Stowaway: A Star Wars Rebels...

By MultiverseEnthusiast

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Attempting to retreat from a losing battle, the Ghost Crew unknowingly jumps into a wormhole and crash lands... More

OC Datapad
Brace for Impact
Unidentified Fragmented Object
Detachment In Distress
Quick Recon
Immoral Compass
Sum of Their Parts
Under Pressure
Escape Plan
A Galaxy Far Far Away
A Noble Cause
Searching for Answers
Seasoned Veterans
The Bro Code
Friends Old and New
Search and Rescue
The Fights Get Harder
Newfound Wisdom
Creatures of the Beyond
Conflicting Perspectives
Within Reach
Home Away from Home
Part Two Sneak Peek
Reeling and Recovering
Brothers Divided - Part 1
Brothers Divided - Part 2
A Date With Darkness
In Enemy Territory
Military Exercise
Bridging the Gaps
Close Encounter
A Sign of Things to Come
Breaking Barriers - Part 2
Winds of Change
The Bigger Picture
Fading Fast - Part 1
Fading Fast - Part 2
Race Against Time
Going Home
Far From Home
Author's Note

Breaking Barriers - Part 1

401 9 7
By MultiverseEnthusiast

(Credit to @AlMaNeGrA on DeviantArt)

Y/N's POV:

I waited patiently in the cargo hold of the Ghost for a guest to arrive. Kanan called me and this guest in for a special meeting, and it had to do with Sabine. As I pondered what specifically about Sabine this meeting would be about, I saw a figure approach me from the other end of the base: Fenn Rau - the sole survivor of the Protectors and a polarizing figure within Mandalorian society. The massacre of his Protectors and the ongoing manhunt for his head convinced him to join our cause. Even after seeing what his own people did after pledging loyalty to the Empire, his loyalty still lay with Mandalore, and being a part of the Rebellion was his best option for keeping himself alive and reinforcing his allegiances. He helped around the base but never joined us on missions, preferring to keep his identity hidden. Such as why it was always a surprise to see him. "Good to see you again, Rau," I greeted, both of us shaking hands. "Likewise, Y/N. I take it you're here for the meeting?" he replied. "I am, follow me," I said, climbing up the ladder and into the cockpit. Nobody was on the Ghost at the moment and there weren't any missions assigned for us, so it was just doing odd jobs and upkeep around the base. We walked through the cockpit doors and stopped outside Kanan and Hera's shared cabin. I knocked and waited for a response. "Come in," Kanan said.

I opened the door to see him meditating. "You wanted to speak with us?" Rau asked. "I have something to show you," Kanan answered, motioning for us to sit. I closed the door and the two of us sat across from him. The Jedi held out the lightsaber we collected from the cave on Dathomir. "A lightsaber?" Rau wondered, unfamiliar with the weapon. "Not just any lightsaber," Kanan said, igniting the blade and displaying its black color. I smirked at the irony that was the dark-colored saber lighting up an unlit space. "It can't be..." Rau uttered as his eyes widened upon seeing the blade. "So you recognize this," Kanan said. "That I do. It is the Darksaber, The symbol for the leader of House Vizsla, and later, the group known as Death Watch," Rau replied. Kanan retracted the blade and handed it over to the Mandalorian. "I didn't know Mandalorians developed a type of lightsaber," I commented. "They didn't. This was one of a kind," Rau responded, igniting the blade again. Then he proceeded to tell its story. "Legend tells that it was created a thousand years ago by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order. After his passing, the Jedi kept the saber in their temple. That was until members of House Vizsla snuck in and liberated it. They used the sword to unify the people and strike down those who would oppose them. At one time, they ruled all of Mandalore wielding this blade. This saber is an important symbol to that house and is respected by the other clans." I sat there in awe about the Darksaber's lengthy history, understanding that it had ties to Sabine's family - an old, deep wound I never bothered to examine further. No wonder she was so desperate to bury that weapon. "I imagine Sabine must have been excited to recover it," Rau said. I faintly smiled at that bit like he read my thoughts. "You wouldn't know it. After we got back from Dathomir she gave it to Kanan for safekeeping and hasn't brought it up since," I replied. "She doesn't want the responsibility," Rau stated. Kanan and I raised our eyebrows, not sure of what he meant. "Kanan, if Sabine can wield this saber, she can reunite one of the most powerful houses in all of Mandalore," he elaborated. "You're talking about raising an army," Kanan said. "With Sabine leading it," Rau added. Their culture was one of warriors, but I couldn't fathom her being thrust into leading an entire people. At least not yet. I think I know Sabine very well, but the more I hear about her past, the more confused I become. If I am to continue this relationship with no more unknowns, I have to understand where she came from and what all this means.

