Project 120888: Azur Lane Shi...

By Annotation3567a

5.1K 135 81

(Note: This will be another one of those "Shipboy" stories combined with "Fictional Ships" type things) For t... More

Bio and A/N
Chapter 0 and Chapter 1: Prolouge
Chapter 2 and 3: The Royal Navy
Chapter 4: Bonding Time(Hood X MC)
Chapter 5: Happy time
Chapter 6: More Meetings and Stuff
Chapter 7: Competition for Love
Chapter 8: An Inspection Before the Storm
Chapter 9: A Royal Welcome
Chapter 10: The Proposal and Battle. (Fixed)
Special 2k Chapter: The Royal Maid Day
Chapter 11: The Great Duel (H̶u̶m̶i̶l̶i̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶)
Chapter 13: Aftermath and the Royal Sisters PT2
Chapter 14: Repairs and Extras
Change Log #1
Chapter 15: Eagles and Royals PT1
Chapter 16: Royal's and Eagle's PT2

Chapter 12: Aftermath and The Royal Sisters PT1

158 5 1
By Annotation3567a

I decided to make Chapters 12-17 "Character Development" chapters. What do I mean?

Well. It means every single chapter from 12 to 17 will be entirely focused on Character development. It will give us a view on how the Love of one Character develops for one specific character. That being Warszawa. Why you may ask that I'll do this?

Well. Since Warszawa's ship is under repairs. That will obviously take a while. I decided that this will be a good thing to skip time basically. And of course it gives the Reader(You) more knowledge and understanding on how. For example.

"Why/How are the Royal Sisters(The Queen Elizabeth-Class). Fell in love with Warszawa"

Well these chapters will tyr and explain that. While(Hopefully) Entertain the Reader in the process. So. Let's get on to it. Also I tried a new riding style. Wouldn't make a huge difference but it's new

Valiant's POV

Valiant: Hooo~. I finally became the 'rightful' leader of the Royal Navy. At last!

She said as she snickered and looked on at her sister's with a smirk. She always had dreamed of taking the crown from Queen Elizabeth. And now she did. How?

Well the Queen made the "Regretable" decision of betting [REDACTED] against Valiant. And she lose.

And to put insult to injury. Valiant ordered the crown be her's for a day.

Well shi-

(A/N: I have no idea what the bets about. I'm basing this off of Valiant's "Queen Valiant I" skin. And theirs little to no mention of what the bets about. So. Yeah)

And Valiant now. Can't help but celebrate internally for this victory. Infact. She even wore a different dress then usual. And well. If Warszawa saw her.

The only thing he would probably say is. Cute.

(A/N: BTW. The outfit QE is wearing in the pic is the outfit that she will wear for the duration of the chapter)

Speaking of Warszawa.

The Polish Battleship was battered but in no danger of sinking after its engagement with the Ironblood Flagship and her Little U-boat Knight. I mean. Warszawa IS designed for this type of engagement. This is what Warszawa was built for.

Despite taking multiple hits from the enemies 380mm guns and 2 Torpedo tubes. Warszawa was in no immediate danger of sinking. However. He does needs months of repairs due to the damaged done to his superstructure and his hull due to the shells and torpedoes.

Warszawa's had been basically damaged on both sides. With shell holes on the Starboard sides and 2 underwater holes on the Port side. With water coming in on both sides. Of which the Port had greater damage. A 15 degree list to that side showed pretty solid evidence to NOT underestimate a U-boat.

But what about the Kansen himself?. Well Warszawa was delightful. Humming to himself while sitting on the sick bay of his ship. He meant what he said to Bismarck early. He just wanted to enjoy himself y'know?

I mean Warszawa is a pretty chill and positive individual so it's no suprise.

Meanwhile Błyskawica finally came back to Warszawa after finding a medkit.

Błyskawica: Here. Warszawa let me treat your wounds.

Warszawa: Aight.

Warszawa had wounds from the fight. That's why Błyskawica wanted to treat him with medication as soon as after the Battle had ended. So it's no wonder that after that talk with the Rear Admiral. Błyskawica basically dragged Warszawa to his sick bay to treat his wounds.

Two of which was starting to bleed right in front of her eyes.

