
By dear13dreamer

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92 1 0
By dear13dreamer

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Author's Note:
Hiya everyone! I just wanted to give a brief content warning for this chapter.

- A slur against LGBT+ has been used. I hate that it was necessary. Although, in this time period things were drastically different.

- I also feel that the obvious racism of this episode needs to be counted as a content warning. Again, this is a very different but equally horrific time period.

- There is a slight allusion of intent of sexual assault. Although nothing happens, I did want to give a warning for anyone who might need to skip it.

- I will but another brief note prior to these scenes, so you can read the rest of this chapter.

- Sincerely, Emily. Love you lots!

The Tardis materialises in an alley and the Doctor pokes her head out.

"Nearly.", She concludes.
"Sheffield?", Yaz guesses.

"Almost. Really close."

"So not Sheffield, then?"

"You're doing this deliberately, aren't you?", The Doctor scolds the Tardis as Yaz, Ryan and Graham watch on in confusion. Odessa watches on, amused by the situation.

"Who are you talking to?", Yaz asks.

"If it's me, I haven't touched anything."

"I'm talking to the Tardis, because this is our ninth attempt."

"Fourteenth.", Graham corrects her, causing Odessa to snort.

"Oi.", The Doctor says, sounded offended.

"Sorry, Love."

"You can't control this thing, can you?", Graham asks in exasperation.

"Excuse me. Yes, I can. Most of the time. Just sometimes, like now, she has a mind of her own."

"So where are we, actually?"

"Earth, United States. 1955, Montgomery, Alabama, if I'm reading this properly. New displays. Still figuring them out."

"Ooh, fun! Although, the 50's may not be the best idea, Dear.", Odessa softly strokes the console.

"Who are you talking to?", Graham asks.

"The Tardis."

"Hang on a minute. 1955? Elvis. Could we see Elvis?"

"I think he's in New York this week. I could give him a call.", The Doctor offers.

"You haven't got Elvis's phone number."

"Don't ever tell anyone I lent him a mobile phone."

The sound of an alarm rings through the quiet room.

"Whoa, what's that? Traces of artron energy?", Odessa mutters as she reads the displays.

"Traitor.", The Doctor grumbles.

"What are you on about, now?"

"She always translates for you! Even though I told her to stop translating for people."

Odessa rolls her eyes.

"Yes and I told you that it would be very helpful if I could read the displays. Especially with all the trouble you get into."

The Doctor's face contorts in offence as Yaz brings everyone's attention back on topic.

"Should we know what artron energy is?"

"It's the same type of energy the Tardis runs off. There really shouldn't be traces of artron energy here, unless they're ours, which they're not.", The Doctor quickly explains as Odessa walks towards the Tardis doors.

"And now you want to check it out."

"Yeah, I should. Quick look, but quietly. History is very delicate. We stick together.", The Doctor nods, passing Odessa and grabbing her hand on the way out the door.
The Doctor keeps checking her sonic as the fam walks on the sidewalk.

"Real-life 1950s. Time travel's awesome.", Yaz beams as she takes in her surroundings.

The Doctor aimlessly reaches for Odessa's hand, not taking her eyes off the sonic. She regretfully continues to move away from the other woman's reaching hand.

A passing woman drops her glove so Ryan bends down to pick it up.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. You dropped this.", He calls only to be harshly slapped across the face by the woman's husband.

The sound of the slap alone was enough to stop the Doctor and Odessa both in their tracks; along with Yaz and Graham. All of them had heard the sound of the slap and turned to Ryan's attacker.

"Hey.", Ryan mumbles in shock before Graham grabs him and pulls him away from the horrible man.

"Get your filthy black hands off my wife.", The man spits causing the Doctor and Odessa to both step forward, putting a barrier between Ryan and the man. Odessa turns to Ryan.

"Stay calm. Don't lash out.", She advises him. He clenched his jaw, but nods curtly at her order.

"Whoa. Stop."

"Sir, please take a step back. You okay, Ryan?", Yaz intervenes as well, now.

"I was just trying to give her back her glove.", Ryan throws the glove back on the ground.

"Is this your boy?", The man snaps his head towards the group.

"He's my grandson, actually."

"Your what?", The man's glare intensifies as Graham claims the boy.

"My grandson."

"You ain't from around here."

"We don't want any trouble.", Odessa attempts to mediate between the two parties.

