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By StrayJeans

23.1K 844 552

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53/Epilogue
News: A New Book?

Chapter 52

299 13 6
By StrayJeans

The end season winter breeze was swooning around the air of a cold night in Korea as Minji, who dressed warmly, hands covered with mittens, head's covered with a warm beanie, was walking her way towards a certain destination. Having zero worries about her ice cream shop for the night as her brother's taking care of it, Minji took her time until she finally reached her destination.

As her eyes were landed on the motel signboard hanging up at the wall, she waited at a spot right next to the entrance before in a couple of minutes, someone walked out of the door before noticing her. "Hey." Her eyes landed on Yang Jeongin, with his lips immediately curved into his usual smile the moment he saw her. "...did I took too long?"

"Well knowing you, even if you're late by a mere minute, you would still apologize for being too late." Minji had this teasing smirk of her face as Jeongin couldn't help but chuckling silently. "Sorry that I'm late." Jeongin went along with her as Minji couldn't hide her snicker. "No you're not late~" Somehow Minji's answer was the exact same reply she'd give him a few years back without her even realizing it.

"So where are we planning to eat dinner tonight? I have a couple of places in mind..." Jeongin asked her as he's trying to control his shaky breaths caused by the cold temperature. "Korean barbecue place or a pizza place right?" And yet again Minji was right as Jeongin could only nod his head. "You'll choose the first one aren't you?" Jeongin had his eyesbrows raised as knowing Minji, she would rather spend her dinner at the barbecue place.

"I sure am. Don't tell me the months you've spent in Japan has made you less attracted to Korean Barbecue Yang Jeongin..." Jeongin immediately shook his head at her remarks. "Doing that would be a sin, I'm not going to lie... Now that we settle the what then the next question is the where... Do you know a good place?" And Minji proudly nodded her head. "Yup and to our convenience, it's just a block away from here."

Although it's been almost two weeks since Jeongin returned back to Korea temporarily, Minji and Jeongin somehow still a bit awkward with each other and although it's clearly visible that both of them were trying hard not to but past memories between them still lingering around in the clouds. But since tonight was Jeongin's last night and he'll be going back to Japan tomorrow, Minji pushed everything aside and trying her best to have at least a good dinner with him. Even though deep in her heart, she's hurting knowing that the second chance she's been searching for was well and truly too farfetched for her to grasp.

"Then, shall we?" Nodded at him with a smile, Minji and Jeongin then walked forward, leaving the motel while walking side by side. As they're walking, Minji somehow noticed that Jeongin's been blowing onto the palm of his bare hands. "Here..." Jeongin heard her as he looked over at Minji who's holding out her hand to him. "...you really shoud get yourselves a pair of gloves or mittens, it's really cold nowadays."

"Y-yeah... yeah you're right..." Breathing out a long one, Jeongin gently held onto Minji's hand that's covered warmly by her mitten and the warmth eased off the coldness in his hand while Jeongin couldn't even look at their hands with his eyes remained looking at his front. "We're almost there..." Minji said as she could see the sign shined by neon light at the far end of her sight.

And eventually, the two were seated across of each other as a waiter was taking their orders. "What cuts of beef should we get tonight..." Minji was reading through the little menu. "You love the short ribs right? You want to get that?" Jeongin asked and Minji was left a bit surprised as he somehow remembered. "I... ummm... yeah, yeah I think the short ribs would be great."

"Do you want the sirloin or the ribeye Jeongin?" Minji looked over to him who just gave her a light hum as Minji knew what she said were two of Jeongin's go to beef cuts whenever they're eating by a barbecue place. "You know what, let's just get them both. So short ribs, sirloin and the ribeye please. Thank you~"

With their orders' settled, the grill on the middle of the table's getting warmed up before their cuts of meat arrived to the table. Jeongin took the lead in getting the meats onto the sizzling hot grill and instantly making their mouth waters. "You don't really like them too thins right Minji?" Jeongin asked as he's cutting down the grilled meats into biteable cuts.