"Rau, may I speak freely here?" I spoke up. "We are all free men, are we not?" he joked. "Sabine has spoken very highly of you. I am sure that what you have to say is beneficial to your partnership with her." "I have some questions about Sabine and her heritage. She hates talking about her family, more so than anyone here. What is she hiding?" I asked. "I'm sure you have heard something, no?" Rau questioned. I do remember her telling the story of her getting left for dead after breaking out from the Imperial Academy on Mandalore, but what happened before? She never mentioned her family, not even to me. "Not a thing," I responded. Surprised by my answer, Rau took a minute to find another way to explain her situation. I never got involved with any of the Mandalorian missions our rebel cell went on during my time in this galaxy, so this was a completely new experience. There had to be bits and pieces that surfaced that I wasn't aware of previously. "Obviously the only way you'll get the answers you want is to get her to open up. But I must warn you - if she fears her family as much as we think, it might be more painful than you could comprehend," Rau said. "That doesn't exactly help. How we've managed to stay together this long without opening up so deeply is impressive. Even if she faces her family and I'm standing alongside her, I'd be out of place. I know nothing of the ways of the Mandalorians," I admitted. "Y/N, I believe you're overthinking this. Your relationship is already strong. And although we don't welcome outsiders with open arms, we don't exactly shun them either. You should be tolerated, that is, if you can do things our way," Rau explained. Meeting someone with stricter customs frightened me. I love Sabine to death, but it would ultimately mean nothing if I couldn't figure out how to make myself or our relationship look good. I frowned, accepting that there was no easy answer to this problem. "I think the best solution for all of us is for Sabine to wield the Darksaber. She has to fight her past, even if that means we have to push her out of her shell," Kanan proposed. "Agreed. Bring Sabine here as soon as you can," Rau suggested. "I'm going to call an emergency meeting between us and the rest of the crew. They deserve to know about this," I said, offering a slightly different solution. "I accept that," Rau replied. "So do I," Kanan said. I nodded and left the cabin, making my way to the command center to deliver the news.

"Hera," I called out. She looked up from a datapad. "Hi, Y/N, what do you need?" she asked. "We're having a meeting on the Ghost. Let the crew know to meet in the lounge. And yes, this is about the Darksaber," I explained. "Alright. We'll meet you there," Hera replied. "Thanks," I said before returning to the ship. I entered the lounge, rejoining Kanan and Rau. I sat down in my old thinking spot and thought back to my first few days when I was struggling with the new life I chose. It was in this spot that the crew helped me settle in. Of all those times, the freshest memory of them all was of my first talk with Sabine. Just as she helped me back then, I would be the one helping her now. Things change quick in this galaxy. Perhaps too quick for my liking. I don't know if I'm ready to walk this path. One by one, each member of the crew entered the lounge. Except for Sabine. We waited and waited. Still nothing. "Chop, go get her," Hera said. Chopper warbled and left the lounge. He returned as our person of interest walked through the doors. We faced her, awaiting her decision. "I won't do it," Sabine announced. "So you do know what the Darksaber is," Rau said. "I know that it caused nothing but trouble for my family after Maul took it," Sabine stated. "Maul used it to divide and conquer our people. You can wield it to do the opposite," Rau countered. "Wield it? You're crazy! Kanan, Y/N, tell him he's crazy!" Sabine responded, brushing off what she thought was Rau being delusional. "Consider what he has to say," Kanan said. "What?" The rest of the crew shouted in unison. I kept silent. She didn't know I helped start this discussion. But she knew I knew nothing of her people. Kanan and Rau were more qualified to speak on this.