"I don't know how it goes where you folks are from, but your boy, he'll be swinging from a tree with a noose for a neckerchief if he touches a white woman in Montgomery.", The man threatens malign all of their eyes widen.

"Excuse me? How dare you!", Odessa moves to lunge at the man, but the Doctor steps in. She quickly grabs the woman's waist as she tries to pass by.

"What did you just say?", Graham also moves to attack before they are interrupted.

"There a problem here, Mister Steele?", A black woman steps in. She turns to Ryan.

"Step away now. Go ahead, step away.", She interrupts him.

"These friends of yours?"

"No, sir. Just on my lunch break, wondering if I can help out with any misunderstanding. Oh, I believe your suit will be ready tomorrow. The alterations going to make it look just right, sir."

"Let's go, Lizzie.", The man grumbles, pulling his wife away from the group of people.

The woman casts a pointed glance at the Doctor and her hands that are still wrapped around Odessa's waist.

Eyes widening, the Doctor hurries to remove her hands and return them to her pockets. Odessa awkwardly rocks back and forth as the woman turns to Ryan.

"Are you crazy?"

"He slapped me.", Ryan cries.

"Don't you read the newspapers? You know what they did to young Emmett Till."

Odessa gags and holds a hand to her mouth at the thought of what happened to the poor boy. The Doctor bites the inside of her cheek as she had to force her hand to stay in her pocket, and not place it on the girl's shoulder to comfort her.

"We're from out of town.", She explains to the woman, bitterness seeping into her tone.

"So was Emmett Till, on vacation from the north. Couple of words to a white woman in Mississippi, and the next thing, they find his body in the river. You want that to be you?"


"Did your mother raise you with no manners? I will take a 'no, ma'am'.", The woman scoffs before Ryan corrects his statement.

"No, ma'am."

"You all together?"

"Yes ma'am. We're very grateful, Ms..."

"Mrs Parks, Rose Parks.", The woman smiles kindly at Odessa, noticing how pale she still looks from the image in her head, earlier.

"No way.", Yaz gasps.

"You're kidding."

"Brilliant. Rosa Parks. Lovely to meet you, Rosa Parks. Big fan.", The Doctor gushes.

"Excuse me?"

"Big fan... of Montgomery. I am... we are just visiting.", Odessa quickly corrects the Doctor's slip up.

"Recommend anything for tourists like us?", The Doctor asks after clearing her throat.

"I recommend you get yourselves the hell out of Alabama before you find yourselves in trouble you can't get out of.", The Doctor scans Rosa as she walks away.

"Oh, my God, can you believe it? Actual Rosa Parks."

"Amazing. Also a problem. Registering traces of artron energy all around her. Why is that?", The Doctor's eyebrows furrow as she reads the results of her scan of the woman.
Sitting round a table, the fam unknowingly attracts attention from both the white customers and black kitchen staff.

"We were in Rosa Parks class in primary. Do you remember? All the Year 4, 5 and 6 classes were named after inspirational people.", Yaz says.

"She's the bus woman, right?"

"You do remember what she did."

"Yeah, first black woman to ever drive a bus.", Ryan replies, confidently.

"No, Ryan."


"Your Nan would have a fit right now. How could you have been in a class named after the woman and not know who she is?", Graham asks.

"She's American."

"She refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus to a white passenger, and got arrested for it. Her arrest started a boycott of the buses in Montgomery.", Odessa explains to him.

"Or rather, will start. Today is Wednesday, November 30th, 1955. Tomorrow, Rosa refuses to give up her seat.", The Doctor says, raising her head from the newspaper she is reading.

"And all this basically kicked off the US civil rights movement, led by Martin Luther King. See, I'm not totally ignorant. I just got confused by the whole bus thing.", Ryan adds.

"Martin Luther King is a minister here in Montgomery right now."

"He and Rosa knew each other?"


"Is it me, or has it gone very quiet in here?", Graham comments, looking around at the, now silent bar.

"We don't serve negroes.", A waitress comes over it snootily inform them.

"Good, cos I don't eat them.", Ryan jokes causing Odessa to snort.

"Or Mexicans.", The waitress adds, turning to pointedly stare at Yaz, who is taken aback.

"Is she talking to me?"

"Y'all need to eat somewhere else."

"Come on.", The Doctor says but Odessa stands to glare at the woman.

"Why not?"