As Minji nodded, Jeongin got a plate filled with freshly grilled beef before giving it to her. Minji took a good few bites in before she noticing the Jeongin's still grilling down the meat. "Here..." Minji called out to him as he looked over to her and was a bit surprise that she's holding out a piece of the beef meat in front of his mouth. "...the meats are great I'm not even joking." She gave him a smile.

With a light chuckle, Jeongin took the piece into his mouth before blowing out the hotness of his mouth slowly then chewing the meat. "Wow~ That's a perfect beef meat right there..." He was impressed before Minji took over the grilling and giving him chance to eat. And by that, their dinner was really fulfilling before they're finishing it off with a few shots of soju while keeping a conversation alive.

"That's what I'm saying, I mean isn't it ridiculous right?" Jeongin kept on telling Minji his story as she noticed how he's been taking another few soju shots and now was about to take another one. "Take it easy with the soju Jeongin... You're a bit lightweight remember?" Minji said to him, worries shadowed her voice as Jeongin's eyes were starting to twitch a little bit.

"Last one..." He heaved out before laughing out slightly then without worry taking in another full soju shot before grunting out. "I'll pay first then we can go home okay?" Minji said calmly as Jeongin was waving his hand with his face pressed against his other hand. "H-here..." Jeongin was struggling to reach for his pocket before he eventually got his wallet out and gave it to Minji. "My card's in the somewhere right...? Just use that."

Sighing at the sight of him silently, Minji held onto his wallet before she opened it up to look for his card before she saw something that made her eyes widened. Her eyes landed on a small picture on his wallet, a picture of both him and Minji, celebrating her birthday, the last birthday that he celebrated with Minji just before Minji confessed her feelings to him a few weeks later.

Her eyes went from the picture to Jeongin who's still grunting lightly, back and forth as unknowingly her eyes were getting teary before she wiped them off then closing his wallet. As she got their dinner paid, Minji went back to him who's getting back to his senses a little bit. "Come on, let's go home..." Minji had her arms around him gently as she stood him up.

"Everything okay?" He whispered softly as Minji nodded at him with a light smile. "Yeah, come on, let's get you home while you still can walk properly." Minji and Jeongin made their way out of the place with her hands remained holding onto his arm to guide him properly. "Minji-ah..." Jeongin called out to her as she hummed at him. "You want to take a walk at the park?" He asked rather calmly and his voice sounded sober enough.

"Ummm..." Minji was having a hard time getting her words out, after what she saw before that is. "...okay. Sure." She just gave him a light smile before the two went silent as they made their way to a park nearby and took a stroll before eventually they found a bench and Jeongin just settled down there as he's feeling a little headache after drinking a bit too much.

"You okay?" She asked as she sat down next to her and Jeongin nodded his head slightly while massaging his forehead to ease off the headache. "Here..." Minji then handed Jeongin his wallet back as he calmly took his wallet back. "...I saw it actually. The picture..." Minji's next reply made his eyes widened. "Oh... I umm. I probably can explain about that." Jeongin was stuttering a little bit.

"What happened to us actually Jeongin..." Minji heaved out as she leaned back against her seat as she looked away from him. Jeongin breathed out a sigh as he remained silent for a bit as he's struggling to answer her properly. "...I thought that we've agreed to remain as friends after everything that happened but I somehow still felt a bit hurt whenever I think back about us."

"Minji... Kim Minji..." Jeongin just called out to her with probably the weakest and the most vulnerable tone she had ever heard from him. "...for years I've been thinking to myself, are there like some alternate world and universe out there where we could just be together and be truly happy..." Jeongin looked up and stared at the dark sky above them.

"What do you mean..." Minji then looked over to his side profile as he just closed his eyes with another sigh. "Sometimes I wonder if there's a universe out there where I didn't basically screw up everything that we had as I have done here..." His words sounded so vulnerable and hopeful it made Minji's heart feeling a slow yet familiar pain. "Maybe the sun shines a bit brighter over there and the storms don't rage just as fierce as the ones here..."

