the demon king

By Lia1484

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A story about a human girl who is working for the demon king now ot is a world in progress but I am 17 years... More

part 1 i guess

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By Lia1484

     Olethros was bored all day. Work, paperwork, working and more working with greedy monsters or prince's, damsels or selfish princesses that wanted him for fame or money. It was all so boring. That was until, a peculiar thing was happening. A human, begging on their knees for him to give them a place to live in the castle walls and work for him? It was almost pitiful. But nonetheless it made him curious about how the human was so... Expressionful. Full of that life he so much loves to swallow whole. Ah, he decided to pretend to ignore. Wanting to know what the human would do next. This could be fun...or end up in him killing her if it wasn't interesting enough.
     Leah had wandered up to the doors of olethros castle . She had to dig deep to find the courage in her as she opened the doors up and slowly walked to the shadowy looking figure on the throne. " s sir...?" She barely managed  to let slip out her mouth. " Can I work here in the castle? as a maid.. as a cook.. as anything you need really ill do anything you want .”She had started to feel her heart race and her palms getting sweaty as she looked up at the guy. " please sir.... please I'll do anything. just say what it is you need and I'll do it I-I just ask for protection  is all.”
     " Protection? From what?'
He asked, obviously knowing the answer. Chuckling and laughing at her a bit as he sighed. Seeing how pathetic she looked, the clothes she wore and the awfully different status they both had. It was fun, the idea of rumors and drama spurring up if the creatures and monsters of this realm knew about a human working for the King! Others would certainly cause some sort of fun or trouble. Either way. maybe this could be... entertaining.

" Ha...If only you were more...convincing"
He said and tried to play himself difficult to please. Sighing dramatically but that gaze he had on her was definitely one of challenging her. Amusement seeping through his veins.

     She gulped a bit trying to gain courage  to take up his challenge. " y-you know what I'm talking about. I am one of the only humans left that's willing to do anything you ask or want of them for only protection. How can I make this any more convincing? I mean seeing as you haven't called the guards in on me yet I have beat the others by a bunch usually as soon as other humans come in you have them thrown out or worse or whatever you do to them within seconds I have watched for months to see what needed to be done sir..”

" You're cocky..."
He said and smiled, he couldn't help but feel a sort of fun out of how she spoke so uncurtsy. At the same time it was a relief compared to the formal events he had been to. So boring, yet she was a bit entertaining.

" Fine, fine, quit complaining. Do not blame me for your weakness."
He would say and stand, his stature a bit more intimidating as he stood. Looking down at her as he chuckled.
" Well then. You'll be my personal servant. And live here. And as you asked, I'll make sure you're safe. For now."

She stood straight to make herself appear taller as she glared at him. "Me cocky? What exactly is it you mean by that comment 'don't blame me for your weakness' what's that supposed to mean?" She took a deep breath to calm herself a bit .

" well the least I can say is thank you I guess." She looked up at him trying to read his expression  on his face hoping not to upset him too much seeing as she just barely got what she wanted.

" ... Don't fret, I'm just being a little dramatic." He admitted and would chuckle, almost laughing at her as he patted her head.

" Still. You shouldn't ever speak to me that way..."
His mood suddenly darkened and he had gripped her hair slightly. Making their eyes meet, if it even could be called that as his were purely white. Still, he was hurting her slightly. Wanting to feel her fear. That sweetness. Delectable.
" You do as I say, And you won't complain no matter what I ask you to do. Understand? I'll even pay you a little sum if you wish. Still, If you bore me...."
He said and didn't finish his sentence. She must probably know he meant he'd kill her if she resulted boring to him.

She had looked at him when he patted her head as she uncrossed her arms and put them on his arm that was holding  onto her hair almost pushing it away but instead she just kept her hands there almost too scared to fight against .

" yes sir I do understand  but can you please let my hair go now? it's starting to hurt a bit " She used to have a life before the world ended up how it ended up . She had thought at times it might have been better to end up how her family did especially  at times like now.

He grinned as he listened to her. Amusing how easy it was to put her in place compared to the idiotic creatures in this hellish kingdom. So... stubborn and stupid thinking they are strong when they were incredibly weak.
He did let go.
" Alright then. With that I'm pleased...."
He chuckled and would sigh as he heard a butler walk in. Looking over at the butler the mood seemed to dim even more.
" Show her to her room, make sure she bathes, dresses appropriately and bring her back to me."
He ordered the servant and would look back at Leah.
" I'll see you soon in my office human.”

she had kind of slumped down a bit now as she put one of her hands on the back of her head rubbing where her hair was pulled at as she followed the butler to the room that she was now assigned to she avoided the gaze from olethros until they were out of sight . she noticed the butler didn't talk much if any at all as she just went into the room. She look around as she saw a joined bathroom she went in the bathroom and showered.

it had felt nice to have a warm shower after a while of not being able to have one she wrapped herself in a Towel and went back into her room as she saw an outfit laying on the bed she put it on shortly after drying off and left her hair damp not really caring to fully fix her hair she was shown to the office.  She gently knocked once she arrived  awaiting approval.He heard a knock and would clearly speak.
"You may come in. Just you."
He would say, as if he knew, well of course he knew it was her... A small hum and a sip of whatever was in his mug. His office was terribly organized compared to whatever anyone else would believe. Atleast...Compared to the kings reckless behavior.

He looked up from the amount of paperwork and letters he had been answering to and would grin whenever she looked over at him.
" Are you already liking the palace?"
He asked curiously, wondering if she was naive or clever. So damn curious about her. Atleast at the moment, his gaze could help but look a bit too much at her before he looked away and stopped acknowledging her whenever she began to speak. Once more. He did this to annoy her. Once she heard his command of her and only her to go into his office it did scare her a bit . She went in and looked at him listening to him speak but as soon as she started speaking she saw him look away which made her clench her fist and close her eyes to catch herself from saying something she would regret later on.

"well.." she took a deep breath then resumed speaking her fist still clenched beside her side " it's better than no place at all but do I really have to wear this? it's not a complaint its a question" She walked to a shelf and looked at the items on it she didn't touch only looked seeing as she didn't know what she was allowed to touch in this place anyways. " Mhm..."
He hummed, completely ignoring her. For fun it seemed as his eyes would now and then glance at her fisted hands. A small chuckle being held back in his throat.

" What? You look better in that compared to the horrible drapes you had before..."
He seemed to only acknowledge that part of whatever she had been saying. This time looking over at her for a moment.
She turned to look at him when e spoke about her clothes she had on before calling them horrible drapes. " yeah? and what about them was horrible? the fact that I haven't been able to wash them?"  she did start to have a snap in her voice not really liking anyone telling her how to dress.
“Ah, could you organize the books alphabetically but inverted."
He would say just to annoy her with requests soon enough. More like orders. " Ah, it's just a uniform...If you hate it that much I'll make sure to please you with more clothes if I feel like you deserve it." He said, responding to her tone almost warningly. Still, a bit playful. He enjoyed annoying her, telling her what to do and how. The way she didn't even speak respectfully was funny, and somehow once again relieving! He chuckled a bit.

