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[Various!MHA X Fem!Reader] "I can talk to dead people. They complain... a lot." Being gifted with a quirk tha... Daha Fazla



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Chrysanthemum-_- tarafından

Your new teacher led you all to Ground Beta, and you couldn't help but shudder at how scary of a look he had.

"Wait! What about orientation?" The brunette girl from before asked and you're honestly very impressed by her courage to actually speak up against someone this scary.

"Oh, come on!! Shota just looks scary, but he's actually a huge softie! Trust me, you'll find out soon enough!" The new spirit, who you now know as Oboro, explains. And while it doesn't do much to help calm you down, you appreciate his efforts.

"One of the reasons why UA is the top hero school is because of its freedom. We, teachers are given a free pass to teach our classes however we see fit. Which means that if I don't find orientation necessary, then you don't have to be there."

Wow, you can already tell he's most probably the life of any party! He's such a fun guy, right?

Your teacher then proceeds to rant about how the Ministry of Education is not doing their job right and hindering all your true potentials, yada yada. You're too busy freaking out to care.

Instead, your gaze drifts over your classmates while Aizawa is still talking, and your eyes widen in horror immediately.

How did you not notice this earlier?!

The greenette boy... has 7 fucking spirits tethered to him!! What the actual hell?!

Is it too late to drop out?!

All seven spirits seemed to be gauging the greenette, as if looking for something in him. Kinda like they were judging him.

Dear God, you don't even want to be a part of whatever mess this kid is in!! No, thank you!

"Bakugo, you placed first in the Entrance Exam. What was the farthest you could throw a soft ball in middle school?"

"67 meters." You hear the blonde reply and the color of your face drains.

What kind of demon child is this?! Who has the ability to throw a soft ball to 67 meters, without their quirk?!

You watched as Aizawa handed him the softball, and told him to use his quirk to throw it as far as he could. And the Bakugo kid used his quirk and chucked the ball at high velocity.

"In order to grow, you all need to know the physical limits of your own quirks." The pro-hero stated as he showed the digital reading he had gotten; 705.2 m.

"That looks fun!!" Someone in your class cheered and almost instantly Aizawa's face expressions changed.

"Fun, you say?" He muttered while Oboro gulped beside you, "Oh, no..."

What did he mean?! You snapped your head in the cloud headed boy's direction but he just points you to Aizawa's direction.

"Change of rules, whoever places last on this Quirk Apprehension Test will be expelled." Oh, God... now you get why Oboro had said that.

"What?! That's so unfair!! This is just our first day, you can't expel us!!" The brunette from before cried out and you are very, very amazed by her bravery.

"Life as a whole is unfair. Power-hungry villains, natural disasters, accidents, all of these are calamities that you will face. It's your job to overcome these unfair things and face them head on. Plus Ultra."

Yeah, no... You're definitely not gonna survive these 3 years.


The first test you took part in was the 100-meter dash.

A robot was there to gauge your scores and you nervously stood at the start line, waiting for the signal to start running. At your side stood a girl with long earlobes. She nodded at you, as if silently wishing you good luck and you very shakily returned her nod.


The sound of the gun echoed through your ears as it signalled the start and you watched how the girl immediately began running. You, on the other hand, took a deep breath before turning to Shizuka. The ghost nodded and placed a hand on your shoulder, allowing you to use her quirk.

You outstretched your hand and almost immediately, thin strings shot from your fingers and attached themselves to the ground. You began to pull yourself closer to the end where you had implanted the strings and almost immediately, you flew through the air and...

Landed face first at the end of the 100-meter dash.

"3.24 seconds!" The robot declared as you shamefully picked your head up from the ground, your cheeks burning from how embarrassed you were.

Turning over to see your teacher, you saw the man looking at you with a tired look before jotting down your result. Then, the girl beside you finished a few seconds later and he wrote down her result too.

"Woah, that was cool." She started and you snapped your head in her direction.

'Shit, fuck!! Someone's talking to me! Abort mission, I can't do this today! I need at least two-or three business days to ready myself for any interactions!!'

She watched you stare at her with a surprised look, completely unaware of the absolute mess that was going on inside your head.

But thankfully, Shizuka slapped you back to reality and you coughed to divert her attention, "T-Thanks.... Y-Y-You too!" You cursed yourself for the stutter before looking back at her to see her smiling at you, "I'm Jiro Kyoka. You're [Last Name], right?"

