Welcome to my Dream World

By dongieverse

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One night is all it takes for the Nightmare to capture you. They're trapped in the nightmare, and as the Nigh... More

Author's Note
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐ˆ: ๐๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“๐Œ๐€๐‘๐„
Chapter 1: The Dreamer's Descent
Chapter 2: Nightmares Unveiled
Chapter 3: The Lantern of True Light
Chapter 4: The Veil of Shadows
Chapter 5: Cracking the Codes of the Celestial Dream
Chapter 6: Key to the Dream World
Chapter 7: Connections Lost
Chapter 8: The Dark Forest
Chapter 9: Cave of Nightmares
Chapter 10: Fears Resurfacing
Chapter 11: The Field of Lost Dreams
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐ˆ๐ˆ: ๐ƒ๐˜๐’๐“๐Ž๐๐ˆ๐€
Chapter 12: The Silent Observer
Chapter 13: Whispering Shadows
Chapter 14: The Descent of Darkness
Chapter 15: Maze of Reflection
Chapter 17: The Nightmare's Lair
Chapter 18: Dream World's Last Hope
Chapter 19: Hourglass of Fate

Chapter 16: Resurge of the Nightmare

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By dongieverse

The air of the Passage of Enchantment hummed with an ancient melody, a song of battles fought and won, as the steadfast group of seven made their way through its winding embrace. Handong strode at the forefront, her gaze fierce and unyielding, while Minji's steady presence at the rear ensured none were left behind. The walls around them shimmered with a faint iridescence, casting their determined faces in a spectral light.

"Remember," Handong's voice cut through the silence, "the Nightmare thrives on our fear. We cannot let it divide us."

"United we stand," Yoohyeon echoed, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword, the determination in her voice as sharp as the blade she wielded.

Bora nodded solemnly, her eyes reflecting the weight of their impending confrontation. "Together, we've come this far. Together, we'll see the end of this."

"Watch each other's backs," Siyeon added, clenching her fists. "We are stronger than any shadow that dares to darken our path."

"Let's weave the dream that will trap this Nightmare once and for all," Dami chimed in, her strategic mind already turning the wheels of war.

"Hope is our greatest weapon," Gahyeon murmured, a soft smile gracing her lips despite the gravity of their situation.

"Plans are nothing without action," Minji stated from the back, her voice resonant with leadership, urging them forward. "Keep moving, keep vigilant."

Handong led them through the serpentine roads, her steps measured and purposeful. Each curve in the passage revealed new patterns etched into the stone, symbols of enchantment that whispered of old magic and untold secrets. The air seemed to thicken with expectation, each breath they took laced with the tang of possibility and the unknown.

"Stay alert," Handong instructed, her keen eyes scanning the path ahead. "The Nightmare could be laying traps for us even now."

"Understood," Bora replied, her own senses heightened to catch any sign of ambush or deceit.

"Handong, you think it knows we're coming?" Dami questioned, her fingers tracing the outline of the Dream Caster concealed within her cloak.

"Without doubt," Handong responded, her tone leaving no room for uncertainty. "But our will is ironclad. We cannot falter now."

"Then we walk into the heart of mystery with eyes wide open," Siyeon declared, her resolve as unwavering as the stone beneath their feet.

"Every step we take is a step toward victory," Gahyeon added, her youthful optimism a beacon of light in the dim corridor.

"Remember, the Nightmare has never faced a force like us," Minji said confidently, bringing up the rear with the poise of a queen leading her army into battle. "We have each other, and that's more than it can handle."

Their voices melded together in a chorus of courage, a testament to their unity. As they delved deeper into the Passage of Enchantment, the very air seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the clash of wills that would soon echo through its hallowed halls.

As they continued on, a wide river, which seemed to flow darkness infected by the Nightmare, lay before them like a dark chasm, its waters rushing with an urgency that could sweep away even the sturdiest of warriors. The Passage of Enchantment had thrown them into the jaws of yet another challenge, and the seven companions came to an abrupt halt at its edge.

"Looks like the Nightmare isn't making this easy for us," Yoohyeon observed, peering into the murky depths where the water churned and frothed.