"I'm sorry?", The woman scoffs.

"Why don't you?"

"Because. It's the law. They eat at their places, we eat at ours."

Odessa's glare intensifies.

The Doctor's eyes widen as she lightly pulls at her arm.

"Odie. Come on."

Odessa ignores her as she tilts her head at the woman.

"And if we refuse to leave?"

"I'll have to call the police. And have you all arrested."

"Oh, yeah. Course. What if I stay?"

The waitress glares.

"I will call the police and have you removed."

"And if i refuse?"

"Hope you like jail, sweetheart.", The woman relies, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Odessa nods.

She glared at the woman and firmly plants herself back in her chair.

"Well then. I guess you'll be making a phone call, then. Won't you?"

The waitress glares at storms off to find a phone.

"Odie! What are you doing?", The Doctor asks her.

"Taking a stand. Go on. I'll be fine."

"What? No. I'm not leaving you here. I am not letting you get arrested!", The Doctor exclaims.

"Theta, go. Let me do this. I- I need to do this.", The look of begging in Odessa's eyes slowly weakens the Doctor's resolve.

After a moment, she sighs.

"Fine. I'm going to get you out, though. Can't stand the thought of you being stuck in a jail cell.", She mutters.

Odessa smiles as she sends her a telepathic message.

"Be safe. I love you."

"Love you, lots. And be careful. I mean it.", She sends back as the Doctor hesitantly stalks off with the rest of the fam, who are all arguing with her.

Odessa ignores all the eyes on her as the waitress smirks at her.

"Cops are on the way. Maybe jail will teach you to befriend negros and Mexicans."

Odessa glares at the woman, unable to control her anger without the Doctor's presence.

She loses all control of her limbs as her hand harshly connects with the snooty woman's face.

The sound of the slap resounds off the walls, but Odessa grimaces for another reason entirely. The gasps are silent to her ears as she spots a police officer smirking at her from the doorway of the establishment.

"Ooh. Big mistake.", He chuckles, trotting over to her.

Odessa is harshly spun around by the man and pushed face first down onto the dirty wooden table.

She remains stone faced as he harshly handcuffs her. The cold metal digs into the skin on her wrists as he tightens the restrains as hard as he can.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you. Do you understand your rights?"

"Yes.", Odessa spits, teeth clenching as he grabs a fistful of her hair to pull her up from the table and into his sweaty, chest.

"Good. Now let's go, sympathiser."

She stays silent as he practically shoves her all the way to the police car. The sounds of the cheering bar patrons are fuzzy as she spots the Doctor and the rest of the fam, watching the scene from across the street.

The Doctor adverts her eyes as a single tear falls down her cheek. Yaz, Ryan and Graham all wear identical looks of shock and disgust for the officer's brutality.

"Go, Theta. I don't want you to see this.", Odessa begs as she telepathically contacts the Doctor.

She watches as the woman nods before turning to the others, presumably conversing about where they should head next.

The sound of the car door slamming beside her, snaps her out of her head.

Odessa takes a deep breath as the car sets in motion.
"Okay.", The Doctor wipes her face clean of any fallen tears.

"Listen. I can deal with this. You guys go back to the Tardis and be safe.", She sniffles slightly.

"While you do what?"

"Locate the source of these energy anomalies and free Odie. We're one day out of a tipping point in Earth history. I don't want anything disrupting that. It's easy for me here. It's more dangerous for you. You can walk away from this."

"Rosa Parks can't.", Ryan says.

"Rosa Parks doesn't.", Yaz adds.

"If she can live her whole life, a couple of hours ain't going to kill me. It ain't going to kill me, right?"

"No.", Graham shakes his head.

"Not if we look out for each other.", The Doctor says, guilt dripping from her tone.

"Doctor, it's not your fault. She chose to do it.", Yaz assures her but the blonde only shakes her head.

"No, she's my responsibility. I am meant to be taking care of her. I have a duty of care!", She exclaims, making them all step back.


"That's alright, Doc. You're worried. Happens to the best of us.", Graham sighs.

"Welcome to the human race.", He jokes.

She cracks a smile as Ryan changes the subject.

"Anyway, I'm cool with it. What do you reckon, Mexican lady?"

"Oi. Keep that up, I'll use you as a pinata.", Yaz threatens with a lightly chuckle, although she can't shake the feeling of guilt in her heart. She feels bad laughing when Odessa is on the way to a 1950's jail cell.

