Lament (Sebastian Sallow)

By EllaSallow

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In the year 1900, Penelope Silverthorn returns to Hogwarts after eight years of leaving only to find herself... More

Lament (Sebastian Sallow)
Chapter 1: Floor -4
Chapter 2: Professor Sallow
Chapter 3: Luna, The Dog
Chapter 5: P.S (P.S)
Chapter 6: Sebastian's Journal
Chapter 7: Pen, Get It?
Chapter 8: We're All Parentless
Chapter 9: Cecil's Red Flags
Chapter 10: Professor Sallow's Distraction
Chapter 11: Sebastian's Grudge
Chapter 12: A Summer Fling
Chapter 13: A Drunken Owl
Chapter 14: I Think I'm Drunk
Chapter 15: Sister-In-Law
Chapter 16: Prewett's Legacy
Chapter 17: Coach Sallow
Chapter 18: Time For A Proper Welcome Back
Chapter 19: The Rabid Fiancée
Chapter 20: At What Cost?
Chapter 21: The Undercroft
Chapter 21 1/2: Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 22: Missed Me, Britain?
Chapter 23: Poppy's Reflection
Chapter 24: Matching Rings
Chapter 25: Sebastian's (Dis)Respect
Chapter 26: Professor Sallow's Office
Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 1
Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 2
Chapter 28: Did Merlin Do This Too? *
Chapter 29: Dreams Show Signs *
Chapter 30: Sebastian's Nemesis
Chapter 31: Professor Sallow's Outburst
Chapter 32: Restricted Section, Restricted Things *

Chapter 4: Percy

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By EllaSallow

Chapter 3: Percy

"From strangers to friends,
friends into lovers,
and strangers again?"

There was an ominous aura that came upon Penelope Silverthorn as she walked down those spiral moving staircases that very morning, And no, it wasn't the annoying poltergeist, Peeves, that was interrogating the first year students from the upper floor above; she did not miss that.

But there were so many things distracting Penelope's mind already, she couldn't determine the differences between the feel of reality and the past.

Luna's paws clicked along the grand entrance halls as Penelope stepped down from the stairs. She followed along as groups of students became intrigued with the giant dog, petting it along the way.

The walk entering the Great Hall wasn't as intimidating as expected. The Slytherin in Penelope never left her body, so making herself known in that giant room while people stared at her and the dog wasn't nerve-wracking.

Or maybe, it was because Sebastian Sallow hadn't been sitting at the main table yet, nor his partner. Things were at ease for just a few minutes.

Penelope clenched her jaw for a split second when faint whistles of a few older students came at her. The Gryffindor and Slytherin boys attempted to get her attention as she shook her head at the disrespect and walked up the steps.

She stood confused, not knowing what chair belonged to her. It was like the fifth year all over again for her, but adult version.

"Ah! I figured I'll see your special face once again." A light voice complimented from behind.

Penelope turned, taking sight of an old professor, Mirabel Garlick.

It was as if she had gone back in time. The muggle-born witch still held her iconic green attire and giant hat that was often made fun of. Though now, her soft pale face contained a few wrinkles, but for eight years, Mirabel Garlick had aged well.

"I—Professor Garlick!" Penelope smiled, as if it was obvious Herbology was the one class she liked the least, let alone, almost failed, "It's a pleasure to see you."

Within the chit-chat with the Herbology instructor, Penelope was guided to have a seat after her. She sat next to another unknown professor and an empty seat was on her left before Mirabel Garlick sat after.

Penelope's fingers wiggled a little under her seat as Sebastian Sallow entered the Great Hall by himself. You can see his distracting smile come in place as he waved at certain students and approached the main table.

Penelope kept her head down as he got closer, not wanting to witness any more eye contact from the awkward presence, but she did wonder why he hadn't entered beside his fiancee, Cecil Greengrass.

Cecil did not appear at breakfast until minutes later.

"Hm, seems like Professor Sweeting has missed another day." Mirabel Garlick let out, seeing the empty seat between them.

Penelope furrowed her brows, but nearly forgot about the ambition her old Hufflepuff friend, Poppy Sweeting, had for the animals. The news of becoming the Beasts Class instructor wasn't anything surprising.

There had been a few owls exchanged between Penelope and Poppy the first few years of leaving. There were a few updates and so, before Penelope became busy with her own career and stopped responding. There have been no owls since then.

"Miss Silverthorn."

