Baby • Highness [BTS ×Jk]✓

By Jiapurplesyou

63.8K 3.2K 4.4K

The lives of Kim Brothers - cold and merciless Vampire lords turn upside down when they collide their ways wi... More

CH 1
CH 2
CH 3
CH 4
CH 5
CH 6
CH 7
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CH 9
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CH 11
CH 12
CH 13
CH 14
CH 15
CH 16
CH 17
CH 18
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CH 21
CH 22
CH 23
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CH 25
CH 26
CH 27
CH 29
Valentine's Day ❤️
CH 30
CH 31
CH 32
CH 33
CH 34
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CH 37
CH 38
CH 39(M)
CH 40

CH 28

1K 65 176
By Jiapurplesyou

The moon reigns on the sky and around it thousands of small stars swarm like fireflies. The night has deepened but the winds are still light and soothing...and Jungkook must confess ~ sky views are better in forests than polluted cities.

The two are under a giant tree leaning into thick trunk, munching on some wild fruits since Jungkook wasn't willing to witness an animal getting hunted,skinned and grilled in front of his eyes.

It wasn't easy for the boy to convince the elder to interlude for the night though. But since it was a matter concerning the safety of the kid.... Jhope had to give in.

The two males have worked onto collecting small twigs for setting a campfire. Jungkook should be given the credit since the Highness has atleast followed the werewolf when he was carrying the wood pieces to their tree shelter though he himself didn't touch a single twig.

But atleast he guided the elder to survive in the wild.... didn't he?

" like that blue gem too much...don't you?" Jhope asked thoughtfully as he was uncertain whether the question was appropriate for a hostage to be enquired at this late hour.

But he was pretty amused at the boy's actions. Jungkook has always been a feeble,pampered and funny guy who's great at weeping. But when asked about the diamond the human didn't back off... rather threatened him to continue his journey and that he will not leave the forest alive without his possession.

For Highnesses like him diamonds like these are found in handfuls. Further, Jungkook was fully aware of hideous carnivore's presence in the forest.

But he wasn't afraid to die or become a dinner to a panther just for a blue stone. What's more amusing to the scarlet haired male was that Jungkook didn't weep!

And that's enough for the wolf to confirm ~~ Jungkook is much more stronger than being just a crybaby . Atleast when put in serious situations, he's probably having great chances of fighting back.

"It has a name.... Dimple diamond. And yes I love it to my death." The younger replied taking the last bite of the 16th fruit he dined. He may not know it's name but he's face showed utter satisfaction of what he just consumed.


"What? See Hobi...I know you didn't poison my food. And even if you do, I was really hungry. So it doesn't matter anymore. Atleast I won't die starved!!"

"Can you for once give a try to speak something which ain't a nonsense? Your eating style isn't strange ... you eat exactly how animals eat....quite normal for a thing like you."

Jungkook looked at the male , confused and uncertain of what he meant.

Jhope gazed upwards...the stars twinkling reflected in his orbs... displaying like fire in those scarlet balls.

"It's human world works. Things were created to be used. People were created to be loved. Ironically, humans normalise things being loved and people being used."

And as expected, Jungkook had no idea what thing and what people the other was talking about.

Only the mention of love startled him.

"I-I am n..not like that Hobi. I-I don't have obsessions for money or things you said... it's just th...that after my hyungs will get wed,only this diamond will be left with me to relive those moments." Jungkook mumbled,fingers playing with eachother as their owner wasn't cheerful to exclaim these.

Jhope again gave a sharp gaze at the boy before saying ~

"Oh really? But I got a report that the Royal wedding has been cancelled."

It felt quite eerie to the older why he suddenly disclosed their spy information to a hostage....but yes ,if this lights up the kid's mood...what's wrong in that? Jungkook isn't harmful anyways.

Atleast that's all the explanation he could give for his own sudden abrupt action.

The doe eyes were immediately filled with stars and galaxies as if it was the deepest pleasure he could ever deserve. Though it felt a bit selfish for a boy to be delighted because his hyungs marriage has been broken but there's no need to justify why he instantly felt better to hear the news.