You nodded your head fervently, making the girl chuckle as you cursed yourself for how much of a fool you made out of yourself.

Someone should just give you a hole that you can hide in. That way, at least you'll save yourself from all this embarrassment.

You walked away to join the rest of your class as two more kids stepped up from that crowd and walked over to the start line.

Next test was the grip test.

In this, you honestly had no idea what to even do in here. So you just stared at the machines, hoping that if you looked at it pitifully, it might turn into a good number.

You turned to your spirit friends with the same pitiful look as they looked back sadly. None of their quirks could help you in this test. Eiji and Oboro also looked guilty that they couldn't help you, and you just decided to use your own strength for this test.

As soon as you squeezed the machine, you saw the pitiful sad results; 29.5 kg.

Yeah, you should have worked on your upper body strength...

You dragged your feet to your teacher (Oboro was trying to cheer you up by saying that Shota also wasn't a very physically strong guy so he wouldn't judge you) and showed your results to him. Thankfully, Oboro's words were correct and that man didn't even spare you another glance as he jotted your result down and motioned you to join those who were done, while taking your machine from you.

Next up, was the standing long jump.

"You know, my qurik can literally carry you through the entire sandbox if you want." You heard Oboro offer at your side but you just shook your head as your eyes drifted to Aizawa. You don't want to potentially scar the man by using his dead friend's quirk all of a sudden.

Especially since Aizawa already had your files. This meant that he was well aware of your quirk. You don't want him to be traumatized by knowing that Oboro had been following him for God-knows-how long.

"It's fine... I'll just use Shizuka's..." You said as you nodded at your ghost friend once more and stretched your hand out again. Like the 100-meter run, you also landed ungracefully outside the sandbox but at least you cleared the test.

And then... It was the aforementioned soft ball throw test.

You were called after the grandson of Eiji froze an entire ice platform to launch the ball and as you passed by him, you couldn't help yourself from shaking. He was glaring at you the whole time!!

Thankfully, Aizawa didn't look at you and just wordlessly gave you the ball. Now that you were doing an individual test where everyone's eyes were on you, you couldn't help but feel very, very conscious of yourself.

Did you look okay? Is your uniform crinkled? Are you slouching like some sort of cave creature?

Oh God, you feel like you're gonna pass out...

"Calm down, [Name]! You'll be fine!!" Oboro's cheerful voice rang in your ears as you stood in the circle, staring at the ball you were about to throw.

"[Name], I think my quirk will be suited for this test." This time, you turned your direction to see Eiji, giving you a small smile as he outstretched his hand in your direction, "A-Are you sure?" You made sure to whisper and just when the male was about to nod, Aizawa spoke up, "[Last Name], hurry it up."

You immediately apologized shakily before nodding at Eiji and taking a deep breath. The moment you borrowed his quirk, you could feel it coursing through your veins.

With another deep breath, you reeled your arm back and... let it burst into a bright display of flames.

The flames licked at your arm as you angled it forward and swung it ahead with all your might, using the flames as a propulsion to fire the ball forward.

You huffed loudly as the ball flew away, out of sight and you only pulled yourself out of your surprise at the sheer strength of Eiji's quirk when you heard the familiar beep.

"863.6 meters." Aizawa recited and you couldn't help the small smile from blooming on your lips.

But that smile immediately died down when you clicked your tongue in pain. Ah... You may have borrowed his quirk, but your body isn't really resilient to fire like Eiji's. You couldn't possibly be able to use it as carefreely as his grandson.

Wait, does Shoto even have flames as his quirk? He certainly shares half his appearance with Eiji but... You haven't really seen him use it.

Whatever the reason was, your injuries were noticed by Aizawa and he turned to you with a frown, "Go to Recovery Girl after this and get it healed up."

"Ah... Okay..." You didn't have the courage to tell him that you can just heal it right here with Rina's quirk. So you just walked back to the crowd and pulled yourself to the very back, trying to make yourself as small as possible as you borrowed her quirk and began to heal your arm.

Almost like magic, the glaring red burn marks faded away and revealed your smooth skin from before.

You did feel yourself getting a bit hotter thanks to the heat you'd let out while using her quirk but it was okay, nothing too unbearable.

"Woah, you just healed yourself, that's so manly! What's up with your quirk?!" A chirpy red head with the sharpest teeth you've seen, walked up to you and started talking loudly.