Penelope almost jumped from her seat at the sound of the Headmistress calling out her name. Her head turned to the side, looking at the name call, and blinked.

As Penelope turned to Matilda Weasley on the main chair in the middle, she took notice that Sebastian Sallow had been sitting beside the Headmistress, his head turning at Penelope too before he quickly looked away at the unexpected contact.


"There's a meeting held on the Headmasters' floor after breakfast. I expect to see your presence there." Matilda Weasley let out.

Penelope swallowed, and gave a nod, "Of course, Matilda. Noted."

Penelope Silverthorn did not immediately proceed onto the Headmasters' Wing after the meal. She needed to make a return to the faculty floor to let Luna rest in the room in the meantime as she figured out a routine for her stay.

There was a second where she thought leaving her dog with Joshua Rogers back in New York was a better idea, but only for a second. Luna was in safer hands here, Penelope thought to herself.

"Now, you be a good pet," Penelope cupped her hands over the hairy dog's face, "I won't be long. I'll be back." She reminded before gathering her keys and journal and closing the door behind her.

"Shit," Penelope cursed under her breath, looking at the enchanted clock in the halls knowing she was running late, forgetting the floo flames were no longer in existence.

There was no way to apparate within the castle walls either. It was a rule within the ministries and magical schools that you were not allowed to apparate within the grounds unless the spell was lifted.

Penelope was certainly not going to lift the spell for running late on her first planned meeting.

Again, as she sped walked over the halls of the castle, she could feel odd schemes around her. She ignored them as her mind was focused on the tardiness she brought upon herself that morning.

"Okay," Penelope whispered to herself, lifting her hands to knock on one of the private rooms of the secured area.

Before her hand could lift, the door opened by itself and she stood wide-eyed, realizing the Headmistress herself had opened the door with her wand the moment she heard the footsteps and waited for Penelope to enter.

Penelope reddened at the actions, but cleared her throat and entered the room slowly. Her eyes remained on the floor as she excused her late pass.

"Pleasure of you to join us, Miss Silverthorn."

Penelope licked her lips, nodding, reminding herself that she was no longer a student at Hogwarts. No yelling or detentions were being given for the late arrival. Just welcomes.

"Thank you. I apologize," Penelope sighed, "I must've forgotten about the removal of floo flames. It's been years." She said, embarrassed.

There was a light chuckle that came out of a member at her honesty, and as Penelope stared up, she took notice of the people she confronted.

It was only a handful. Just a handful.

She took recognition of Professor Aesop Sharp first, the potions master of Hogwarts. His grumpy face stood in place as he held his cane on his side. Then, two members sat around, but Penelope couldn't determine their presence.

And then, there was him. Of course, he was there, Penelope thought to herself.

Sebastian Sallow sat lazily against a silver cushion chair. He seemed to have been fidgeting with a pen in his mouth as his eyes remained everywhere but at her. Like if her existence didn't matter in the moment.

"Please, have a seat. Anywhere." Matilda flowed.

Penelope nodded and looked around for a moment before a young man, whom she did not know the name of, stood up and pulled a chair beside him, being kind to her arrival.

The man seemed nowhere past her own age. If anything, he seemed to be the youngest of everyone in the room. He dressed in this very formal matter, but still seemed to show off a teenage style on him. And he was tall.

"Thank you." Penelope gave a forced smile, bringing her weight onto the seat.

As she adjusted, there was an awkward silence for a moment and Penelope feared that once she looked up from her adjustments, everyone would be staring.

"Right, well, as I said, we are very privileged for you to join us, Miss Silverthorn." Matilda Weasley brought her arms over the table and crossed her fingers, "I believe some introductions would be necessary to proceed with a plan."

Penelope pressed her lips together, waiting patiently for the introductions. She wasn't ready to be put on a spot.

"Everyone that sits upon this room is very aware of you, Penelope Silverthorn. You've held such a memory for Hogwarts and your heroic actions and for that we thank you."

Although recognition for her actions was always being awarded to Penelope Silverthorn, there were moments when she wanted to stop hearing them. It wasn't that she was selfish for thinking that way, but it was also a reminder of the trauma she went through whilst doing them.

"As you know me, I am Headmistress Matilda Weasley," Matilda smiled, turning to her side, "You may also take notice of Mister Aesop Sharp. He's been figuring out ways to brew potions that can potentially stop this illness within the affected student's systems. So far it's only a temporary cure."

