Broken love

By suckmylongstrap

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This my first book so Ntm Anyways Y/N G!P Beyoncé fanfic I'm more of a reader than writer so keep it cute More

Part II
Part III
Part IV
Not an update
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Character list 2
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII


480 17 4
By suckmylongstrap

Three weeks later

"I don't wanna" Blue clinging onto my leg trying to stop me from putting her bags back in the car.

"I know baby but you have to go back" Picking her up and placing her last bag in the back now just having to go get her shoes.

"Does she have to go" Talen bad ass already in the front seat of the car and he didn't fucking ask so I hope he know he finna be right in the back seat with blue.

"I hope you know that you riding in the back" Already letting him know what it is.

"Mmcth" Kissing his teeth like that was change my mind.

"Smack 'em again and imma smack you" Ion know what the fuck his problem been having a bad attitude all damn week.

Like he just been doin lil petty shi like being disrespectful, not cleaning up, Sayin shi under his breath, and whole lotta other shi like the other week he called T out her name. Ion know imma talk to him before we get tooo extreme cause I use to act the same way when something was bothering me. He's about to be 8 tho so ion know what could be bothering him fr.

He gets in the back without saying anything but obviously mad about sitting in the back but he ain't say nothing.

"Cmon blue get in the car" This damn girl saying bye to the whole damn neighborhood her and T was were crying, She made Kyzan and TJ have a tea party with her cause she was leaving and now she over there with one of our older neighbors she been asking bout this lady flowers since she got here and now all of a sudden she got more questions.

I get out the car and jog over to the lady's garden where I hear blue telling her that she has to go my baby is very well spoken for a toddler.

She telling the whole neighborhood bye like she don't live 20 minutes or less down the damn road.

I finally get this damn girl in the car after like 30 minutes she was saying by to some of her friends that have come over.

30 minutes later
Y/ns POV

I pull up in Beys driveway and this damn girl starts howling and ion like seeing my baby cry so I damn near start crying and some lightskin lady comes out.

I roll down my window cause she's obviously coming up to the car.

"Uhm hi, Are you Y/n" "Yes I am and you are"

"Im Lainey, Jay and Bey aren't home rn they said I can get her" She says all jittery and excited I'm kinda suspicious tho cause who tf are you and where is my bm cause ion even know you and you talkin bout bey said you can get my child.

"If you don't mind can I call Bey" I say rolling up the window not wanting to be rude but oh well. Nigga harassed me not long ago about my fucking child then when it's time for you to get her you not here this exactly what the fuck I be talkin bout.

Bold=Bey Italics=Y/N


Hello what you want

Where the hell you at man

Hol up let me text Jays sister she was supposed to come out and get her

No she standing outside my car door right now

Well let blue go wit her the fuck

Man hell no you damn near harassed me and my wife for her a couple weeks ago and now you not here I'm tell you now my kid not goin nowhere until you get yo ass here and be a mother you got 15 minutes before I leave

Omfg Y/n give me like 5 minutes we right down the road

Aii man


I don't know what the fuck she thought this was.

"Momma do I have to go" Blue says getting out her car seat and climbing to my lap.

"Yes baby why don't you wanna go you get to see your mommy" Pecking her nose.

"Well all mommy and jay do is yell and it boring I got a doggy they put it outside and they won't let me go outside alone" Rubbing her eyes I guess sleepy from last night her and the boys had a water balloon fight.

"Ok I'll talk to mommy about it" I say hugging her.

I just like being embraced by my babies they fix everything in my life. When I have bad games I talk to my kids and the cheer me up.

"Cmon baby your mom is here" I say opening the door and this damn girl starts howling all over again.

"Baby it's ok imma come see you ok" I say trying the hand her to Bey but she just clings onto my neck pulling me with her. bey literally has to pry her from around my neck

She slips out of Beyoncé's arms and runs to my leg grabbing onto it while I hand her bags and toys to jay so he can take it to her room.

"Cmon baby let's go in the house" I say picking blue up and Jay opening the door with bags in his hand.

I try to put her down in her room but she just clings on to my neck.

"I gotta go baby" I say placing her down in the floor finally.

"NO DONT" She crosses her arm and stomps her foot and starts pouting with a frown on her face.

"Yes I do baby imma come see you I promise now be a good girl for mommy and jay" I say kissing her head and walking out the room hearing her scream and cry just made me wanna go back and stay the whole day with her but I gotta take the kids to Ts sister house so I can spend time with my wife. She been sick wayyy more like throwing up and she been real emotional.

I think she pregnant. Imma stop by CVS and get a couple of Pregnancy Test for her to take.

"Y/n can I talk to you before I go to Ts sister house" He says sitting up it looks like he been crying.

"Yea man we finna be there in five minutes" I say turning onto the street.

Beys POV
After Y/n left

"Damn Man can you make her be quiet she still crying" Jay says going in basement I guess to drown blues yelling.