" are you serious on me organizing your book shelf from z to a ? I thought I would be called in Here to talk about rules and other Shit before orders were made" she turned back yo the bookshelf and grabbed a random book." " I'll make the rules whenever I want to. Just know your place, you'll be fine. Though Don't let the other maids and creatures belittle you. You're mine, so atleast be proud eh?"
He said and would once again speak as if to annoy her. Soon going back to his work. His mind drifted back to concentrating on whatever he paperwork he had .She didn't speak again as she dusted the books off reading the titles as she ordered them from the end of the alphabet to the beginning instead of a-z. she ignored his words about the uniform. She didn't like restrictions on how much clothing to wear she liked her normal clothes although she did somehow figure that there was a uniform for every maid and butler in his castle.

She didn't know whether or not to reply to his next words. She didn't really know what he meant by them belittling her either but she didn't think much of it she was used to cruel words being said to her now that the world has went to hell. however she did get a bit red in the face and accidently dropped a book becoming flustered when he called her his. Olethros was for once probably oddly quiet in front of her, concentrated. Or at least it looked like it until his eyes slowly looked up and over at her. Wondering what else to tell her to do he grinned.

" Oh, could you clean up any dust in the room. And also help me with my paperwork."
He ordered once he saw she was done, standing and sitting on the couch in the office as he ignored her presence once more just to annoy and would get served tea from a maid that just walked in.Leah huffed a bit feeling like these orders are a bit odd but yet she didn't know. She only knew what she had seen in movies. She turned and waited for the maid to leave before she responded to him with any sort of attitude or tone in her voice.

" oh, I could but I really don't wanna you know that would cause me to get my hands dirty and as for dealing with the paperwork I'm not sure how I would help." She put her hands on his desk looking at him waiting for a response from him . " Would you rather do that or clean up a corpse."
He said after tasting the tea. Poison. He had just been served poison. Of course it had no effect on him but the annoyance that the maid believed this could hurt him seemed to get him in a bad mood. Not that Leah would know.

" As for the paperwork just separate the letters from the requests and Invitations I have something to deal with..." He said as he stood and finished the cup. She could sense his change in his mood but didn't know why but she could tell by his tone . " I would rather clean the dust which I should have done before you come back. And yes I will separate all the papers .." She quietly  began to dust having  issues with the tall spots but she got it pretty good after she finished that which only took a few minutes. He seemed pretty clean with his office only thing really messy was his desk. she put the paperwork to the side and then organized his desk and put the pile back on the desk she slowly started to organize the letters from the invitations, demands and the requests.”It wasn't strange for him to be a victim of assassinations. Despite all of the fake admiration and the love the kingdom had for him, every creature here was greedy and wanting if the throne. To rule. But none surpassed him. That was a lesson some learned the hard way. Same with the maid, her blood now on his clothes as he had grumbled in annoyance of it. Ignoring the horrible smell of a monsters blood as a few other servants cleaned up the mess and were warned to not annoy him once more. Whenever he came back to the office, the only mess was the blood on his clothes ...

" Hm...? You're a quick learner and worker..."
He said as he looked over at her and felt slightly content. But even with all that he seemed tired too.She looked up at him as she was sitting in his chair the papers separated.  she noticed the blood and decided not to ask. She also didn't want to annoy him to much but she noticed some of the blood about to drip on a freshly cleaned surface. 

" Go get a shower before you drip onto the surface I cleaned . shoo shoo. " She walked to him looking up at him and wiped the drip before it dripped . " once your done I can wash the clothes I know how to get the blood out of clothes.”"....I have abother request of you Leah."
He said her name, spoke it softly as if to suck up at her. As if, he's a King. He would never. Yet to be dramatic, he made it seem like it and grinned lightly. Taking her hand, placing it on his cheek as he lent to it. Tired, this was Definitely an effect because he was tired right?

" Help me bathe, in too tired to do so “Her eyes widened and quickly realized what he had actually asked of her she pulled her hand away slowly as she went red in the face again and she looked away unsure if she should or not .

" you want  me to do what? but why would you ask me to do that?”" Ask? I order you. And yet you hesitate....Are you not fit to be in the Castle Leah...?"
He would say, the same soft tone but warningly. Testing her resolve yet deep inside his eyes he seemed tired and almost genuine. Not even playfully teasing her or annoying her at all.
"...It's a simple thing really. Besides I trust you won't try to poison or kill me."
He added and took a step towards her..She looked up at him again once he stepped toward their bodies almost touching but before they could she put her hands between them to keep his clothes off of her clean clothes.

" OK first im not hesitant  just was not expecting any such orders and I'm just as fit as your most loyal subject thank you very much ." She looked at his reactions to her words as she studied his face to see if she was overstepping boundaries either her words her hands rested on his upper abdomen  to keep them apart . " I'll gather your clothes and get your bath water or shower ready  whichever of your preference “" Bath. And thank you."
He grinned and chuckled. Loyal was a very distant word, one he wouldn't exactly use in this palace. No. Trust isn't something that existed. He had killed his brethren, parents. He never had wanted to but was forced to or he'd die. In the end, his power led him to be the only for for the throne and yet a human was the only one he could barely, just slightly trust.
"...I'll be in my room waiting.”She went to the bathroom  which looked like his seeing as it was the largest and next to the largest room. She ran the water to be hot but soothing  she put some bubbles but not many in the tub. she them went to his room and gathered night clothes .
" your bath is ready when you are the quicker you get in the hotter it'll be”He was waiting patiently. Once he heard her, he would grin a little and smile. Walking into the huge bathing room. Shamelessly taking off his clothes as he did not care if she had seen him or now. Letting himself dip in to the water as his gaze went over to her after a while as if expecting her to come over and bathe him. Truth is, as much as he did need this a bit. He wanted to know...What that feeling was. The touch, her touch it was as if a shiver and intimidating to his body. Strange nonetheless and he going to get to the bottom of bit.

" Ah, perfect....”Leah watched him take his clothes off untill it reached his underwear. She had looked away from him the moment she saw him start to undress down there she felt a bit embarrassed  so she acted like she had to look for a towel. 

" uh where are the rags and towels at so I can get one for you?" She looked in the cabinet next to the sink trying to prolong how long it was before she had to wash him. However she did wish to see what he looked like under all the layers of cloth. she also kind of wanted to see what his soft spots were but she fought against her intrusive thoughts ."In the bathroom closet.."
He pointed at his, his tone almost hurrying her as his gaze for a moment looked over. Slight enthusiasm grew. He couldn't help but notice her actions, and the relaxing bath was helping his body.

" Just don't take too long preparing human."
Again he had gone back to calling her that. Then again he didn't seem to care at all how whatever he said affected her aslong as he got an interesting reaction. Maybe, he could find a way to annoy her a little. Seeing how entertaining it was that she didn't seem to fear speaking back at him in various tones.She grabbed a Towel and a rag and placed them  on the rack near the tub. She then slowly putt her hair up in a bun to get it out of her face. She took a deep breath trying to find the strength to turn around and face him  but she was  close enough  that if he wanted to he could reach her.

" my name isn't human and you know that if you would like for me to hurry address me by My name you got it?" She had still not turnt around to face him until now to see his reaction to her command towards him. It didn't scare her not one bit to talk back or get am attitude with his man yet he was so much higher in power than her. A sudden laugh escaped his mouth as he chuckled slightly. He couldn't help but having found her reaction quite funny or interesting.
" Alright Leah, You're lucky I'm feeling in a better mood."
He would say, with that same tone he had used earlier. Waiting for her, he had even accommodated himself a little. His body slightly turned towards her. Though most of it was submerged. His upper body was slightly visible, his skin dark, like a shadow and full of light scars. His face, if this creature even had one. Was unable to be seen by her yet. But she could tell he was smiling.She rolled her eyes a bit at his comment. She decided to lean foward her hands on the tubs edge as her face was really close to him. " is that so?" she said a slight smile on her face trying to push his buttons.

