everything has changed

By gibsiesgal

3.3K 41 9

Aofie Kavanagh was an angel. No one had a bad word to say about her, because it was quite frankly impossible... More

First Day Back
Mystery Girls

Stalkerish - Maybe?

558 6 6
By gibsiesgal


Quickly, I march over to where my mother is and see shannon, wearing a muddied sports jersey, while lying down, her head in some fuckers lap.
What the fuck is going on? My mother, seeing what i'm seeing screeches at the sight of her daughter like this. My eyes wander to the lad she's with and he's shirtless? Probably his jersey she's wearing then. Wait what? Shannon's wearing his jersey. Soon, i recognise the boy as the one who was friends with the fool i bumped in to earlier. A man, who i assume is the school principal, comes out in attempt to calm my ma down. Yeah, he's not getting anywhere with that.
"How dare you do this to my daughter!" she screaming throwing accusations around at the boy - who i now know as johnny. He doesn't say a word, he just lets my ma shout at him. Fair play to the lad because my mam can screech. Jumping in to spare him, "Ma calm down! did you even let him explain before you scream the bloody school down?"
"Don't speak to me like that! Are you not seeing what i'm seeing Liam. It's your sister! Lying in the nurses office once again!" She continues to wail.
I hate when she says that.
Shes your sister.
As if she isn't her daughter.
As if she's irrelevant.
As if she means nothing.

Continuing to whine, my mother shouts and screams at Johnny who is still just accepting her hits and seems only concerned about shannon as she winces. "Shan? are you okay?" i ask since my ma clearing won't. She opens her eyes only slightly before asking, "Liam? What are you doing here?", her voice all drowsy. I let out a slight laugh at her unawareness, "i'm here cause you got ya self into bother on the first day you dope. Can ya stand?" she shrugs and goes to sit up and attempt to stand but falling in the process. I quickly make my way to stop her from hitting the floor, but Johnny got there quicker, and the look of relief in his eyes suggest he cares more than i thought. He shifts his focus to me, and starts apologising, "I swear, i didn't do anything on purpose. I kicked a rugby ball because i was at practice and shannon was walking on the pitch. I didn't mean to hurt her, I've been with her the whole time though, you might wanna get to the A&E because her eyes have drooping but i've managed to keep her awake but she might not keep for longer"
Fuck me is this lad worried. About shannon.
"Lad it's fine, just calm yerself, she'll be alright and it's no bother, i believe ya." He doesn't say anything after that he just nods before checking over shannon once more. "I'll pay for everything. Her tights, her skirt, anything." He offered but i instantly knew what my ma would spin his words into. "Why because we have no money? Because i can't afford to clothe my own daughter?" God she's got issues. "No, because it's my fault they're ruined" he shot back. "My daughter is not a charity case." Johnny looks almost offended and quickly defends with a shake of his head. "I didn't say that Mrs Lynch." Shannon's cheeks grow a burning red before jumping in. "Mam" she warns "stop it. He's only trying to be nice."
"The nice thing to do would to not assault you on your first day!" Now my is burning red with embarrassment from this woman. "God ma! Your spinning this into something that's complete bullshit. I know it, Shannon knows it, i'm pretty sure you know it too. So let's get shannon out of here to the A&E!" I take it upon myself to help shannon up with my hand on her back for support and guide my mam out of the school before she gets a second wind. Johnny stand in the reception his mouth open but his eyes remained on Shannon.

Shannon had a moderate Concussion that resulted in an overnight stay at the hospital which i accompanied her in. She was always off school for the following week, whereas I had to return to the crazy place. Somehow, talk of the shannon incident has disappeared from the face of the earth. Not one person mentioned it, talked about it, nothing. I mean i'm glad because shannon doesn't need anymore shit, but gossip like that doesn't just disappear. I had a feeling that Johnny lad has something to do with it, he obviously cares about her and he's very powerful in this school. It's possible he used said power to shut people up but the question is: why? Why does he care so much about a girl he met yesterday. Cares enough to threaten people out of gossiping about her. Beats me but he's a good lad to have on your side.

On the bright side, i figured out my mystery girls name. Aofie Kavanagh. She's friends with girls called claire biggs and lizzie young, who i remember from shannon's primary school. So, i asked shan and she told me she's friends with her and her name is Aofie Kavanagh. Is it stalkerish the way i found out? Maybe. However, i've seen the girl and that is my explanation.


I was furious when Johnny came home and let me in on what happened to Shannon. She hasn't been at school for a week, and i had no way of knowing if she was okay. So i asked around and she has a brother in my classes. Liam Lynch. I also asked what he was like, apparently he's really smart like swat smart, and he got into lots and lots of fights in BSC - his old school - reason being, Shannon. I don't know the ins and outs but he was defending her in these fights? Was that the reason i'd seen him round school with black eyes and bruises? i wasn't sure, because he doesn't seem like the one who'd let you get a punch in.


I decided to change this chapter (sorry for any confusion this causes 🙈) because i didn't like it at all so this is a really short chapter.

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