"Epicentre of the artron readings is 1.2 miles that way. Come on.", The Doctor says, looking at the readings on her sonic. As they walk, she is brainstorming ways of getting Odessa back.

"Hey, hey, we will stop somewhere else to eat, though, won't we?"

"No time, Graham.", She waves him off, too busy thinking n.

"Have you noticed that happens a lot? I need regular food, that's all."

None of them notice the police eyes that are glued to them.

"We just got thrown out of a bar and that's what you're worried about?", Ryan laughs.

"Not just that."

"Not sure your stomach's compatible with time travel, Graham.", Yaz comments, passing by him.
Odessa is led down a bland hallway. Blue coloured lights flood the sterile room with unnatural lighting.

She struggles to stay upright as the same police officer that arrested her slams his hands against her back to force her forward.

"Oi! That's enough for the shoving!", She cries out.

"What did you say to me, girl?", He spits, spinning her around to face him. His breath smells of liquor and fish.

She cringes but remains silent.


A thought comes to the forefront of her mind.

"I don't explain myself to racist, homophobic dickwads with god complex's. Oh, and I definitely don't repeat myself to little men compensating for their lack of goods.", She smirks as he goes red with rage.

"Bitch.", He mumbles before grabbing onto her arm and leading her to an empty cell. He throws her onto the ground before storming over as she struggles to sit up.

"How dare you speak to me that way. You are an insufferable, miserable, useless woman.", He spits in her face, literally.

She glares at him as she wipes the saliva from her face.

"And you're still a homophobic, racist self-righteous asshole."

The rage boils his blood again.

"What are you talking about?"

"Women!", His face remain confused, so she elaborates.

"Ugh. I-", She makes kissing noises.

"-women.", She smirks as the disgust forms on his face before he quirks a brow.

"What is that? What are you doing?", She asks as he smirks at her.

"You've just admitted to yet another crime. Keep talking, please. I'd love to keep adding to your rap sheet."

She glares but remains silent.
!!!!!Trigger warning!!!!!
- Allusion of intent of sexual assult
- Sincerely, Emily. Love you lots! Be safe everyone!
"Or don't. Jail time might help with the rest of your crimes, but I've got a better solution for that last one."

Her eyes widen as she realises what he is insinuating. She backs away as he advances.

"What are you doing? Get away. What the he-", Her voice is cut off as he roughly slaps her across the face.

She winces but goes quiet as he chuckles.

"Learning your place already, eh? Maybe I'll do you more good than jail, after all."

She glares as he reaches to undo his belt.

Panic floods her body before a woman's voice sounds from behind him.

"Mason! I hope you're not giving this lady too much trouble. Hmm?"

They both turn to see a middle aged black woman standing with her arms crossed.

The officer's eyes widen as he fiddles with his belt.

Odessa takes the opportunity to move to another part of the cell as the woman enters as well. She glares at the man.

"Mrs King! Wh—what are you doing here?", He stutters.

"Well, I was here to request a police escort for a friend of mine. She's been attacked and I believe she is allowed to request such a thing .", She replies.

"Yes ma'am. Of course, ma'am."

"What are you waiting for? Get on with it. Get a man on it!", She orders.

"Of course, Ma'am. Tell Mr King I said hello. I'll see you in service, Ma'am.", The man gulps before rushing off to do as she said.

"Are you alright?", The woman turns to Odessa, who is shaking.

The blonde nods, curls bouncing as they fall from the messy bun she threw them in that morning.

"Now, I'm not going to lie to you. That was stupid. Telling him all those things."

Odessa hangs her head, knowing she has put an even bigger target on her back.

"But, I must admit."

She lifts her head to the smiling woman.

"It was quite hilarious to see him out in his place."

Odessa smiles.

"I agree."

They share a laugh before the woman's face returns to a stoic expression.

"I'm Coretta. Coretta Scott King."

Odessa's eyes widen as the woman holds out a hand for her to shake.

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable.", She says, unsure of how the woman stands on white people in general.

The woman smiles.

"You're a good woman. And it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss...?"

Odessa smiles as she shakes the woman's hand.

"Odessa Pond, Ma'am. And it's a pleasure to meet you."

They stand there for a long moment, before Coretta speaks.

"Why don't you come stay with me? For a while."