" why is that? what would you do if you wasn't in a good mood and I ordered you around?" She studied his movements to see if she should move away or stay where she was ."....Is that a daring tone?"
He asked almost curious. Moving his hand and holding her chin tightly as he pulled her a bit closer.
" I would have done the obvious Leah. Kill you."
He said, his voice uncaring and yet cold again. A slight remembrance that he truly could not care for her much at all. And even if he did, he wouldn't let it stop him from doing anything.

" Now....Help me bathe." He let go of her chin after a moment of getting awefully closer. Only to slightly tease of course or maybe upset her. She went red in the face. He had to have known by now it doesn't take much to fluster her but yet she obeyed his command, kept her mouth shut as she slowly walked his body or shadow whichever one it was she was washing. She made sure to be gentle with his wounds which wasn't many .She washed his upper body trying to not wash his lower parts . " I'm not used to washing things or people" that was the only words she spoke as she washed him." Then I'll make sure you get used to it..."
He said and looked at her, she was too close. And her touch was resulting uncomfortable...Yet not in a bad way. But he hated to admit that his body yearned for touch. And more of it was a humans. Enough to upset him. Yet he wouldn't let himself believe it was that. Perhaps he wasn't used to this either.

" You can stop now."
He said as her hand trailed down. Holding her wrist as to stop her. Mostly because he startled himself.
"...That is enough."
He added and breathed in and out as he calmed. A grin forming on his face as he got a thought. Suddenly splashing a good amount of water towards her." you will? and how often do you expect me to bathe your majesty " She said with a mockingly tone in her voice . She enjoyed  letting her hands roam his body she knew this was just her humanly instincts or was it? maybe she actually felt drawn towards this creature of darkness. She let her hand slowly trail down and when she did this so felt his hand grip her wrist stopping her. she looked into his eyes as she let the rag dangle from her hand right above the water. she saw him trying to calm himself as she moved her hand back away from him she grinned a bit " oh can the king not handle a humans soft gentle touch? is he not used to it?"

she felt the splash of water on her as the front of her outfit  was completely soaked through seeing as it was a lighter color it showed a bit of what was under it. she quickly put her hands up trying to avoid the water from getting into her eyes not realizing that she was in fact wearing lighter color clothing. He chuckled, not answering to her questions. Mostly to avoid it. He was slightly annoyed yet somehow not at her. But himself.

" You look better this way Leah."
He said as his gaze stuck to her. A small little thing, so beautiful. If only she weren't human...He made that excuse to look away and scoff as if he cared less about her looks at the moment.  Though he did, this time a bit out of impulse, pulled her closer. His grip slightly harsh as he decides to answer her question or maybe not completely....What a contradictory man or monster whatever he was.
" There is nothing you can do to me that would affect me. So don't dare get ideas."
He said and grinned, letting her go. Trying to seem as if he truly didn't care and would sit up a bit.
" I think we both need a towel."
He said, trying to capture her gaze for a second.She almost fell onto the tub whrn he grabed her as rough as he did and pulled her towards him. but for some reason she enjoyed  the feeling of him being rough but not to the point  it would hurt her only scare her a bit. Her hair almost coming out of its bondage a bit. When he let her go she stumbled back a bit as she looked at him he leaned up.

She stared at his body as she could see even more of it now that he sat up. She didn't catch what he had said as she was still looking at him . almost as if she was fantasizing about him.  "....Hm?"
He hummed as if to grab her attention. Or bring her back to reality. Flicking her forehead lightly even. Whenever she did 'come back' to this hellish Kingdom he chuckled. Finding this reaction even more entertaining than the latter. Standing up and stretching as he spoke.

" Go on and bring me a towel won't you?"
He said, in a slightly demanding tone this time. He didn't like the feeling of being wet for no particular reason. Still, just to tease, his eyes never left her. He seemed almost pleased now if not glad. Maybe he felt even in an even better mood But with the Kings mood changed now and then, who truly knew?" huh?" She asked as she came back to reality and she was still on her knees next to the tub she realize he had told her to do something and that what resulted in him trying to get her attention again. She nodded once commanded to get a Towel . She stood up her clothes driping from the water she walked to the Towel and handed it to him trying not to look at his body anymore than she has

She stood next to the sink and waited for another order. She looked at the bathroom as she fiddled with her fingers in hopes to distract herself from him.He took the towel and dried himself, not expecting for her to do so at the moment. Wrapping it around his waist as he abruptly yawned and slid on some slippers.
" Oh, also, get yourself a towel aswell. I don't want anyone else looking at you this way."
He said and would look at her for a moment.
" Oh and go get ready for dinner. I want your company there.”She quickly looked down to see what he was talking about as she grabbed the other towel she had got out and frantically started to dry clothes but it didn't seem to help any.
" what does one wear to dinner ?" She said still to worried about drying her clothes than to catch an attitude  or anything.  She finally just held the Towel against her and watched his everystep."The maids can help you on what to dress up so don't worry, just nothing too flashy. That's all. I'll be having a visitor so try not to speak like you tend to do."

Olethros would say, like the chuckling as she frantically dried herself. He didn't mind staring at her in this way, it was a terribly alluring thing. But somehow the thought of any other in the castle staring or daring to look at her as equal or fancy her, annoyed him. After that, he left to his room to get dressed.She kept the Towel close to her body as she went to her bathroom and cleaned up as she only had a Towel wrapped around her a maid came in and picked out an outfit for her. She put it on and then fixed her hair to look better than ot did previously she want to tease him just a bit especially  since he is having a visitor.  She had put on just a bit of makeup as she went to the kitchen where he was waiting on her. Surprisingly enough whenever she did come into the kitchen, the kings appearance had completely changed. And if she heard around. This explained the rumors of Olethros having a million faces. That was an exaggeration. But he tended to change forms to please whoever came to visit and this time it was a half human from another Kingdom. A woman dressed lavishly in hopes to catch his eyes. Though he seemed to not notice or care. Instead this new form of his looked over at Leah.
" Finally, come and sit next to me."
He tried to seem as nonchalant as always but something of the humans appearance made him struggle to seem calm. The visitor glared at Leah, almost jealous or maybe looking down at her.She walked into the kitchen and stared at the visitor and looked at olethros. She noticed he didn't look at the visitor instead her is where her eyes fell. She was wearing a short dress that went about mid thigh and her hair a bit curled at the ends she had earing in and lipstick on she looked almost as if she was going on a date. she walked over to him and sat next to him.

" yes sir sorry it took so long. I had to wait on the maid to find a outfit but I decide to wear this." She spoke not sure if she was supposed to or not but she didn't really care after all she felt the stares and it only fueled her. almost as much as him handling her rough  earlier in the bathroom. ".... It's..."
He looked at her, his eyes greedy as he felt hate towards whomever looked over at her. He chuckled a bit amused at how she acted, even almost forgetting that the half human half monster woman was here. That was until his visitor cleared their voice and started to speak about Leah as if she wasn't there.
" Yes, it may be surprising I know..."
He commented and played along just to annoy Leah a little or maybe he wanted Leah to act out. Bored of the visitors boring talks about possible marriage or alliances. He seemed a bit reluctant at first. She watched and listened to them  talk for a bit. she crossed her arms over her chest then she crossed her legs her dress going up a bit more as she was a bit aggravated. she cleared her throat when the other lady was talking.

