she find her imaginary man

By MahaKhan360

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she always wait for her imaginary man who love her more than anything then she meet him More

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By MahaKhan360

Next day he take her home there every one come to meet her after some days later
Hadiya pov
Yah allah this man didn't let me do any work i am literally bored but sometimes I think that i blessed with the most caring man he did everything on his own he did my all work he never tried to take care of me now I am much better but still he did not let me do anything I love him he always beside me but if he have to go somewhere in urgent he ask Maryam to stay with me she also everyday come here to help me in everything they all think that i am still weak but now I am fine but they never let me put my feet in floor i am feeling like a princess treatment which they all give me hahaahah lol today also hayder have some urgent work so he ask Maryam to stay with me
Hadiya. Yah allah maryam can i go washroom
Maryam. Wait I am coming
Hadiya. But I can go by myself
Maryam. Shut up
Than she come and take me inside the washroom and after I did my work she take me back to bad it's my everyday routine bad to washroom
Washroom to bad
Now I am feeling bored
Maryam. Hadiya do you want something to eat
Hadiya. Yes give me icecream
Maryam. Okay you stay here i am coming
After she left and after some time later she cane with icecream cup
Maryam. Take
Hadiya. Thank you
Maryam. Yah allah please how many times I have to say please don't say thanks to me
Hadiya. Sorry
Than we enjoy our time together than we hear bell sound it means hayder come but this early
Maryam. Wait I go and check
Hadiya. Okay
Maryam. I know it's hayder
Than i open the door but it's not hayder than i ask
Maryam. Who are you
??. Ummm let's go inside than talk miss
Maryam. Look first tell me whom you came here to meet
??. Miss listen i am not interested to argue with you please let me come in first
But before she said something he spray something in her eyes but she immediately shut the door with her full force than she hold her eyes while crying
Maryam. Yah allah
Hadiya pov
I was thinking why she take to much time to open the gate than I hear someone's cry voice i immediately go downstairs but my heart stop after saw her crying hardly while hold her eyes I was confuse than I run towards her
Hadiya. Maryam what happened
Maryam. Hadiya my eyes are burning
Hadiya. But what happened
Maryam. Please call Abdullah
While saying this she lost her concious i didn't process what's going on then i immediately Take maryam phone and call Abdullah
On call
Abdullah. Hello my angel how are you Baby
Hadiya. Abdullah
Abdullah. Hadiya what happened why are you crying
Hadiya. Please come here maryam
His hear beat stop just hear Maryam name from her mouth like something bad happened with my angel than I ask while shuttering
Abdullah. What happened with my angel hadiya
Hadiya. Please come here fast Abdullah
Than i cut the call and take Maryam head on my lap and two on her cheeks while saying
Hadiya. Maryam please open your eyes please tell me what happened na yah allah please have mercy on her yah allah please send Abdullah as fast as you can yah I have to call hayder he also have to come
Than i go inside my room and call hayder
On call
Hayder. Hello Juliet how are you doing
Hadiya. Hayder
She cry harder
Hayder. Juliet what happened did you feel pain Baby please tell me
Hadiya. No i am okay hayder but maryam she is not please come fast here please
Hayder. What happened to her
Hadiya. I don't know
Hayder. I am coming Juliet don't cry please baby
Than she cut the call and abdullah and hayder both arrive at same time she open the gate than
Abdullah pov
My heart stink after saw my angel like this i can't hold my tears they flow i go and put her in my arms and take her to car we all take her hospital hayder drive the car hadiya sit on passenger seat and I sit on backside while take my angel in my arms
Abdullah. Angel please open your eyes tell me who did this i swear I kill that person who try to harm my angel
Than they all take Maryam to taha hospital
Taha. What happened with her
Hayder. We don't know but some one spay something in her eyes we don't know properly
Taha. Okay you all wait here let us check her
Abdullah. Please save her doctor
Taha. Have faith in allah please don't take to much stress okay
Hayder. Abdullah you come here i bring water for you
Hadiya. If I didn't let her go and than it's never happened i am sorry Abdullah
Abdullah. Don't said this it's not your fault but I am still thinking why that person did this with her
Hadiya. I don't know we think that hayder come but I don't know how come that time
Hayder. Now please don't talk only pray for her still we don't know what he/she spray in her eyes just pray that nothing happened with her eyes
Abdullah. Never
Than he put his palms on his face while crying
Yah allah please have mercy on my angel yah allah please don't anything to let her please give me her every pain but please cure her please i beg you allah have mercy on my angel she is very innocent please don't give her any punishment of you want than please give me her all pain please
Taha. Abdullah we have one good news and one bad
Abdullah. Doctor who is she tell me
Taha.  Good news is congratulations you become a father she is pregnant and the bad news is We can't say anything it's very less to save her eye sight we can't say that she can able to see anymore but we try our best to cure her because the poison right now in her eyes that was very dangerous but still we try our best and also she didn't get her concious
Abdullah. Are you serious she is pregnant i am very happy But please save her she take if she lost her eyes I can't see her in pain please cure her please i beg you
Taha. I said it's 50% chances that she didn't lost her eyes sight please  control okay
Saying this he left
Hayder. Congratulations bro I cant believe that you become a father
Hadiya. Congratulations Abdullah i am very happy to meet that Little baby
Hayder. Do you like kids
Hadiya. Ofcourse
Hayder. Than okay i will fullfill your wish Juliet
Hadiya. What do you mean
Hayder. I also want a baby Juliet
Hadiya. Shut up
Hayder. Please Juliet
Hadiya. I will beat you with my slipper if you utter a single word
Hayder. Okay Juliet
After an hour taha again come and tell Abdullah
Taha. Abdullah congratulations she is all fine now you can meet her after she get her concious
Abdullah. Thank you doctor thank you for save my life my angel
Taha. It's our pleasure sir
Hayder. Bro thanks you did great job I am impressed
Taha. Excuse me bro I am a doctor so I can do this understand
Hayder. Whatever
Than Abdullah go inside and sit beside her and hold her hand and kiss her palm while saying
Abdullah. Angel just open your eyes please look your beloved Abdullah is here i never leave you alone......

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