"Maybe in that world, me and you are able to be together, more than just being best friends. Maybe there I am strong enough to admit that I can give you everything that you ever want with the idea of us, maybe I am willing to fight against the odds of being together with you, maybe..." Jeongin let out a shaky breath. "...in that universe, you and me are always meant to be together."

"Why are you saying all of this Jeongin...? What's got into you?" Minji trying to sound calm, trying her best after hearing everything that he said. "Minji, I am sorry..." He found the courage to look at her miserable state just as much as him now and the way that his eyes were getting red and teary somehow broke Minji even more than it should. "...I was weak. I was a failure. I was too afraid with the idea of me not being good enough to give you everything that you deserve to be given. The day you told me you like me, that was the happiest day in my life but also the saddest because not only did I ran away from the person who's willing to sacrifice everything just for us to be happy but I ran away like a coward because of the way I was before..."

"What about Ryujin... You told me you weren't ready and everything that day right after I confessed everything to you... yet months later, I saw you and Ryujin together. Even if I didn't ask you about her, I can see that she's into you with the way she looked at you with those eyes..." Minji were recalling her unwanted memories and Jeongin could only shake his head.

"You're right... Ryujin did confess to me also but I rejected her too." His answer made her even more confused. "...when you saw her with me was probably the day before she told me about her feelings later that night. But I told her that I have no intention of being in a relationship... because somehow all that I'm thinking about that night was you. I tried to talk to you the day after but just like that, you're gone..."

"I searched for you everywhere, I looked for you and your family, I even wanted to go to the police but then the neighbour across of your house told me everything and at that point I was just lost... I couldn't help but thinking that I messed up everything about us." Minji who couldn't leave her eyes off him, couldn't seem to get any words out as she's letting her tears running down.

"I messed up..." Jeongin whispered with a broken voice as he looked over to her. "...I can't change what happened in the past so I guess I just have to live with it throughout those years without you." Though he's chuckling, his red eyes didn't reflect the same. "...I've been a weak person all my life, I have no confidence that I can do that many great things in life but the only time I hated myself for being weak and helpless was when I said that I couldn't reciprocate the same feelings you had for me while the truth was that I already did..."

"Jeongin..." She called out to him with a few sniffs. "I'll be leaving tomorrow anyways... So I'm just going to tell you the truth before I completely disappear from your life. I like you too Minji..." Jeongin was struggling with the lump of tears behind his throat as he dropped his head down, trying to swallow down the tears. "...even though those words probably mean nothing to you now, I just want to get that out or else I'm not going to live peacefully for another year..."

"We should probably head home now..." Just as he's standing up, Minji then held onto his hand and he glanced down at her who's already had her eyes on his, her red teary eyes reflected the same way as his. "Why are you running away from me again... You just going to say all that and then leave me just like that again?" She won't let his hand go as she's holding onto it tightly. "I said that there's still parts of me that hates you for what you've done. But there's also parts of me who still have enough love for you as it is..."

"We were young and naïve, even I admit it... To love someone is not a simple task for anyone, to love them until the end of their lives, to care for them until there's no more breathing is not an easy step to leap into..." Minji's mind being clouded with the images of you and Hanni, the journey you and her had to go through to get where you are now. "...I get it. But every once in a while, I've been praying for a second chance Jeongin..."

"Is there ever a second chance waiting for us by the stars above? I don't know, I probably won't ever get to know. But I'm willing..." Minji swallowed down the tears in as she looked down. "...I'm willing to search for a second chance with you. No matter where it'll take me to..." She unwantedly let his hand go before to her surprise, she was pulled into Jeongin's arms, safely embracing her and at that point she couldn't hold anything in no more before she just cried her eyes out.

Her arms wrapped tightly around him as the way his hand gently caressing her back was slowly calming herself down. "My second chance is here all along... In your arms..." He tightened his arms around her, not even wanting to let her go for a second. "...Let me make everything right for us Minji. I will make it right this time. I'm not running away anymore."