" your a bitch you know I'm right here and that's very rude to talk about someone as if they aren't here. and as for you olethros I didn't think you would like a low life like this " She said with a soft and calming tone but yet her words were ment to be spoke with a yell and bad tone. she kept her composure together as she said this she looked right at the king Olethros couldn't help but almost let out his laughter. The woman looked at Leah in surprise and even more shocked when Olethros seemed to start laughing instead of scolding Leah at all.

" As if! You really think I'd like someone like her?"
He looked at the woman. A sudden bloodlust in Olethros eyes as the visitor grit their teeth and gasped lightly. Fear from them making him want to torment....
" Ah...Alas. The food was nice isn't it? I decline your offer and wish you the best in this hell."
He said, not meaning a single word as he spoke. Standing he was already about to snap, maybe kill and commit a mistake. Better not to wage war that way. " You may leave."
The visitor was quickly escorted out and his gaze returned to her as he for once had what seemed like a genuine smile.Leah had stood after the lady was gone. she didn't like her demeanor, her tone when she spoke nor did she like the way that she made Leah see her as a threat to her own safety. and as for olethros  she was a bit irritated at him.

The fact he talked about her like she wasnt there made her clench her fist. So she rolled her eyes and started to walk away to a different  room.Olethros would look as she left. She should get used to this? Perhaps. But it was better if she learned not to pay mind to the way monsters spoke about her. He, to keep up appearances couldn't be too brash or suddenly change or the kingdoms would likely try and kill him even more consecutively. Surprisingly enough today was a lucky day that he had only been attempted to be poisoned twice....He sighed. The night approached yet he knew he wouldn't be able to rest anytime soon.

Standing, he left the dining hall and walked the halls to go to his office. Giving the human some time to breathe or perhaps he already forgot about her....which he couldn't. She kept lingering in his mind, her dress, her attitude. It haunted him as he tried to actually get some more work done ahead of timeShe was laid on her bed. She didn't even bother to change clothes yet she was still irritated . so ahe didn't quit care what she was wearing. She found the bed actually comfortable. but what was so comforting about it? was it that it was soft? or that it smelt of him. She liked his smell it made her think of home almost as if he was saying 'I have power but I also have a soft side' . She was half expecting him to come I'm at any moment to get onto her or maybe even punish her for her behavior.

About an hour later she actually got up. She went to the closet and took the dress off undoing her hair and taking the earrings out. She felt sort of free yet . She felt like she was being owned . She didn't mind these feelings she had she just hoped her feelings for him didn't grow any more. In this state of thinking she just stared into her. closest forgetting she was now only in her undergarments the air in the room was just right for her .Olethros had one rule to himself, one that had been bled into him or cursed into his mind by whatever forgotten upbringing he had. To avoid showing much feeling, to not trust. Was that two? Either way. It never faltered him. He was always stabbed in the back by whomever seemed friendly and so declaring that she were his seemed the best way to keep her at a glance. Where she wouldn't try anything against him.

An hour passed and he bore himself in his studies and whatever servant that came in to tell him the time. It was annoying but he liked knowing how much time he has spent on whatever he was doing. Soon standing and deciding to finally give sleep a try. He knew he wouldn't succeed but he was tired.
Whenever he did walk the halls. Perhaps thinking of her got him to the wrong room? or the wrong place? Maybe this was exactly where he wanted to be. ...Sort of. He had opened the door, closed and then just stood and blinked a few times as he looked at her.
He mumbled and realized his small mistake. He wasn't one to knock. This is his palace after all. She heard the door open and close again . But yet Leah was lost in her mind staring blankly into the closet . she had always told herself Keep your enemy's close but not to close she didn't think nothing of love anymore. not since the world fell . But since she laid eyes on olethros this morning she felt drawn , pulled ,and attached to him there was no bond though she had never met the king before . she hadn't even known anything but the rumors about him. but ever since he let her in she has felt a sort of softness to him maybe it was all in her head however she snapped out of her little loop when she hear him speak . She turned her head to face him her back still to the wall

" uh what are you doing in my room? and you did not knock" She snapped a bit still obviously angry but was she angry at him or the lady or perhaps that he could have any one he wanted if he wanted to but he still probably would never choose her?.He chuckled softly at her anger. Yet a pause came to be, he took a few steps towards her. His form changing to someh
thing he felt more comfortable with when with her. His normal form atleast.

" I have no idea but I just walked into here...I swear it's the truth."
He said, his gaze traveled down her body. Just for a second as he stopped and stood before her. A small grin on his lips.
" Are you upset with me?"
He asked remembering how she left earlier but also seeming a bit teasing.She had fully turned to face him now her arms over her chest and a roll in her eyes when he had asked of she was upset . " look I don't want to talk "  She said and huffed and close her eyes to make him in her mind go away . when she opened them again he was still there.

" why are you still here ? you should get to going to bed " She had looked over at the clock on her wall as she didn't realize how late it was . She truly cared about his well being  but again forgot what she was wearing.  she had closed her closet door when she turned around to face him. 
" And you should probably get dressed."
He commented back and chuckled.
" No but truly, I can't sleep..."
He mumbled almost annoyed at that fact but also annoyed that she tried to ignore him at first too! Hah....Ah...That...pesky... He grumbled and would take a strand of her hair. Kissing it as he looked at her. Almost teasing her again.

" You do look better this way too...Just like you did with that dress... You're quite bold for a human...Leah."
She looked at herself in the mirror that was close and she groaned. She knew her mind was a dangerous place to be in when she was in the middle of dress , eating , walking , and driving . If she zoned put enough she would not know what she was doing in the first place but that is not close to how she is yet . She still knew where she was.

" don't touch my hair " She leaned back onto the dresser looking up at him.
" also don't speak of how I look when dressed or undressed your eyes wonder to much for a king  to be looking at just a human ."  She teased back not sure how his reaction would be. She trailed her hand down his chest  her eyes not leaving his."....I can look at whoever I want in any way. You're just someone In my view of vision Leah..."

He said as her touch caused his skin to slightly flinch. Not looking away. This King would never look away first. Atleast it could be considered dumb but pride and dignity was something he was grown to keep close. Then again. He could care less about them and about how slightly harsh his words might sound. Truth was. She was the only one he would like in his line of vision. Of course. He could never admit that. Not even to himself." well not me because I said so sire"
She said and batted her eyelashes at him as if she was innocent . She slowly trailed her finger lower than she and first meant to. she kept her eye contact not wanting to miss any reaction he had.

" isn't it wrong to look at a lady of she doesn't want you to ?"
She said with a bit of a smirk but yet she did want him looking . she tried not to show that but she did she enjoyed feeling his eyes on her. " You're mine. You shouldn't be bothered by my gaze."
He said as he flinched lightly again. His body felt warmer, tingly and he tried to seem composed but by the way his eyes widened a little as she traced lower. The smoke of his mask flickering. It was obvious he was not calm at all compared to how he spoke. And so. Just to get a bit of her own medicine in return. His hand let go of her hair and touched her cheek and then neck lightly.
"....You have no say in what I do....Now...Do stop your hand …”" hmm what do the words I'm yours mean exactly? "
She giggled once she noticed he could barley  handle her touch . She could tell he was tense by it unlike his calm words. she however was calm until he touched her skin his touch felt nice but she mustn't  give in to his touch when he hadn't gave in to hers yet . she was up for a challenge. she stopped her hand right  at his belt buckle area.
" oh do I not ?  if I don't have a say then you don't have a say either "  " That I can do anything with you.... Anything I wish. You yourself agreed to this."
He would say, his finger wrapping around her neck lightly, tightening and soon letting go as he let his hand wander down her shoulder. His eyes still looking into hers as tempted as he was to look at her chest and body again. He wasn't going to look away first.

