My Dearest Enemy

By authorsangeeta

458K 30.6K 2.4K

Meet yuvraj, the epitome of charm and affluence in Mumbai city. yuvraj is not just a young tycoon but the mos... More

5. Maira
7. Maira
8. yuvraj
9. Maira
10. Yuvraj
11. Yuvraj
12. Maira
13. Yuvraj
14. Maira
15. Maira
16. Yuvraj
17. Maira
18. Yuvraj
19. Maira
20. Yuvraj
21. Maira
22. Yuvraj
23. Maira
24. Yuvraj
25. Maira
26. Yuvraj
27. Maira
28. Yuvraj
29. Maira
30. Yuvraj
31. Maira
32. Yuvraj
33. Maira
34. Maira
35. Yuvraj
36. yuvraj
37. Maira
38. Yuvraj
39. Maira
40. Yuvraj
41. Maira
42. Maira
43. Yuvraj
44. Yuvraj
45. Maira
46. Yuvraj
47. Yuvraj
48. Maira
49. Yuvraj
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3


11.6K 736 32
By authorsangeeta

"you're an idiot" shivansh said after i told him everything that happened in the english class.

"Why are you saying this?" i asked.

"Because you embarrassed her in front of whole class you dumb asshole ". he said.

"I didn't embarrassed her, she was the one who started the argument".

"And you were telling her that you brings condoms in campus" he said with raised eyebrows.

"Well i was only joking with her" i said trying to convince my best friend to take my side.

"What kind of joke is that?, you were asshole to her, you idiot".

"Are you my friend or hers"

"Don't change the topic, you should apologize to her"

I start to laugh. Me apologizing to her is like sun rising from west.

" I'm dead serious, you should apologize" shivansh said seriously.

"Have you lost your mind" i said irritated.

"No, I've my mind and it's you who need a mind, imagine someone doing this to annika, how would you react"

"I'll kill that bastard"

"Exactly" shivansh said.

Oh, if someone has done something like this to my sister, i would have killed that bastard. okay call me hypocrite,but i enjoy annoying her but i never want her to cry because of me. Yeah i saw tears in her eyes. It might kill me to apologise to her but i think i should do it.

"Are you listening to me"? shivansh asked.

"Yeah, listening bro"

"Soooo, are you gonna apologise to her or not?"

"I think, I'll apologise" i said pressing both my hands on my face.

"Good, that's my fucking boy, now let me teach you how to say sorry"

"Seriously shivansh!!!", i know how to say sorry" i said rolling my eyes.

"Just kidding bro, But i need a video of you apologising to her, so that i can show that video to my grandchildren,
because for the first time in history my best friend is gonna say sorry to a girl. Such a historic moment" he said and started to laughing.

"Shut the fuck up, you idiot, you keep talking shit and I'll change my mind"

"No no don't do that. I'll record the historical moment from eyes" he said with so much excitement.

I shake my head in disbelief and take a deep sigh of relief and start preparing myself to apologise to angel.
We talked for sometime then i said goodbye to shivansh as he went to do some of his work.
I decide to meet my father as I'm having some problems dealing with new project.
I go downstairs and enter into my father's room. Maa is already there, sitting with papa. I think they're watching something on television. I don't want to interrupt but i really need to talk to papa for the new project with sighaniyas.

"Maa, papa" i said walking towards them.

"Yuvraj beta," papa said with a smile on his face.

"Papa,how are doing. Maa did he take the medicine on time?" i asked my mother because my dad as always never takes his health seriously.

"Don't you worry about me dear, I'm alright. How are you doing in your new University? Are you enjoying it or not?" papa asked.

"Yes papa, I'm enjoying it very much"

"Of course you're enjoying it very much by disturbing maira" maa said with her raised eyebrows.

"What?? Why you do that yuvraj.
She is always nice. Why do you always mess with her?" papa asked.

Seriously!!! This is my family and they always support her. And what did they mean by she is always nice. Nice my foot.
I decide to not talk about her anymore. I'm so done with her. So i try to change the topic.