"Easy was never part of the plan," Handong said, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the situation. "We need to find a way across."

"Swimming is out of the question; those currents could drag us under," Minji cautioned, her hands on her hips as she surveyed the scene.

"Then we'll have to bridge our way across," Bora concluded, squinting upstream.

"Wait," Dami interjected, stepping forward with the Dream Caster in hand. "I have an idea." She gestured to a tall tree leaning precariously over the riverbank. "That tree could serve as our path."

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" Gahyeon asked, a spark of hope lighting her eyes.

"Exactly," Dami replied with a determined nod. She raised the Dream Caster, and with a flick of her wrist, a pulse of light surged forth, striking the base of the tree. A low creak filled the air as the trunk began to teeter.

"Stand back!" Handong ordered, and they all retreated a safe distance as the tree fell with a thunderous crash, spanning the river with its length.

"Careful now," Siyeon warned as they approached the makeshift bridge. "It's not the sturdiest of crossings."

One by one, they stepped onto the narrow trunk, the bark slick beneath their feet. Bora, hesitant, was about to cross when the trunk shifted beneath her weight. Her foot slipped, and she let out a sharp yelp as she teetered off the edge.

"Siyeon!" she gasped, arms windmilling.

Instincts honed by countless battles, Siyeon lunged forward, grabbing Bora's arm just in time, pulling her back to safety. "Got you," she breathed, her grip ironclad.

"Thank you," Bora muttered, cheeks flushed with relief and embarrassment.

"Let's not linger," Handong urged, her voice steady despite the racing of her heart. "We move carefully, but swiftly."

With painstaking slowness, they navigated the wobbling bridge, each step a testament to their resolve. The river roared below, hungry for a misstep, but it would not claim them this day. They were the chosen ones, and their quest would not end here—not in the belly of this watery beast.

"Almost there," Minji encouraged from the opposite bank, reaching out to help the last of them across.

"Everyone accounted for?" Handong asked once they were safely on the other side, scanning the faces of her comrades.

"Present and unswallowed by the river," Yoohyeon quipped, shaking off the tension with a lopsided grin.

"Good," Handong replied, allowing herself the ghost of a smile. "We've crossed the river, but the Nightmare still lies ahead. Stay vigilant."

"Always," they echoed, their voices melding into a chorus that danced upon the air, mingled with the whispers of enchantment that clung to the very stones of the passage. Together, they pressed on, deeper into the unknown, toward a destiny written in shadow and starlight.

The Passage of Enchantment stretched before them, a serpentine path shrouded in whispers of ancient magics. Handong led the way, her gaze fierce with determination, the flickering torchlight casting shadows upon the group's resolute faces. Minji walked beside her, equally poised, a silent promise of steadfast leadership.

"Nightmare won't relent just because we've braved a river," Handong said, her voice cutting through the quiet. "We must anticipate its every move."

"Agreed," Minji chimed in. "It knows we're coming; it will be prepared. We should expect traps, illusions—anything to throw us off balance."

"Then we counter with unity," Yoohyeon declared, spinning her weapon in hand—a staff that glowed with an inner light. "Together, there's no deceit it can conjure that we cannot see through."

"Remember, it feeds on fear," Siyeon added, her eyes scanning the path ahead. "Our strength lies in facing it without faltering."

"Which means," Dami interjected, adjusting the straps on her armguards, "we fight smart. Keep close, watch each other's backs."

"Especially for those creatures," Gahyeon murmured, her senses attuned to the unnatural silence of the passage.

"Creatures?" Bora echoed, her heart rate accelerating at the prospect.

"Shh," Siyeon hissed, her hand raised for silence. Her ears twitched, picking up the soft patter of skittering feet. "Something approaches."

In one fluid motion, the group formed a tight circle, weapons drawn as they faced outward into the darkness. The air grew thick with tension, each breath a cloud of mist in the cold passageway.

"Positions!" Handong commanded. The sound of their synchronized movements was almost musical, a deadly dance they had performed countless times before.

"Here they come," Gahyeon warned, her voice low and steady.

Shadowy forms emerged from the crevices in the walls, their movements erratic and swift. Eyes glinting like obsidian, they encircled the warriors with predatory intent.