"But you're going back to Japan tomorrow remember?" Minji somehow let out a soft whine as Jeongin finally letting her off his embrace before the two shared eye contancts. "I made my decision..." Somehow Minji was hopeful in her heart. "...I'm staying here." Jeongin made his choice with a smile. "What about your mom and dad?" She asked with slight worries.

"My parents gave me a choice actually before I came here... And I chose to stay." Jeongin had his finger pointing at Minji. "...with you. Well yeah I already bought the ticket and all that but ummm... I rather be here with you Minji." He gave her his usual smile with Minji just gave his shoulder a light punch but immediately she smiled at him before wrapping her arms around him again. "This time, we'll make it work okay?"

Minji let out a squeal as Jeongin suddenly lifted her up the ground as his arms wrapped tightly around her before he let her back down. "Just so you know, I'm still sober now okay? I didn't say everything back then because I am drunk." Hearing that made Minji formed a teasing smirk on her face before she held up her hand and lifted up a few fingers. "How many am I holding now then?"

"Four." Jeongin answered correctly with a proud smile as she let her hand down. "Guess you really are sober. Then I won't mind giving you this..." Minji took a step closer to him as she tilted her head to her side and surprised him with a soft kiss on his lips which Jeongin calmly gave back as her arm wrapped behind her neck, pulling her closer to him.

And at that exact moment, when her lips met his, was when Minji, after long last, now could really believe that she truly got to write a perfect ending to her life story...

"Have you bring everything needed with you?" Haerin asked as she and Yongbok were seated in his car while they're on their way to a fifth audition for Yongbok ever since he came back from Australia. "Yes, I think I did." Yongbok replied her while he's driving calmly yet his heart inside his chest was beating up and down and the butterflies in his stomach was raging from time to time.

Haerin turned her attention to the back seat where Yongbok placed all the required things for him to bring. "Your portfolio album? Oh here it is..." Haerin took her time in arraging the required items for Yongbok properly. "Okay, let's get through some things again shall we..." She seated back before getting her phone out and Yongbok just nodded with a hum.

"When did Louis Vuitton was founded and where..." Haerin asked him questions that might be ask later during the audition. "1854 in Rue Neuve des Capucines in Paris. Founded by Louis Vuitton himself, a French fashion designer and a businessman hence his name was used as the brand name itself." Yongbok answered confidently as Haerin nodded her head. "Correct..."

"What about Dior?" Haerin asked the next question as Yongbok's humming while exercising his brain. "Christian Dior founded and started the brand in Paris at 30 Avenue Montaigne. Founded and created in 1946..." He trying to remember more while remaining focus on the wheel. "...but the brand claims that in 1947 as its beginning year because that's when the fashion house's first collection debuted..."

After a few more questions, Haerin gave Yongbok a moment for him to calm himself down before eventually, they arrived at the BOMG Entertainment, the building where the casting and audition will be held. With Yongbok's by the back seats' door, Haerin then made her way to him. "You got this okay?" Haerin's soft voice echoed in his ears as he curved out a light smile while feeling the pressure on his shoulders slowly being lifted slightly.

Haerin's eyes were looking at her dearest darling from top to bottom, as he's pretty much spent great amount of his savings just so he could afford a dress set of his beloved luxury brand for him to wear during these auditions and there's no one else that truly felt Yongbok's determination and hunger in making his dream a reality more than Haerin herself. With his parents still living in Australia and won't be coming back any time soon until at least the middle of the year, Haerin was Yongbok's main support system.

"You look great. I'm sure they'll see why they should be casting you because you are rocking the Louis Vuitton my love." Haerin's encouraging words made the nervousness in his heart slowly calming down as Yongbok could only nod at Haerin with a light smile. "I'll be waiting for you by the lobby okay?" She gave him a smile. "Are you going to be okay waiting there alone?" Even when the pressures on him, Yongbok still manage to worry about Haerin's well-being before she just gave him a reassurance nod with her head. "You're talking to Vanessa Kang, the vlogger remember? Now get up there and do your best okay?" She let out a chuckle as she could only caress the side of his shoulder as she didn't want to ruin the light makeup on his face.