"I don't think it's a coincidence this saber came into your possession," Kanan continued. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean she can fight with it. No offense," Ezra chimed in. I gave him a questioning look. You've fought alongside her longer than I have. How can you question her warrior skills now? "What I mean is, look, it's taken me a while to learn, and I use the Force." Point taken, I guess. "She might not be able to fight like a Jedi, but she can learn to be proficient with the blade," Kanan clarified. "I am proficient with many types of blades. And blasters, and explosives. But that is a lightsaber," Sabine said, concerned about stepping into the unknown and training with a completely new weapon. "The combat training is not as important as what that blade represents," Rau replied, trying to ease Sabine's feelings. "Right, right, you want me to lead my clan," she said sarcastically. "I don't know if you realize this, but I'm not that popular with my family these days." "That can change," Rau challenged. "No, it can't! You don't know what you're talking about!" Sabine yelled. "I know family is important to the Wrens, just as it is to all Mandalorians," Rau said calmly. "I have a family. Here, on this ship. I don't need them!" Sabine responded. She hated her past being touched like this, and that was fair. But someone completely unexpected spoke up immediately after.

"But we do," Hera stated. "If there's a chance you can rally an army of Mandalorians to our cause, I have to ask you to do it." "Hera?" Sabine questioned. "Family history can be painful. Believe me, I know. But we can use these warriors for our attack on Lothal," Hera reasoned while also keeping the objective in mind. She had dealt with her own troubles on Ryloth not too long ago, so she sympathized with Sabine the most. An alliance with the Mandalorians could also be a real threat to the Empire and cast off their influence more swiftly. "Hera's right. We're asking you to do this, but that doesn't mean you have to. You can walk away and forget about it," Kanan offered. Sabine looked visibly troubled, even more so with each word spoken. I could tell she had to face her past eventually. She sighed and stared at Kanan. "Alright, I'll do it. Just give me the saber." Sabine tried pulling away the Darksaber from the Jedi's hand, but his grip remained superior. "Listen. Once people know you have it you will be challenged. You need to be able to defend yourself," Kanan warned. "Okay, I'll try my best," Sabine pleaded. "First lesson: Don't try, just learn," Ezra wisecracked. This only fueled the flames burning in Sabine's heart as she tried yanking the blade away from Kanan. "Give me the sword. I'm gonna learn how to kick your-" "Sabine," Kanan said, urging her to calm down. The Mandalorian took a deep breath, stabilizing herself. "Okay," she said as Kanan gave her the saber. "Our training will begin soon. Meeting adjourned," Kanan announced. Everyone left the room, leaving me and Kanan alone.

"Y/N, I'm taking Sabine out in the wilderness to train, but you can't come with us yet. Sabine needs to be completely focused, and your presence may be a distraction," Kanan said. This completely blindsided me. Is he willingly separating me from my girlfriend? "What do you mean by that? Wouldn't she feel more relaxed with me by her side? Is that not logical?" I pressed. "It could also make her more stressed, possibly feeling the need to impress you. She's very expressive but also tough to crack, and that combination of emotions is dangerous. Making her more stressed could ultimately derail our efforts," Kanan explained. Thinking about this made me calm enough to see his side, even if I wasn't satisfied. Some things are out of my control anyway. "I don't necessarily agree with your plan, but I trust you to get her right. I'll join you after a couple days," I replied. "That's fine," Kanan said. That was pretty cold from Kanan. He basically shut me out from seeing my love. But I recognized the pain and suffering being held down within Sabine. I'd lived through it while we were in our rough patch, but this was something greater. Whatever happens, I know she will pull through. Kanan is a great mentor, and he had his methods, albeit however peculiar they may seem.

