Bound To The Alpha [EDITING]...

By mysterixus_girl

15.7K 510 23

_A broken wolf_ I have longed for a mate and yearned for love. Maybe my parents loved me, but I have no memor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Author's Note
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (Zade's POV)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One (Zade's POV)
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four (Zade's POV)
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Two (Zade's POV)

297 13 0
By mysterixus_girl

Zade's POV

The big black wolf transformed into a middle-aged man. I threw some clothes at him that laid on the floor waiting for him to use. He grabbed it and started dressing.

In less than a minute he was done. He tried to pounce on toward me but the chains held him back. My father let out a wicked laugh. "After all these years," He chuckled. "you decide to summon me? Why?" His tone was cold and wicked.

"Because there's a war." I said in a cold tone to match his.

"Ah, they're trying to demolish all the hybrids, no?"

"How do you know about this?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Aye, I've thought by now you'd figure it out." He paced around, never breaking eye contact.

"You've helped Azrael." I stated.

"Aye, I've done much more than that. Ever wonder how Azrael made it onto the Silver Moon Pack's land?" He smirked.

I gritted my teeth and growled at him. My fists clenched, drawing blood. "You killed my mate's family!"

"Doesn't make a difference. She's long gone. Such a runner." He shook his head and sighed. "She could have been like Damon."

"You don't know anything. She's here. Right here on this very land."

My father shot his head toward me. "What?"

"That's right. My mate is back."

My father grew angry and worried. "You don't know what is at stake here! She needs to leave!"

"My mate is not going anywhere."

"Zade, you do not understand! The Moonstone, it's-"

I cut him off. "What about the Moonetone?"

"Zade, the Moonstone must be in no one's possession. Zade, your mate will die!" He shouted. "She has to leave."

I frowned. "They can't get to the Moonstone. They will never break through the wall. There's no key."

"Aye, but there is." My father hung his head and sat on the floor. "Better put me off to sleep again. I got no desire to die a painful death like the rest of y'all."

I growled. "Tell me what is going on!"

"The door to the Moonstone was binded by tundra wolf blood. A specific one in fact. The Argent bloodline."

I felt a stab in my heart. Esra... They took her blood when they held her hostage.

"Why so pale?" The demon wolf asked. His face fell seconds later. "No, do not tell me they got some of your mate's blood?"

"They did." I punched the wall next to me. "Those fucking bastards have it!"

"Is she sick? Experiencing her body being paralyzed?"


"Oh no,aye they have already started the ritual. How long has this been going on for?"

"A month."

My father's face grew much more paler than mine. "You're too late. They already have the Moonstone."

"But there is no blood moon." I told him.

"Aye, they have it now but on the full moon all they need is a drop of Esra's blood on it then will the full moon only turn red. They'll control every hybrid. Only the dire wolves and grey wolves will be immune."

Azrael is playing everyone...

"Azrael is using everyone." I said my thoughts aloud. "He's going to make everyone his slaves."

"Aye yes. Azrael always preferred to rule alone. Never cared about his family either."

"What will happen to Esra?" I asked, bracing myself for the answer that danced in everyone's mind.

"She will die." He said in his gruffy voice. "As long as they have her blood they can take her life easily at any time like this." He waved his hand around.

My fists clenched harder. More blood dripped from my hands. "What about Donovan?"

"Aye Zade. What's with all these questions? You've despised him over the years. He's dead. What more do you want?"

"He's alive. He's the Alpha of the Darkwood Pack! Explain that."

His face grew more paler as he looked up at me. He pushed himself off the ground and attempted to walk towards me. The chains prevented him from doing so. "What are you saying?"

"Donovan is alive."

"No, it cannot be. I saw him die. I witnessed it with my own two eyes."

"He's alive and an Alpha." I stated.

"Ha! He could never become an Alpha. Not without that Grey's help." He growled.

He despised Azrael... No. It's a trick.

"Let me out son. I can help you. I can even save your mate."

"No. I can not let you leave."

"Very well, then. I have one piece of advice for you. Take good care of your mate because even if she survives this... This is not the life she wanted. I've noticed that from the very beginning. I have done many things in the past which I do not regret but that does not mean I don't want my son to have a better life. I'm a demon wolf, it's in my nature. And I am glad you're not like me. You remind me of your mother. I doubt she'd be proud of me right now but I know she's proud of you. Do not disappoint Esra, Zade."

The words that came out of my father's mouth was... Unbelievable.

He had a heart of stone. But he says this?

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"Because I don't want you making the same mistake as me. I've suffered a broken heart once before. I know what it is like." His words echoed in my head.

I couldn't imagine a world without her. It's just too painful.

I left without telling my father anything. I stormed out of the cellar.

The guards locked the doors behind me as I left and rushed to see Esra. On my way to her room people started to mind link each other non-stop.

"The Luna is missing."

"Alpha Kratos's mate is gone."

"Luna Esra just vanished."

I opened her room door and all I found was an empty bed. My heart raced. The biggest fear came true. Esra was taken...

"Find her!" I ordered. "My mate has been kidnapped!"

Everyone started to rush and run around like ants. The Lunas stood with Maristela seeking for advice or an order.

"Keep Maristela safe." I told them. They all nodded.

They rushed and went into the safe room.

None of the other Alphas and Lunas had children. So they didn't have to worry about anyone else.

The Alphas and I went into the room where they planned the battle.

"Esra was not taken." Alpha Kori said. "She woke up."

"Impossible. She was paralyzed." Alpha Hayes said.

When realization hit, it hit had. It felt like a thousand daggers stabbing my heart. "She... Esra... Esra faked it."

All the Alphas' shot their heads at me.

"No. She wouldn't." Alpha Crystallo was stunned.

"But why?" Alpha Hayes asked.

"Because she knows I won't let her battle. And because... She knows she's at stake..."

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