Unexpected Love Story ✔ [Taek...

By Acataelepsy

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Top Tae | Bottom Kook Kim Taehyung is the charming basketball captain of Kirin boys high with the record for... More

[Part I- Summer Camp] 1. Trouble
2. Handsome
3. Cute
4. Pissed
5. Not a girl
6. Teddy Bear
7. Flirt with me
8. Without Me
9. Forget Me
10. Someone like you
11. Cookies
12. I'm out!
13. Why?
14. Tears
15. It's gonna hurt
16. Control
17. Snake
18. Consequences of catching a fluffy Bunny
19. Realisation
20. Last moments [End of Part I]
[Part II- Love Sick ] 21. Stalking Jungkookie
22. Wit and Wisdom
23. Meeting again
24. Chocolate Box
25. Jeon Mansion
26. Checking went wrong
27. Best Friend
28. My legs aren't broken!
29. Kisses heal
30. Naive
31. Surprise
32. That wasn't enough!
33. What is in your room?
34. Don't love anyone more
35. Everything's Over
36. Hope
38. Stamina
39. Naughty
40. I can't breathe
41. Video games
42. Lamb Skewers
Epilogue - Never gonna be bored

37. Future Boss

945 72 14
By Acataelepsy

Jungkook's POV

"Congrats Jungkook shi, your hand is all fine now," Dr Park smiles at me while gently rubbing my arm. But I can't make myself smile, looking at the dry skin of my swollen arm. I thought to give Tae hyung a surprise today. That's why I didn't tell him yesterday, I'm getting rid of the cast before I go to Kirin for admission. But now I don't think he'll be so happy seeing my arm. It actually looked better inside the cast.

"It's okay, the swelling will go away in a few days. Don't look so sad," Dr Park says, patting my face and smiling even broadly, trying to cheer me up.

"Hmm...okay," I look up and give him a smile.

"Ah..your son's so cute, Jihyuna," Dr Park says turning to my Dad who was staring at my arm with a frown. Dr Park is his best friend from high school.

"Do you have any ointment or cream to reduce the dryness quickly?" Dad asks him.

"Yeah, I'll prescribe an ointment," he says and looks back at me. Then he gives me advice on washing my hands properly, using moisturizer liberally and massaging every day. He simply smiles at me as I listen to him carefully and nod my head.

In ten minutes, we exit the hospital and Dad drives the car in the direction of Kirin High School.

"Oh! Welcome Mr Jeon!" Mr Kim, the principal says, smiling broadly at Dad as we enter his office. "Mr Jeon, we are so glad to admit your son here," he tells Dad as we take our seat in front of him. Then he averts his gaze to me. "You must be Jeon Jungkook?"

"Yes," I nod to him.

He smiles and fishes out a form from a file. "You may fill this out, Jungkook." I nod to him and fill out the application while Mr Kim talks to Dad. After I finish filling it, Dad signs it and gives it back to Mr Kim.

Mr Kim places the form back in the file and clears his throat, looking at Dad. "Now Mr Jeon, shall we talk about the fees and donation?"

"Sure," Dad nods.

"Jungkook, would you like to go and look around the school while I talk with your Dad?" Mr Kim asks me.

"Oh, okay!" I immediately nod to him and get up from the chair. Then I walk out of the office, looking for the basketball court, excited to meet Tae hyung. I didn't think I'd be able to see him in school today.

After walking for almost five minutes, I finally find the basketball court. Kirin's basketball team is practicing there wearing their blue jerseys and I quickly hurry down the bleachers.

I soon notice Tae hyung at the three-point line near their young coach, effortlessly throwing balls into the hoop one after another. I can't help but smile wide, staring at him. I still can't believe I'll be able to see him playing basketball every day from now on.

It's Park Jimin who notices me first and points me to Tae hyung after his turn to throw the balls into the hoop ends. Taehyungie hyung's lips instantly bunch into a wide box smile on seeing me. He comes running towards me with Jimin behind him.

"Jungkookie! You got rid of the cast! You didn't tell me!" He says immediately grabbing my hand.

"I thought to give you a surprise. But my hand looks ugly," I say as he gently caresses the dry skin of my arm.

"No, don't say that!" He scolds me. "I'm so glad your hand can finally breathe," he looks up at my face and smiles again broadly.

"You wanna already let everyone know he is your boyfriend, Tae?" Jimin asks from behind him. I quickly withdraw my hands, noticing some of their teammates looking at me.