"You may no longer call me professor," Aesop Sharp smirked, "As in you are no longer a student, you can call me Sharp. Just Sharp."

"Got it, Sharp." Penelope chuckled with a nod.

"This is Victor Beaufort," She introduced an elderly man, who stood up from his seat and bowed at Penelope, "He is also a transfer of the French ministry. His knowledge of the magical law is a helpful use for this situation."

"Bonjour, Miss Silverthorn," Victor bowed, "Enchate. Graduated Beauxbatons year 1881. Heard lots of you." He smiled.

Penelope Silverthorn spent the last eight years traveling around the world, experiencing different cultures and meeting different people. She had become accustomed to hearing unique accents and encountering various types of individuals.

Penelope smiled, bowing back, "Pleasure."

Victor Beaufort took a seat slowly and Matilda continued.

"And as you may know, we have our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Sir Sebastian Sallow." She pointed.

Penelope froze at the mention of Sebastian's name, a wave of anxiety and tension washing over her.

She tried to keep her expression neutral and not let the feelings show on her face. The last thing she wanted was to draw attention to herself so she stayed quiet as the teacher continued talking.

"I'm sure you two share lots of history together." Matilda smiled, oblivious to the truth.

Sebastian Sallow stood silent, the pen that was once in his mouth now twirling over his fingers as he was introduced.

"You both know the castle halls inside and out, due to historical records." Matilda recalled, "Mister Sallow has used his honorable knowledge the last few months to determine a defense and outline to figure out this...cause. His notes may help you along the way."

Again, there was only silence between Penelope and Sebastian inside that room. If they continued their awkward energy, the others might've been able to detect the depression that came upon them.

Sebastian Sallow looked up first, his hazel eyes giving up to avoid staring and checked over her for a reaction. Penelope stared up a second later, giving in to the stare and parting her lips a little.

Penelope couldn't help herself, she couldn't hold back her gaze when she saw those hazel eyes staring at her. Their eyes locked and held for a brief moment, both of them trying their best not to let the moment be overwhelming. Penelope felt her own lips part slightly as well, almost as if they were trying to mirror each other's reaction

The contact broke rapidly when the seat beside her shifted back and Penelope turned at the sight.

"And at last, we introduce our youngest member of the team," Matilda introduced, "It is also a privilege to have such an intelligent mind into the castle once again at only nineteen years of age."

Penelope was gone by that age.

"Thank you, Pro—" The blue-eyed man cleared his throat, adjusting his tie and fixing his words, "Headmistress Weasley. I appreciate it."

"This is Albus Percival Dumbledore. A few of the youngest wizards in the world to win a Finkley Prize and become a young Auror for the Ministry of Magic." Matilda informed.

Penelope shifted in her seat a little at the informative news. It almost seemed appealing to hear that there were wizards in the world now who have been blessed with certain aspects of magic, almost like her. It was satisfying.

Albus Percival Dumbledore extended his hand forward, considering he was right next to her, and smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, Miss Silverthorn."

Penelope also took hold of his hand, "Again?"

"I was a first year at Hogwarts when you graduated, but I recognized you from the Daily Prophet and saw you in the halls." He recalled.

Penelope felt old for a second, but just gave a nod.

"You can call me Percy. Short for Percival."

Penelope laughed a little, "Y-Yeah, of course, Percy." She smiled, the coincidence of also having a nickname for such a long name making her laugh.

"Albus here has lots of magical sources and skills that can boost the help of this cause at the castle. Working together can really help speed this process." Matilda recalled.

After a few minutes of settling, Penelope tried her best not to stare over across at the figure that stood seated feet away.

"Alright, as we recall," Matilda began.

Her eyes lingered as she watched Sebastian Sallow bring forward the glasses he hung around himself and finally place them over his eyes. His thick brows furrowing as he looked down at the notes that were taken.

Penelope hated herself for the attraction that still lingered over her body from the sight. Who knew glasses could make a person much more intriguing than they already were?

"So far, two students have fallen severe upon this plague, Estellar Mellen, a fifth year Hufflepuff, and Nillon Carrow, a second year Slytherin." Matilda read off.

"It has come to my attention that another round of students have been feeling off the weather since school started," Aesop Sharp informed, "Similar symptoms, like the first two."