Maybe it's just cancelled or postponed because the youngest Highness is missing...or whatever the reason is;Jungkook is now completely amazed at what he heard and that's what matters.

"Atleast my abduction did something really good." Jungkook mumbled, cheeks flushed in a crimson tint.

The elder rolls his eyes...

"Kid as I looks adorable in books, dreams,dramas and movies but not in real life.Stop your delusions will you?"

Jungkook snapped out at the unnecessary lecture he received. The elder never misses a chance to rationalise him....even if Jungkook doesn't want to.

"Why do you sound like a broken oldie?? Did you get cheated on some girl or something?"

Jhope smiled.... genuinely at the wrong presumption of the boy.

"Cheating or dating whoever you find interesting happens in your world Jungkook. For us we wait for the Moon Goddess's blessing of a soulmate....but the thing is my parents were also claimed to be each other's mates yet died for the same damn reason. That's what I mean ~ love never brings any happiness in real life. Just because you have a mate or someone to care for doesn't makes your life any better."

" You got them wrong Hobi...." Jungkook's instant yet polite protest was heard as he leaned forward towards the elder, bunny orbs attached with the scarlet ones.

"Wrong? So now you say I got my parents wrong?"

"Ah don't be egoistic now . See... love... love doesn't mean to make your life better. What you are saying shows that you are lonely...and you wanna be loved but never got no one to console you. That's not what love is about."

"Well,what level of dumb are you? Lecturing me on some useless shit at this time?"

"Exactly that's what I mean. You don't believe in love don't you? Loving the fact that you are loved doesn't make you a lover.

Love isn't about being loved by someone but the will to compromise your priorities for someone you love. It's about making sacrifices and loosing a part of yourself even when time is not by your side.... giving a piece of your heart to someone even when you know the consequences won't be in your favour."

The elder was kinda quite right now...he knows the boy won't stop annoying him. So it's better to listen than wasting his time.

"It's not about what you gain but what you give in love Hobi. Even I let my hyungs go... doesn't mean I stopped loving them. But I chose their happiness might pain me for the rest of my life but that's what it is."

"Are you done?" Hobi yawned.

"Love has a painful side Hobi. And you know you are capable of love when you find the beauty of the pain....its not the red rose and shiny rings of's the tears you shed for someone but still smile when you see their face. It may destroy your own well-being but still there's peace when you see them happy. Sometimes loosing yourself is get the one you love!"

And that's what hit the werewolf...he knows what the boy's trying to tell. He may pretend to be oblivious but deep down he knows...his parents knew it would bring them misfortune but still chose to stay together; die together."

"'s still a waste of time. Falling for someone and then letting them go!!"

Jhope scoffed, attempting to change the discussion but Koo wasn't ready to let go of lecturing the elder.

"Aren't you an immortal? It won't matter much if you really waste some time...will it?"

Jhope looks at him in astonishment while Jungkook's cheeks instantly drop their smile.

"Wait! I didn't mean you to love me or someone ."the bunny boy explains awkwardly, totally ashamed of his own stupidity.

The werewolf looks at him more amused this time and he must admit, Jungkook looks cuter when he's shy or ashamed than his usual bold self. But then again,don't get him wrong. It's just an observation.

"I do love Eomma." Hobi muttered softly, looking away.

"She...she died when I was six years old." He added.

Jungkook tugged his head lower. He's unaware of his own mother's not that he doesn't consider Mrs Kim as his own or he ever felt less about being his son. But at the same time,he wishes he could atleast remember a single hint of his own mother ,past life and what he truly is.

"I miss them too... sometimes." Jungkook whispered slowly.

"Same aren't we?" Jhope smiled again as he adds~"Our parents will only be happy if we smile in Earth Jungkook. I bet she's proud of you."

"And I bet she's proud of you too!" Jungkook stated.

Silence flowed for some unknown reasons as both recalled their parents...but Jungkook could only try.

"Hobi..what do you recall about your Eomma the most?" Jungkook asks and the older one looks high at the sky.

"I close my eyes and try to relive her voice when she told me to smile no matter what happens." Jhope answers honestly,which is quite unusual.

