "Can you get anymore depraved." *pathetic* She added in a cough.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Rez outstretched her right arm at Lucifer and multiple swords of energy formed in the air behind her.

But before Rez got the chance to use the swords, Lucifer phased into her and grabbed her by the face before slamming her into the ground. "Do you not do research on other exosuit user?" Lucifer asked as her exosuit receded from around her head, revealing her beautiful face, long red hair and glowing red eyes.

"Or are just so fucking ignorant that you think your high level of energy manipulation will cover your lack of information on your opponents." Before she stood up, Lucifer patted Rez on the cheek. "Crow and Muerte over there are the only competent motherfuckers here." She said while walking away towards the facilities cafeteria. "So, unless you all want to die, I suggest stepping you game up."

Once Lucifer was gone, Crow let out a sigh of relief and turned to face his subordinates. "Thought you were in retirement Shen." He said to the exosuit user with pink energy flowing through their black exosuit.

"I was." Shen informed in an annoyed tone. "But then this bastard drags me out of my home preaching about how it was my duty as a founding member of Mariquel return when I was needed most. Or some shit like that."

"That is a complete lie, except for the part about dragging him out of his home." Fade smirked to everyone's knowledge even though none of them could see his face. "I absolutely did that. Bastard would have ignored me till the end of the war if I didn't."

"Ok" Crow said, dismissing both of them. "I really don't care, just follow me so I can get you briefed on our current situation."

Drake waited patiently for the VTOL to land before standing up out of his seat. He then walked over to the unconscious Lina and picked her up, maneuvering her onto his back to carry her. Walking over to the VTOL ramp, he waited patiently for it to open as Jack, Rampage, Azrael and Zaraph all walked up behind him.

"How's she doing?" Zaraph asked while the ramp began to lower.

"Her injuries aren't too bad." Drake informed Zaraph before turning his head and nodding at Jack. Upon the ramp fully lowering, it was revealed that Hellman, Jay, Arazia, Reaper and Krejit were waiting for them.

"The fuck are they doing here?" Krejit spat as Jack and Rampage followed down the ramp after Azrael and Zaraph.

As Drake walked past Hellman to get Lina to the medical bay, Jack and Rampage made their way to Jay. "I believe there's something we need to discuss." Jack stated.

"What the hell do you think you-" Krejit tried to move between Jay and Jack but stopped when Azrael's scythe was pressed up against his neck.

"Back up." Azrael ordered without even looking at Krejit.

"Whose side are you even on?" Krejit questioned while backing away.

Azrael simply ignored him while placing his scythe on his back and followed behind Jay, Jack, Hellman and Rampage.

"Damn kids." Krejit let out before Zaraph placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't you think you're biting off a little more than you can chew?" Zaraph walked past him to follow Jay.

Crow conversed with Shen while the two made their way down the busy hallway. Facility staff rushing around them before a set of automatic doors opened, revealing the room where another mech stood. And under where that mech stood was the teleporter that was used for their earlier escape.

The only problem with the scene before them was that Scout was sitting with his feet resting on the control panel. "Took you long enough." He stated as Shen dashed forward, his hand forming into an axe. But before he could reach Scout, Scout teleported past him and behind Crow.

"I'm sure you know why I'm here?" Scout asked, his back facing Crow's. After that, he teleported back to the teleported and stood in the middle of its metallic platform. "The big man ain't happy right now." Before Scout could continue, Nyx, Fade and another exosuit user burst into the room.

"If any of you move, I'll teleport everyone here right now to fucking kill all of you!" Scout yelled, causing all of them to stop in their tracks. "That's better now where was I, ah yes." He took a deep breath before continuing. "You fucked up, big time. And Boss is already not in the best of moods."

"But that doesn't mean he still isn't willing to come to come to some sort of arrangement with you. You see, none of us really want to have an all-out war right now. And we all know how that went last time." Scout said with a condescending tone. "So, for our neutrality, Boss only wants one thing."

"Let me guess, Muerte and Rez?" Crow figured.

"And everyone else that participated in association with them." Scout added.

Nyx let out a cough before speaking. "Does that um...include Gravedigger?"