You lowered your head, not exactly ready for a conversation but thankfully, the person who was now going next, managed to get everyone's attention.

"Huh, but I just tried to use it!" The greenette from before uttered as you all looked at him in confusion.

You couldn't help but feel bad.

Expulsion is kind of an extreme punishment for such a simple thing as a Quirk Apprehension Test...

Besides, like the brunette said, it's only the first day. The poor guy hadn't even done anything, figuratively and literally. Why was Aizawa being so mean?

"Shota... He's got this ideology that... it's much crueler to let people dream about something they will never acheive. For some kids, being a hero isn't the right choice... And if they get themselves involved in such a dangerous path, their incompetence might cause them to lose their lives... I guess, my death really did have a bad impact on him." Oboro explained at your side and you blinked in surprise.

You didn't expect that.

You watched from the back how Aizawa pulled Midoriya over for a talk before ultimately letting him go, "I wonder what he must have told him?" Iida spoke up from up front and you heard the scary demon child scoff in response, "Probably told that Deku to give up. UA ain't for the quirkless."

"Quirkless? Do you not know of his feats in the Entrance Exam?" Iida asked explosion man and you tilted your head in confusion. Actually, you don't. Can someone please explain what's going on?!

You watched how the greenette got ready to throw the ball, and then... just at the last minute, he threw the ball with such intensity that there was even a smoke cloud thanks to his strength.

When the dust all cleared up, you watched Aizawa raise the machine to announce his result.

705.3 meters.

Wow, what strength.

"Mr. Aizawa... I can still move!" You heard Green Boy say as he clenched his... Oh, my God! Is his finger fucking broken?! The 7 spirits next to him seemed rather intrigued so now you're kinda freaked out as to what the fuck his power even is.

But it seems like Explosion man wasn't having it, because he quite literally... exploded in anger, "Ah, Deku! What the hell is this?! Since when did you have a quirk?! Have you been lying to me this whole time?!"

The poor greenette squeaked and stammered in defense as Explosions over here tried to lunge at him, only to be stopped by Aizawa and his trusty scarf, "Ugh! The fuck, this is so hard!" Explosion man yelled and Aizawa huffed with his hair floating, "Yeah, it's steel threads woven with carbon nanofibres." He blinked as his hair fell back to it's original state, "Also, stop making me use my quirk. I have dry eyes, damn it."

Oboro at your side, cackled at his friend's statement, saying that he still the same old Shota that he knew, while Eiji, Shizuka and Rina seemed pretty amused by the entire ordeal.

"Midoriya, make sure to visit the old lady after this and have her patch you up." As soon as Aizawa said that, Oboro cooed at you, "Aww, see [Name]-chan? I told you he's a softie!"

"His finger is literally in shambles. I think it'd be concerning if Aizawa didn't order the kid to get it healed." Shizuka replied to the cloud headed male and he pouted.

"[Name]-chan, let's go help heal him!" Rina spoke up and you almost died of a heart attack. Did she seriously think you were well enough for a social interaction?! Is she crazy?!

"No, no, no, no, no.... I am not doing that, thank you very much..." You spoke, your face drained of all color as Rina scrunched up her face at your side.

"[Name]!!! Come on, the doctor in me can't rest assured until that boy is all okay!! Get your butt moving, missy!" Shizuka gave her a reprimanding glance while Oboro and Eiji just looked awkwardly at you girls.

"No, I will not!"

"Don't make me possess you!"

"You wouldn't dare..." You glared back at her, and whilst your glaring session, you were completely unaware of the judgemental eyes someone was giving you.

"Are you really that desperate to talk to someone that you're literally talking to thin air?" A voice rang at your side and you almost jumped in shock. Oh, it's just Eiji's brooding grandson.

"No, I..." You thought over your words but before you could reply to him, Rina began to push you in the direction of the injured greenette, "Come on!! Let's go!!"

"Wait! I don't even know his name, Rina! How will I talk to him?"

"I do! It's Midoriya!"

The rest of spirits looked at her in surprise as she just shrugged her shoulders while dragging you, "What? I'm a nosy ghost, I tend to listen in on what people are calling each other to learn their names!"

She's a menace, you swear she is.

Because now, you are standing in front of Midoriya as he looks at you in confusion, "Ah... C-Can I help you?" The boy starts and you cringed to yourself at how forward you are about to be right now.