"Papa i need to talk about our new project with sighaniyas" i said with dead serious face so that they can believe I'm serious.
Maa roll her eyes and take a deep breath and said,
"Of course you are interested in business talk right now".
With this, she left us alone.

"So what you want to talk yuvi beta?"
dad asked.

"The new project with sighaniyas need more funding. We need new partner to continue this projects. With new partner we'll do the project more effectively". i explained everything to papa.
It took papa some time to think about it.

"so we need new partner for this project" papa said.

"Yes new partner and more funding"

"I think we should collaborate with Malhotras, i and abhiraj are best friends. This project has lots of potential and i know Malhotras will agree to do it".

"But papa it might ruin your friendship if something bad happen to this project"

"Nothing bad will happen. We have been good friends since four decades beta and i think it's time for us to take this friendship to next level".

I take my time to think about it. I know Malhotra uncle will agree to do this but i don't want to ruin the friendship of our families but at the same time i need new partner and funding for new project. I believe in myself and i know I'll be able to accomplish this project so i agreed with my father.

"Okay, let's do it" i said.

"I'll talk to abhiraj right now"

"But he is out of town"

"So what he is my best friend after all"
Papa said chucking.

I wait till papa finished taking to his friend. It took them 30 minutes to finish their chit chat.

"Yeah, of course we should do that, I'll take of that. Come home soon abhi, bye" i hear papa saying those words on his phone.

"What did he said" i asked impatiently.

"Calm down beta, he agreed to it"

"Yessss!! I need to start preparing myself for the meeting papa, see you later".

"Wait yuvraj, we first need to do something" papa said.

"What is it?"i asked.

"We need to throw a party"

"A party?? For what?". i asked not understanding anything.

"We need to throw a party for the announcement of the union of Malhotras, sharmas and singhaniyas.
We'll accounce it in front of media"

"But we can announce it without throwing party papa" i agrue.

"Beta, it's been so long since we celebrated something so i think it's for the best if celebrate our new collaboration by throwing party"

I want to argue but seeing my father excited after so long makes me happy so i agreed with him to throw a party.

Two days later:
Party day:

"I can't believe we are throwing party" i heard annika and her face filled with lots of excitement.

"Yeah me too"i said.

"Aren't you excited bhai?"

"I'm very much excited, can't you see it on my face". I make a dead serious face.

"Funny bhai" she said rolling her eyes. I start to go downstairs to see if everything is going as per the plan but annika stop me and said,
"Listen my dear big brother, i know you're very busy and all but don't you dare to mess with my best friend.
Do you understand that?"

I almost forgot about her. These two days were very hectic for me. I forgot about the apology. O god kill me now.

"I'm always nice to her". I said started to go but annika stop again.

"What is it annika?" I said with a groan in my voice.

"She got scolded because of you. I know what happened".

Ah for fuck sake miss agnihotri scolded me as well but i didn't blame her. My family and friend loves to make big issue of small things.

I don't want to agrue with my little sister anymore as i have to check the preparation.

"Okay I'll not mess with her. Happy now"

"Yeah, very much" she hugged me as if I've done something great.

"Okay annika, Lemme go now I've some important works downstairs"

"Okay big bro" she finally releases from her tight hug.
I go downstairs to see preparation and thank God everything is prepared as per plan. Now it's time for guests arrival.
Me ,annika and my parents stand together to greet all the guest. When Malhotra's arrives, my dad went to hug his best friend, abhiraj uncle, and my mother went to meet anjana aunty. I took to the opportunity to meet agastya.

"Hello buddy" i said as i reached near him. He and i are good friends. We talk sometime. We used to be best friends but when he went to another country for his high school studies, we lost our connection but again we are going to same college so I'm hoping we can be good friends again.

"Hello yuvi" he said.
"Sooo, how have you been?" i asked casually.

"I've been good, thanks for asking" he said it like a robot saying something.

I was about to ask him about his sister because I haven't seen her but someone closes my eyes with their hands and and i know who it is.

"Guess who" shivansh tries to change his voice but i know it's him. For fuck sake why do he do all these shitty stuffs.

"Shivansh, can you stop pretending someone else and remove your filthy hands from my eyes"

"Ugh, you're no fun yuvi" he said removing his hands.