Two days later

I was helping Rau load up a supply crate to bring out to the training squad. "Power cells, food rations, and canteens. Is that everything?" I asked. "Yes it is. Now let's move," Rau said. I hopped in the driver's seat of the speeder and guided us into Atollon's wilderness. Apart from when we first got here, I hadn't been outside the perimeter sensors. For being a hot and dry planet the wildlife didn't seem to mind the harsh conditions. Many spiders and smaller bugs roamed around the desert with a few tree-shaped rocks scattered throughout the land. "Have you gotten any updates on Sabine's training?" Rau addressed me. "From what Hera told me, progress has been slow. Not much else," I said loudly. The sounds from the speeder's engines were making it hard to hear. "I also heard Kanan told you to stay back for a while. I too was skeptical of his decision," Rau recalled. "He wanted her to be focused at the start, but I think she needs a couple fresh minds to help her now," I replied, conveying Kanan's thought process to Rau. We eventually found the location of the training camp, which was set up in a small valley. I slowed down the speeder and parked it to see Sabine and Ezra sparring with...sticks? Wait. I thought she was training with the Darksaber. "We got your supplies," Rau announced to Kanan. Sabine attacked Ezra, constantly lunging at him. The Jedi remained on the defensive and waited for her to get cocky, which she did. Sabine leaped at Ezra, who easily dodged the attack. He held his stick out at her, winning the fight. "You overcommitted," Rau pointed out. "Oh good, anyone else have an opinion they'd like to share?" Sabine said, frustrated. "Let's take a break," Kanan recommended. "Ezra, Y/N, help unload the supplies." "What? I won! Shouldn't I get the break?" Ezra defended. Kanan wasn't having it, however, and gave his Padawan a harsh look. He joined me in taking the items out of the supply crates, whereas Rau walked over to talk with Sabine.

Sabine's POV:

I fumed a little bit at seeing Rau. He essentially forced me into going through this whole Darksaber training. He was holding a box in his arms. "Word is it's been tough going. I brought you something since you're partially in this mess on my recommendation," Rau said. "I'm sorry, partially? How about completely," I snapped back, still displeased at him. "To make up for that, you can have these," Rau replied, opening up the box to reveal a set of wrist gauntlets. "Mandalorian vambraces? Where did you get these?" I wondered, beaming at the sight of them. They looked aesthetically pleasing and much more advanced than my current ones. "Try them on," Rau said. I put on the vambraces and inspected them. "Grappling line, paralyzing darts, repulsor. All designed to combat the abilities of a Jedi." A wide grin overtook my face, sparking a newfound confidence in me. "Now go take Bridger down a peg or two," Rau sneered. I picked up my training saber and strutted toward Ezra. "Ha, what have you got there?" Ezra asked. "More than you can handle," I said cockily. "Oh yeah? Maybe I won't go easy on you this time," Ezra responded. He has no idea how irrational his confidence is right now. We both took ready position, daring each other to make the first move.