Błyskawica: Oh dear no!. This is bad..

She said. Panicking for a second before calming herself down. Picking up an alcohol bottle then pouring little bits of it on a piece of cotton then softly pressing against the wounds that was bleeding. Both of which were on his face so it wasn't too far. Warszawa started to hiss in pain because of it. We all know the pain in the ass that is putting alcohol on your wounds. Let me tell you. It's not a pleasant experience AT ALL.

Błyskawica: I'm sorry Warszawa. But it's for your own good.

Warszawa: Jeez. I never thought it would be this painful.

Błyskawica: I mean. How do you feel?

Warszawa: Pained a little but overall. I feel great!

This caught Błyskawica's interest. Feeling pain then feeling great at a short period of time? She thought before asking

Błyskawica: What do you mean by great?

Warszawa: Think about it. Your fighting and won against Lady Bismarck.

Błyskawica: So? And why are you calling her "Lady Bismarck?"

Warszawa: One. It's because I'm respectful. And two. It's BISMARCK for goods sakes. Winning against her in a battle is such an honor.

Błyskawica: Well... Yeah. But not as much as beating FDG.

Warszawa: Well... Yeah. It's a bigger honor to sink FDG then Bismarck IF you can sink her but still. It's an honor.

Błyskawica: Yeah. Said by the one who started and ended the battle by literally Flirting the enemy..

Warszawa: Why?. Are you jealous

Warszawa said as he chuckled and looked away. Missing the cute and blushing face of Błyskawica

Błyskawica: Baka...

She said bluntly. Blushing as she continued to treat Warszawa's wound. It's gonna be a long day before they get back home. Especially with Warszawa having to go at reduce speed. But still. Atleast he gets to enjoy the nice Afternoon light while sailing along.

3 Hours Later

Burza and Grom were enjoying their day. Sitting on a bench watching the seas to pass the time.

Kind of. They were actually waiting for the fleet to come back and also waiting for the sun to set. Waiting for their beloved flagship and his trusted ally to come back. Maybe with new friends to play? Who knows. Their multiple scenarios.

While they were thinking about said scenarios. They were interrupted by...

Valiant: Hey! You two over their!

They turned their heads to the voice. Only to see Valiant with Queen Elizabeth having her arms chained? And Warspite tied up and being carried by manjuu's? Wha...?

Wait. Valiant has Her Majesties(Queen Elizabeth) crown. Since when did she became Queen? Should we call her "Queen Valiant" or "Her Majesty"?

But then again. Warszawa did say to call the Royal Sisters by "Her Majesty". Which includes Valiant so....

Grom: Umm... How can we help you Your Majesty

Valiant couldn't help but smile and chuckle. Even if Warszawa told them to call the QE's "Her Majesty" she still enjoyed every single bit of it. Especially now that she's Quote-Unquote "Queen". Queen Elizabeth seeths in anger and Warspite sighed in disappointment but she did know that these destroyers were just following orders from Warszawa. As she did hear that Warszawa ordered the younger destroyers(Grom and Burza) to call the Royal Sister(the QE's) Her Majesty to be respectful.

Valiant: Hooo~ To be treated like a True queen. Anyways!. Have you seen where my valuable servant is? We've been finding for him for awhile.

At first Grom and Burza were confused about who this "Valuable Servant" is. But when they heard the word "Him" in the final part of the sentence. They immediately know who it was.

It was their flagship. But what would they say? Warszawa hasn't sent a telegraph to them ever since the departure.

Grom: Oh. Warszawa. Well... He-

That was. Until Burza's telegraph ringed. She then answered it to hear what it said. All the while getting the curious looks of Grom and the Royal Sisters.

Burza: Mhm-hmn... OHH! Warszawa did her good!... Okay-okay. See you soon! Bye!

Burza said happily as she put down the telegraph and looked at Grom before whispering some great news before Grom began to feel excited. But in a more passive way. Before she looked at Valiant and said. Saying the Good news and bad news

Grom: Well Your Majesty. Good news and bad news.

Valiant: Well. Go on then.

Grom: Well. The Good News is that Warszawa will be coming back shortly after the mission that it was supposed to complete was abandoned due to... Major inconveniences unfortunately.

