Mashle Magic and Muscles x Is...

By Ryomei

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Mashle Magic and Muscles various x Isekai'ed!fem!Reader Soo, if you haven't checked my 'conversations' then h... More

Chapter 1 (waking up in the middle of the forest)
Chapter 2 (See you in 3 years.. 'for the plot')


838 26 89
By Ryomei

Hello hello dear readers! Please call me Author or Ryomei- which ever you prefer!


Author Pov:

Today- we will be looking at a typical 19 year old woman in her room, who just finished with her stream and is now planning on going out and finally touch some grass after being inside her house for 5 months

Narrator- (Pft- 'planning' mah ass.. she just ran out of snacks, that's why she decided to go out)

(Author: oh shut up, at least she goes to work out sometime unlike your lazy ass, remember- you are living rent free in my house >:)) I can kick you out anytime, let you sleep in the streets and let the orphans bully you)

Narrator- not the orphans.. pls don't.. I need the food..(  ; v ;)

(Ahem- anyway..)

Realizing that she is running out of food supplies and some snacks, she got no choice and went out

It's the weekends so there is no school, you go and wore a black and white sweater with a turtle neck, and over that is a short sleeve (f/c) hoodie with black (slightly) baggy pants with pockets

You wore a face mask cus- it's better to be safe than sorry after all, and you ain't planning on getting sick cus of Corona

While you are walking around, you saw an old lady having trouble crossing the road

And you being the good citizen you are, you ofcourse helped her, she thanked you and then left

You felt like today ain't going to be the usual boring day but you shrugged it of for now and went to the store, while also keeping your guard up as you ain't that dumb character who ignores their instincts and regret it later

'Trust your instincts..' you thought

You always have a gut instinct ever since you can remember, like that one time

You were once a child, 6 years old to be specific.. your older brother is there using his phone, watching a tutorial while also keeping watch over you

Your parents? Never met them :// you didn't bother to ask cus you thought it might be a sensitive topic for your brother, but your brother always told you that they are the best parents anyone could ask for

Pov Y/n:

I figured that they might have died when I was a baby, I can still get a glims of two older individuals beside the younger version of my brother, looking at me with smiling faces.. it's still in my dream and I felt comfort

Anyway- when my brother was trying to learn how to cook sisig (a Filipino dish) I was running around the counter of the kitchen, why? Just exploring and was in the middle of my child imagination, pretend I am a car and run around like I'm in a race

As I child I didn't know better as the kitchen is not a place for playing, I learned that when I felt like something is coming from on top

I moved away just in time and a knife, along with other utensils fell unto where I was before

My brother scolded me after the incident and I said sorry and promised not to do it again, a few minutes later I saw my brother in our back yard burning the utensils and I can hear him muttering that he hopes the utensils burn ad die for trying to harm his little sister

Over protective brother everyone?

Ever since can remember, my brother is always overprotective and is the one who taught me how to defend myself

I can still hear his words when he first taught me how to kick a bad guy

"Remember Y/n.. kick em hard, and aim low"  brother said to younger version me, patting my head

My older brother, Alfon Turgenev.. about 4 years older than me, have been the one taking care of me ever since I was 4

He is in one of the task forces rn, serving the army for about 4 years, we kept in touch from time to time and when he has the time to face cal, we talk and enjoy the time we have together while we can

He is the best older brother.. I couldn't ask for more, he has done so much for me and now I am a 19 year old woman.. a gamer and a streamer

My job? I work in a bar :)

What? You expect me to work in some McDonald's as a cashier or something?? Nah..





That was my first job before working as a bartender...

Snapping out of my thoughts, I found myself Infront of the store and started to get and buy some snacks and groceries

Like a young adult, I am very proud of my achievements.. no other struggles except for some school work (exams and shit) along with my.. somewhat shitty social skills...

After buying some food, I payed for them and placed them on my bag that I carried, I got out of the store and started to walk towards the road..

There I stood among the people waiting for a green light

I almost chocked on y spit when I saw the same old lady I helped before.. but this time..

She was about to get hit by a fuckin dumb truck

My eyes widen and I then felt my legs move on its own and sprinted towards the old woman

I can hear my heart beating through my chest and though

'fuck- truck-kun strikes again....'

I managed to push the old lady away and the truck hit my body, my life flashing before me eyes as my body to fly towards a pole

(narrator: I believe I can fly~~ *Bonk* oof- ow I'm sorry author- stoppp)

I felt the air forced out of my lungs, making my gasp at the impact, my body felt paralyzed

'aah shi- how do anime characters deal with this???' I thought

I then felt something warm trickling down my face and with an ounce of strength I have, I placed my hand on it and looked at the warm liquid on my hand.. red crimson blood is what I saw

Great.. now I'm also bleeding.. man..