Ezra struck first, going on the offensive. I barely managed to block each of his swings, waiting for the opportunity to show off my new tools. I spun out of an attack from the Jedi and used my repulsor, sending him flying. As Ezra stumbled to his feet, I used a paralyzing dart to temporarily immobilize him. I swung at his legs, knocking him to the floor. I held my stick in front of him, claiming victory. "And that's your head," I bragged. "Hey, not fair! Where did you get those?" Ezra complained. "Special delivery," I said. I heard Rau faintly chuckle. "Hey!" Kanan called out, not pleased at my display. "Is this a game for you?" "No game, just outsmarting my opponent. Care to take a shot?" I challenged, shooting my grappling line and ensnaring Kanan. I struggled a little but maintained my hold on him, but he ignited his lightsaber, cutting through my trap and breaking free. He grabbed onto the retracting line and yanked me towards him. I fell to the ground and tried to get up, but Kanan held his lightsaber at my throat. I bore an angry expression, appalled as to why he threatened me in this manner. "History lesson! The Jedi won the war with Mandalore. These tricks will amount to something, maybe save you from time to time, but they won't keep you alive in the long run! Only training...and discipline will do that!" Kanan lambasted. I briefly held my hand on my heart. His words really hurt. And I'm pissed off now. I stood up, making sure everyone knew I was furious. "The only thing I'm learning is that Ezra must be REALLY kriffing gifted to learn as well as he has from a lousy teacher like you!" I shouted, throwing my training saber at the ground and storming off, enraged at everything. Many negative thoughts flowed through my head as I marched away from the camp. I'm doing the best I can! How can they be so distrustful of me? Kanan shouldn't be this hard on me! He doesn't know what I've gone through! And neither do the rest of them! For kriff's sake, this is too much for me to deal with! Rationality set in for a second and I realized I might get lost, so I stopped. I found a rock that looked kickable, so I struck it with my foot and sat on it, making an effort to calm myself down. I peered out at the setting sun and exhaled, trying to block out all the despair.

A few minutes passed, and I only became more of a mental wreck. Too much was on my plate right now, and nobody understood it but me. "Hey," a voice called out. I sighed, knowing I had to address him. "How many times have I told you, Y/N, don't you know when to-" I paused as I saw Ezra standing a little bit away from me. He knew how explosive I could get. Wait, did I just...? "Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else," I admitted. "It's okay. He did send me to check up on you, though," Ezra replied. Y/N cares about me, but not enough to uplift me now. It's not like him, or is it? "Look, I just wanted to say I know what it's like. Believe me, Kanan's not the easiest teacher to have, but he means well," Ezra said. "Does he? Do any of them?" I scoffed. I supposed Ezra did know how difficult Jedi training was, but I wasn't having it right now. "I know how to fight. I believe I can learn to use that sword. I just don't want everything that comes with it," I said, letting out what was on my mind. "You mean your family..." Ezra deduced. "I'm a disgrace to them, Ezra. A traitor," I explained. "But that's not true," Ezra said. "To them it is! You don't know. No one does..." I trailed off, trying to find the words to say. Nobody knows my pain. They never lived through it. So why am I telling him all this? "I don't want to talk about these things! How can I lead my people? How can I go back there and face them?" I let my heart speak for me this time. I haven't felt this lost in forever. "I'm sorry, Sabine," Ezra said quietly before turning around. "At least you have parents to go back to." The Jedi walked off with his reminder, leaving me with some guilt. "Ezra, I-" I spoke, but he was too far away to hear me. His words were thought-provoking. He never got to see them again after they got taken away. But my family was still alive. Even if I wasn't on good terms with them, there was at least a small chance I could make things right. One thing still got on my nerves, though. And I was almost as angry at that one thing as I was with my life the past couple of days. Why didn't Y/N support me now? Doesn't he realize that he's the first person I would talk to no matter what? I don't think he's taking us seriously. I kicked the rock I was sitting on before walking around with heavy feet. I could have sworn I felt the ground vibrate, but I didn't care enough to investigate it. I remained trapped within my mind, trying to find some balance within myself. Only then would I return to the camp and resume my training.

Y/N's POV:

Hours passed and night fell. Sabine still hadn't come back yet. I felt guilty that her training went awry so early on. I had never seen her react like this, even when she distanced herself from me. Another part of me felt regret. Kanan convinced me that Ezra was the correct person to console Sabine. I just wanted to run after her, hug her, and kiss her until she felt better. I should have just done what I said I was gonna do. Damn me and my logical mind. I filled up a cup with some water, trying to make sense of everything. "I didn't think she'd be gone this long," I said, taking a sip of my drink. "She'll return, then we'll see," Rau responded. "I know she can do it, but it just seems like Kanan is asking her to learn everything at once. She just needs more time," Ezra commented. I was okay with however long this had to take. All that matters is Sabine overcoming her fears. "Time is a luxury, one this galaxy seems to be running out of," Rau stated. I sat up from my relaxed stance. These words of wisdom caught me off guard. Time. Even if Sabine has time, I might not. The Empire is actively planning something around the wormhole, and they will threaten my homeworld if they figure out where I came from. I shook my head, erasing those lingering thoughts. Right now, it wasn't about me. It was about Sabine. Everything I did had to be supportive of her journey. As I glanced out into the desert, I saw a figure approaching the top of the valley we sat in. I squinted my eyes and saw Sabine. "She's back!" I announced. She still looked a little sad. I could tell by the way she held her arms around her chest. But she came back, and that was all that mattered.