Odessa's face brightens.

"It would be an honour, Ma'am."

"Oh please, call me Coretta.", The woman waves her off, as she looks their arms and they edit the cold jailhouse.
"This is where the artron signals converge. At the bus company."

"All roads lead to Rosa Parks.", Yaz hums.

"Yeah. Bit of a worry. Let's have a look around.", The Doctor suggests.

"I'm not sure about this."

The Doctor sonicks a row of padlocks open.
They enter a large mostly empty area indoors, apart from a step ladder and a table with four chairs set for a meal. The Doctor has the sonic working all the time.

"There's nothing in here.", Ryan says, sounding disappointed.

"Why padlock an empty room, unless it's not empty.", The Doctor uses the sonic again. A suitcase appears before them, a few seconds later.

"That wasn't there a second ago.", Graham looks at the suitcase with wide eyes.

"No kidding."

"It was there. We just couldn't see it. Perception filter.", The Doctor explains, kneeling down by the suitcase.

"Why would anybody do that to a suitcase?"

"Can we open it?", Ryan asks.

"Is the right question. Is anyone excited? Cos I'm really excited."

"You won't be if it's a bomb.", Graham pipes up.

"Don't kill the vibe, Graham.", The Doctor whines. She waits a moment, expecting a comment from Odessa, only to remember where she is.

She opens the suitcase to reveal 5 gizmos.

"Whoa, not very '50s.", Ryan comments.

"I knew it. See, now there's a problem. We're not the only ones in Montgomery who don't belong here."

"Any clues what any of that is?"

"Information brick, multi-intercept and surveillance device. All a bit knackered, though.", The Doctor observes.

"Well, why has it been left in here?"

"This explains the artron signals. This is very bad news. Secondary charger for a...", The Doctor gasps before she is cut off by an energy weapon blast. It flashes last them, vanishing a chair.


The stepladder vanishes when the energy beam hits it as the fam runs.
"Over here."

The enemy attacker climbs to the top of a rusty oil or fuel tank to look around.

"Stay here.", The Doctor whispers to them before she gets onto the next tank.

"Oi, Brando, looking for us? I'm not armed."

"Is that supposed to make me not shoot you?", He asks, unimpressed.

"Ideally. So, temporal displacement weapon. Horrible things. Can't stand them."

"Thank you."

"Not a compliment. Takes a lot of power to displace things in Time. I think you and I both know your weapon's pretty much out of juice. And I've got your spare battery. You've been leaving traces of residual artron energy all over 1955.", She glares at him.

"And what are you, the Artron Police? Maybe you are. The blue box in the alley. Is it a Tardis?"

"Might be. What's it to you?"

"Well, it could be worth a lot.", He shrugs.

"Nah, not that one. Second hand, huge mileage, one careless owner. Mind you, it's better than a Vortex Manipulator, like the one on your wrist. Cheap and nasty time travel.", The Doctor nods to the device on his wrist.

"So, what do you want with Rosa Parks?"


"Oh, now you're being annoying.", She scrunches her nose up in annoyance.

"The feeling's mutual.", He spits.

"How long have you been here?"

"Get out of Montgomery.", He demands.

"You're not the first to say that to us.", She says, thinking back to the incident at the bar.

"If I see any of you again, I will kill you.", He threatens.

"Don't threaten me.", She scoffs.

"And that includes your little blonde friend."

When the Doctor freezes, he continues with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah. I saw very thing. Just because she's in jail doesn't mean mean I won't kill her."

The Doctor's glare hardens.

"Chop, chop, on your way now."

She starts to walk off, only to double back and scrunches her nose as she gives his weapon a quick sonic scan.

"What are you doing?"

"Come on, gang.", She ignores him, walking off with the others.

"Are we actually leaving?", Yaz asks.

"Not in a million years."
The sign of the hotel reads: White's Only.

"I'm getting pretty sick of seeing that sign.", Ryan glares at the words as Yaz sighs.

"So, how are we going to do this?"
Ryan gets helped in through the bathroom window.

"In you come, before anyone sees."

"Well, this is fun.", Ryan mutters sarcastically.

"Last time I sneaked into someone's room by a window was Danny Biswas in Year 10.", Yaz remembers.

"You just went right down in my estimation."

"All right."

"Danny Biswas? He was punching well above his weight."

"Did you just accidentally pay me a compliment?", Yaz asks.

