Fall of the Forsaken (on hold)

By Bioshockgrl

7.3K 582 84

after the events of 'last to fall' Alita has returned to the planet of xanadis and to the arms of the alien w... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 7

396 32 5
By Bioshockgrl


“You can't do this! This goes against the saw set in place–” the head Scientist shouted.

“The law states that no one is permitted to step foot upon the word of xanadis unless given access by the counsel Themselves. This drop is for the betterment of krosa as a whole.” the admiral stated plainly.

“betterment of krosa?! How is throwing out  a woman who carries a life changing specimen, a new form of evolution going to help us!? The director will not all–”

“the director is not here.” The admiral cut him off once more. The cold glare he gave the head Scientist was enough to make anyone nervous, especially the one it was directed at. “The director of science is not present here on krosa, he does not have the ability to assess the state of our colony nor the power to decide what would be best for us. 

“This decision was approved by the counsel because not only does it solve the issue of any kind of potential danger that Miss Asmora’s child may create but it also gives your department a chance at obtaining more information on xanadis as a whole. I suggest you relent in your useless banter and treat the young lady with more respect, as the krosian envoy she is now in control of what information is shared between the planet, its inhabitants, and krosa.”

The scientist stammered Looking between the admiral and me but I showed no signs of hesitancy or weakness. He no longer held any control or power over us. “You will regret this decision.” With that he angrily turned away and stomped off.

“Good riddance, even in the courtroom while trying to convince the counsel he was clinging to scraps, why is he so desperate to get ahold of an infant that hasn't even been born yet?” Zena spoke up.

“It doesn't matter now, he and his  people won't be able to touch us now.” I took a breath of relief. ‘It's over now… we're safe.

"Alita, are you sure about this? This is too sudden, if we wait a few days we can prepare better and have a ship take you down–” varin voiced.

I smiled and grabbed his hands with my own. “I'm sure, and I'm more than ready. Staying here any longer will only cause more problems and who's to say the counsel won't revoke their decision or someone doesn't try to sabotage This? It's the only way…” 

“She's right. If we try to prolong this and take time to prepare there's surely going to be those who will attempt to stop us. Anything from sabotaging the ship's to sparking Incidents that could delay this further. The drop pod is the quickest and most effective way without risking any kind of terrorist attacks.” Zena mused off to the side.

“I know it's just…” varins voice trailed off as he looked away. 

Squeezing his hand reassuringly he turned to look back at me as I smiled. “It's okay, I have everything I need I'll be able to call you if there's ever any trouble and I'll keep you updated with everything. I have all the medicine and stuff I'll need. More importantly, I have people who can protect me.”

Varin was silent for a moment as he looked in my eyes after a moment he sighed in defeat and pulled me into a hug. “Just be safe, okay?”

I patted his back with a chuckle while returning the hug. “I will, I promise.”

“Miss Asmora, it's time.” I looked back to the admiral and gave him a nod as he stood by the ship waiting for me. 

Facing varin once more I could see the concern in his eyes still. He pulled out a familiar device and placed it in my hand. “this is the map of the surrounding area, it's been updated with all the information we know including where the tribe is, you should be able to find your way back if you follow it.”

“thank y–

“Call me as soon as you land! A-and as soon as you're back in the village! Make sure you take the daily vitamins and–” varin was suddenly cut off as Zena came over and grabbed him by the ear. 

“enough she's not a child. You keep yapping and she’s gonna jump in the pod before you can even say bye!”

I giggled and looked at Zena with a smile. “don't worry about him, I'll make sure he stays out of trouble.” 

I nodded “thank you.” 

With one last hug we said our goodbyes and I boarded the ship with the admiral. Once the bay door closed and we took off I took a deep breath. It's happening. I'm actually going back…

I pulled out the map and checked to see how far I would drop from the village. They tried to get me as close as possible without putting me in any unknown or dangerous territories but I would still have quite a walk back, and unfortunately it's night time.

The pod's landing should scare off any dangerous wildlife so as long as I watch my footing And take care I shouldn't have any issue getting there.

Looking towards the storage compartment I debated on taking everything with me or waiting. Would it be safer for me to wait until I can bring someone back to help me carry it all? Varin is gonna have a fit if I don't call him.

It didn't take long for the ship to reach the upper atmosphere. I watched as two soldiers prepared the pod and opened it up for me before standing off to the side waiting for me to step In. a sense of de-ja-vu hit me as I looked into the empty pod.

Composing myself the best I could I climbed inside and The two soldiers quickly checked to make sure everything was secure. “One last thing before you leave…” The admiral stepped forward and handed me a small box. 

Curious, I took the gift and opened it. My eyes widened as I saw its contents. A familiar pendant lay inside of the box waiting to be activated. 

“I hope the next time we meet will not be under such dire circumstances as before… but until that day comes I wish you and Your family a happy and prosperous life.”

“Thank you admiral.” I gave him a sad smile and he nodded. The pod door closed and I relaxed, taking deep Breaths to prepare for the drop. This time around it was so much different than when I was first dropped. I didn't dread it, I anticipated it. I wasn't scared, I was relieved. With a smile I put the necklace on and activated it.