Sabine descended the steps and briefly glanced at us. She approached Kanan, who broke out of his meditative state. "I owe you an apology," Kanan said softly. "I can say the same," Sabine apologized. To her surprise, the Jedi picked the Darksaber up from the ground, stood up, and offered it to her. Admittedly, I was shocked as well. She didn't look ready from what I saw, but something must have changed Kanan's mind. "Maybe I should practice more first," Sabine suggested, trying to pick up from where she left off. "Take it, it's yours," Kanan said. Sabine took it in her hands, inspecting the sword. Her look of fear the first time she saw the Darksaber was now replaced by intrigue. This sword had found its way to her, and such a powerful object had a deeper meaning to the Mandalorian. "Ignite the blade," Kanan instructed. Sabine did as she was told, pressing the button and unveiling the black blade. "Woah," she muttered, enthralled with the feeling of holding the legendary object. She tried moving it but looked a little disappointed. "It's heavier than I thought," she commented. "Energy constantly flows through the crystal. You're not fighting with a simple blade as you are directing a current of power. Your thoughts, your actions, they become energy. They flow through the crystal as well and become a part of the blade," Kanan lectured. The Jedi ignited his lightsaber. Sabine looked taken aback. "The blades will be drawn to each other," Kanan said. He took a step forward and swung his lightsaber. "Block high!" he started. Sabine blocked his attack, truly beginning her training.

Sabine slightly struggled to hold the Darksaber but managed to prevent it from leaving her grip. "There's pull, can you feel it?" Kanan asked. Sabine nodded. "That sword is old, heavy, but powerful. Respect its strength," Kanan taught, pushing Sabine back. "Block low," he instructed, swinging again. Sabine blocked the attack once more. "High. Middle. High. Low. Middle," Kanan commanded. Sabine blocked every attack with ease. On Kanan's last strike, she stood her ground, adjusting her blade to put Kanan on the defensive. "Good. Let's work on a series. Are you ready?" he asked Sabine. "Yes," she answered as master and apprentice broke the saber lock. "Remember the forms Ezra taught you. Take ready position," Kanan said. Ezra, Rau, and I looked on in amusement. Her commitment was showing. She didn't look as timid now. Her confidence from before her outburst returned. "We'll start slow," Kanan stated. "One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six." With every strike, Sabine responded with the correct blocking stance. She understood the basics, but Kanan would no doubt test her more. "Faster. One, two, three, four, five, six," Kanan counted. Sabine still kept up, so Kanan increased his speed once more. "One, two, three, four, five, six!" This proved to be too quick for Sabine, who lost her footing and fell. I saw Ezra nod at her. He knew better than anyone that failure was the greatest teacher. "You're making it easy on me. Ready position," Kanan directed. Sabine stood up, reigniting the saber and getting into stance. Come on, Sabine. Bounce back. I know you can.

