
By Chrysanthemum-_-

22.9K 1.7K 751

[Various!MHA X Fem!Reader] "I can talk to dead people. They complain... a lot." Being gifted with a quirk tha... More



2.8K 188 125
By Chrysanthemum-_-

Your first day at UA.... It was a nightmare.

You woke up five hours before your first class, and it was only orientation today. But your nerves were killing you, so you quickly got dressed and ate breakfast.

It only took you 2 hours to get ready and prepare breakfast for you and your parents. You still have three hours... And you're close to passing out.

After downing two cups of [Favorite Drink], you were up and awake, ready to face the challenges UA would throw at you.

"Well, you look excited." Rina teased and Shizuka softly nodded at her side, "Excited? Please... I'm this close to jumping onto the train tracks." You demonstrated how much you meant by pinching your fingers.

"Your fingers are touching." Shizuka stated and you nodded at her observation, "Exactly." You could hear Rina cackling in the background but you could care less. Your father heard your conversation as he sat across from you on the dining table, reading the newspaper as your mother was getting ready for work.

He couldn't help but feel his lips quipping into a small smile when he saw how close you were with your spirit friends. When he was young, he also wanted to always be accompanied by his spirit friends. But as he grew older, he realised that he needed to let them pass on. So he worked hard to fulfill their last wishes.

While letting them go was painful, it gave him the courage to be who he is today. And he hoped that when you grew up, you would also choose to let them go. Because tethering them to you for eternity... is too cruel.

You took off from your house an hour after that. You still had two hours but you're sure the commute would take you half an hour, if it wasn't too crowded at the train station.

Thankfully, it wasn't. And you managed to find a seat too! Hey, maybe it won't be so bad today!


You take it back, you wanna go home.

The moment you saw the giant building, you wanted nothing more but to run away. It didn't help that Shizuka was physically preventing you from doing so. Oh, by the way, you can also allow spirits to touch you and for you to touch them.

It was a cool ability you discovered when you were scared of a new spirit you had encountered and you wanted Shizuka to comfort you. Out of you three, Shizuka was the oldest since she was 23. Then, it was Rina, who was 17 and was trying to become a doctor as a human. Rina was killed by her father, who had hidden her body in a suitcase and buried her.

Although your father had managed to find her body, that wasn't her last wish. Her wish was her father to die painfully. And for that to happen, you would have to kill the old man yourself or wait for him to die, because the Government had only given her father a life sentence.

Not a death sentence.

You can't just go around killing people, so she decided to tether herself to you. But at times, you felt really bad for both your spirit friends.

Both had been murdered.

And you would wonder if one day, you would also die like them? Getting murdered and your last wish being the justice that you never received...

When your thoughts got too dark, Rina would try to cheer you up and Shizuka would hug you.

But pushing those thoughts in the back of your head, you were pulled to the UA building by your spirits and finally set to finding your class.

Since you guys had no idea where it was, you all decided to split up and whoever found it would screech loudly (except for you, because being a human meant you can be heard by others too).

Thankfully, you didn't have to screech because Shizuka was the one to have found it. She led you towards the said class, 1-A. And you opened the door to reveal...

No one.

You were first in class.

Great! No people means no interaction!!

You quickly sat down at your seat, that was at the back of the class and pulled out your phone to scroll through social media. You can't wait for this day to end already.

But a few minutes after you had arrived, another person slid the door and you froze in fear. It was a boy, with two different hair colors.

Wow, he really said 'Fuck genetics' and decided to have both white and red. Seems legit.

His heterochromatic eyes were also very eye-catching... Haha, get it?

... anyways.

He was the type of person who, if you told someone that this guy actually existed, they wouldn't believe you because how is it that you can look so weird yet cool at the same time? He seems like he walked out of a rainbow, well... He's about as colorful as a non-mutant quirk wielding human can get.

But your surprise didn't end there. The moment the boy stepped in, the spirit of a middle-aged man followed him. The spirit had red hair and blue eyes. You kept your eyes trained at the boy, following his every movement as he sat down a few seats away from you.