"Well hello to you too agastya" he said to agastya.

"Yeah, hello, nice to meet you too" agastya said as if he is already bored.

I excused myself and went upstairs to take some files related to new project.
When i reached in room i heard some noise coming from my bathroom.

"Annika, are you there?" I asked but no reply came.

The door of bathroom opens and i see miss maira Malhotra coming out of my damn bathroom. Our gaze meet for second.
"You" we both said together.

"What the hell are you doing in my room"

"This is your room" she asked.

"Of course this is my room, don't act as if you don't know. you have came to our house many times"

"I've never came to your room, so i didn't know it was your room"

"What were you doing in my bathroom" i asked.

"Are you little half minded or dumb, don't you know what bathroom are for" she said irritated.

Oh! Of course i know what bathrooms are for. I think I'm the dumbest person alive.

I look at her. She is wearing party gown with long heels, open hairs. Damn she look hot. Oh no no i cannot find her hot.
This is perfect time to apologise to her. No one is here and specially shivansh is not here so i decide to apologise.

"Listen, i want to say something, the thing is i want to apo.... Ugh come on yuvi you can do. I know you can do it. Just say it. Nothing will change. It's fine.

"Are you waiting for shubh muhurat?"

"What" i asked. And she looked at me like I'm the most idiotic person in this universe.

"You were saying something, say it or are waiting for right time"

"I wanted to say so...come on yuvi.
I take deep breath and finally said it
"I'm sorry".
I want mother earth to swallow me right now. I thought she will make fun of me but she remains silent and then she burst into laughter. Okay so she is making fun of me.

"Good one mr.yamraj. nice try"

O god she thinks I'm joking.

"I'm serious angel, and I'm sorry for what happened in english class".

"Wait what. You're serious, like serious serious" she asked and i nod.

"Okayyyy". She said and started making a video of mine.

"What are you doing angel" i asked.

"Can you repeat the words you said, i need everyone to see this"

For fuck sake.

"I said I'm serious" i said with a wide grin on my face looking directly into the camera.

"The other sentence you said, can you repeat that?" she said so excited.

"Can you stop making video"

"Not until you repeat what you said"

Not at all. I don't want her to record video of mine apologising her.
I tried to snatch the camera from her hand and suddenly her heels slipped and she was about to fall but i caught her by her waist. My eyes trails her beautiful eyes and face. I can't believe I'm saying this but she really is beautiful. We remain in that position for while but suddenly,
"Omg, i haven't seen anything, you guys to do whatever you want" we hear shivansh's word and i immediately release her. She take her phone ran away from my room.

"It's not what you think" i said to shivansh clearing my throat.

"Well, I'm not saying anything" shivansh said with a mischievous smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked changing the topic.

"I came to inform you that everyone is waiting for you, but i think you were busy doing your secret love project"

"Shut up. You tell anything what you saw and I'll bury you six feet under the ground" i said.

"Okay , okay I'm not saying anything but it was historic watching you two in that position"

"Shut it, shivansh" i said annoyed.

"Okay fine, you're no fun".

"Let's go downstairs and don't say a word" i said but he doesn't reply.

I groan and said " shivansh do you understand?"

"Yeah fine whatever".

After taking all important file we went downstairs where everyone were waiting for me to announce the project.

"Let's do it yuvraj" abhiraj uncle said and singhaniyas also joined me in the announcement procedure.

"We're thrilled to announce a groundbreaking collaboration between three innovative partners: Sharmas, Malhotras and singhaniyas. Together, we're embarking on a new project. This partnership brings together unparalleled expertise, resources, and a shared vision for pioneering solutions . Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this journey to redefine possibilities and create lasting impact!" i announced it in front of media.

"Sir, what's the name of the new project" a news reporter asked.
Abhiraj uncle and singhaniyas looked towards me. I haven't thought about it. i looked in the crowd and a beautiful eyes meet mine and i said with a smirk on my face,
"The name of this new this collaboration is project angel".

(.so how was it guys. Do let me know in the comments section. Vote for more updates guys.)
Love: Sangeeta

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