"One, two, three, four, five, six!" Kanan shouted. Sabine flawlessly executed her blocks before blocking a subsequent attack from Kanan. "The blade feels lighter," Sabine said, feeling much more in control of the Darksaber. "You're connecting with it. It's becoming a part of you," Kanan replied. The two engaged in a quick duel where Kanan troubled Sabine. "But you cannot rely solely on the blade," Kanan reminded. Sabine wasn't pleased with this lesson, lunging at Kanan, who grabbed her wrists and pushed her away. "You must use all your skills together. Ready position." Sabine got back into stance and attacked Kanan, who blocked her two swings and disarmed her of the Darksaber. "You'll have to do better," Kanan stated. Sabine nodded and used her grappling line to retrieve the blade, reigniting it. "Woah," Ezra said from beside me. I stood up, enthused to see how this would go. Sabine stayed on the offensive but was too wild and undisciplined with her attacks. Kanan blocked them all without breaking a sweat and surprised Sabine by kicking her to the ground. The Darksaber retracted, damaging Sabine's vambrace. She screamed from the pain. I felt that it was my responsibility to help her, so I ran after her. But Rau held my shoulder, keeping me from moving. He shook his head at me, and I understood why. Sabine had to deal with her demons on her own.

"You're not fighting me. You're fighting yourself. And losing," Kanan said, letting her know the cold, hard truth. Sabine growled, reigniting the Darksaber and swinging it at Kanan, reinforcing the Jedi's message. "You're not committed to this. You should quit!" Kanan snapped back as he dodged every attack. I felt a fire burn inside of me. Who is he to talk to my girlfriend like that? Ezra and Rau held me down, making sure I wouldn't do anything drastic. "I don't quit! I never quit!" Sabine shouted, continuing her aggressive lunges. "Really? That's not what it looks like!" Kanan chastised as he parried Sabine's efforts. No lightsaber was required from him, which made it even more embarrassing for her. I was past my boiling point, but even with all my strength I still couldn't break away from Ezra's and Rau's grips. "You did run, didn't you?" Kanan pressed. "No!" Sabine lashed out. She charged at Kanan, who locked her wrists in place, preventing her from moving. "But that's what your people believe isn't it?" Kanan asked, keeping the verbal onslaught going. Sabine grunted as she flipped away, still outraged at Kanan's remarks. "You ran from the Empire, you ran from your family!" Kanan said. "LIES!" Sabine shouted. "SO WHAT'S THE TRUTH?" Kanan questioned, igniting his lightsaber and clashing with Sabine. He held his ground, expecting an honest answer. Here it was. The moment that everyone in the camp had been waiting for. The ultimate question: What did Sabine do that was so drastic that she had to hide it away?" She took a few, short breaths, then finally mustered up the courage to speak.

"The truth... is that... I left to save everyone. My mother! My father! My brother!" Sabine began, striking the Darksaber while listing each member of her family. "Everything I did was for family! For Mandalore! I built weapons, terrible weapons! But the Empire used them on Mandalore! On friends, on family, people that I knew. They controlled us through fear. Mandalore feared the weapons I helped create! I helped enslave my people!" Her emotions let out like a machine gun as her rage was directed at Kanan, who was beginning to struggle to hold off Sabine's attacks. I stood up, slowly walking toward the distraught woman. Ezra and Rau followed suit. "I wanted to stop it. I had to stop it! I spoke out! I spoke out to save them, to save EVERYONE!" Sabine kicked Kanan down the valley, then jumped down and stood over him, Darksaber raised in the air. "But when I did!?" Kanan held a hand up, desperate for her outburst to finish. "My family didn't stand with me. They chose the Empire. They left me...they gave me no choice..." Sabine deactivated her saber, her voice trembling with every word she spoke. I could tell she was on the verge of tears. "The Empire wanted to destroy worlds, and they did. They destroyed mine..." And then it happened. Sabine fell on her knees and broke down, crying uncontrollably. She's only shown these feelings in front of me twice before, and it was never this bad. I began to feel a couple tears stream down my face. I never expected such a story to be told. And it really tugged at my heartstrings. I truly didn't know what to do, or what to say. Nothing like this ever crossed my mind. Even with this big a burden on Sabine, I still felt it was my responsibility to help her through the toughest time of her life.