Well, that's what anyone else would think, that you were looking at Mr. Hotshot over there.

When in reality, it was the middle aged man who seemed very happy to see the boy at peace in his seat, that you were looking at. Is that his father? They do look smiliar...

But before you could do anything, the boy turned to you and gave you a glare, "Is there something on my face?"

'Yeah, a scar, my dude.'

But you don't think he'll appreciate that answer, so you nervously shook your head. His glare only hardened as he proceeded to ask, "Then why are you staring at me like that?"

'Cause there's a middle-aged man's soul tethered to you, and it's not everyday you find someone with a soul tethered to them.'

Nah, you would never say that.

"Your... Your hair! It's cool! Very cool! I love it!" Great going [Name], now he definitely doesn't think that you have a hair fetish.

But thankfully, he just seemed annoyed by you and turned his head away, opting to put his head down and close his eyes, resting until it was time for class.

Wow, what an asshole. He could have at least thanked you for the compliment.

But regardlessly, you decided to not look at the spirit beside him and just focused your gaze back to your phone screen.

Holy shit, you feel someone looking at you! Is it the boy with two hair colors?! Does he feel threatened that you might take his hair, because you like it so much?!

But no, it's the spirit that's following him. Apparently, the middle-aged man saw your two friends and realised that maybe, you weren't looking at his little Shoto. You were looking at him...

"Excuse me, little miss." The man spoke and you slowly directed your gaze upwards, "Yes?" You whispered as to not alert the boy that you were talking to thin air.

"Oh, so you can see me and hear me too?" He seemed rather shocked by that, but soon his face was overtaken by a sweet smile, "Ah... It feels so nice to talk to a human after such a long time... Is it because of your quirk?" You nodded and tried to give him a shaky smile.

It was always easier to talk to spirits than humans.

Maybe because they wouldn't judge you for being able to talk to them.

"If you don't mind me asking, why... are you attached to him?" You whispered yet again, and the man smiled softly while gliding over to the boy. The man rested a hand atop the boy's pretty hair and caressed it softly, "He's my grandson. Shoto, my youngest grandson. After my passing, my son did not deal with it well, and he grew up to be... not the best father around, unfortunately this poor child had to bear the brunt of it all..."

Oh, shit... So, this guy is the dude's grandfather? And he's apparently still stuck to this world because his son is a child abuser? That's the first time you've came across a case so delicate.

"I see, I'm... sorry to hear that..." You whispered, not exactly finding the right words to say at the moment. But the man didn't mind, instead, he smiled kindly at you, "It's quite alright. My name is Todoroki Eiji."

"I'm [Last Name][Name], nice to meet you." You muttered and the spirit smiled at you once more, "And if you don't mind me asking, who are these young ladies?"

Your friends perked up at this and Rina was the first to go, "I'm Rina! Nice to meet you! I'm stuck here in this world cause I was murdered by my father."

"My name is Shizuka. I am also bounded because I was murdered by a serial killer." ​​​​​​Eiji's eyes widened upon hearing that both the girls were murdered. His eyes were filled with sympathy as he answered, "I see... I believe I was a victim of an accident... A villain, who was about to hurt a little girl. I tried to save her, but I ended up losing my life instead."

Your respect for this man just grew ten folds. What a nice guy.

"Can you stop your murmuring? It's annoying to hear first thing in the morning." The boy, who you now knew as Shoto, sneered as he didn't bother picking up his head. You quietly whispered an apology and Eiji also apologized to you for his grandson's actions.

You went back to your phone and ultimately decided to just listen to some music while you waited for the class to fill in. You plugged your earphones in, and put on [Your Favorite Song] at a healthy volume (you don't want to burst your eardrums, thank you very much).

Eiji floated around, looking at the school and fascinating himself with how similar everything still was to back when his son, Enji had attended this same school.