" I am a King. You are nothing. Your words mean nothing to me. That's the difference between us..."
He glared at her as she spoke daringly. Yet he couldn't help but feel both amusement yet cautious of where her hand was.
" I am not nothing I am YOUR personal servant. Your majesty " She said with a bit of a snap getting a bit angry with his words.
" watch  your mouth and tone with me . I don't take well with people calling me nothing." She pressed her finger deep into his lower stomach where her hand rested. "....I love it when you get angry..."
He admitted, surely he didn't mean any of what he said of her being nothing. If she were nothing, he would have never batted an eye to look at her. Chuckling softly. Leaning a bit closer. That was until he felt he finger press into his lower stomach. Causing him to stop for a moment. His hand now laid resting on her chest.

".... I'll watch what I say from now on."
He said, obviously not meaning much of that either. He would definitely love to upset her more but the sudden feeling he was starting to get again agitated him. The smoke flickered and hai eyes seemed to lightly squint as he didn't look away yet. He needed a good excuse so.
"...You can stop touching me now..." He said with slight uneasy that he would 'lose'." hmm do you? you haven't seen me angry yet not sure you want to."  She let her finger lossen up a bit as she looped it on the inside of his pants just enough to try to get him to look away first. she felt his hand move further as she took a deep breath.
" your touch is warm and pleasant  but  you know it isn't right to touch peasants in any way right?  or so I have heard"

She glared at him again when he told her  to  quit  touching him again . she wanted to see how far she could push his buttons before anything happened . " Again. You are mine. I do whatever the hell I want with you."
He said, this time more sternly. His hand going back up to her neck, fingers wrapped around it as he squeezed. Yet not forceful. Pulling her against him slightly as he tried to ignore her touch. Closing his eyes for a moment before met with her gaze again. He couldn't believe she was this damn stubborn…She didn't speak her skin touching him as she gulped a bit. she was about at breaking point. She was thinking this was just a dream. She slowly let her finger let go of him and let both her hands sit on his chest . she  looked away and put her head on his chest hiding her red face.  She still didn't speak. " You aren't a peasant."
He grumbled lightly as she had after given up. Atleast it seemed like it. Looking down at her a bit. A grin formed on his lips as his hand let go of her neck and he pet her head slightly. Playing with strands of her hair softly.
"... Understand?"
He asked demanding a response slightly. Yet he definitely spoke teasingly. His heart was about to burst and he needed to get away sooner or later....He was getting too warm.She  looked up at him a bit and nodded at him unable to form words but yet she was still bright red. She looked away again and pushed away from him a little bit .
She cleared her throat . and regained her confidence . " well I need to go to bed so you can leave."

She was still in his grip looking up at him. She waited on his response  but then she thought of something. " how am I not a peasant?”" Because you are mine. If you're mine, and I have taken you and thought of you. Then there is no way you'd be a peasant."
He said, the man didn't explain himself or what he meant at all. Instead just spoke riddles of sorts or whatever he did.

Looking at her, his gaze lowered and looked at her body before he himself moved and nuzzled against her shoulder.
" Rest well."
He said and without letting her ask or speak once more he left the room. His touch lingering on her.

When he was out the room, he hurried to walk over to his own room. His face felt hot, body on fire and he seriously almost seemed as if he ran away from this feeling and from her. It felt dangerous or maybe because it was knew. But he felt both frustrated and somehow needy. He wouldn't admit that. Not possible. Not for her. For anyone. Less a human.Her body tensed more and more with each touch her skin feeling really hot now, her face red , palms sweaty.  She stared into his eyes waiting for another word but there was no more . instead he just left in a hurry.  She didn't like the feeling she was feeling deep in her stomach.  she didn't like falling for anyone or anything.  It would only leave her in dismay and in pain in the end. She almost at one time didn't make it after a break up.  she thought a  hit to long on these memory's shaking her head she put on a Night gown  and went to her bed.She got to laying there and let her body sink into the bed. she covered up with the blanket that was on the bed.It had been a while since she had actually slept  so ot didn't take long for her to fall asleep. She sunk into a deep sleep that was interrupted  by a terrifying dream it was about a monster who had her cornered she couldn't make it out on who it was. but she sat up and stayed awake the rest of the night.He had tried his best to find some rest but it was all useless...Instead since he didn't want to stay awake for no reason he would go to his office, send correspondence to the visitor he had. To not dare come back to the palace in such a short notice again.

Still, even as he did his work he was distracted. Often spacing out. And eventually he fell asleep on his desk out of pure exhaustion but also to ignore the growing emotion. It disgusted him that he was capable of feeling it. It felt almost too strange so new and somehow that frightened that power she had to cause him to feel this way.She decided to get up out of the bed after hearing footsteps . weather itwas her mind or not it bothered her. so she decided to find something to do. She was not sure what there was to do but she let her feet carry her through the palace halls. it was peaceful and quiet at this time of night . surely the king didn't like to much noise while he slept.

She found her way to a door that she thought was familiar  but being unsure she opened it slowly and walked in quietly closing it behind her . It was dark in the room but the moonlight let in enough light for her to see where she had ended up at ... it was olethros office the one he was asleep in right now . She didn't expect her mind to carry her into the place he would be asleep but for some reason she could only stand there and watch . he looked peaceful but not enough to actually get  any decent sleep. She sat on the couch  and finished tiding his office waiting for him to wake . Olethros would snore lightly. The mask on his face now and then faded and then the smoke flickered now and then. His arm probably asleep by him pinching/pinning it down by his head. Whenever he had rested enough, his eyes, pure white, would open and he'd blink a few times. Realizing he wasn't alone, though he quickly lowered his guard once he saw it was just the human.

"...Hm...? Isn't it a bit early for you...."
He mumbled still waking up as he tilted his head.
" ....What time is it.."
He asked and would stretch, his body flexing as he did. A bit curious to why she was here but then again she was his servant no?Leah kept her eyes on the work she was doing and organizing not noticing he had awoken until he had spoke to her. She kept her eyes glued to what she was doing hoping the feelings she had would stay suppressed. 

" I had a nightmare so I didn't sleep at all it's only possibly 7 am I have tidied your office up more." her voice sounded tired as she yawned a few times but still unable to fully feel tired. she couldn't describe what she felt she only knew that  she wanted to be in his presence everywhere he went. it hurt her when he was away for long amounts of time . her mind wandered to much for him to stay gone. "...Hm."
He looked around the office. Even his desk seemed a lot more organized. Smiling, in truth, Olethros just started to believe that human just liked pleasing him or perhaps wanted to be close to him.
He grinned, standing. Wondering why she kept looking away, even as he moved around the room and purposely put anything where It didn't go.

" I like your clothes..."
He commented, only to fill in some silence as he soon stood behind her.
" Still... do I bring that much fear that you have nightmares?"
He felt curious, chuckling a bit sadistically for a moment yet he sounded almost worried.She hummed a bit before looking up and noticing what he was doing but she didn't say anything and looked back down at the book  she had in her hands. She felt calm with his presence  as long as it was only his and no one else's . She didn't seem to mind being this close to him.