"Mmmmm, he'll be dealt with later." Scout teleported up onto the knee of the mech. "So, what do you say? You give us Muerte, Rez and friends, and we don't have a repeat of the last World War Three. Specifically, the past where we kicked you ass and you had to go into hiding for fifty years."

"I think I'd like to take our chances in all-out war." Crow answered to no surprise of Scout.

"That's cool, I preferred that option anyways." Scout teleported down to the teleported platform and waved at Nyx. "Nice seeing you again Nyx. Anything you want me to relay to Ram Ram?"

"No thanks." Nyx waved back. "I'll talk to him later."

"Whelp, by everybody." Scout said before teleporting away, leaving everybody but Crow and Nyx in utter confusion.

The exosuit user that stood behind Nyx spoke up. "Did he really expect us to answer any differently." Their exosuit was silver with yellow energy running through it.

"Raptor?" Shen walked past Crow right up to the exosuit user. "Please just shut up." He demanded before walking past him right out of the room.

"What did I even do?" Raptor asked aloud.

"Don't mind him." Fade said." He's still a little cranky since I pulled him out of retirement."

"Crow!" Malachi's voice urged from behind, causing Crow to turn around and see him standing in the doorway. "Might you have some time to spare, there is a certain matter I wish to discuss with you?"

"Still up and kicking huh." Shen walked past Malachi before stopping in the hallway and looking back at him. He simply stood there and stared at Malachi's back for a moment before turning around and walking down the hallway.

"What do you need?" Crow asked without turning around to face Malachi.

"A quick talk is all." Malachi responded while quickly glancing at everybody in the room. "Preferably, somewhere private."

"Of course." Crow spun around and made his way past Malachi into the hallway. "By the way." He said while still walking. "I heard you got a new member, what was his name? Bimo, Velo, Nemo, ah, I don't remember."

"Nero" Malachi answered now following behind Crow.

"I've heard he's quite the specimen." Crow stated while stopping in front of a closed door. "He almost killed Savage y'know."

"He has an exponential amount of untapped potential." Malachi followed Crow into the room after the doors automatically opened for them. "I wish to help train him to control that power."

Crow walked to the back of the room where there was a large window on the wall that looked over Mariquel's headquarters. "What did you want to discuss?" He got straight to the point. "Is this about L.A."

"You do not need me to chastise you to discern what must be done with Muerte and Rez." Malachi stated. "No, what I want to discuss is the potential recruitment of a new ally. There is a powerful exosuit user out there I believe would benefit you greatly."

"There aren't many out there who aren't a part of either Mariquel, Infinium, Apocalyptic Returning, Exocore or Renegade." Crow said. "And I'm sure you're not talking about Blackout, Gravedigger or Paragon."

"That would be correct. It is nobody of that sort. No, I am talking of one who has been lurking in the shadows, unwilling to let their peaceful life be disturbed by our ways of life." Malachi."

"What do you need?" Crow sighed while turning away from the window to face Malachi.

"Shen possesses the ability of transmutation, correct?" Malachi received a nod from Crow allowing for him to continue. "Then I only need Shen and another who is adept in dealing with the infected."

"What?" Crow let out.

"Yes, I forgot to mention this potential recruit is someone who dwells in the deep radiation forest of Zone Zero." Malachi informed. "The only place where it is still possible to find those infected by XK-0."

"I don't want anything to do with that shit. I don't want any of my people near that shit." Crow stepped past the desk in the middle of the room and walked straight up into Malachi's face. "You saw firsthand, just as I did, what that damn plague was capable to doing to men like us."

"That is why I asked for Shen, who is known for being unkillable thanks to his ability and high level of regeneration." Malachi responded calmly. "I am already taking two of my own and would appreciate assistance in making sure they all make it back alive."

Backing away from Malachi, Crow thought for a moment before responding. "You can take Shen...fuck it, take Magna along as well. She needs the experience."

"Who is she?" Malachi questioned after stopping in the open doorway.

"An ex-exocore member I was able to recruit a little while ago." Crow answered. "She's strong, just doesn't know how to fully utilize her abilities yet. Take care of her."

"As long as me and Shen are there, everything will be okay." Malachi walked out into the hallway, the door closing behind him. "Hmm. The last war must have done a good number on him. He seems a little softer than before. A good thing for sure." He said while making his way down the hallway. "For me at least."

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