"And how far apart were the symptoms from the recent two?" Albus, or as he said to be preferred as Percy, called out, "You know, to take a pattern on how far apart it spreads."

The informative meeting went on and this helped Penelope Silverthron gather herself on what steps she should take in order to help overall.

Sebastian Sallow spoke no words in that meeting. Penelope was waiting for that moment, to hear his intellectual normal voice, but he held back, on purpose. All he did was take notes.

"I would like the ask," Penelope raised her hand slightly.

"Feel free to voice anything, Miss Silverthorn!"

"The students. Where are they located at the moment?" Penelope asked in determination.

"The severe ones or the ones that are just getting the symptoms?" Sharp asked.

Penelope raised a brow, "They're separated?"

"I believe Estellar and Nillon are currently in St. Mungos. The symptoms have worsened, giving us no choice, but to send them there." Matilda sighed, "How unfortunate."

"The current ones are in the Hospital Wing in the castle." Percy informed to Penelope, "But if we can't determine something in the meantime, they will be sent to St. Mungus too."

Penelope closed her eyes, letting out a sigh at the scary news. She had only been to St. Mungus once and it was due to the post-injuries she had after Ranrok's defeat. The hospital was scary, and she promised it would be the last time she'd be there.

But she was a hero. There was no choice.

"I wish to see the students. All of them." Penelope said.

"Yes. Of course, but St. Mungos is a far travel, considering it is in London."

"Apparation." Percy Dumbledore suggested, "I am sure she has the power to apparate, correct?"

Penelope stared over at him and nodded, "Y-Yeah, of course."

"I've been to St. Mungos an embarrassing amount of times, out of awful luck. I know it by the back of my hand." Percy joked in the darkness.

"Great. I shouldn't have underestimated your magic, Miss Silverthorn." Matilda nodded, "Perhaps, a companion can be required."

Penelope nodded, closing her journal.

"You and Mister Dumbledore can take the first visit tomorrow. Mister Sallow can catch you up with the notes and theories he has taken so far of the students, since he, himself, has visited beforehand." Matilda pointed.

Penelope stood in her seat at the name-calling again and just gave a light nod. As if the idea of Sebastian Sallow giving her notes at this rate would be possible.

"Right, well, we can discuss another meeting after Miss Silverthorn's observations post-visit." Matilda gathered, "If anyone clutches up any news, feel free to owl. And please remember, Hogwarts is a safe place for our students. Keep this information as far as possible from them." She warned.

Again, Penelope wanted to chuckle at the warning. Her fifth year wrapping over her head from the idea that they also tried hiding her powers until Ranrok nearly corrupted the entire castle.

Penelope Silverthorn was silent in her seat as the rest of the members began to scatter, moving around the room and leaving her in a thinking state. She didn't know what to say or how to act, she simply sat there, quiet and immobile.

"Is an owl alright to rearrange a timing for the visit, Miss Silverthorn?"

Penelope blinked away her thoughts, coming back to reality and reflecting over the blue eyes above her.

"Huh? Oh, y-yes, that sounds alright, Percy. Thank you." Penelope nodded in agreement.

"Great. It was nice to meet you. I'll see you around." Percy let out, walking away with textbooks in his hands.

It took a few minutes for Penelope to actually stand up from her seat. She had predicted that as Sebastian was gone from the room, it was a green light to also leave.

There was this frustration on Penelope that was angry for crossing her mind over those glasses. They weren't anything special. She did picture Sebastian Sallow with glasses, but that was years ago. Seeing him now with actual glasses felt...interesting.

Penelope clutched her journal tightly, her ancient magic over her blood cells triggering a little from the frustration of her own thinking

Suddenly, one of the dozen doors of the Headmasters' Wing shut from behind her and Penelope turned, taking a view of the sound.

To her hope, Sebastian Sallow had exited out himself. His tall posture adjusted as he also turned in that direction and spotted Penelope Silverthorn in his view. The glasses were off.

Penelope turned forward, ignoring the notice, and began to walk her way into the spiral stairs leading down the Trophy Room.

Sebastian Sallow tried his best, and his very best, to take his steps very slowly to not catch up to her, let alone beside her, but Penelope Silverthorn was a slow walker. He knew it wasn't on purpose, especially with the height difference. His small steps were big for her.

Penelope began to feel her sweat build up as the footsteps from behind felt closer. Her hands tapped over the journal as she made it down the end of the stairs.

