We Do Have Reputations(OLD VE...


14.4K 164 560


Dedication ❤️
shout-out to my goofers


284 5 21

No one POV

A few days after Alejandro and Tyler had dinner with his family Alejandro stopped by a bar with José, Carlos, and his good friend Duncan.

Alejandro POV

Duncan parks his car and gets out. Me and José carpooled to the bar together and Carlos said he's still ten minutes away.

"Let's head in. I came here to get lit not wait for Carlos's stupid ass out here in the cold," José says.

"José is right. It's mid February, I'm not trynna freeze," Duncan adds.

We all nod I'm agreement and head inside the bar. Carlos arrives a few minutes later and we all take a seat.

"Alright boys, tonight's on me," Duncan says. I grin.

"Well well amigo. Where did you get the money for all these drinks your gonna pay for?".

"Ah, you know... criminals work".

Carlos actually looks concerned and Duncan laughs. "I'm just kidding," he says. "I got extra money from becoming famous you know. That's the only good thing I got out of being on Total Drama".

José scoffs. "That show is for petty broke people. Who needs a million bucks anyway?".

I roll my eyes. "May I remind you, my fiance almost won a million dollars".

"And? I came here to get drunk not here about Tyler even more. Your so in love with him it makes me want to barf," José adds.

"Stfu you ugly rat face. Go text your little girlfriend or something," I tell him.

How ironic, at the same time Heather starts spam texting José.

"Uh...is it alright if Heather comes down here?" José asks, I can see a hint of blush on his face. Carlos smiles warmly.

"Of course! The more the merrier," He says. Duncan sighs.

Fifteen minutes later, Heather has joined us at the bar.

"Hey babe," Heather says, kissing José on the cheek. She then gives Carlos a hug, waves at Duncan and then shoots me a look.  "Huh...it's weird to see you without Tyler for once," she says with a slight laugh.

I shoot daggers at her. "Haha, very funny. Can we just get drinks already?!".

"Sounds good," José replies.

"I'm down," Duncan says. Carlos just nods and then motions for the bartender to come over.

Once the bartender is near our section of the bar we all order are drinks and settle into are seats.

"Wait, so why didn't Tyler come with us?" Carlos asks.

"Yeah I'm thinking the same thing. You two are like attached at the hip!" Heather says. Carlos smiles and nods in agreement with her.

"He went over to DJ's house to taste test some of his mom's cooking with Owen and Cody".

"Oh that's fun!" Heather says.

José has his arms wrapped around Heather's waist, they are so clingy sometimes.

"Do you think he'd bring over some leftovers for us to try?" Carlos asks.

"Want me to ask? I'm sure he would if you guys want that," I say.

Duncan nods."Oh man, I could really go for some of Mama's cooking. Her food is the best!"

I pull out my phone to text Tyler.


Alejandro: Baby does DJ's mom have any leftovers you could bring over? Duncan and Carlos are asking for some.

Tyler: let me ask rq!

Alejandro: Okay, thanks mi amor!

Tyler: she has an extra cake left?? I could bring that

Alejandro: That's fine mi amor. Just text me when your close okay?

Tyler: ok!! 😁

Alejandro: Alright, I'm gonna get back to the group. I love you, have fun trying out all the foods! ❤️

Tyler: love you to! 💗💗

I turn off my phone and then turn to Duncan and Carlos.

"Ty said he's bringing us a cake later," I say.

"A whole cake? God you guys are fat?" José snickers. Heather slaps him on the back of the head and then scoffs.

"Shut up, Babe. I don't think Al was talking to you," she says.

"Don't call me Al!" I tell Heather. Carlos rolls his eyes.

"Come on guys, let's just get along. No need to-".

"HEATHER?" A familiar voice says. It's Courtney.

Heather looks behind her to see Court with Gwen following close behind her.

"Seems like everyone had the same idea..." Gwen says. She side eyes Duncan but only for a split second.

"Look...about the Christmas party...I was drunk and I wasn't thinking clearly. I'm really sorry," Duncan says.

Court sighs. "Duncan, I know we've had a rough past but I'm ready to move on," she holds out her hand, "friends?".

Duncan nods and shakes her hand. "Friends".

We all chat and talk amongst ourselves. At once point we start getting shots...that's when things start to go downhill...

Tyler POV

I help DJ clean up his mom's kitchen and wash all the dishes. Then, I grab the cake Mama gave me and head over to the bar. I don't really like alcohol but Al is there so I'm sure it'll be fine. I park my car, grab the cake, and push through the doors to the bar.

The first person I run into is Courtney.

"Oh, Tyler!" She says. "These idiots all got drunk! Carlos is trying to stop them but he's not doing so great".

"Oh God...please tell me Al isn't drunk to..." I say with a sigh. Courtney bites her lip and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Well...if it makes you feel better, Gwen is pretty drunk to...".

"Is it just Gwen and Alejandro?" I ask.

"I wish. The two of them are doing shots with José and Duncan," she sighs.

Court points to the table where they are all sitting. Heather is both drinking wine and flirting intensely with José. Poor Carlos is shaking his head at all the madness.

I walk over to the table with Court and set the cake down.

"It's Tyler!" Heather says. Gwen waves at me and so does Duncan.

"Hey!" Gwen says.

"Sup man?" Duncan asks.

"I brought you guys the cake! It's vanilla with strawberry icing," I say with a soft smile.

Carlos claps his hands together. "Well then! I'll go ask a waitress for some plates and silverware!".

In all honesty, I think he just wanted a break from all these crazy drunk people. I sit down next to Alejandro.

"Hi baby, how are you doing?" I ask.

Alejandro pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around my waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder. "I'm okay. How are you mi amor? Was the taste testing fun?".

"Yeah it was! I think I found the perfect food for are wedding!".

"Oh really?" He asks. His voice is kind of raspy and I can smell the alcohol on him. I nod and interlock are fingers.

"Yeah...now we just need to figure out everything else," I say.

He mumbles something I can't really understand. His speech is starting to become more slurred as he reaches for another shot.

The four of them continue to do shots for another hour while Court, Heather, and I all catch up.

ending the chapter here but the next part is coming soon!
i will also be publishing more on my gwourtney book in the future!
one shot request are currently open!
1216 words!!🫶🏾💗

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