I go upstairs to blues room to see her on the floor balled up screaming her lil lungs out.

I sit down on the floor and put her head in my lap playing with her hair.

"I wanna go wit My mama" She says sniffing her lil cry's back.

"I know baby I do too" She's calming down slowly but surely she'll sniffle every once in a while I think she's dozing off.

"Bey where are you" Lainey says coming into blues in room with food.

"Awwww is she ok" Lainey sits the food down on blues bed and picks her up tucking blue in but Blue started Whining so she just laid there with her.

"Go see what Jay wants he's upset about something and take the food too " She says rubbing blues back.

"Ok" I pick up the food and take it to the kitchen and Jay is on the phone huffing and puffing about something.

"Jay what's wrong" I say walking up behind him rubbing his shoulders just checking on him.


"DONT be fucking talking to her like that the fuck is wrong with you" She says taking the food out the bag and handing some fries to blue who I didn't even notice was down here I thought she was still sleep but I guess not so I let her go to the front room with her food.

"I can't do this shit no more" I say walking up the stairs going to pack my clothes cause I'll be damned if I put up with this for the rest of my life and have my baby around him all the time.

I hear him rush up the stairs and I'm expecting him to just start his regular screaming and shi like that then apologizing for yelling and the stuff he says.

But instead this grown ass man starts to choke me out like I talking feet off the ground  pressed against the wall and both hands wrapped around my throat.

I guess the commotion got the attention of Lainey cause she appears out of thin air and she tries to pry him off of me but it doesn't work it just makes him tighten his grip. I start to go in and out of consciousness and the last thing I see is Lainey punching him trying to get him off of me.
5 hours later
Y/ns POV

"Uhm have you been on the internet" T says walking out the bathroom she took the pregnancy test and they came back negative but she said she was gonna go to the actual doctor just to make sure.

"No my phone turned off all my focus is on you and Dark night" I say wrapping my arms around her and pulling her closer.

"Well seems like Bey been goin through some DV cause Jay is being charged with domestic violence and Bey is in the hospital I think he choked her" She says playing in my hair.

"Is my baby ok" I say panicking and jumpin up to put on clothes it wasn't in my plans to have sex but it just happened.

"I don't know and you need to shower first" She says taking my clothes off and pushing me towards the bathroom.

"Calm down baby I'm sure if she wasn't ok you would know" T says turning on the shower and rubbing my back.

"She's ok baby just relax"

"BUT WHAT IF SHES NOT DAMN" I didn't mean to yell at her but I guess it just happened like I swear I didn't for it to come out so harsh

"Ok well for one your not gonna yell at me so relax calm down and we're gonna go check on bey" She says still ever so lovingly and calm idk how she manages to stay so calm with me and my outburst.

"Your phones ringing baby im gonna bring it in here and put it on speaker go ahead and get in the shower my love" She says going to get my phone I guess.

I wash my body considering we just got done having sex like 10 minutes ago I'm still kinda sensitive so I can't wash it how I'd like to but I wash it well enough to be considered clean.

T slides in front of me in the shower and literally starts washing me like I'm just a bad ass kid. She starts washing my junk making me whine out loud.

"Nope wash yourself off and then get out I got your clothes set out on the bed" she says washing herself.

At the hospital
Y/ns POV

We make it the hospital and go up to the room(Ik you supposed to check in but me personally I don't) and I see blue sitting in a little chair with coloring books and food, Lainey eating while scrolling on the phone, Mama Tina talking to a doctor.

I see Beyoncé laying in bed I guess sleep with bruises all on her neck not to much on her face just a busted lip but other than that she's looks like Beyoncé.

"MOMMY" Blue looks up from her coloring book and I guess blues yelling startled bey cause she jumped out her sleep with a panicked look on her face.

"Sorry bey how you feeling" I say picking up Blue and sitting down on the chair beside her.

"I feel better than before I'm a little bit sore but other than that I'm fine" She says reaching for blue. T and Lainey Lani whatever the hell her name is they are having a conversation. I know this finna sound insecure as fuck but I don't like the way that they're looking at each other like T cheesing hard as hell and Lainey keep looking at her lips and then looking T up and down like she wanna eat her.

I feel a smack on the back of my head and I look to see that bey smacked me and is pointing at my fiancée and Lainey. To see Lainey rubbing on my wife while T is looking scared and nervous

"Lani Stop playing wit me bro" I say getting up and pulling T over to me.

"It's Lainey" She says popping her neck

"I don't give a damn what I was it could be lane for all I care and T stop playing with me" I say looking at bey trying not to tweak out rn

"What Y/n we not doing anything" Lainey say's starring at T.

"Man you finna get beat the fuck up in here" I say putting blue on beys bed and Bey scratches my head with her hand.

"Ok Y/n just calm down" Mama T says from the other side of the bed

"Man you got yo babymomma rubbing your head and you mad about us talking" She says I guess trying to prove a point but me and Bey have our good days and bad days and today just so happen to be one of those good days like what.