Sebastian was beside her, both side to side as they realized they were heading in the same direction, the Faculty Tower.

"There is floo powder." Sebastian said for the first time.

Penelope had to take a double take to know if he was directly speaking to her or not, but he was.


Sebastian stopped and so did Penelope, both figures now having no choice, but to face each other near the entrance of the Trophy Room.

But no eye contact.

Sebastian dug into his pocket and revealed a plastic bag, the substance in there looking like a dirt-like kind in Penelope's eyes.

"Floo powder." Sebastian repeated, "The Floo Network."

Penelope did have a small spark of the familiar words, but she predicted it seemed more known in the Scotland region than the United States.

"It connects the fireplaces of Hogwarts itself, allowing travel. Only for faculty or over the age," Sebastian explained.

Penelope listened to his voice. The voice she mourned for years as he spoke. It was informative and no hatred came out of it. He was teaching her again.

"Should be in your inventory." Sebastian let out after no response, "You avoid the steps. And time."

Penelope didn't know whether to laugh or stay put at his truth. She shouldn't have been shocked to see Sebastian Sallow speak to her, but she was. It felt rare. Normal talk.

"I wasn't aware." Penelope said awkwardly.

Sebastian gave a nod, "You are now."

Penelope felt awkward and surprised at the ease with which Sebastian spoke to her now, it was so ordinary. It felt oddly comforting, like there was no pressure, but that comfort was also unsettling because something inside her knew that it was not normal for her to be having such a calm interaction with her former lover.


Sebastian Sallow entered that Trophy Room and Penelope was surprised to find herself following him, her feet carrying her forward before she could stop herself.

The room was filled with various trophies and awards that the school had won over the years.


Seventh year graduate, Penelope Silvethorn stood inside the Trophy Room, her eyes reflecting over the glass in front of her. She can almost see her own reflection from how shiny it had been.

Penelope Silverthorn
Ranrok's Defeat 1890
The Hero of Hogwarts

"How does it feel?"

Penelope jumped at the voice beside her and she turned, spotting her boyfriend, Sebastian Sallow, standing alongside. His hazel eyes also glued on the fresh award.

"It feels...odd." Penelope said in truth.

"Odd?" Sebastian turned to her, "It should feel immensely incredible. This award would be sitting in this room for generations."

Penelope smiled at the thought, "Well, when you say it like that..."

"Do you think our children would come across it?" Sebastian asked in a blurt, his eyes still staring at her from the question.

Penelope Silverthorn felt her own heart skip a beat at the mention of children. The idea of having a family with Sebastian Sallow, the stubborn student she met in her fifth year, made her jittery. It made her only imagine.

"Depends." Penelope pursed her lips, "I don't see why they wouldn't."

"Me neither," Sebastian smirked, "I don't think I'll ever shut up about telling kids all about you. I'll be a non-stop telling machine of your successes and how cool of a mother you were—are." He said playfully.

Penelope blushed, finally turning her head and staring up at the man who had been staring already.

"You don't seem like children-type."

Sebastian laughed, squinting at her, the freckles in his face still fresh as Penelope admired them.

"You're correct. I'll hate any child that isn't mine." Sebastian joked, "But if it's children that are from you and I...I'll teach a whole class."

Penelope scoffed, "Yeah, alright Sallow. I'm not birthing that many kids—"

"Or a Quidditch team perhaps-"

"No." Penelope rolled her eyes.

"Alright fine," Sebastian poked her cheeks, trying his best not to take her right there in that room full of sparkling awards, "How many?

Penelope pressed her lips together, her eyes gluing onto Sebastian's face. Envisioning what a possibility it'll be to have children with their genes.

Would they have his soft brown hair?

Or would they have the same constellations of freckles that peppered his face?

Would they have her magic?

"Let me think about it, we are only eighteen," Penelope giggled.

"My parents were married by that age." Sebastian confessed, his arms wrapping over her waist.

Penelope laughed, "Agh, they beat us."

"I can give you one right now." Sebastian kissed her neck, making Penelope throw her head back from the pleasure.

"Hey, behave!" Penelope moaned, "We are still students, you know?"

Sebastian kept his lips over her neck as he groaned out, "We won't be after we graduate in two hours. We have time."

Penelope just laughed, kissing him back.


Twenty-six year old Penelope Silverthorn now stood in the same room, but the once glossy glass that held her award was dusty. You can barely see it. The shine had faded, the years taking that bright sheen of youth with it and leaving behind a sad, dull reminder of what once was.