I can heard people gasp, some screaming out of shock, some of them even calling the ambulance, the old lady I helped went towards me with teary eyes, giving me a sad and worried look

I couldn't hear anything as my ears are ringing, all is a blur and then e noises are faint

But i can hear some words that I can make out.. not really- but some

"I'm... rry"

"Plea... k....yo... yes op...n"

"You to l... ger, yo.. one"

"Lord.. pl...e en....her sa...ty"

"The ambu... coming.. plea.. "

I couldn't make out anything else as I stared to close my eyes

'brother.. I don't wanna leave brother alone.. wake up y/n.. come on!'

I tried keeping my eyes open, I don't wanna let my brother deal with this world alone, what would he say when he realized that his only family member died from truck-kun??

'fuck you.. truck-kun'

I thought before everything goes black...


There the body of a 19 year old, surrounded by crowded people, but still left some space, the ambulance making way

It was staring to rain too, some of the people leaving immediately while others watch as they pull out their umbrellas

And time seems to have stopped..

It was dead silent, everything stood still

And there, a silhouette of a woman with white hair that has purple streaks at the bottom, along with a deep galaxy like eyes stared at the body of the woman and sigh

"Another one... Do you really have to hit her that hard? Narrator?"

I asked, looking at narrator who shrugged

(You only told me to hit em with a truck, you didn't specify how hard)

I deadpan at him before looking at the body and decided to change the topic

"I have already told her brother about this... He was devastated at first but I managed to tell him that I'll be sending her to an anime.. before he can go on a rampage"

The narrator looked at me and asked

(Oh? Dis he asked if you can just.. you know.. prevent it or revive her?)

I chuckled at that

"He seems more focused about her sister than anything else.. plus.. I have been growing bored lately.. and want some entertainment... This young fella over here... Is perfect"

I said, looking at the woman, I held out my hand, the woman then turned into a white orb, now floating towards my hand

"Narrator...  I trust that you'll handle the rest?"

Narrator nodded

(Yeah, erase any signs of her existance.. erase the memory of friends, co-workers, random passer by.. and restart everything)

I nodded, it would be difficult as the older brother will also be extremely worried for his younger sister, and thought about also sending him to the anime..

That was I first thought but decided against it, I plan on making the older brother communicate with his sister through a phone, even tho they are from a different reality.. they could still be in touch

I honestly don't wanna deal with some drama and don't wanna be an author who gives the mc and her family some mental and/or emotional trauma

i need entertainment... not some k-pop drama, I ain't that kinda of author

•°--°•--TIME SKIP--•°--°•

I placed the unconscious woman.. now in child form, laid her on a small flower bed, her wounds already healed and gifted her some op power's

Why? Cus I said so :))

For a few minutes later, me and narrator met and nodded, mission accomplished

Now.. we just play the waiting game, and play some Uno



















Y/n Pov:

I felt.. numb.. my body feels like it's floating

I opened my eyes, looking around.. I am in a middle of a void of something..

"Ah your awake, Hello"

I heard a sudden voice coming from behind me, letting out a small shriek and looked behind me

There I saw a glowing orb with fluffy looking pure white wings

"Ehehe.. sorry if I startled you, young one"

I blinked at it, hesitant at first but then spoke

"Who.. where am I? I remember..."

My memory flashed back.. me saving a lady.. me being hit by a truck.. and my last words as 'fuck you truck-kun' before everything goes black


"Am.. am I getting Isekai'ed?"

I asked, tho it's a ridiculous question i couldn't help but ask

The orb before me seems to nod and.. smiled? It doesn't have a mouth, but I can somewhat tell by seeing it's glowing white eye

"Mhm.. makes my job allot easier.. now.. Im sure you already know, you died getting hit by a truck"

I then objected

"But.. what about my brother?"

"You dont have to worry, au- Ryomei have told your brother about the matter before you got hit, you two can still communicate eachother by using your phone.. but you cannot contact anyone else.."

I nodded, surprisingly being calm about this situation.. normally, sane people would be panicking, running around of throwing some stuff when they realized that they have died

But me? I am always known to be an oddball.. I already know that death is inevitable and can happen at any time.. nowing that, I just accepted the fact the I died, just sad and worried about my brother

"Then.. would there still be a chance of me going back to my world?"

"Yeah, but inorder to go back home, you have to reach the end of the story.. of an anime.. so yes.. you will so be Isekai'ed"

I pearled up on this, so it's possible?

"May I ask.. what anime I am going to be in?"