I could already imagine walking into the village and seeing everyone happily lounging around outside by the bonfire. I could imagine the boys playing with nezu, elazar and Kora sitting together, and azriel.

He would Be standing by the fire with his arms crossed and an indifferent look in his eyes as he watched everyone. But once he saw me?...

I smiled and closed my eyes. The pod shook slightly and I felt it detach From the ship. First came the feeling of it floating then came the feeling of us falling. I braced myself, taking the gods that I told them that the pod needed more padding inside. 

Everything shook and trembled As I kept my eyes squeezed shut waiting for it to end. Only this time I was ready.

I yelped as the pod finally hit the ground, the crash jolting my body harshly. By the time I came to I wasn't sure how much time had passed and I couldn't see anything because the interior lights had gone out. I Wouldn't be able to open the pod until it cooled off outside enough to not burn me so I was stuck there for the time being. Lying back I decided to just close my eyes and wait.

After a moment there was a hiss as The pod's door opened and I opened my eyes as moonlight poured in. As the door opened, I noticed a figure standing there in the dark before the pod. Illuminated in the light glow of the moons and stars.

My breath hitched in my throat and my heart skipped a beat as familiar silver eyes stared back at me in disbelief.

“az?” my voice barely came out above a whisper as we stared at each other shell shocked.

He suddenly reached forward, grabbing my wrist and pulled me from the pod and into his embrace and his arms encircled me and he burrowed his face in my hair inhaling deeply. My arms snaked around him as well in a tight embrace And I finally felt like I could breathe again as I hid My face in his chest. 

It's him…he’s here! Tears welled Up in my eyes as we held each other and tried to calm our raging hearts. I couldn't help but notice how his Body shook as he held onto me so tightly, as if never wanting to let go.

Placing my hands on his chest I pushed him back a little to create some space Which he reluctantly relented to.

He looked down at me still Bewildered as his hand cupped the side of my face and his thumb stroked my cheek. “How is it possible that you are here?” He questioned.

I smiled at him and leaned into his touch, closing my eyes. “I don't belong up there…I haven't for a long time. I had to come home, I had to come back here to you. No matter what.”

He didn't say another word and simply pulled me back into a hug. “I missed you…” I said quietly. 

Azriel pulled back slightly to hold my face and leaned in for a kiss. I closed my eyes as a single tear fell down my cheek and kissed him back just as lovingly until he pulled away to nuzzle my Forehead.

“I thought I had lost you…” he mumbled quietly. 

“I'm here now.” I said reassuringly. He opened his eyes and gazed at my face solemnly. After a moment his gaze moved to my hair and I felt his fingers comb through it. I knew what he was thinking.

“I- when I went back I was in a deep sleep for many weeks, the people who took care  of me and bathed me didn't know…”

He was silent but didn't seem mad or all that upset. Instead he just nuzzled Me again lovingly. As we stood there holding each other I felt uncertainty Crawling down my back. 

Azriel must've noticed As he pulled away. I couldn't meet his eyes and kept my head down as he observed me. When he lifted my chin and I finally met his gaze he grew concerned. “Alita?” He questioned. 

Taking a deep breath I took his hand from my face and brought it down his eyes followed As I rested his palm against my slightly bloated stomach. His entire body went rigid as he saw it and didn't move his hand.

Slowly he kneeled Down before Me and I watched as he gently moved his hand over my belly. His eyes Moved up to mine as if to try and confirm what he was feeling and I nodded. No words passed between us as he returned his attention to my stomach and his lips parted in shock.

“You are with kit?” 

“When I finally woke up they told me I was carrying…I was so scared because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to come back. I couldn't fathom the idea of raising them alone and without you–” my voice cracked as a sob nearly escaped me.

Within seconds azriel was back on his feet holding me in his arms once more, comfortingly.

I cried into his shoulder relieved, tired even…feeling like a weight had finally been taken off my chest. I was safe now and I could finally rest easy without fearing for my–no our, baby. We were home.

(Note: Whew finally that's over and now we can get on with the real story! I know that being was dreadful but for the plot it was unfortunately necessary! I wasn't sure how else to add in those important details/events So me and you all unfortunately had to suffer through that boring stuff, I'm sorry! 😭 but now the real fun can begin and we can continue on where we left off in LTF!! Yippee!)(that being said, I'm sorry for the delays. I hated writing all that filler as much as you all probably hated reading About it, and in turn I got writer's block and have been struggling to push through it! So in the meantime I've been trying to update and work On other things as a sort of palate cleanser.  

It really sucks too because half the stuff I'm working on on the side I can't even show you guys because it's a secret project. 😫 bare with me and you all will get to see it eventually later this year! 🤫👀🎃🔥🔥🔥. So although I am writing and working on stuff, you guys won't be able to see it yet 😕. But I'll definitely give all a hit as to what will be involved~ 👽🦋🕷 👈🤭🔥😉 until then.

If I do happen to struggle with updating this story I will most likely update my other two wips, so go check them out! (Subject-59)&(A dragons heart)

I will say getting feedback and seeing everyone's comments definitely helps motivate me to write so do tell me your thoughts! Love you all! And thank you for your patience!))

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