"No it's not about y'all talking it's about you rubbing on my damn wife" I say moving my head away from Beys hand and pulling T on my lap.

"Y/n I didn't know she was gonna do that be mad at her not me" T says trying to get up.

"Omgggg stop being insecure it's not that deep" Lainey says trying to T get off my lap

"You right it's not that serious but you rubbing all on her damn body and boobs but if I let Bey cop a feel and rub on my dick T would be mad too so don't try to make it seem like I'm trippin for nothing" I say in a calm voice lowkey kinda proud of my self cause old me would've turned tf up.

"Ok Y/n" She says getting up and walks out the room. Thats one thing I don't like about her she's so use to never being in the wrong like I didn't yell or anything but she just doesn't wanna be told that she's in the wrong but ion gaf about it don't play in my fucking face and try to make it seem like I'm mad for nothing. Lainey try's to walk out the room behind her but I shut all that bull shit down bruh.

"Aye bruh bring yo ass back in here don't die tryna be Mr steal yo girl. The fuck is wrong wit you" I say getting ready to stand up to go stop her but Bey puts her hand on my stomach and slightly pushes me back. That's the thing I hate her touch still calms me down and I don't want it to.

"Calm down. T loves you Y/n she wouldn't do you like that just let her go she does it all the time with happy couples" She says holding blue as she has went to sleep.

"You should come to our next game. You too Mrs Tina" I say fixing my hair.

"When and where is it" Bey says as a doctor comes in

"Awwww you wanna support meeee" I say poking her and taking blue out her arms so the doctor can do whatever they need to.

"Well I'll come support T not you tho i hope you get benched the whole game" She says while the doctor I guess taking her blood.

"Yourrrrr at hater" I say pulling out my phone to text T.

"Where your other minis at" She says looking away as the doctor inserts the needle. She always been scared of needles.

"They at T sister house I was in the middle of getting some pussy but SOMEBODY decided to get beat on" I say texting T back.

"Y/n I miss you, I miss us, I miss our little family and you failing to create the nursery" Bey says with her eyes watering and her voice shaking.

"Imma gon head and head down the cafeteria y'all want something" Mrs T says trying to change the subject I guess.

"Oooo can you get me Chic-Fil-A and the pin is 4739" I say handing her my card.

"Cmon blue let's give them some time" She says as blue slides out my lap and runs over to her grandma.


I walked out of the room because I know that I shouldnt have let it get that far but Y/n didn't have to yell like I didn't even do anything.

Y/ns POV
15 minutes later

"You want me to take blue home with me" I say getting ready to go because T is complaining that she's hungry and we gotta go pick up the kids.

"Uhm yea sure...actually could you keep her until I find somewhere to stay and I gotta start the divorce process from Jay" She says handing me blues bag.

"I feel like you should let me come to your studio" She says sitting up ever so slowly and gently.

"You just wanna come to my studio so you don't gotta pay" I say laughing at her trying to be slick.

"I know but I wanna express my self ya know just tell the world how I'm feeling rn" She says with a small smile.

"Ight just let me know when" I say picking up my phone cause it's been ringing this whole damn time it's probably T.

I pick it up to hear Talen crying on the other end.
Talen= Bold
Y/n= Italics

Talen why are you crying

It's Kyzan Ts sister went to get the food from the delivery guy and we were playing the backyard and he just fell and s-s-started shaking and we're following the ambulance to the hospit-tal now

Ok let me know what hospital TJ and I'll be there

We're going to west hills I think

Ok I'm already here call me when y'all get here

I know but I'm S-scared

I know I'll meet yall downstairs

*Click *

"Go ahead Y/n I'll take Blue back to the hotel" Mrs T says

"No you can go to my house I'll send you the address and code I just gotta go something is wrong with my son" I say rushing out the room and down the stairs cause the elevator was packed and I'll be damned if I get stuck in the elevator at this moment in time.

I make it outside to see an ambulance speed in and the Emt rush my baby boy out on the stretcher and he's limp as I see his arm flop off the stretcher.

I guess my reality came back all at once and came crashing down because I just broke down making a lot of people rush out with their phones, some paparazzi,and some nurses are asking if I'm ok and if I need help but then I thought about my fiancé.

I pull myself together as best as I can and then I get up and hurry my way to My car and T. I get to the car and unlock the door seeing T sleep with tear stains on her cheeks.

I open the door and pick her up. Closing the door and locking the doors. Running back into the hospital. I guess my running woke her up.

"Y/n what's wrong why are you crying" she says with panic on her face.

"It's Kyzan, Tj called and said he had a seizure" I see her eyes well up with tears and her lip starts quivering. I just hold her tight waiting for Talen and Ts sister to walk in.
That's all folks-Looney Toons

Sorry for the errors

Hope you enjoyed

Just a small filler carpenter with a lil bit of drama.

Idk when my other book gon get updated

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