" its just my night gown  I haven't changed yet." Her tone was softer than usual. was it because she was tired or perhaps she was relaxed.
" it doesn't  matter" Her hands quit moving feeling how close he was and the fact he asked that question but what worried her most about it was she couldn't tell if he was mocking her or worried about it. Leah stayed frozen in place looking at the wall now kind of leaned back into the couch her head almost resting on him the book in her lap.".... Aww...I wanted to know ...Maybe I could use another appearance instead of my own to make you feel at ease..."
He said and would lean down a little just to nuzzle into her hair. Taking in her scent slightly as he peeled over to look at the book on her lap. Wondering she had chosen to read or was just holding onto to it for some reason. Moving over and sitting next to her.
" Well. Since it's so early. I'll sit with you since I've done most of today's work ahead of time....”" ... your appearance doesn't bother me ." She Closer her eyes a bit when he had done this not expecting him to do so. she had stayed relaxed into the couch even after he sat beside her. if anything it comforted her more than him nkt being near her. She had looked at him for once since he had stood behind her. 
" why do you want to sit with me? I was about to get up and go shower to wake myself up a bit ."  She wanted to flee this feeling she was getting again m"...Then I say you won't. Not yet atleast, it's too early and being left alone at this time would bother me."
He said, a bit childish as he rested his head against hers slightly as looked down at her lap, then soon enough moved to look into her eyes. He felt impulsive, as if he should tease her for trying to leave.
" Why do you want to leave anyway? you seemed to be wanting to stay a second ago...Or are you fleeing away from my grasp?"
He asked curious yet at the same time a bit smug as he grinned and got a little closer.She just looked at him when he told her no to getting a shower this early . it didn't really shock her but what did shock her was him laying his head against  hers. She didn't move almost like she was frozen where she was but she just wanted to see what he would do .
" I am tired and want a shower.." She didn't awnser the rest of his question she was in fact trying to flee his grasp almost scared to get to comfortable  with it however she stayed still when he moved closer to her . she didn't look away either . to tired to tease back otherwise she would have ."....You should try and rest again."
He said and had gotten even more closer before he suddenly picked the woman up as if nothing. Too easy for him infact.
The book still barely held by her.

He wouldn't listen to a word she would say, walking out the office and into his room, it wasn't highly decorated but it was big and comfortable looking. Laying her down on his bed as he grinned. He felt as if he could do anything with or to her. It felt a bit too tempting but he hadn't done nothing at all. Instead.
" Sleep, then take a shower when you wake....I have some correspondence to answer to so.”" I'm good " She wrapped her arms around him to make sure she didn't fall when he picked her up. she held the book just barley in her hand she was planing on reading a little of it. it wasn't expected of him to pick her up but she didn't fight it either she kind of laid her head on his shoulder breathing in his smell. she couldn't describe it but it was comforting to her .

She almost was able to fall asleep in his arms but fought against it . she didn't know when he laid her in his bed ot made her feel a bit uneasy but comfortable  at the same time. he could do anything he wanted to her and she wouldn't be able to fight against it not with no sleep and no strength . but he didn't not yet anyways she didn't know of he would or not instead she listened  to his words and nodded. falling asleep before he left the room.  she was cuddled up to one of his pillows her head on the other the room smelt exactly like him every where in it maybe that's why he put her in his so she would smell his smell and fall asleep? or maybe so she would smell like him? she didn't know and she didn't think of it to much instead she slept and she stayed asleep without and horrific  dreams coming to haunt her.Truth was....Olethros didn't quite remember the way to her room yet. He had gone there yesterday by pure luck? No, maybe he just let his mind do as it pleases and go where he wanted to. Still, perhaps he could make her want to stay closer rather than leaving all the time at arbitrary moments.

The King could care less though, he had work? Not much. But it was best he got in a report of everything that was currently going on. Maybe continue his studies of the few other now languages spoke by different regions...And so. He focused on that since he couldn't get himself to sleep even if he tries.She allowed herself to sleep for quite a while
and once she awoke she didn't remember  where she was she knew she was in the kings palace but other than that she didn't remember  the room she was in until she took a deep breathe in. she got up and went to the bathroom. running the bath water she didn't really want to get a shower set preferred sit in the bath tub and relax some before going back to his office.She stripped down and sat into the tub her eyes closed. she let all her worries which wasn't many slip away letting it just be her in the tub nothing else. The water was warm there was no bubbles in it. she laid there and stayed silent.He spoke to an attendant in his office. Though they were mostly speaking about public affairs and the economic situation of the kingdom. It was mostly boring chatter but to a workaholic king. It wasn't too boring.

He would often receive death threats, mostly rufians or warnings that someone may be after him. But he didn't expect his attendant to suddenly turn on him and try to stab him with a very holy resembling blade. It wasn't difficult to get rid of them though. But he was now covered in filthy blood. Making him huff annoyed. "...I will tell you when I'm out and when I'll leave."
He would say I'm return until his body completely sort of laid atop hers. Surprisingly he wasn't that much heavy or atleast not as heavy as she would expect. Pressed against her a little. He had started to kiss at her chest, lick even as he favored her scent over any other food. Maybe...Maybe he could devour her soul, her entire being and forever have it within him. Yet at the thought. He loved her warmth and rather have her hearm Physically, where he could touch and watch her... Close.she didn't say anything else. she could almost fall asleep but yet she couldn't she was to exciting... wanting possibly. she wanted him in anyway she could have him . if he was to throw her out she would surely die . he was her life now she got a little peak at what it was like and she now wanted it forever. but could she have it? ".. Because you're mine. You should ...Know when I'm here so you can know when to serve me."
He added and eventually looked up at her. Almost childish as how he laid on her chest and even lightly grinned. It wasn't until he stared too much at her where the idea of....Kissing her? atleast he felt like that was it. Was something he wanted. The King quickly scurried that feeling away and instead sort of pecked her cheek." I'm yours.  what exactly does that mean . am I just yours to serve you or an I actually Yours?"
she questioned wanting to actually know what he meant by that . she looked into his eyes wanting him to kiss her . she was pretty disappointed in the fact she only got kissed on the cheek . she didn't care that ot showed on her face.  she had a bit of a pout on her face and she couldn't cross her arms but she would if she could .  Leah was a bit sad that he kept pushing the feeling away but maybe she felt that he didn't have any feelings towards her.
"what if someone walks in on us like this? would you care ?"  she wanted to test him a little bit  to see if he cared about her or not."...Both, you are mine and you serve me..."
He answered and tilted his head as he noticed her pout. It could make him chuckle even. Smiling softly as he wondered if she had wanted something else. Or if she had wanted what he had this entire time.... His eyes fell to her lips again.

