A Dark Legacy (Percy Jackson...

By Jenny6445

49K 1.4K 6.5K

Yup. Me, Percy Jackson, a monster? Ha. Could never be me. ... Funny story, actually- A/N Hi!! Tanks for chec... More

The dam Author's Note
Zeus loses his brain cell in Tartarus
Villains should get better lines than 'join us.'
The hunters hunt me for no apparent reason
What the Hades just happened
Camp Half-Hell
The heart of a monster is something you wouldn't want to see
✨Son of da sea ✨
The storm is awakened. The storm wants a nap
'I heart New York City' shirts are dam expensive
Say hello to the sun and stars for me.
Return of the kronosome
The demon ladies come back
Stranger Danger
For once? Really?
I'd better earn an Oscar for this, Kronos...
The hunt tries to hunt me down (again)
I DIDN'T AGREE ON THIS, KRONOS! Also, you still owe me that Oscar.
This is making my head hurt. Thanks a lot, Kronos. -author
Another quest. Yippee.
Don't mind me, just filling in some plot holes...
Tartarsauce? Oh, that bi-
I almost kill the characters, but Kronos did it first!
Neeks, Death Breath, Emo boy-what am I doing? oh, just listing Nico's nicknames
Oh, COME ON! I am not in the mood to kill something, you know.
i tHiNk hE's ✨ pOsSeSsEd ✨
Oh, Luke, you have such a bad memory, don't you?
Took you long enough.
Yep, motherbleepers. I'm back.
Yeah, I'm sorry. Sorry that you're a bitch, that is.
The amount of ✨sass✨
Care about me? Pffffffft, yeah right.
Mercy rhymes with Percy 💀💀💀 how ironic
Kronos is stupid. Change my mind.
Let's hope he doesn't do anything stupid in his sleep...
Family, Luke. You promised.
Hades is literally the best husband and dad ever
It's a ✨seashell✨
Well, this was unexpected
Oh, I don't do threats. I do promises.
Too bad, cuz I don't give a fu-
Oh, I just yeeted him into the Sea of Chaos, nothing much
Ok then, list three reasons why I shouldn't have killed her.
At this point I'm just making random chapter names and calling it relevant
Nice of you to visit. Miss me?
wElL tHaT wAs lOw oF yOu
The dam acknowledgements

'Sup, my dude?

1.5K 39 81
By Jenny6445

"Grover!" I called out. "Hey, dude! I need to talk to you!" I noticed a juniper tree nearby and thought of Grover's girlfriend, Juniper.

"Hey, Juniper?" I knocked on her tree.

"Get away you monster—!" She screamed, but then froze when she saw me.

"Hey Juniper." I smiled a bit. "Is Grover nearby?"

"You'll never kill my satyr you—"

"Woah, woah. I just wanna talk, you know? Catch up with him?" I groaned at her blank face. "It's something about Percy Jackson." Her face fell immediately.

"Grover...he doesn't like to talk about Percy." She whispered. I put a hand on her shoulder, and she flinched.

"I know it's hard, but it's something that would determine the fate of Olympus." I bent down to her level. "I need to—"

"HEY! GET AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND YOU—Agnostos?! What are you doing here?" Grover scowled as he saw my hood.

"I need to talk to you about Percy. Percy Jackson." Wow, it felt weird to say my own name. But I should still get an Oscar for this because goddsdam, it's hard.

Grover's lively brown eyes dimmed. "I'm sorry, Agnostos, it's just that—"

"We need to go somewhere private." I looked around. "Uh, is there anything we could hide in or something?"

"Swear on the Styx that you're not ambushing Camp Half-Blood." Grover demanded.

"I swear on the Styx that I don't plan on attacking you or Juniper in any way." I rolled my eyes silently as thunder boomed, sealing the oath. Grover sighed in relief.

"Alright, we can hide in Juniper's tree." Juniper brightened and ushered us in the tiny trunk.

Surprisingly, it wasn't tiny. It was much bigger on the inside, like a cozy little cabin, complete with a small kitchen, dining table, and a bed covered with juniper leaves and berries. The door shut behind us, letting a soft glow from the bioluminescent mushrooms light up the room.

"So, what's this about Percy?" Grover asked. I took a deep breath. I wasn't ready to reveal everything—yet.