"Oh, c'mon Jimina.." he sighs turning to Jimin for a second before once again grabbing my hand.

"I'm serious. I bet some of our mates already think he's your boyfriend," Jimin says and grabs my other hand, causing Tae hyung to frown at him. "Gosh! Taehyung-ah, I'm doing this to avoid suspicion!"

"So, are you suggesting we shall let them think he's our mutual friend?" Tae hyung asks.

"Yeah, that's the truth. He is both of our friend. Aren't you, Jungkook shi?" Jimin asks me, swinging my left hand.

"What? You don't even know him properly! He is only my friend. Let go of my Jungkookie's hands."

"Ah..I was just trying to help you. If you guys don't want my help, then okay," Jimin sighs and leaves my hand.

"Tae hyung! We need his help. Don't be like that!" I say and look at Jimin, stretching my hand again. Jimin looks at Tae hyung and raises an eyebrow.

"I was just kidding. Okay, he is our friend," Tae hyung says.

Jimin chuckles and grabs my hand again. "Jungkook shi! I heard you're joining our school. Welcome to Kirin!"

"Thanks, Jimin shi," I smile.

"What? Jimin shi?? I'm older than Tae. So, call me Jiminie hyung."

"No Jungkookie, just call him Jimin shi," Tae hyung tells me, making Jimin playfully push him away.

"Park Jimin!" The coach calls from the three-point line. "It's your turn next."

"Oh..okay," Jimin nods and leaves my hand. "Ah..why does he keep calling me Park Jimin?" He mumbles to Tae hyung and rolls his eyes before running back to the coach.

"Your new coach is so young and handsome," I tell Tae hyung whilst forcefully withdrawing my right hand.

"He isn't our coach. He is our ex-basketball captain and now a university student, actually my hyung's close friend. Today coach couldn't come, so he asked Yoongi hyung to coach us. I and Jimin both know him very well. But he calls me Taehyungie in front of everyone and just calls him Park Jimin. Jiminie hates that. He is so jealous," Tae hyung grins. I look at the ex-captain guy and he is staring at Jimin with a serious expression on his face as Jimin proceeds to throw the ball.

"Taehyungie, what are you doing there? Go practice dribbling!" The guy calls out just as Jimin throws the ball. 

"See.." Tae hyung chuckles.

"Ah..Park Jimin! What are you doing?" I hear Yoongi guy scold Jimin the next second. Jimin's ball failed to go through the basket.

"It's your fault! You shouted at Tae when I was about to throw the ball. I lost concentration," Jimin protests.

"Park Jimin! Don't blame me now! People will shout and whistle when a game is happening. What will you do then?" The guy asks. Jimin sighs and grabs another ball.

"Let me go, Jungkookie. Otherwise, Yoongi hyung will be scolding me next," Tae hyung tells me in a whisper.

"Hmm..okay, I'm also going soon. I'll call you later," I say. He nods to me and quickly hurries towards the other side of the court to practice dribbles.

I stand there and amusedly watch Tae hyung doing dribbling drills along with a few other guys. He is expertly bouncing the ball between his hands and legs whilst occasionally glancing at me and smiling. Watching Tae hyung, I too feel like playing basketball. But if the coach is someone like this Yoongi guy, I don't even want to join the team. He keeps on scolding poor Jimin, making him continuously throw the ball into the hoop. All the other guys and waiting on the side not knowing when Jimin's turn will be over.

After some time, I walk out of the court after waving bye to Tae hyung. Then I quickly walk towards the office. Dad is still inside the office talking to Mr Kim when I reach back. I wait for a few minutes outside and he finally comes out.

"Oh, you were here?" Dad asks me. "Did you see around the school?

"Yeah," I nod. "I liked the school very much."

"I see," he hums. "Okay then let's go?" I nod to him and we walk towards the parking together.

"How much was the donation?" I ask him as we hop into the car.

"It wasn't much," he replies whilst buckling his seat belt. I don't ask any further.

"Jungkook-ah, you wanna come to the company with me today?" He asks after he drives the car onto the highway.

"Oh! What would I do there?" I ask.

"There are works that you can do there. You are creative. You might be of some use to the marketing department. Or you can learn something from them."

"Oh, okay. I'll go with you then," I nod. "Uhm..will Uncle be visiting our company today?"