This caught the Royal Sister's interest. It must have been a total slugfest if you managed to get a 54.000 ton battleship to back off. Which was only 2.000 tons lighter then the Biggest European battleship in existence. Which is FDG.

Could she have fought FDG?. Valiant thought and shuddered at the thought of that. It takes multiple ships to put down FDG. Let alone one ship.

Grom: If your wondering the reason. Warszawa fought Bismarck and won. Sort of.



That name alone struck fear into the hearts of multiple people.

That name alone became even more famous when Bismarck sank Hood in a...

Shall we say brutal way.

That name alone cause the Royal Navy to commit the bulk of its fleet to her destruction.

It's no wonder that Bismarck had the "Questionable" honor of being "The most Feared Ship in WW2". Along with her sister ship Tirpitz. The British would throw a Fit to sink or atleast disable these for long periods of time.

While this can be questionable. Given that. Well FDG exist. And the U-boats can do so much more compared to Bismarck. And of course in some places. She's not feared everywhere. In the Atlantic yes. But in the pacific. Well. Enterprise exist and the Yamato-class exist so she's not feared everywhere but still firmly feared in the Atlantic.

And having her=

Knocked out
Out of Commission for a long time

Is something the British would always do. Valiant would have to give Warszawa a gift later for his troubles.

Valiant: Oh? Well that's fantastic then! "My" Servant has serve us well indeed!

She chuckled. She didn't notice Queen Elizabeth glaring at her. Warszawa is HER Servant. NOT Valiant's. She thought firmly. She'll have to show Warszawa who he really belonged too.

Valiant: I'll have to award him later. But first you said there were bad news right?

Grom: Oh um. Well for the bad news... Warszawa not only took a serious beating from Bismarck. Having one of his Turrets knocked out. But he also got severe damage after he got ambushed and attacked by a U-boat. Presumably U-556..

(A/N: Pretty much their reaction. Pretend that Valiant is QE and QE is Warspite. I know it's slightly confusing but just go with it. Alright?. Credits to the Manga: Queen's Order's)

Valiant, Queen Elizabeth and Warspite:.... WHAAAT!?

They shouted. Loud enough to be heard from the Throne room of Queen Elizabeth's Mansion which is on the other side of the base. Many Kansens could probably hear or even get scared by it.

Poor Nelson even got soaked in her own tea because of it. While Rodney couldn't help but chuckle at her fuming and embarrassed sister

Meanwhile Grom and Burza didn't even flinch. They got so used to all of Queen Elizabeth's ranting and shouting in the throne room for whatever achievement she's trying to promote that they got used to it. Not that they're in the throne room. But periodically eavesdropping from time to time

So they already expected that response from them.

Valiant: A-ahem! Well then. Where is my Servant now?

Grom: Well. *Looks at the port entrance* Just in time.

She said looking at the port entrance. This caught their interest and when they looked at the general direction she was looking at. It was Warszawa ship. With Błyskawica leading the way for the Battleship. Everyone's attention turned to the Polish Battleship as it steamed along the waterways of Scapa Flow towards the Docks. Battle damage is very visible on the ship. They were holes in the hull. Their were damage to the superstructure. Heck even half of Warszawa's main rangefinder got torned off by a 15 shell hit. And the very obviously battle damage being the 15 degree list and the now destroyed C Turret.

Everyone was looking in awe of the Battleship. It just looks as badass as ever. Even with battle damage. It looks menacing. Valiant took a step forward and hold her hands on the railing. Periodically looking down upon the Little Destroyer's that were pilling up the lower railing. Watching the Battleship. After a good minute of looking. She smirked. Then looked at her sister's then said.

Valiant: As a charismatic leader like me. I shall be benevolent and give my Servant my thanks personally! Come on you two. Let's go meet him again!

She said pridely and joyfully as she lead the formation. The manjuu(Refer to the Pic above of Valiant's "Queen Valiant I" skin) lead QE as she still had shackles on her hands. Forcefully moved her forward and going. While the manjuu's that were carrying the still tied Warspite was also brought along for the trip. This is gonna be a long day for Warszawa. Full of suprises I'll tell you that much.

Words: 2173

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