" Should I?... It's my palace, my throne. I've fought for it and if I were found this way with you it doesn't mean anything but that I"
He admitted the last part almost a bit flustered.
"...So I should...Only care for what you think...What would you think if someone walked in on us..."
He asked in return her same question. Getting a bit closer to her face.She had a bit of a smile on her face now that he had actually kind of called her his. she noticed he looked at her  and moved closer to her face.
" i don't care what other think of me if they were to walk in then that's not my issue"
she decided she was tired of the games so she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him . she had been waiting for a while now for this she didn't want to wait any longer for what she desired.  she didn't know if it was a mistake or not but she done it. it's decided now no going back  on what she wanted.Olethros did not answer or speak anymore as she had kissed him. Pulling him down when she wrapped her arms around his neck. The feeling was odd, soon becoming a sort of sweet thing. Olethros became more curious, more driven by this adrenaline as he kissed her in return, closing his eyes and pressing his body against hers desperately.Leah smiled into the kiss feeling him press his body further against her. she became curious  on what it would be like to be with the king. would people talk? stare? did she really even care what people think about her? no  she never did before maybe she only cared what he thought of her.  she quit thinking when the kiss was deepened  she kept him close to her wanting more it made her hungry  bit not hungry for food hungry for his warmth and love.Olethros would hum softly, his thoughts didn't think of anything else but her. He did now care, if he wanted something, better yet someone. Then he would have it or them and make anyone who judged labor or worse. Leah had been one, the only one lucky enough to get into the Kings heart by the fact that she had genuinely seems to be loyal. He hoped it would remain that way too.... Kissing her more. His tongue curiously slipped into her mouth, wondering what more she could teach him.She let him  slipp his tounge in as she had never done this before but she enjoyed  it a bit. She hadn't been one to really kiss anyone she used to get down to business  then leave bit olethros.  he was different.  he was a good different.  someone she had trusted with her life . she broke the kiss to speak.
" you taste sweet and bitter " her voice was a bit shakey. she wanted more but was a bit scared by her feelings she was having stirred in her stoumach. she smiled a bit as she liked  his lips on hers but she needed a breath to .  she slowly let her arms let go of him a bit but still holding him in her arms ."....You taste... delicious..."
He said and looked as she caught her breath before he closed his eyes. Catching his own. His body felt little tingles of electric adrenaline all over. His bulge pressed against her as he Didn't make a move. Hoping to calm, trying hard to as he rested his forehead against hers and breathed softly. Listening to her voice, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
" I taste sweet?"
He asked and smiled. His eyes still resting, loving to just feel her warmth at the moment." well I mean.... I haven't really kissed many people if any at all "
she whispered not really wanting to talk at this moment . she could still feel every bit of his body on her but it was getting hard to ignore  some parts of it such as his bulge. she giggled a bit once she actually noticed what it was
" oh dear  someone has a problem don't they?"
she waited for him to respond wanting to know what he'd do or say about it . would he make excuses ? "....It's not a problem.."
He said almost flustered. He almost felt warmer too.
"...You caused's... nothing you should worry..."
He mumbled for a moment. Looking at her as he blamed her for it. And it was mostly true. It was definitely her fault for letting him get this close, for tempting and teasing him too.
"......Either way...You'll kiss me as much as you'd like."
He said not caring bout any other people or whoever. Pecking her lips, kissing them lightly before he opened his eyes once moving a little bit away to look at her. " oh is it not a problem? I say it's pretty destracting"
she had mentioned  that it was distracting but she hadn't mentioned anything else about it . how is it distracting? who knows  but it didn't stop her from smiling at his words . he blamed it on her . well it was mostly her fault she had continued to tease him even after he had stopped for a while she had gotten closer to him so she was the cause of it . Leah wanted more for him but she was going to let him know that she liked playing hard to get.
" oh I will? I don't guess we will ever quit kissing then"
she giggled a bit ." I like....the feeling...'
He said, talking about her lips as he ignore her first few words. Well not ignore, he was curious yes but by that look on her face he was sure she wasn't going to peep or say a word of what the heck she meant. He huffed a little bit as she giggled. Pressing again against her as he stayed put after realizing he liked the feeling.
"....I-I should...take a cold bath..."
He mumbled and nuzzles into her neck as if to hide himself from her.
"...Would you help me bathe Leah?"
He dared to ask as he calmed slightly down.She had a very red face she could feel every movement . she didn't want him to get up off of her she liked being like this . his warmth and her warmth .
" why a cold bath? I want to stay like this longer "
she listened to his words they were soft he was quieter than normal it was nice.
" I guess I'll help you. poor baby can't do it by himself?" she teased a bit with her words."...Fine we can stay longer this way I don't....Mind.... "
He said, admitting to that to. He felt as if he suddenly couldn't like or come up with an excuse. Making him even more flustered and even as she teased he glared at her.
" I could. But I rather trick you onto bathing with me this time..."
He grinned widely as he teased back.
" Besides....You like being close to me no?"
He added, -this was his attempt to be a bit more bold and not completely lose -.she smiled a bit as she  looked at him.
" good "
Leah wasn't one to like to be close to someone all the time but he was again different than the others. she noticed he had grinned when he spoke to her .
" you don't have to trick me babes I'd do it anyways  just because I do like to be close "
she didn't give into his teasing once more but ot did take her a minute to actually respond seeing as she was flustered."....babes?"
He asked curiously and couldn't help but start to chuckle.
" Is the human warming up to me more than she already physically is....~"
He hummed as he spoke. Kissing her cheek and then neck. Hell...He loves her scent, her warmth, selfishly wanting it for himself as he kissed her neck more and nibbled on it lightly.She tried to keep her composure but it was hard to when he was so close to her soft spot . she kept herself from making any noises the best she could.
" possibly "
she put her arms back around him again. her body started getting butterflies In her belly when he nibbled her neck. "....You shouldn't...I could...just..."
He said and opened his mouth, biting down on her neck neither harsh nor softly. Though by the smile pressed against her neck and the chuckle with his playful tone. He then spoke muffled and said something in-between the lines " Eat you."
Or something like that until he started to leave a mark on her skin. She gasped a bit as it felt decent on her neck. the longer he done it the more her gasp turned into something else . a groan or a moan had escaped . she wasn't listening to his words anymore instead she just felt all the feelings swarming around and in her stomach she  muffled herself by hiding her face with her hands she was a bit embarrassed  now.He took a moment to process the sound that came from her lips. Still...He wanted to listen to more of it. Blushing lightly as he cleared his voice and tilted his head curiously. He pulled away a bit from the spot he had bitten and looked as she hid her face. A smile widely spreading on his lips as he chuckled at how cute she seemed.
"...Did you like that?"
He just had to rub it in! Or was he genuinely asking? Still, either way he would do it again in a different but close spot near her cleavage. His breathing hitching a little bit.She hadn't wanted to so easily let him hear her sounds escape but it felt to good for her not to keeping her face hid she let little sounds escape every now and then.  she did infact like it she was getting hotter than before. was it from being flustered or was it just hot in there ? she didn't know which it was but she did enjoy his lips on her skin doing as he pleased with her was easy when she  enjoyed what he was doing.  it would be easy anyways he was alot stronger than her . He was starting to enjoy himself, as if he could devour her being without need to literally do so. The sounds she made being evidence enough for the power he oh so much will use and cherish to have. His kisses become longer against her skin as well as his bites and small hickeys which he left quite a few before he ran out of breath a bit more Panting lightly. He wasn't calming, he wanted more yet didn't know how to attain it.
" Bathe with me...It's unbearable to stay in this state..."
He almost sounded as if he begged now.”she was enjoying herself a lot more than she probably should  have been. his lips were softer thsn they appeared especially on her bare skin. She had kept her hands on her face still to embarrassed that she liked it  but she was also embarrassed  that it was the king of all people.  her breathing was shakey but yet she was holding her moans back.
" o ok I wil.."
she was hardly able to let the words slip outside of her mouth but it was able to be heard.He smiled, content he had convinced her or atleast heard her speak. Waiting for any more of that sweet sound he ha heard before yet nothing. A chuckle came from his lips at her red expression seeming to want to hide everything.