"Stand firm," Minji yelled over the din of clashing metal as the first wave of creatures lunged towards them.

"Remember, aim for their cores!" Dami shouted, finding her mark as her blade sang through the air, cleaving shadow from shadow.

"Yoohyeon, left flank!" Siyeon called out, and Yoohyeon pivoted, her staff connecting with a creature that dissolved into wisps of darkness.

"Watch out!" Bora dived, rolling to dodge a swipe from claws that sought to rend flesh from bone.

"Cover me!" Gahyeon took a leap of faith, her own weapon—a pair of chakrams—slicing through the air, severing limbs of shadow that immediately turned to dust.

"Keep pushing!" Handong's voice rose above the chaos, clear and commanding. They fought back-to-back, a whirlwind of steel and sorcery, holding the line against the encroaching dark.

The creatures were relentless, but the seven stood as one, their resolve unshaken, their hearts undaunted. With each defeated adversary, their confidence soared, and the passage echoed with the sounds of their triumph.

"Is that all you have for us, Nightmare?" Minji taunted into the void, knowing full well the true battle had only just begun.

The air crackled with tension, each breath tainted with the metallic tang of fear. From every shadowy recess, the creatures surged forth, a tide of darkness that seemed endless. Handong grabbed the Dreamcatcher, ready to strike.

"Handong, we can't use the Dream weapons!" Gahyeon's voice trembled, her eyes darting to Yoohyeon, whose grim determination masked the trepidation that lay beneath. The Nightmare's curse had bound her strength to the very weapons that could save them, a cruel twist that shackled their hands as effectively as any chain.

"Then we fight with steel and wit!" Handong commanded, brandishing her sword with renewed fervor. Their blades met the onslaught, but without the magic of the Dream weapons, they were grievously outmatched.

"Keep together," Minji instructed, her sword parrying a blow meant for Dami, whose agile form ducked and wove through the throng, landing precise blows yet avoiding the deadly edge of her Dream dagger.

"Siyeon, behind you!" Bora's cry was just in time, her staff sweeping out to intercept a creature poised to strike. Yet even as they fought with skill honed by years of training, the shadow creatures' resilience tested them beyond measure. These beings, forged from the darkest corners of the Nightmare's realm, bore a strength that was otherworldly, their forms seeming to absorb the impact of each hit and reforming, unscathed.

"Fall back!" Siyeon's voice was hoarse, her instincts screaming that something was amiss. They were being herded, their movements dictated by an unseen hand.

"Minji! To your left!" The warning came too late. A creature, larger and more formidable than the rest, barreled into the group, its impact sending Minji crashing to the ground. Her breath left her in a whoosh as she struggled to rise, pain lancing through her side.

"Minji!" Gahyeon rushed to her, chakrams spinning defensively. But as she moved to aid their fallen leader, another creature blindsided her, its claws raking across her armor, depleting her energy with a touch that felt like ice.

"Stay strong!" Dami's voice cut through the din, but her usual poise was faltering under the relentless assault. She spun, her twin scimitars a blur, but fatigue was setting in, her limbs heavy as if weighted down by the very shadows they fought against.

"Handong, what do we do?" Yoohyeon's plea was barely audible above the clash of metal, her staff wielded with desperate intensity.

"Fight on!" Handong's reply was fierce, her own blade moving in arcs of defiance. Yet, even as they fought valiantly, it became clear that they were losing ground. Gahyeon slumped against a wall, her breaths shallow. Dami's scimitars dropped to her sides, her strength ebbing away. And as Minji tried to rally, another blow sent her tumbling, the world tilting precariously around her.

"Can't... hold them..." Gahyeon gasped, her vision darkening at the edges.

The shadow creatures advanced, their powers not merely physical but sapping the very will to fight from their prey. It was a battle of attrition, and one by one, the seven felt their resolve crumble under the weight of an enemy that should have been vanquished by now.

"Stand fast!" Handong's cry was a beacon in the suffocating darkness, her stance unwavering even as the creatures closed in. But the doubt that crept into her heart was a poison no less deadly than the claws and teeth that sought to rend them apart.