The orb laughed a bit, floating around me

"You don't have to worry about that, you'll find out soon as Ryomei has already placed your body in there.. mind you, Ryomei is generous enough to gift you some powers and abilities"

Before I can ask for more, I felt my eyes growing heavy again, and every thing is black one again..

The last words I heard before blacking out

"Stay safe Y/n.. enjoy your new journey"

•°•-_-•°•-_-!To Be Continued!-_-•°•-_-•°•

Soo what do you think? Do you like it?

Anyway- let's start with you info.. shall we?

Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 19 (before)

Age: 5 (when you first came here)

Age: 15 (original plot)


"How I am not depressed? I watch anime and listen to music to cope with reality- jk jk jk, tho it's true, the answer.."

"Is that you have to find the right people or person who can teach and show you that the world ain't that bad when you have eachother"

Hair color: (h/c)

Hair style: Wolf-cut or (h/s)

Hair length: Mid

Eye color: gem-like (e/c)

Height: 6'0 (before)

Height: 3'6 (when you first came here)

Height: 5'6 (when you turn 15)


(That would be your mark)

Since it looks like an infinity symbol, is it safe to say it's called the infinity-liner?

✨ Magic ✨

♾️ Infinity ♾️

•°- so basically.. you can make anything, do anything, manipulate your surroundings.. all what is inside your head, use your imagination and it can happen, you can use any magic- make new magic, the possibility is infinite and the limit is your imagination.

Personality: can range from stoic, humble and helpful to boastful, lazy and short-tempered... She is mainly curious but meant well, she tends to be more calm, she does express happiness if anything's going well.. but can go serious if necessary, she is not easily provoked... but if you somehow manage to anger her, you have her friends and my sympathy...

Also, once you became your friend, she would be more casual with you and would express more emotions often, she would still be calm but at different times, can curse like a sailor if she feels like it

Likes: Food, sleep, deserts, star gazing, cloud gazing, singing, listening to music, doing commissions, reading manga, trying out new spells that came into mind, anime, her brother, gaming, staying inside, baggy clothes, reading memes... (Your likes)

Disikes: her friends getting hurt knowing she could've prevented it, snotted brats, people she considers bad people, the smell of smoke, people interrupting her sleep, people trying to go through her search history, people who is missing with her friends and family figures... (your dislikes)


- Mash my sweet potato- I made you some of my special cream puffs! Just how you like it :))

- isn't lemon supposed to simp for mash?? Why does she have a plushie of me-

- hola! Mi amigos- holy shit-

- hello- im under ⬇️ da water 🌊.. pls 🙏 help 🆘 me 🥲

- damn.. why Rayne have to be hot as hell.. that should be illegal  >:O

- Hey mash! Did you bring the- oh... Who the fack is you?

- I didn't get paid enough for this shit-

- ...oh mah gah, your eyes are so beautiful- how?

- hah! Take that! Ya prick!

- wanna say that again? You blonde, toe suckin, motherless hoe?

- bitch- I will 😤 send 📤 you to see your creator 🩴

- that is basically genocide... And ✨ I✋ Fucking Love 💖 Genocide 😈

- there is a guy you looked up at me and said "step on me" and I said.... "Say less"

- Oh you gotta admit- dot with hair down is hot 🔥

- Cheese fucking a nugget- I won't 🚫 let you see 👀 my search 🔍 history 📓 😤

- I will literally come back to life before anyone can even glance over my search history...

- mash your too innocent 😇 for your own good 😊

-me? The chosen one? I thought mash is the chosen one..

- the boy who lived? No.. the boy 👦 who lifted 🏋️

- *playing Harry Potter prologue with piano*

- Your a body builder mash-

- heya mash, ya miss me?

-... Whatcha holdi... why does that puppet look like me-?

Lets move on to the love interest shall we?

Love interests 💖

Mash burnedead
"Y/n, is very special to me, I won't let anyone harm her, she is someone.. that makes me feel happier than eating creampuffs... pops said that other people might also fall in love with her or have a crush for her, It's sad that he is right"

Lance Crown
"Hm.. through all the scums and idiots in all the world.. y/n, is an exemption... I'm sure Y/n and Anna can get along very well.."

Dot Barrett
"I am the main character, and when I saw
Y/n... I knew she is the female lead I have been looking for!"

Lemon Irvine
"I.. I never thought that.. I would actually fell in love with a same gender.. it's okay though right? As long as I love her.. *squeal* I should probably make some biscuits for her! I'm sure she'll love it!"

Finn Ames
"Y/n-san... Is 'somewhat' of the normal person in our group, but I admire and lo.. I mean! Care! Yeah- I meant care for her.. p-please don't tell her.. I.. still have yet to have the courage to.. a-ask her out.."