"...Thank you..."
He felt slightly relief. Yet he picked her up and nuzzles her chest. Kissing her hands that covered her face whilst he laughed lightly. Walking over to the bathroom as he had managed to calm his hard on slightly.

" You're cute for a human..."
He said and teased as he let her down once they were in the bathing room. Closing the door behind him afterwards.She hadn't expected this day to go like this when she first woke up actually she had forgot all about the nightmare she had had that caused her to be awake all night. she had forgotten that she had slept In his bed earlier today as well. the only thought in Leah's mind was was was going on right at this moment for once no outside thoughts were getting in.

when he sat her down she had slowly uncovered her face her arms at her side looking at him. awaiting for him to do anything and say anything  she felt a bit weak in the knees . maybe it was from the feeling she kept having in her stomach  or maybe it was from laying on the couch under him for so long.

" oh I am ?"
her voice was shakey as she didn't speak much but she wanted more now. her body wanted more and she didn't know how to let him know or if she should let him know that."...Yes the only cute one I've met if I were more honest."
He said and looked at her as he started to take off his shirt. Undressing himself, yet Infront of her. A bit shameless as he did. Still, there was one thing Olethros loved completely and that was her complete attention to him.

Starting the bath to warm water as he soon took off his suit coat l, shirt and tie if had one. He didn't remember anymore as he was focused on her. Sliding his hands over to her back as he cuddled with her bra. wondering how to take it off. Wanting to see her completely....Yet his heart raced and nervousness grewshe watched him not looking away from him like the first time she had seen him undressing. instead she wanted to see the entirety of his body her eyes craved  to be able to see what was under those clothes . She almost seemed to be spaced out while watching not realizing she was actually staring.  her mind empty what was swirling inside was thoughts of him only.

" do you need help with that?"
she had giggled a bit feeling him strugglem he probably haven't ever tried to take a bra off of someone before  so she reached her arms behind her back and undone it herself but she held it to her chest with her other hand when she got done not really sure if she should let it fall or not.He almost had felt embarrassed as she spoke. Looking down at her chest and lower to her body. His face felt warm, yet he was curious. Allured because of her.

"...Thank you."
He mumbled and watched her pause, tilting his head as he would lean and kiss her lips once more. Olethros couldn't help it anymore, he had started to become addicted to the feeling. Whenever he pulled away and broke the kiss he took off his belt and let her watch him. Soon enough completely undressing. He didn't usually care much for those that ever looked at him. But she made him feel a certain way. And the fact that he wasn't completely calm yet made him slightly cover himself.
"...I want to see you…”she felt relieved that he wanted to see her like this yet she was nervous he wouldn't like her . she watched him undress and licked her lips a bit at the sight for his body . she thought that it looked delicious  to her it did anyways it made her feel hot .

" oh do you sir?"
she giggled letting her bra fall to the ground she slowly slipped the remainder of her clothing off of her body as she looked at him not saying anything else. He would stare, in a way of admiration as he felt hot. His body almost instantly reacting as he took one and then another step forward. Looking at her chest as his hands reached up to hold her breasts. That was until he lent to kiss them and nuzzle against her. Keeping his lower body distanced from her as he felt hard again.
Kissing her neck and holding her hands as he soon turned away quickly. As if embarrassed of her gaze or was he just off because of the vertigo he felt. Like butterflies..?

" I do....”She let out soft moans when he grabbed her breast , kissed them, and kisses her neck . she was liking the feeling quite a lot not wanting it to stop she was eager her thighs looked shiny on the inside . wonder why? was she that excited ? yes . she had done thought of many images that popped into her mind it made her a bit... wet if that is the right words.

" what's the m matter?"
her breathe began shakey trying to get used to the pleasure of his lips against her skin well her sensitive parts of her skin."...We have to bathe remember?"
He said as he chuckled and listened to her shaky voice. Bringing her into the large tub with him as he dipped and let himself sit down besides her. Looking up at her as he pat the water besides him for her to sit with him. Tempted. He kissed her thighs. Loving her reactions whenever he kisses her. Chuckling lightly as he teased.

" Are you distracted...?"
he chuckled again. Pulling her down with him as he wanted her on his lap yet didn't do so. " oh right bathe.."
she had forgotten that they were going to bathe. stepping into the tub standing there yet she was to focused on him and his kisses.  She had squirmed when he kissed her thighs . she was looking  down at him  bright red  figuring he wa just being a tease now.

" maybe a bit why..."
she was now sitting next to him facing him since he made her sit she wanted to sit on his lap but wasn't sure if he would be comfortable with it.He started to enjoy teasing her. Chuckling and nuzzling against her shoulder as she spoke. He was still confused with the sudden heat that grew from him. But he tried to call as the water wasn't too hot or too cold. Just nice. He couldn't calm much if he kept staring at her...

" With what...?"
he asked in return and grinned lightly before he breathed out lightly.she had looked away not really wanting to awnser the question of which was directed at her on what had captured her focus she felt like he had knew exactly what she was distracted by so she didn't feel a need to respond but she kept looking away . embarrassed  by the reason she was distracted  however she  enjoyed his questioning and his teasing .

Leah was looking at the Wall  trying to keep her eyes off of him once again but it was hard to do when they were both naked in the same tub in the same room at the same time."....Leah...I want...more of you yet I don't...know how I..."
He said as he looked at her, it was hard to admit. Making him swallow a bit harshly and dry as he spoke close to her ear. Wanting to feel, to touch her more as the feeling got more and more unbearable.

" ...Could you..."
He mumbled and didn't know how to word it quite well. Leaning closer to her as he kissed her cheek softly and wrapped one of his arms around her waist. she was a bit shocked she knew exactly what he wanted. yet she was a bit nervous . she only nodded her head a bit as she slowly  got up in his lap. she only sat there however but she kissed him deeply wanting to taste him more and more . wanting to fell his body on hers forever . she was addicted by this feeling. her arms were wrapped around his neck as she kissed him.

she broke the kiss looking into his eyes and licked her lips a bit . she was unsure of what she needed to do now or what he wanted her to do .
" what is it you want? take it" He kissed her back, pressed against her as a sweet him came from his chest.

".... I want you..."
He said and looked up at her as she wrapped her arms around him. His around her lap. His hard on against her as she sat on him. His body heated up. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to bath this way. He wasn't calming at all. Yet he could anymore. The feeling of need unbearable as he misses the feeling of her lips again. Reaching and kissing her again and again. His hands moving down, squeezing her soft thighs and delicious body.
" I...I don't know how to"
He said eventually as he felt completely embarrassed to admit so. she had giggled a bit at his innocence as she  took a deep breath.
" let's get a bathe and go to the room "
she spoke softly before getting off his lap she would teach him a little bit when they where out she didn't want to do it in the tub . it would be her first time in at least 5 years but she felt a bit less insecure about it than she did  at the start.He would nod. Kissing her cheek as he would rather himself in soap and splash some water over to her as he had done previously. He found her expressions a bit funny each time that'd happen.

Washing himself, he tried not to stare at Leah much, yet she sees so different from him and those he has witnessed before that she alluring and beautiful...Her sweetness making him feel warm again.she bathed her self as well barley able to keep her eyes off of him as she did so . once she got done she rinsed herself . there was something about him though was it his scent or looks or personality?? she shook her head to shake out any thoughts she had that would ruin this .
" I am ready when you are " she got out and wrapped a towel around herself.

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