"The Empire rules with fear, and not everyone can be as strong as you've been," Kanan said comfortingly, putting a hand on Sabine's shoulder. "Your family is in a prison, one of their own making. It's up to you to help them out of it." "But how...why...why would they believe me? Why would they follow me?" Sabine spoke slowly, her voice still shaky, turning away. "I know this might not be what you want to hear, but for what it's worth, I would follow you," Rau stated, kneeling to her. "So would I, and I mean it," Ezra agreed, taking the same stance. "You've come a long way in a very short time. Where you go from here is up to you. But know that this family will stand by you no matter what you choose," Kanan consoled. "We all support you. And we'll take this journey with you until the very end," I said. I didn't kneel down, however. Instead, I stood at Sabine's side and gently placed my hand on her shoulder. She turned inwards and wept onto my chest. We all stayed there in silence for what felt like an eternity. A tumultuous chapter of Sabine's life had just begun, but she had the people to guide her to a more peaceful one. "I recommend we all get some much-needed rest. It's been an eventful day," Rau suggested. "It has. We'll continue training tomorrow," Kanan added briefly. Everyone agreed that we needed clear heads, so we got up and walked toward the tents. However, Sabine stood still and looked a little unstable and weary. "Go to her, Y/N," Ezra said. I nodded at his advice. He wasn't asking me to check on her, he was telling me. If anyone could lift her spirits, it was me. I was her partner. Her boyfriend. Her other half. She would trust me if I said that everything would be okay, right?

I approached the perturbed Mandalorian, who looked at me, the moonlight showing the dried-up tear marks on her cheeks and her morose, brown eyes. Her feisty attitude and explosive confidence weren't present, instead replaced by a silent call for help. She had been forced out of her shell, and she wasn't ready to face the prospect of returning to her family. I realized that she never would be, and that was fine. Even the most extroverted people wouldn't truthfully admit that. "Why didn't you come to me?" Sabine croaked. "I couldn't, Kanan told me not to," I said. "You didn't have to listen to them," she scolded. "Do you even know what they told me?" I asked. "I don't care. All I wanted was you..." she trailed off. I sighed. I wasn't going to get a straight answer. I had to spell it out for her. "Ezra told me you got him confused with me. You tried pushing him away. I knew you weren't right in your mind, but that hurt," I said. I brought her back to tears again, even if they weren't that violent. "I-I'm sorry, Y/N," she sobbed. I had to console her and make up for my absence earlier today. I got ready to speak, but I didn't say anything. I couldn't form even the slightest thought in response to this. They all said their pieces and I didn't want to repeat anything back. The point was already made. What the hell, Y/N? Are you really being dense right now? She'll think you're a shitty boyfriend, that you're not committed to her! But just then, I had a stroke of genius. Actions speak louder than words, don't they?

I had to show Sabine how I felt. So I did what my gut told me to do. I held her close as her tears streamed down her face. "It's okay, just let it all out," I said. Once she stopped crying, I pressed my lips onto hers, cutting us off from reality. Sabine returned the gesture, one-upping the level of passion I showed. However this journey went, the one constant would be the two of us. I would be by her side in absolution. And she knew that. We held each other and hungrily made out with not a single care about anything else around us. I didn't want to leave this state, this planet, or this galaxy right now. The Mandalorian I was with was the only thing that mattered. I leaned forward, intensifying the desire I had to make her happy. But my move backfired and we tumbled to the ground. We broke apart from the impact and I somehow stayed on top. She chuckled at first, then began to laugh hysterically. I smiled at the overwhelming happiness I saw. The spirit within her was flying high. She had this newfound hope. The woman who I confessed my love to transformed into something amazing. I heard her yawn, signifying that she needed some rest. I stood up and carried her bridal style into the tent that Ezra purposely left empty for us, and she fell asleep in my arms. This was no longer a girl who was broken, but a woman who was driven. Even if it hurt sometimes, she would stop at nothing to redeem herself in the eyes of her family. And I would be there every step of the way. "We're stronger together," I whispered. I shut my eyes right after. I am so lucky to have this amazing person by my side. I can't wait to see what the future holds. Our future.

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