"Whatever.", Ryan quickly shrugs it off.

"Why can't we just stay in the Tardis?"

"Our friend with the temporal displacement weapon's got eyes on it. We go in and out of there, we're going to run into him again and I don't want to just yet. Not till we've figured this out.", The Doctor answers.

"And this is better? Smuggling ourselves into crummy motels?"

"I just need a moment to work this out."

"And what about Odessa? Are we going to do anything to help her?"

The Doctor freezes, taking a moment to swallow hard and close her eyes.

"Working on it.", She replies, shortly.

"Yeah, like, what do we actually know?", Graham says, awkwardly bringing them back on topic.

"Well, 1955, Montgomery, one day away from Rosa Parks refusing to give her seat up on a bus.", Yaz lists off.

"Meanwhile, we've got an out-of-time impostor skulking at the bus works with a temporal displacement weapon."

"I understand weapon, but not sure about temporal or displacement.", Ryan admits.

"Displaces you through Time. A blast hits you, you're thrown through Time to wherever the user has set it. He had it set for the very far future."

"That's horrible."

"Yes. And it uses artron molecules. That, plus his Vortex Manipulator were presumably what the Tardis detected when it brought us here."

"So do we think he's trying to kill Rosa Parks, or use that weapon on her?"

"He's been here a while. He set up base at the bus works. If he wanted to get rid of her, why has he not done it already? Besides, the sonic picked up something else on him, but I'd need to go back to make sure. Right, what do you remember about Rosa from school?", The Doctor thinks aloud, before she starts writing on the wall.

"Oi, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?. That is vandalism. We'll have to pay for that.", Graham cries.

"Don't worry, special pen.", She assures him.

"No, pack it in. You ain't Banksy."

"Or am I?", The Doctor turns with a mysterious glint in her eye and a challenging brow raised.

"Rosa takes the bus on the 1st December 1955. What time of day?"

"Evening. She was coming home from work. I remember cos she said people thought she didn't stand cos she was tired from working, but she wasn't.", Yaz provides the information.

"Where did she work?"

"I think it was in a shop, like a department store."

"No, no, wait. Earlier she told that git that slapped Ryan his suit'd be ready tomorrow."

"That's it. She did clothes repairs. She was a seamstress. I mean, is a seamstress. Can't get used to being in the past.", Yaz chuckles just before banging sounds on the door.

"Bathroom.", She turns to Ryan.


"Very seriously."

They rush off to hide in the bathroom, leaving Graham and the Doctor alone.

"No, Doc. The wall.", He says before she can open the door.

"Banksy doesn't have one of those. Or have I?", She says after sonicking the wall clean.

"Oh, officer. What can I do for you?", She plasters on a fake smile as she recognises the man as the officer that arrested Odessa.

"Can I come in, ma'am?"

"Ma'am. Still can't get used to that.", She mutters before turning to Graham.

"There we are, darling.", She struggles to get the word out, used to only ever using that pet name with Odessa.

"This police officer was so keen to come in he didn't feel the need to introduce himself."

"Is there a problem, Officer...?", Graham trails off, playing into the Doctor's lie.

"Mason. Montgomery Police.", The Officer forces a smile as he examines the two. He thinks back to Odessa's confession of 'interacting' with women. He smirks as he surmises she is 'interacting' with this woman.

"I'd offer you a cuppa, but the refreshment facilities are very poor. I'll be leaving a note.", The Doctor assures him.


"How can you tell?

"You've been making folks uneasy. Including that 'friend' of yours.", He watches with a smirk as the Doctor squirms.

"How've we done that?"

"Y'all happen to know a couple of... mongrels, hmm? Negro boy, Mexican girl?", He cuts straight to the point.

"I don't recognise anyone by that description.", She insists.

"Huh. See, the er, negro's been going around picking fights with upstanding citizens. Now, you appreciate it's er, an offence to harbour coloureds in a room here."

"We're not harbouring anyone who doesn't have a right to be here.", The Doctor glares as he continues.
!!!!!Trigger warning!!!!!
- Officer Mason
- F slur
- Allusions of sexual assault
- Sincerely, Emily. Love you lots! Be safe everyone!
"Mmm-hmm. What about that...", He pauses a moment before continuing.

"faggot girl."

The Doctor feels the rage boiling inside her.

"I'm sorry. What?", She plasters on a sickly sweet smile.