Rayne Ames
"The first year? I know of her.. what about it? Hm.. well she does sometimes remind me of a cute rabbit sometimes.. a wild and feral one.. but adorable.. f.. forget I said anything.. don't tell this to anybody..."

Abel walker
"Hm? Y/n? The person who has the infinity mark on her... She has the mark.. yet.. still lived among the lows and the weak... Why is that? She should be beside me.. I wonder what she is thinking..."

Abyss Razor
"You think.. my eyes look.. unique? B-beautiful even? Hmn.. find the right person you say...

Love Cute
"I has told myself that I am the cutest of the bunch.. and seeing y/n... *squeal* she can be so hot when she wants.. the dominant look in her eyes... *Squeal*

Anser Shinri?
"hmph.. that woman? It's true that she may be powerful and all.. I admit.. but I still don't see her as any superior than us!"

Agito Tyrone?
"...she.. calls me a masochist one time... I remember... the look on her face... I cannot help but smile.. and wished for her to say that again.."

Wirth Mádl?
"The hell? That woman?.. she isn't from a royal blood.. yet still holds an immense- no.. unmeasurable amount of power.. I wonder what she did to gain such power.."

Orter Mádl
"She is someone who have caught my most interest, for I have never heard about someone having an 'infinity' Mark.. I cannot help but feel the need to learn more about her.. her 'friend'... Mash burnedead was it? She should know better than to be with someone with no magic.. as such people is a taboo in this place"

Milo genius?
"I don't get it.. why did she helped me? Is it put of pity? She healed my wounds even if a divine visionary told her not to.. is it entirely her decision? This questions have been bothering me ever since that day..."

Carpaccio Luo-Yang
"I respect her as my superior.. but I can't help.. but feel these unknown emotions when I'm with her, or when I see her.. I felt the world became bright.. meaningful.. she is.. the key of making me feel so.. alive.. full of emotions.. despite living in such a world.."

Ryoh Grantz?
"Ah, y/n.. the little star hm? She has gotten my attention ever since I have heard about her, and her infinity mark.. and as the most handsome man, it's only natural that I get to be with someone as beautiful and talented as her ;)"

Kaldo Gahenn?
"Hah.. y/n? The devilishly sweet first year? Hm? What's with the nickname I gave her? Oh don't mind that! I just find her scent very sweet.. similar to that of Linden Trees
and birch wood coated with honey, yet her scent is a trap making people fall into her sweet honey delight.. I am one of those people.. but I could care less even if it means dying~"

Sophia biblia?
"Hm.. despite her.. vulgar words.. she have some caught the attention of people.. including mine... I have never thought I would fall in love with someone with the same gender.. but perhaps.. this can be an exception.."

Tsurara Halestone?
"She is.. so warm.. whenever she is near, the feeling of the coldness felt like it just disappeared.. every time she looks at me, I felt my cheeks warm.. i.. I want to stay by her side.. I love the feeling of her warmth.."

Renatus Revol?
"Hah? The first year? Tsk.. yeah I knew her.. I see her sometimes in the cemetery, at first I thought she is another thief, but turns out.. she was just talking to a ghost child who has trouble moving on.. she is very interesting to say the least"

(Did I miss anyone.? Please comment here to tell me which of the characters have I missed)

•°_-:The platonic relationship:-_°•

Wahlberg Baigan
"Now, y/n l/n is a special case.. both her and mash burnedead has a lot of potential.. but  young y/n is very.. different from anyone.. where her magic came from.. I don't know.. but.. her mark shows that she is chosen by a supreme being..."

"She is like a granddaughter to me, fierce, kind towards others and would do anything to do what is right, I can't help but feel protective when I knew men would be after her heart.."

(The supreme being? It's your author ofcourse!)

Regro burnedead
"She is like the daughter i never had, to be honest, I wonder if mash has realized his feelings for y/n.. ah, I can't wait to be a grandpa!"

"From the letter, mash and y/n seems to be doing just fine... And mash seems to have noticed his feelings little by little, I might as well give him some advice on what he can do"

Brad Coleman
"The young lady.. seeing her at first is a surprise, seeing someone with the kind of mark is very new.. Regro have told me that both mash and y/n have known eachother when they where 5.. she is a traveler with no parents.. and goes on commissions from the guilds to live.. at such a young age, but has already have a mature mind.. I wonder why happened to her to be like this.."

"I also see her as a daughter I wish to have, and seeing allot of males trying to get at her makes me feel like an overprotective father.. I can't help but smile at the thought of her calling me 'dad' or 'father'"

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