He doesn't talk about his mother to anyone. But he has no idea why it feels so good talking to Jungkook about her.

"Is that why you always roam with a sunshine smile?" Jungkook asked in curiousity.

"It's the only thing that makes me appear stronger than what I truly am.It shows everything is fine even if it's not. Most importantly,it gives me hope that I'll smile oneday...a genuine smile and not the one I use as a weapon to curb down what's going inside me."

He sounded if an angel with an injured wing....but broken wings can fly too. Can't they?

"Aren't you tired Hobi? Why do you smile when you shouldn't? What's troubling you inside? I mean you can share wit..."

"It's late kid. You should sleep now."

'Avoided the question... didn't he?'

And Jungkook was right. He and Hobi are the Sun and the Moon... they'll never meet together at the same place.

One weeps away the pain with the water of eyes while the other places a smile of warmth. But ironically,both warmth and water are required to grow fruits,flowers, seeds and life.....

As Jhope got up he turned back ~

"And don't be ashamed to weep Jungkook. It's alright to grieve sometimes."

Jungkook smiles a little eyeing the other who was walking towards the other end of the tree.

"You aren't that bad Hobi!!"

This takes back the elder by surprise as he turns back again...

"What do you mean?"

"You stopped at the night even though we were behind the schedule...ate fruits with me though you could have hunted something and didn't let me feel weak or helpless. Though I know nothing about your past I feel it must have been hard for you."

"Don't get me wrong Jungkook. I helped you because I need you to be alive. And it's better if we don't interfere in our past further and keep ourselves from interactions." Jhope comments,voice firm as the younger sighs.

"Can't we talk about something and let the night pass by?"

Jhope didn't halt this time...
'Let the night pass us by!'the same line kook had used in their first encounter to stop the werewolf....

It sounds strangely comforting to him when the boy urges him to stay but yes... Jungkook is his hostage and none of his business.

None of his business.

Yes,it's none of his concern while what he did next was exactly the opposite. As with time Jungkook curled leaning onto the trunk and slept.... Jhope took a shawl from the bag they were carrying.

Putting one around himself he slowly approached the younger and wrapped another around him.

"Yes none of my business. It's just for the sake of humanity."
It was late... almost midnight with Jungkook snoring noisily. The breeze touching his hai locks and moving them a little.

But nothing disturbed the human... unless he heard a loud wail jerking him from the deep slumber.

As he woke up at the sound all his instincts could afford was to follow where it was coming from.

Near the blazing fire where Jhope was supposed to be sleeping he found the elder with the book he himself had handed to him.

His calm eyes just stared at it with thoughts of unexpected realisation; the Book is written in native vampire language....the alphabets shouldn't be in J-Hope's knowledge....then how was he reading it?

But that's not important for the time being as he found Hobi wriggling between conscious and numb, dangling here and there... trembling occassionally.

His feet didn't refrain for a second to drag him towards the older further tightly held him by his shoulders.

"Hobi...are you okay?"

Not shifting his eyes to the younger Jhope hisses out as he felt his heart inside was restless , pounding abnormally.

"J-just go to sleep."

Unknown of the exact reason of Jhope's condition , Jungkook kneeled at the elder's only to be jerked away.

Soaked peaceful eyes of the Alpha seemed to collapse at the moment yet not ready to show his vulnerable side to another male.

'Is he having a panick attack?' Jungkook thought.

"Leave...I said le..leave." Hobi was pushing off the younger again but this time Jungkook hugged him tighter resisting those opposition of the male.

Yes,he was right.... Jhope is having a Panick attack.

"Hobi listen...share what's in your heart . Otherwise you'll keep struggling."

"Leave me you ahh..." Jhope whimpered again ,his alpha genes won't let him break down in someone's presence...but his strength isn't helping him today since his aching body can't withstand the boy's hold...

"I'm not struggling... just go...LEAVE."

Jungkook slowly started ruffling the scarlet hairs,his other hand clutching the other securely.

"Sometimes it's best to open your heart Hobi...... Nobody is here to judge can skip being a leader for sometime. I'm all ears..."