"Percy. He's not dead." Grover and Juniper both let out gasps and started spewing questions.

"We escaped Tartarus together with the help of a goddess. When we were captured by the Hunters, I told him to vapor-travel away while I took care of them. I ended up here, and I haven't seen him since." It was a relatively good lie, and it was based off of truth. 

"Do you know where he is?" Grover asked.

I shook my head. "Not a clue." He slumped back in defeated, letting out a frustrated bleat. "I knew he didn't die, but when I felt our empathy link block, I thought he was dead, and I-I—" He started chewing on the wooden table nervously.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Juniper asked. 

"I needed to make sure you hadn't betrayed Percy. The betrayal of the gods and his ex broke him so much, half of the time I wasn't even sure he was sane." I silently praised myself for not slipping up.

"Annabeth betrayed him?" Grover asked quietly. "She said that he murdered her dad, that liar!" I nodded furiously. She would pay. Annabeth would pay. All of them would pay. Black rage boiled up in my veins, but I forced it down, saving it for later.

"Well, I'd better get going." I stood up. "Nice talking to you, G-man." 

"No prob, Agnos." Grover paled when he heard G-man.

"Wait, what—?" I chuckled as I vapor-traveled outside, letting my one sea-green eye glimmer mischievously from under my hood.

Time skip sponsored by Kronos :D

Third Person POV-

Agnostos didn't sleep all night. He just sat by the beach, staying out of sight from harpies, thinking about how his life sucked. Oh well. He really has nothing to live for, but he just had to get involved with a prophecy.

A hiss sounded from behind him and he turned around, wondering what the Hel decided to interrupt him from his silent musings. 

"Hello, Agnostos." A familiar voice sounded from behind him.

"Long time no see, Prometheus." Agnostos growled back, not even turning around. Prometheus seemed surprised.

"Here to recruit me into Kronos' army?" He asked, a glint of amusement in his eye.

"Yes." He admitted. "But—"

"I'll do it." 

Prometheus' jaw dropped.

"What? Surprised?" Agnostos chuckled. "You're the titan of forethought. You didn't expect it?" The titan simply shook his head.

"Well—I, I simply thought that since you were spending time here that—"

"I would actually fall on the side of these morons? Please." Agnostos raised a brow. "You really don't think I'd do that again, would you?" Prometheus frowned.

"You have fought for the demigods before?" He queried. Agnostos let out a cold laugh.

"I have. But yet, they killed me in the end and sent me to Tartarus to rot." He spat. "And I have sworn vengeance ever since. In fact, I have a couple enemies I'd love to kill right now."

"Well, then how would you like to join us in Kronos' rising army? You can feast on your revenge after Kronos rules the earth with Mother Rhea, and the gods are defeated."

"You don't need to tell me twice." Agnostos smirked evilly. "Now, I must be going. Can't be suspicious, can I?" Prometheus nodded.

"Off you go, Agnostos. But you and Kronos have...a matter to discuss." He smiled cruelly and flicked his hand. They were instantly teleported to Tartarus. Memories swarmed Agnostos' mind, cold and poisonous. 

'Some things aren't meant to be controlled.' He remembered Annabeth's words when they were in here together.

No, Annabeth. The things that aren't meant to be controlled will slowly control you.

"You brought him?" A ragged voice filled the air and made Agnostos hair raise up. It was like nails across a chalkboard.

"Yes, my Lord." Prometheus bowed at the sarcophagus that probably contained the titan of Time's remains.

"I feel power...much, much more power." Kronos mused. "Tell me, who are you, Agnostos?"

"A humble being just seeking revenge among the demigods." Agnostos bowed.

"Hm...you have much bitterness coming from you. What did they ever do to you that made you like this?"

"Many, many things, Kronosome." Agnostos rose and smirked. "Aren't you going to greet your buddy?" The sarcophagus didn't answer.

"Who have you brought, Prometheusssss?" A dracaena hissed. "You know lord Kronos will punish you severely for a traitor. Remember that spawn of Nemesis?"

Prometheus nodded solemnly. Agnostos turned around and smiled coldly.

"Well, Kronos, I'm surprised you didn't recognize me for so long." He pulled back his hood, and the monsters in the room all gasped.

"'Sup, my dude?"

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