As he breathed out a sharp one, he nodded to her before getting all the required stuffs to bring and though being nervous, he bravely made his way into the building. Though being silent, Haerin's been praying non-stop in her heart for nothing but the best for him as she's made her way to the front lobby and found an indoor café so she's spending her time there.

Minding her own business, Haerin's sitting by a table, with her cup of coffee, on her phone almost all the time while she kept on praying and hoping for the very best outcome for Yongbok who still remained up there even after an hour or so had passed. She eventually lost count of the time she's been sitting there before her observant pair of eyes finally saw Yongbok walked out of the elevator at the far distance.

While he's heading for the exit, Haerin made her way quickly to him. "Yongbok~" She called out to him just enough for him to hear her. "So..." Haerin was panting slightly as she looked at his unreadable expression on his face. "...how did it go?" She asked calmly before a joyous smile was spread across his face. "Yes...? Yes?" Haerin's got all excited as Yongbok heaved out a sigh of relief before nodding his head. "Yes." He answered.

Haerin couldn't scream in public so she just gave him the tightest hug she could give while caressing his back. "I know you can do it Yongbok.... I am so happy for you." She whispered as a kiss on her forehead by him made her chuckle silently. "So how did it actually went before?" She asked as Yongbok immediately gave her the full story, details by details while being all excited and all smiles.

"When will you be... when will you start then?" Haerin asked as she and Yongbok made their way back to his car. "In two months... they'll send me and a few others to modelling courses." Yongbok answered as Haerin could only nod. "I see... Well, good luck then. I'll be cheering you on every single day." Even though she's smiling yet Haerin's somehow feeling a tad sad knowing that their life would probably not be the same after this now that Yongbok's progressing well in making his dream a reality.

Yongbok, despite seeing her smile, he caught up with her as he gently held onto Haerin's hand, fingers gently intertwined with her. "We're going to be okay..." His calm tone made Haerin smiled yet tears were running down her eyes so she quickly wiped them off with a long sigh. "We've talked about this right... I know that we'll be okay, I believe so. Like you said, we'll support each other's dream right and there's nothing better for me to do now is to support you all the way..."

"I love you Kang Haerin." Yongbok whispered calmly as Haerin's smile was joyous as she nodded. "I love you too." And just by seeing him like this, Haerin didn't want to wish for anything else. The life that they're having now was efficient, it wasn't grand, it wasn't all golds and fames and all that maybe not just yet. But this life of them just feels right, it feels like those hazy summer days, when people have nothing to do but just be out there in the sunshine with the warm gentle breeze brushing over the skin.

Just like Yongbok who Haerin thought of as the epitome of a sunshine itself... And she's more than lucky to have him in her life. Always...

20th February 2025

You've been looking forward to this day the most as not only it's your birthday today but today also marks the one-year anniversary for both you and Hanni being together and you wanted to celebrate with her to the fullest today but due to unforeseen circumstances, Hanni was working today until afternoon and even though it's a shame that you and her couldn't celebrate by the early morning, Hanni still went over to work with a smile.

As the time's moving forward and fast approaching the end of her shift, you who already dressed comfortably, were making your way to the café that Hanni's working at. Taking your time, walking your way until you finally reached the café before walking in.

And your eyes soon landed on her, standing by the counter before it didn't take long for her to notice you as well. "Hi~" She greeted you with a chuckle as you made your way to the counter. "I'll better get change now unnie..." Hanni said to the older woman next to her who gave her a nod with a smile. "I'll be right back~" She said to you before she made her way to the back room.

"Hey how's it going?" Chaeyoung then got over to the counter as you gave her a light wave. "Again, I am so sorry for making Hanni work today but we're currently short on staffs and part timers. I know how special today is for both you and her so I am sorry." Seeing the older woman bowing her head, you immediately raise your hands as you're bowing your head as well.