This happy future she was once imagining was quickly being replaced by a sense of sadness, a reminder of all the things that she had missed, of all the promises they had made to each other that now lay broken.

When Penelope turned around, she noticed that Sebastian Sallow was already staring in the same route, as if the same memory had come to his mind. The moment was silent.

"Is it difficult?" Penelope asked, changing the subject and pointing her finger over the small plastic bag on Sebastian.

Sebastian cleared his throat, also locking away the past thoughts, and opened the small bag, beginning to talk like normal adults again.

"No. Not technically. You may stumble a little, but it's the same as Ignitia. She is the source of it all." Sebastian informed.

Penelope nodded, extending her hand and letting Sebastian pour a bit of green glitter-ish powder onto her palm.

"You would focus on your destination. Blow on it and it could do the rest." He directed.

"The Faculty Tower," Penelope said to herself.

Sebastian blinked, "Right...I could say the same."

Again, silence.

It was killing both of them inside.

"I shall go first. You know, for—"

"Yeah, yeah...after you," Penelope said, wanting the figure to finally disappear and let her breathe for once. The moment was pressuring.

Sebastian Sallow walked over toward the fireplace inside that room and threw in the powder, watching it go green before he stepped over it and, poof, disappeared.

Penelope just watched, before finding herself doing the same, wanting to follow along Sebastian's gestures.

It took her a good two minutes to process the situation and her feet walked near the fireplace, dropping a gram of powder onto the fire and watching it go green.


Penelope Silverthorn stumbled badly over the fireplace of the Faculty Tower. Her knees bent a little as she stepped out like a push and took a breath.

Sebastian didn't want to understand why he waited for her to succeed in the task he taught. Maybe, it was just a permanent tradition. He taught her, watched her, and praised her success.

Sebastian held his own throat, wanting to give in and catch Penelope from stumbling, but he wouldn't have felt like it was right. Instead, he stepped a little, making sure she didn't fall, and watched her adjust herself.

Their breaths took over the empty halls of the locked area. There was no sound as noon came around and they both just stood there for a very long second.

"I..." Penelope was lost for words, not knowing what to say next, but held up the small bag full of powder, "I believe this-"

"Keep it." Sebastian gifted, "Once you have the bag, a refill from The Magic Neep is needed."

Penelope blinked, bringing the bag back into her sides, and bit the inside of her cheek hard, giving a nod, "Oh, thanks...S-Mister Sallow."

Sebastian scratched his nose a little, using the other hand to adjust his reading glasses into his shirt pocket, and shrugged.

Nobody left in the moment. Sebastian Sallow did not move, and neither did Penelope Silverthorn. The silence between them was defeating.

How crazy it was indeed to see how their relationship had shifted from a time when they would tell each other everything and have no secrets to now, where they both stood there, unsure of what to say, unable to break the silence that lay so heavy between them.

Penelope walked away first, not saying a word or a goodbye. She knew Sebastian would've understood the cue. What was there to say? 'See you at dinner?' She was going to skip it.

And she did.

Penelope Silverthorn spent the rest of that day like the previous, in her room, overthinking and debating whether it was a good idea to even be there. Was it too late to transfer to another stay? Stay with the ministry? No, that would only make her a coward.

It was difficult, but it was her fault.

Knock, knock.

Penelope jumped from her bed in the moment, blinking once to make sure that the knocks she was hearing were from her own space.


Penelope watched as her dog, Luna, hopped off the bed and began sniffing the floor as her tail wiggled.

No, it can't be him. It wouldn't be unprofessional. It was not even possible.

Penelope wrapped her beige cardigan over her body as she slowly walked toward the giant space, proceeding over the office area and debating whether to place her hand on that doorknob or not.

When the door opened, Penelope stood back a little, taking a double-take at the figure in front of her, and stayed wide-eyed from the view.

"Agh, there you are."

Penelope grew a smile, as if all the stress from the day flew for a moment, "Poppy."


Hello! Yes, Albus Dumbledore. I had to make it canon — BUT, yes, he'll kinda go by Percy instead. I have a theory that would've been his nickname is his...young times instead of Albus. 😹

The fact that Sebastian was anti-kids, but Pen left so he suddenly became a parent figure for all his students instead of having kids with someone else 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 ((sorry i'm going through it as a writer))

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