Mary Earps One Shots

By alotofpockets

948 28 0

A collection of Mary Earps x Reader one shots. More


Out of reach

412 15 0
By alotofpockets

Request: Mary x taller R where they have to keep helping her reach for things


You were browsing your local supermarket for dinner inspiration after a long work day. The day had been filled with important meetings, and you were still dressed for the part. You ended up in the pasta aisle where you saw a woman trying to reach for a jar that was slightly pushed back on the top shelf. Without a second thought you walked towards here, "Let me get that for you." You say and reach for it.

The moment you hand the woman the can, is the first time you see her face. You were mesmerised by her beauty. "Thank you, it was just out of my reach." The woman said with a beaming smile. Her words snapped you out of staring, "Of course, no problem." The woman in front of you looks between the two of you and starts laughing. "Look at us, full suit versus full tracksuit." You hadn't realised the stark contrast in your outfits until she pointed it out but laughed with her once she explained. "Your outfit seems a lot more comfortable, and I definitely switch to something similar when I get home once I figure out what to eat tonight."

You weren't usually one to talk to strangers in a supermarket but something about the woman in front of you made it feel like you weren't strangers at all. She was easy to talk to, and you felt yourself not wanting the conversation to end. "Well, I was going to make some spaghetti bolognese, would you like to join me?" You were intrigued by her offer but also didn't want to impose. She seemed to notice your hesitation in answering, "Please, let me thank you for helping me." She managed to get you to set your doubts aside. "Okay, let's do it then. I'm y/n by the way." The woman holds out her hand for you to shake it. "It's nice to meet you, y/n. I'm Mary."

"Great, I just need to get something for dessert." She hadn't let go of your hand, so she used it to guide you towards the dessert section. "Since I chose dinner, you can choose dessert." You head to the front of the store once you've picked out desserts, and after Mary made sure you didn't need to get anything else at the store. With a bag full of groceries, you walk out of the store together. "I live like two blocks away from here, my friend dropped me off at the store, so I was planning on walking home. Are you okay with walking there?" You nod over to your car a few parking spots over, "Or we can take my car?" Mary smiles, "Perfect."

You get into your car and look down at your outfit, "Do you mind if we stop by my house? I would love to get out of this suit." Mary buckles up, "Or I can lend you some trackies and we have a cosy date." Her eyes widened, "Wait, sorry, I never clarified it as such." You shake your head and laugh, "A cosy date sounds lovely."

After setting down the groceries in Mary's kitchen, she leads you upstairs to get you a comfy outfit. She opens her closet, and you don't think you've ever seen that many sports clothes together outside of a store. You notice the Manchester United, and the England crest on many of them. "You're a big football fan then?" You let your eyes go over the many jerseys.

Mary smiled at your comment, it was a nice feeling that the stranger at the grocery store liked her for her and not because she was a fan. "You can say that." She says with a laugh. You turn to face her with a furrowed brow. "They're my jerseys. Mine as in I wear them when I play for United and for England." She pulls out one of the jerseys showing the back. "Earps, that's me." She says proudly. "Wow, I had no idea. That's really cool. So you get to wear comfy stuff for work every day then, maybe I should consider a career switch." You both laugh.

Your first date with Mary was a big success, she was easy to talk to, and while your careers differed immensely, you had a lot in common with her. She walked you back to your car, where you shared your first kiss. Mary was standing on her tippy toes, with her arms around your shoulders. The kiss was short and sweet, with a promise to more since you had already planned your second date.

After a few dates, Mary had asked you to be her girlfriend, which you had happily said yes too.

One month into your relationship you found yourself amongst the crowd at Leigh Sports Village, where you watched Mary play for the first time. She had explained the basic rules of football to you while watching a match on the tv together one night. Now that she wasn't by your side to explain what was happening, it was harder for you to follow but that was okay. Whenever you didn't understand what was going on, your eyes went to her in the goal.

Mary met you in the family and friends lounge when she was done, she introduced you to a couple of her teammates before taking you back to your place. Since your first date was an at home dinner that you prepared together, you wanted to create the tradition to do the same for your anniversaries. So, starting off with your first month anniversary today, you went to the store you had met each other in to pick out the ingredients.

Ever since you started dating, you would get everything from the top shelves for Mary, but now you turn around from the pans on the stove to find Mary climbing on top of the counter. "Baby, what are you doing?" You laugh. "I'm just getting some wine glasses." She said innocently. You take the glasses from her, before you help her down from the counter, and spin her around a couple of times. "You know I couldn't easily grab those, right?" She pecks your lips. "Yeah, just a habit I still need to break." 

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