Rina and Shizuka decided to go even further and explore the place, which you wondered if you should do the same but figured not to. What if you get lost on your way back and the bell rings?! What if you miss orientation?! Will your teacher get the impression that you're a delinquent? Or perhaps a tardy little bitch?!

Yeah, no. You're too anxious to take such a risk.

So you just sat in your seat and listened to music, when another person came in. A bespectacled boy with navy blue hair and matching coloured eyes. He walked with confidence and elegance, like he was a rich kid or something. He probably was, you wouldn't know.

The moment his eyes landed on you and... Shoto, he gasped audibly and rushed over to both of you. Seeing him rush at you at top speeds, your immediate response was... to curl up and try to save your face if he smacked you.

"Hello! My name is Iida Tenya, from Sohmei Private Academy! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" He speed-ran real quick and Eiji's smile grew, "Oh, he seems like a nice boy! I wonder if he would be willing to befriend little Shoto!"

You don't doubt it, judging by his enthusiasm.

Out of respect and common courtesy, you took out your earphones and smiled shakily at him, "N-Nice to meet you, too... I'm-I'm [Last Name][Name]..." He gasped once again and you visibly cringed at how he leaned over even more.

"Are you perhaps [Last Name][Name], who came in fourth in the entrance exam?! Who am I kidding, of course you are!! Fantastic! You managed to get a very good score, and you were above me! You are truly admirable, [Last Name]-kun!!" God, why is he so enthusiastic first thing in the morning?! Did he smoke something before he came here?

"I must say, I was expecting myself to be the first one to arrive in class. Punctuality is key in being a good hero! But it seems like you both have beaten me, you are truly an amazing person to have as a fellow classmate."

Personal space, please...

You wanted so desperately to tell him to leave you alone but not in a million years could you commit such a heinous act, so you just nodded to whatever he was babbling on about, something along the lines of how great of an opportunity it is to study at this prestigious academy.

'Good for you, now can you please me alone?'

Eiji noticed your discomfort and decided to help you by phasing right through Iida, making the said boy shudder at the sudden temperature drop he felt, "Oh... It seems like the weather is still chilly despite it being spring already! Have you warmed yourself, [Last Name]-kun? I wouldn't want my fellow classmates to fall sick in the first week of school!"

You're already sick... sick of his righteous little ass!! Can he please leave?!

It seems like even Eiji's tactic didn't work. Instead, the older male gave you a sympathetic glance once he saw how Iida still hasn't stopped talking.

Thankfully! Your prayers were answered when the door slid open again and a pretty girl with black hair tied up in a ponytail came in. She was tall and pretty? Oh, no... You can't deal with this without blushing up a storm in her presence.

She was too hot for you to not blush, anyways.

"Hello! My name is Iida Tenya! I am from Soumei Private Academy! Pleased to make your acquaintance!" He recited like he was a damn tape recorder and it took everything in you not to snort. Did he rehearse that line in front of a mirror for it to be so perfectly consistent?

The girl smiled politely and nodded, "My name is Yaoyorozu Momo, it's a pleasure to meet you too." Polite, confident and cool.

She's totally your type.

She bowed as well and then proceeded to walk in your direction, making you sputter in nervousness. Why is she coming over here?!

Thankfully, she sat right in front of you, and gave you a sweet smile once she turned over to you, "Hello. My name is Yaoyorozu Momo!"

"H-H-Hi... I'm [Last Name][Name]... Nice to... meet you..." Great, you totally didn't blow it up. But she was a literal angel, because despite your very awkward intro, she still smiled kindly and said a 'Nice to meet you too.'

Is it too early for you to have a small crush on her? Maybe.

But is that gonna stop you? Also, maybe.

She also looked over to Shoto but seeing that he had his head down, she decided to leave him to his own devices.

Good choice, girl. It's best if you leave this demon child alone, anyways.

After that, students finally started to pour in. Some of them looked really exotic and eye catching, like the girl with pink skin or the boy who was sparkling with every step he took.

But thankfully, no one tried to disturb you.

Shizuka and Rina had also returned back to you, smiling when they saw you somewhat at peace from how no one was bothering you.