"No, it's fine. Hanni and I already discussed this a few weeks back and we're both okay with it. She said that she's worried that you'd be working alone for today so that's why she wanted to work today as well." You gave her your reason as Chaeyoung just nodded with a light guilty smile on her face. "I'm happy for you and Hanni for reaching the one-year mark today. I pray that it'll last forever for you two."

"Thanks noona. I hope you and Mingyu hyung would settle down sooner or later." By hearing that Chaeyoung just waved you off as there's this hint of blushes on her cheeks just as Hanni finally got herself changed as she walked back in from the back room. "I am ready~" She said cheerfully as she got her bag and handed you the backpack where she put her barista outfit in.

"I'll get going now unnie~" Hanni went over and gave Chaeyoung a hug as she patted Hanni's back gently. "Thank you so much for today Hanni. Have a great date and congrats on reaching your one-year anniversary today." She whispered softly as Hanni just giggled slightly before nodding her head. "You're welcome." Hanni then went back to you as her smile was filled with excitement to finally get to spend this special day with you.

"Happy birthday to you as well. Have fun~" Chaeyoung waved the two of you goodbye as you bowed down slightly at her before you and Hanni made your way out of the café and got back into your car. "Ready~?" You asked rather cheerfully as Hanni just let out a light laugh as she's fastening her seatbelt. "Where are we going now honey? Movies? Dinner first? Food hunting by the market?" She asked full of anticipation while you only gave her a smile.

"The sun's going down soon and..." You then got the engine on before getting your seatbelt on. "...to celebrate our anniversary today, I managed to book ourselves a night yacht ride and a candle light dinner on it while we're cruising the Han River." You gave her the surprise and the smile on her face couldn't measure how much joy and excitement she's feeling at that moment. "No... Are we really going on a yacht~ Just the two of us?" She held onto your hand and the nod you gave made her squeal the happiest one she ever did.

"You're not joking right? We really going on a literal boat, a yacht literally?" When the car started moving, it seems like Hanni still couldn't believe the plan you had for the night and you just chuckled with your head nodded. "Yes we are love, here..." Then you handed Hanni your phone. "...you can check the latest email I received, there's the reservation card in that." Hanni then got your phone, typed in your passcode before getting into your emails and it was indeed true.

"We're really going to have a candle light dinner on a yacht..." She whispered in between her squeals before she had her arms wrapped around your arm resting on the arm rest. "God, I'm glad that I'm in love with a romantic poet. I love you so much." She happily letting her head resting on your shoulder as you gave the top of her head a kiss. "Let's enjoy tonight to the fullest okay?" You whispered calmly as Hanni's smile was so wide before she nodded her head. So with the sun's setting in a few more moments, you and Hanni got to where the yacht is, got the reservation checked and everything before you two safely boarded the yacht.

She was all chuckles and snickers filled with excitement and joy as you made your way up. And just like that, you're now standing on a nice yacht along with Hanni next to you as you're by the metal fence, holding hands with her while the yacht was just about to take off. "I am really on a yacht right now..." Hanni whispered as your smile widened upon hearing it before you had your arm wrapped around her shoulders and hugging her closer to you. "Happy one year anniversary to us my sweetheart."

"Happy anniversary and happiest birthday to you my love." She had her arms around your waist as the wind's blowing over you and Hanni with the view of the Han river and the city lights that's starting to light up little by little were somehow calming yet breathtaking, making her smile over the calmness of the atmosphere. "I expected a trip to the local steakhouse if I'm being honest baby..." Hanni let out a chuckle as you gave the side of her head a gentle kiss.

"I mean steakhouse somehow is a close second choice for me but ummm, when else can we actually have a candle light dinner on a yacht like this right?" You whispered as Hanni could only giggle with her eyes closed as the wind's blowing around you and her was so calming and refreshing. "You are truly the best. I always expected great things from you yet when you gave them to me, you always went way past my expectations and that's just one of the beautiful things that you truly are honey."