Yoohyeon's gaze swept over her fallen comrades, their forms slumped and battered in the dim light of the Passage of Enchantment. The shadow creatures loomed, a mass of dark tendrils and gleaming eyes, relentless in their assault. She could feel the oppressive link between her essence and the Dream weapons - a chain forged by the Nightmare itself to ensure mutual destruction. Yet in that perilous moment, as desperation clawed at her heart, she understood the grim truth: there was no victory without sacrifice.

"Handong!" Yoohyeon called out, her voice slicing through the chaos. She reached for her sister, who fought with the ferocity of a cornered beast, her Dream Weaver singing with unused potential. "I must!"

With a swift motion born of necessity, Yoohyeon wrested the weapon from Handong's grasp. Its familiar hum vibrated against her skin, an echo of power poised on the precipice of release. "Forgive me," she whispered, more to herself than to the others, and turned the Dream Weaver upon the malevolent horde.

"Yoohyeon!" Handong's protest came too late, her cry swallowed by the sound of unleashed energy. Light burst forth, a blinding torrent that carved through the shadows with indiscriminate fury. Each blast drained Yoohyeon, siphoning her strength even as it decimated their foes. Her body quaked, draining her energy, but she did not relent. The creatures wailed, their forms dissolving under the Dream Weaver's wrath until nothing remained but the echoes of their defeat.

"Yoohyeon!" Bora was first to her side, supporting the trembling figure of her friend. The others, slowly regaining their senses, gathered around, their expressions a mix of awe and concern.

"Let's rest," Minji suggested, practical as ever. They found a small alcove, just off the passage, its walls whispering secrets they could not yet decipher. There, they settled, tending to their wounds and gathering their scattered wits.

"We need a plan," Handong said, her tone resolute despite the weariness that lined her features. "The Nightmare will not fall so easily."

"Agreed," Dami rasped, her voice hoarse from exertion. "But our weapons... if they harm Yoohyeon..."

"Then we find another way," Gahyeon declared, her spirit undiminished by the ordeal. "We've faced darkness before. We'll do it again."

"Perhaps a diversion," Bora mused, eyes alight with the spark of strategy. "Lure it into a false sense of security, then strike where it least expects."

"Deception over direct confrontation," Siyeon nodded approvingly. "I like it."

"Yet we must be cautious," Minji interjected. "The Nightmare is cunning. It knows our fears, manipulates them. We can't afford to underestimate it."

"Then we face it together," Handong concluded, her gaze sweeping over each member of their circle. "United, as we have always been."

"United," they echoed, a chorus of resolve amidst the encroaching gloom.

As they spoke, their words weaving the fabric of their impending battle, a silent vow passed between them. No matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice, they would stand against the Nightmare, their bond unbroken, their courage undimmed. Together, they would reclaim the light.

Regaining their strength, the seven companions rose from their seated positions, determination etched in their eyes. Handong took the lead, her posture unwavering as they approached the maw of the cave that promised an end to their long-fought quest. The air around them grew heavier with every step, thick with a darkness that seemed to swallow even the faintest glimmers of light.

"Can you feel it?" Yoohyeon whispered, regaining her strength after a long rest. Her recent bravery lingered like a shadow, a reminder of the sacrifices already made.

"Like we're walking into the belly of night itself," Siyeon replied, her hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of her weapon concealed beneath her cloak.

The cave loomed before them, a gaping maw that dared them to enter. With each stride, the dampness clung to their skin, a cold embrace from unseen specters of the deep. Their footsteps echoed, a chorus of tapping that bounced off invisible walls and returned as ghostly whispers, taunting them with secrets too ancient for mortal ears.

"Stay alert," Minji's voice cut through the murk, her senses on edge. "This is the Nightmare's domain; every shadow could be a trap."

As if to confirm her fears, Bora, just a half pace ahead, let out a startled gasp. A thin wire, gleaming sinisterly in the scarce light, pulled taut under her boot.

"Look out—!" Minji tried.

Too late. The ground beneath them shuddered, groaning like some great beast awakened from slumber. The floor gave way, and they were plunged into darkness, ensnared by tree branches that reached up from the abyss like the twisted fingers of the dead.

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