The door slid open once more and it revealed a plain looking guy with freckles and a cute brown haired girl. Iida, once again rushed to greet them and you could finally feel the sleepiness catching up on you.

You kind of had it coming, waking up five hours before you needed.

You figured you might as get up and wash your face so you don't end up falling asleep when your teacher finally gets here. So you got out of your seat and walked up to the entrance, the plain looking kid and the cute girl still standing there.

You really didn't want to tell them to move out of the way, because that would be too rude, right?! But you really needed to go to the toilet to wash your face.

"A-Ah... Excuse me..." You mumbled, and it seems like due to the loudass chattering in the class, none of the two kids blocking the entrance heard you. You leaned over and finally! The plain looking kid noticed what you were trying to do.

"O-Oh! Do you-Do you need to leave?!" You shakily nodded and bowed your head in gratitude when he finally moved out of the way, "T-Thank you!"

"If you're here to make friends, then you should just leave." A deep voice that you're sure couldn't physically belong to any of your classmates, spoke up near your feet.

You lowered your gaze along with the rest of the class, and you caught sight of something blocking your view. A cloud like tuft of blue flashed in front of your eyes and...


You let out the loudest scream that you could manage.

Loud cackles entered your ears as you looked around. Your teacher seemed very, and you mean, very annoyed. Your classmates were taken by surprise too. I mean, sure... The ravenette guy took you all by surprise but it wasn't that shocking.

But you weren't even shocked by the homeless ravenette.

It was a spirit that was tethered to him.

"So you can see me!! I knew it! No wonder all those spirits were following you around!!" A boyish voice rang in your ears and you finally caught sight of his face.

A rather tall boy, with a relatively tanner skin. He had cloud like, light blue colored hair and pretty cerulean eyes. He had a bandage on the bridge of his nose and a bright grin on his face.

"W-What...?!" But before the spirit could answer, the ravenette on the floor finally spoke up.

"It took you all 8 seconds–and someone screaming bloody murder–to quiet down. That's not good, time is precious in the Hero Course." He unzipped the yellow sleeping bag he made his entrance in and walked over to the front of the class, forcing you to return to your seat.

"Aww, Shota! You're like this every year! You should loosen up a bit, they're just kids!" The spirit aimlessly said to who you now knew as your teacher, Aizawa Shota. As expected, your teacher didn't even react to the spirit's statement because he didn't even hear him or know that he was there.

But instead of looking at your teacher, you kept your eyes trained on the cloud-headed spirit on his side.

"It's a bit sudden, but put on your PE uniforms and meet me at Ground Gamma." You expected the spirit to follow your teacher outside, but instead, it floated over to you, where Rina, Shizuka and even Eiji were on guard.

"Hey there! It's the first time I've met with someone with a quirk like yours! That's amazing! Can you hear me too?" He asked as you were slowly following your classmates towards the changing rooms.

"Y-Yes..." You whispered as to not let anyone know that you were talking to thin air. But the new spirit's eyes widened in glee as he gave you a tight hug, "Oh. My. God!! You have no idea how happy I am!! I can finally talk to someone and it won't just be a one-sided conversation!!"

You just shakily nodded as your spirit friends finally deemed him safe enough to introduced themselves to him.

"Hey, there! I'm Rina! Nice to meet you!"

"Shizuka. Please mind [Name]-chan's personal space."

"I'm Todoroki Eiji... I'm not bounded to her, I'm just here because my grandson can't see me and I'd rather talk to someone than just see him glower at everyone..."

"Ohhh, you all are so interesting! I'm guessing you're [Name]-chan, like Shizuka-chan said?" You nodded once again, already halfway to the changing room and your female classmates were already engaging themselves in a conversation. You can't stress this enough how scared you are if they tried to involve you too.

"Aha... I see! Well, it's really nice to meet someone who can talk to spirits, [Name]-chan!" He gave you a sweet smile as he floated right in front of your face, making you stop for a moment.

"My name is Shirakumo Oboro!

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