"That's because you deserve it. Like you always said, we deserves this life filled with blessings and happiness and I will continue to provide you with it." Hanni was trying to hold her tears of joy in as she nodded her head with your words. "Excuse me sir, madam..." One of the butler assigned to the yacht, greeted you two from behind soon after. "Your table's ready..." And after hearing that, you and Hanni made your way to the front of the yacht where a table had been set up with candle lights enlightening up the mood. As you and Hanni sat down across of each other, your candle light dinner officially started. You and Hanni have been given the three special course dinner and it was perfect, down to the last bite.

The sun's already set by the horizon and the city's all lightened up beautifully around them with both you and Hanni now enjoying your drinks. "I supposed we couldn't order a cake here now does it?" Hanni asked as you just snickered. "Probably not honey. But hey, I rather eat a cherry cake right now to be honest..." You replied as Hanni just chuckled. "You really love cherry cake aren't you? Okay I'll buy one tomorrow since we're having our off days' tomorrow."

"And~ since today is also your birthday my dearest darling, I won't let today ends without even giving you a birthday gift..." Hanni got her bag before taking out a small box, neatly gift-wrapped before giving it to you. "What have we here~" You gladly accepted her gift. Happily, and carefully you unwrapped the gift and you let out a warm smile as she got you a fitness watch. "You love it~?" She tilted her head slightly with a chuckle. "...you've been working out and trying to take great care of your health more often nowadays so I thought it would be a great help to get you fitness watch."

"I love it. This is great..." You immediately took off your watch before wearing the one she gifted you. "...looks great doesn't it?" You said as you're swiping around the watch, getting to know some of features available while Hanni was all smile across of you. Knowing there's still plenty of time left for you and Hanni on the cruise, the two of you then went over and were standing by the metal fence at the end of the yacht, admiring the view, enjoying the wind, arms wrapped on each other safely.

"Happy birthday to you~" Her head resting on your shoulder, Hanni calmly whispered you a birthday song before her lips planted a soft kiss on your cheek. "A year has gone by, yet the amount of love I have for you is still growing strong every single day. You're so special to me honey. You're the only one I wouldn't mind losing sleep for, the only one I can never get tired of talking to and the only one who crosses my mind constantly everyday..."

With her chin resting on your shoulder, you tilted your head towards her as you had your forehead rested on hers with both of your eyes closed. "...you're the only one who can make me smile with or without any intention and every actions of yours always affect my emotions with positive vibes. I can't explain in much prettier words how much you mean to me but please know that you're the one I'm afraid of losing and you're the only one I want to keep in my life forever..."

"Hanni-ah, my sweetheart..." You called out to her softly as she let out a gentle hum before you turned your body facing her. "...hold my hand." Facing each other, you gently held onto her hand before your fingers safely intertwined as she couldn't get her eyes of admiration off you. "...and close your eyes." You whispered as she gave you a light grin before closing her eyes. "Am I getting another surprise~? Oh am I getting another love poem from you~ Oh- oh- a love letter perhaps~" She let out a chuckle before you planted a kiss on her nose. "You know I wouldn't miss a precious chance like this my dear... What I have for you tonight is a love letter from the heart and I hope you'll accept it with a open heart..."

While you're preparing yourself, you could see her eyes, teasingly taking quick peeks at you, making you snickered. "No peeking Miss Pham~" You whispered to her as she's giggling cutely before you gave her lips a quick peck before proceeding with the gift you prepared wholeheartedly for Hanni...

"As the sun rises and sets, please remember this my love, I'd always choose you. In the simplicity of our love story, in the ordinary and the extraordinary, I'd choose you over and over again, because in your arms, I found my home, and in your love, I found my forever.

In this world filled with choices and chances, there's a simple and honest feeling that beats within my humble self, I'd always choose you. It's not about the grand gestures or the flashy moments; it's about the quiet, everyday choice to love you, to choose you, over and over again.

I choose you in the simple looks we share and the sweet kisses we give, in the everyday moments that become extraordinary because you are there. It's the way your hand fits perfectly into mine, like two pieces of a puzzle that were always meant to be together. Through life's twist and turns, my heart will choose you every time.