All seven of his spirits are now looking at you, silently judging you and you're trying your very hardest to not look at them and focus your stare on the ground.

"N-No, well... Um, it's like..." Your spirit friends sweatdropped at you stammering with your sentence until you were smacked by Rina at the back of your head and you finally began to speak coherent sentences.

"Well... Your finger..." You pointed and he looked at in surprise, "Huh? O-Oh, yeah... It's because of my quirk..."

Yeah, you kinda figured that part out.

Raising your hands up, you smiled very awkwardly as you started, "Yeah... well, um... Do you-Do you want me to... heal it?"

"W-What?" He asked and you cried to yourself at the idea of having to repeat your question, "Do you... want me to heal it? I can... I-I can heal it for you."

He seemed surprised for a moment before a shy smile overtook his lips, "W-Wouldn't that... cause you trouble? I-I mean... you need energy for the test and-"

"Oh, God... She found one of her own... They're like twins." Rina added incredulously as you were very tempted to choke her. But it's not like it would affect her, she's dead anyways.

"It's fine! I mean... It's okay, it won't take too much energy a-and you look like... you're in pain.." He seemed ready to self-combust, just like you as he shyly showed you his gnarly finger, all purple and bruised up.

Your breathing hitched when you saw just how severe it was up close, before giving a side glance to Rina and finally raising your dominant hand to hover over his finger.

Using Rina's quirk, you began to heal his finger and the greenette couldn't describe how at ease he felt from when the finger finally stopped aching. He looked at you with an extremely grateful look, only to see you shaking your uniform's collar, "Uh... Are you okay?" He asked and you jumped slightly, not expecting him to initiate a conversation after that.

"H-Huh? Oh, yeah... I'm fine, it's just... I get a bit hot after using my quirk..." He seemed fascinated by your explanation as he looked at you with a sparkle in his eyes, "Woah, your quirk sounds... amazing! But, didn't you use a thread like quirk in the first few tests? And then, in the ball throw, your hand burst into flames! Do you have multiple quirks?! Is it even possible to have this many quirks-"

The boy immediately stopped when he saw you backing away with an incredibly uncomfortable look on your face and he was immediately overtaken with guilt, "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry!! I-I ended up getting all wrapped up in your quirks-which are amazing, by the way-that I didn't even notice you were uncomfortable!!" You shyly shook your head.

"No, it's... it's fine, I guess." He shook his head and was ready to apologise once more but thankfully, Aizawa called you all for the next test and you guys had to leave for that.

The next tests consisted of sit ups, squats, repeated side-steps and a long distance run.

After all of them ended, you all stood anxiously in front of Aizawa as the man looked at you guys in boredom, "It's pointless to announce all your scores individually, so I just tallied them up." He pressed a button to reveal a ranking board with all your names in descending order of rank.

You looked up to see your name... in third position. Woah, you scored even better than the explosion demon man. Your spirit friends were so proud of you.

"WOAH! You did amazing, [Name]-chan!!" Oboro cheered as you lowered your head bashfully. Meanwhile, Rina backed him up with the cheering, "Wow, [Name]!! You're so cool!"

Thankfully, both Shizuka and Eiji were much more calmer as they pat your head in turns, "Well done, [Name]." Eiji even had prideful look as he gazed upon his grandson's name in the second position.

What a doting grandfather.

"Oh, by the way. The whole expulsion thing was a lie." The moment those words left Aizawa's lips, everyone went crazy. Well, almost everyone.




As everyone yelled at Aizawa for his psychopathic manipulation, he just shrugged his shoulders, "It was a logical ruse to bring out your full potentials. Also, Midoriya. Get that finger checked up."

The said boy looked up to him shock before his eyes drifted over to you and you immediately looked away. Hell no! You've have enough interactions for one day!

"Well, I suppose it was only natural. I thought everyone knew that he was lying. I should have told you guys..." The pretty hot girl from before spoke up and you could hear Oboro cackling at your side, "Yeah, right! Sorry to burst her bubble, but Shota was 100% serious! He must have seen some real potential in you guys to let y'all off the hook! Hell, he had even expelled all the last year's first years! You should have seen the look on their faces! They were priceless!"

Meanwhile, your face just paled in fear. He did what?! He expelled an entire fucking class?!

You let your eyes drift back to Aizawa as you gulped the knot in your throat out of fear.

Looks like it's gonna be one long year...

Okumaya devam et

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