"No, he has more than enough work at his place. We don't often visit each other's company. Why? Are you nervous to meet him after what happened yesterday?"

"Hmm...yeah," I nod.

"He isn't mad at you. Don't worry. Anyway, it wasn't completely your fault. His son started it. And Yejun didn't get dismissed. He solved it. But he said he isn't supporting Yejun with something like this again. And I'm also not supporting you if you get involved in any such matters in this new school."

"I won't," I shake my head.

"If so, good for you," he mumbles.

In fifteen minutes, we reach the company and we take the elevator to the 6th floor where the marketing department is located.

Everyone greets Dad with great respect as we walk out of the elevator. All the staff at the marketing department are surprised at his sudden visit and get somewhat nervous and fidgety. Dad then introduces me to the CMO, Mr Han. Soon he leaves for his office on the 8th floor, leaving me with the marketing group.

Mr Han takes me to the Design team and leaves me with the creative group comprising six members who warmly welcome me. I take a seat between the team's graphic designer Miss Go and Digital illustrator Mr Choi, watching their work. Miss Go was developing a rough layout of production design for an upcoming product, a hand blender while Mr Choi was creating a 2D drawing to be used in the packaging of the company's new product, an Airfryer.

"Do you have any suggestions, Jungkook shi?" Miss Go asks me after she finishes her design. I lean forward and look at the image of the hand blender on the screen which is almost fully round from top to bottom.

"Uhm..shall we make it a little more curvy towards the top? I think then it'd look more attractive and also a bit more comfortable to hold. Also, the buttons might look more beautiful if we make it a little rounder at the edges than fully rectangular," I say timidly, not wanting to offend her.

"Oh, yeah, that's right. Jungkook shi, can you please draw a rough sketch of the design in your mind?" She asks handing me a pen and paper. I nod to her and start sketching the design in my mind. In five minutes, I finish the design and pass it over to her.

"Oh wow! This looks good! So much better than mine!" Miss Go says, smiling at me before showing my design to the art director, Mr Kang who was sitting on the opposite desk.

Mr Kang stares at my design for a few seconds and then averts his gaze towards me. "Our boss got a very creative son indeed!" He says making me feel so proud of myself.

"How old are you? And what grade are you in?" Mr Kang then asks me.

"11th grade this year. And I'm turning 17 soon," I reply.

"Oh, that means six more years before you graduate from college. What a coincidence! Mr Han also will retire in six years," he grins looking at me.

"Wow! Are you gonna be our next boss, Jungkook shi?" Miss Kim, the project manager teases me, turning around on her chair.

"Uh..no, I won't be," I laugh at her awkwardly whilst waving my hand, causing all the six to laugh at me. 

"Oh..I can already imagine him as the next CMO," Miss Go says, smiling wide. "In crisp black suit. So handsome! All the girls drooling over him."

I feel blood rush to my face at her comment. No way, I'd be the next CMO and their boss and wear a suit like Dad. I can't imagine that!

"Oh stop teasing him, you ladies. He is only a baby now," Mr Choi says and nudges my arm. "Jungkook shi, here, look at the package design I created."

"Oh..okay," I nod and turn to look at his screen.

I give Mr Choi a few suggestions and by then it's time for lunch. I've lunch with the team and then again I sit back on my chair, watching the team work. After almost an hour while I'm helping Miss Go with the final image of the blender, my phone vibrates in my pocket and I fish it out to see Tae hyung on caller ID.

"Excuse me, I need to take this call," I tell Miss Go.

"Oh, sure. Go on," she smiles at me. I nod to her and walk out of the cabin.

"Jungkookie! Are you coming home today?" Tae hyung squeals excitedly as soon as I answer the call and place it near my ear.

"No, I can't come today, hyung. I came with Dad to our company. Guess I can only leave with him late."

"Oh! You are at the company? What are you doing there?"

"Just watching the design team's work and giving some suggestions."

"Oh bunny, are you already bossing over your Dad's employees?"

"No.." I laugh.

"Will you come home tomorrow?"

"Uhm..let me see."

"If you don't come to me, I'm coming to see you no matter where you are. Shall I come there now?"

"Oh no! Don't!" I squeal.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow. Okay, carry on with your work. And text me when you reach home."

"Okay, bye, love you," I say and Tae hyung doesn't say anything for a few seconds as if really surprised.

"I love you so much bunny. Can't wait to see you." He finally says in a deep whisper.

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