In the bright and sunny days or in the cloudy and rainy days, I'll choose you. In the laughter that dances in our shared stories and the sorrows we brush off side by side from our memories, my heart only lean towards you. It's not about being perfect or having everything figured out. Love is messy yet beautifully imperfect.

Rest assured my love because I'm still all in for you, I'm in for the sunny days and even more so for the stormy times, because this love I have isn't about finding someone flawless or someone perfect, it's about finding that one person who's just right for me and that person? Well, without any doubt, it's you Pham Hanni.

Even when the world spins a bit too fast and we find ourselves in a whirlwind of chaos, when the road ahead of us is uncertain and things get a bit too hard, I promise that I'll stick with you. And here's to the simple and deep choice that beats in my heart, I'd always choose you, not as an option among many others, but as the only choice my heart has ever known..."

As you finished your heartful letter for her, with tears already running down her cheeks despite her eyes still closed, you breathed out silently. "Hanni-ah open your eyes please..." You whispered calmly as Hanni gently wiped off the tears off her cheeks before opening up her eyes slowly. Immediately her hands covering her gasping lips and again her eyes began tearing up instantly.

Her eyes landed on you holding a ring in front of her while she couldn't contain her sniffs and cry before you slowly kneel down on one knee with your eyes couldn't even left hers with Hanni's trying to contain her cry with chuckles and smiles. The ring on one hand while the other was holding onto hers safely, you gave her the warmest of your smile. "Honey..." She whispered in her cries of joy.

"They say that with time, the spark fades but not with you. With you the spark has only grown brighter and more passionate as days passing by. You aren't just a chapter in my life Hanni, you're the whole poetry book, the greatest compilations of never ending beauties and perfect imperfections..." You're smiling softly yet tears were running down your eyes while she instantly had her thumb brushing off those tears gently every single time.

"Hanni Pham, my bestie, my world, my universe, my muse and my everything... Through the highs and the lows, the ups and downs that'll come our way, please rest assured that I'll always choose you. Because in the end, love is not just a feeling; it's a choice that we make everyday. And my choice, without a doubt, is you. I want to continue our precious story forward and I'm looking forward to the day that I can proudly call you my beautiful and amazing wife and all the way to the day that either Joshua or Cherry or even both can proudly call you their loving mother. Always and forever it's you..."

"...Hanni Pham, will you marry me?" And without hesitation Hanni nodded her head before cupping your cheeks gently and slowly stood you up. "Yes... yes honey...There's nothing else I want than forever for us..." Her hands still cupping your cheeks as she rested her forehead on yours. "...and please rest assured as well that even if the world's ending tomorrow, I will stay by your side and I will always choose you. The life inside me is alive because of you and the heart beating in me, beats for you. I love you so much..."

With a smile yet tears running down your eyes, you hold up her hand before slowly you slid the ring into her ring finger and you were thankful that it fits her perfectly. "This is my mother's wedding ring. Thankfully it fits you." And Hanni gasped again after hearing that. "Really... This is your mom's..." Hanni got her hand closer to her face as her eyes couldn't leave the ring with the cobalt blue diamond on the core before her thumb gently caressing it.

"Happy anniversary..." Hanni let out a squeal as your arms wrapped around her waist before you pulled her closer till her body pressed against yours. "...my fiancé" You gave her a playful grin as she dived her head in and give you the deepest of kiss, filled with love, trust, warmth and affection. "When will our wedding be then..." She asked after breaking the kiss gently.

"We'll get that all planned up eventually... Slowly but surely. As long as you're here, that's all that matters for me." You whispered as Hanni nodded her head with a chuckle. "You know what... I think I know what title would be perfect for your first official poem book honey..." She said as you hummed softly. "Really? What title would be perfect sweetheart?" And Hanni just gave you her usual smile.

"Spring rain to my drought."

One more chapter left... Still having mixed feelings about this. Thursday's going to be feeling a bit different, I'm sure of it...

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