"Just leav..." The elder yelled but was cut off.

"I won't leave." Jungkook started rubbing his back to calm the elder who's protesting... atleast trying his best to oppose.

The soothing voice somewhat relaxed the panicking figure...

"Didn't you say we are same Hobi? We both dont have original identity and family...your sadness is mine too....I can feel your grief..if you'll hide these from me ...then with whom will you share Hobi ?"

"No one. I want to be alone. Jus.. just get out of here."the elder was still locking his lashes, trying to hide his teary eyes.

"And I'm also a no one Hobi. I'm not your pack member,friend or family....neither an enemy vampire. It won't matter if I know your truth since I'm none but a mere human who'll die and mix with the soil oneday. So your secrets are safe with me."

Silence sometimes speaks a lot doesn't it? Just like how silent river water flows,sun shines and flower grows without a voice.......and just how the two are sitting under the tree with millions of silent words hidden in the blossoming moonlight.

"They...the bastards have described here how they tortured my appa before ki-killing him..."he says pointing at the open book beside him.

Jungkook spares a small glance there before he asks~

"You can read these?"

Jhope nodds.


"Eomma taught me..."

Jungkook was more than astonished at the statement.
'does that mean.... Hobi's mother was a vampire? That is the probable reason why the elder has scarlet orbs and owns fangs?'

He couldn't ponder deeper as the other continued to mumble.

" appa had left his Royal family and gave the throne to his brother since they didn't approve his marriage with the princess of the Kim clan. He...he came to the Redwoods with a handful of guards and formed his own pack."

"Pr...princess ?"

"My Eomma Eomma. I still remember she left me for picking flowers oneday but never came back...till I saw her in a box....later I was told it was a coffin."

The elder almost three up on Jungkook's shoulders...who immediately embraced him back.

"I-I couldn't even mourn properly Jungkook. The..the fucking guards of the vampires came to avenge her death...and took my appa know what? He ...he didn't even protest. He..he was silent all the time. Didn't even answered me when I called him repeatedly...he was just staring at the burial ground without a blink."

"It's okay Hobi...he loved her."

" No it's not okay... nobody thought about me. How will I grow up...not even your so-called family. They abandoned my Eomma for marrying a werewolf and came only after she died..."


Jungkook honestly didn't know what to speak. He never knew his hyungs had an where in the Palace he has ever heard anyone speaking of the deceased lady.

"I..I had a bestfriend Jungkook. He...he was eight when he tried to stop those guards from taking my appa."


"He..he was front of my eyes."

"'s I-I think they misunderstand your appa..and.."

"But that ruined me!! The last time I truly smiled was 3000 years ago...."

Jhope continued to pant...the boy gazed at the wrecked face of the Alpha. Minutes later a faint smile appeared on his emotionless face.

"'s an end now. The cur..curse is coming Jungkook. I'm's mentioned here in this page."

Jungkook's eyes widened at the mention of curse...'is he living in a fairytale where vampires and werewolves exist?'

That's all his humane sense ould's too much for a young boy to witness nothing but fantasy since childhood!

"The curse of's the birth flower of us. It's said that the mate of the five lords would die a painful death followed by their own deaths at a heartbreak leaving the kingdom without a heir.."

Jhope shifted his eyes towards the elder...a mischievous grin appeared amidst the pitiful face he was carrying...

"Their lineage will soon end Jungkook. I don't need to attempt for their disruption anymore."

Don't forget to hit the 🌟 button on the left.

🔊Okay,so this chapter might be a bit emotional. But I felt it was necessary. So yeah....🙃

🔊There's a dilemma? Can you feel it?

🔊What do you think about Jhope?

🔊I know you are missing Kim family. Don't worry... every character needs to be developed. So my Jhope deserves chapters too.

Purples, of you have any questions regarding the book or your author... comment down.❣️

I appreciate your comments and votes. It makes me feel that someone out there is reading my work.😭

Some lines for my PURPLES ---

I want to see your smile
And laugh with you too.
I want to get a hug
By wrapping my hands around you.

Thanks for reading 💜💜

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