"You know, the sympathiser? The one that admitted to being a faggot. Amongst other crimes."

"I don't know anyone by that description."

He squints at her.

"You sure? Think very hard."

"Nope.", She replies, not blinking or looking away.

He raises his brows.

"Well, hopefully jail serves her well. Although, I think she might have learned something from the...private lesson, I gave her."

He watches on with glee as several emotions pass over the Doctor's face.

First is confusion followed by understanding. Then, horror, disgust and finally anger.

"You son of a bit-"

"Alright! Dear, why don't you lie down for a bit? Hmm.", Graham suggests as he has to throw his arm in front of her before she can attack.

The Doctor shakes her head, taking a deep breath to calm herself down.

"I'm fine."

"What's your business here in Montgomery?", The officer glares, now angry she didn't attack him. He really was looking forward to arresting her to try and lure Odessa back to the jailhouse.

The Doctor, who had been standing in front of the bathroom door, is suddenly moved aside by the officer.

"We're here to, er, pitch an invention. Yeah, er, it's a telephone... that plays music, and it's a camera also, takes photo... and it's a calendar. And it send letters.", Graham stutters.

"Sounds ridiculous."

"Yeah, I know."

"What's your name, sir?"

"Steve... Jobs. Steve Jobs.", The Doctor nods along.

"You being disrespectful with me, Mister Jobs?", The officer snaps.

"Steve Jobs would never disrespect a Montgomery police officer, sir."

"Uh-huh.", Mason bursts into the bathroom. It's empty with the window open. He looks outside, but he finds nothing.

"Hmm. You get yourselves gone as soon as your, er, business is concluded, mmm-hmm?", With that, and one final smirk at the Doctor, Officer Mason leaves.

"I did not warm to him.", Graham mutters.

"Neither did I.", The Doctor seethes, fists clenching.
Shortly after, Yaz and Ryan reenter the hotel room.

"You two okay?", Yaz asks, noticing the way the Doctor is glaring at the wall as she sits cross legged on a bed.

"She's- she's gonna need a minute.", Graham tells them.

"Why? What did he say?"

They all jump as a loud crash is heard.

"Doctor! What the hell?", Ryan calls.

She had thrown one of the side tables at the wall and was now on the floor, pulling at her hair.

"Graham! What happened?", Yaz asks, eyes wide in fear.

He gulps.

"The officer was the one that arrested Odessa.", Be looks between them and the Doctor several times.

The distraught blonde nods, eyes full of heartbreak. Her hearts feel heavy and full of anxiety. She knows the latter emotion belongs to Odessa, seeing as they can feel the emotions of the other through their telepathic connection. At least, that was the lie the Doctor had told her years earlier.

She was never really sure why they could feel the other's emotions, but she never complained about that fact.

"He made some...awful comments. Called her a slur, amongst other things."

"He knew."

"Doc-", Graham starts, but she cuts him off.

"He knew that we- He was taunting me. Toying with me about what he had done."

The way she said the last word brought understanding to both Ryan and Yaz.

"Right. Where's the nearest place to buy a baseball bat round here?", Yaz asks.

Ryan nods in agreement.

"You find the bat, I'll get some ropes. And duck tape. Always remember duck tape.", He says.

"No! No one's hurting anyone!", Graham exclaims, seeing the dangerous glint in the Doctor's eye. He knew if he didn't speak up, she might have gone along with their plan.

And knowing Ryan and Yaz, they would have gone through with their plan.

The Doctor sighs. Her head falls into her hands.

"Graham's right. Violence is never the answer. I'm just..I'm just so worried about her. I can't leave her there all alone! God only knows what he'll do to her. She's probably terrified.", The Doctor refuses to let her tears fall, despite having her face buried in her hands.
Odessa throws her head back laughing along with Martin Luther King and Coretta.

"That is amazing! Why didn't you just leave?"

"I don't know! I guess it was already too late.", Martin says chasing them all to laugh again.

Odessa gasps for air, from laughing so hard.

"Thank you both. For inviting me into your home. And thank you, Coretta. For all your help.", She says, smiling at them both.

"Aw, c'mere!"

Odessa walks into the woman's open arms and hugs her back.

They all chuckle again as Martin joins the hug.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you both, truly."

"Why are you talking like you're going somewhere?"

Odessa's face pales.

"Am I not? I should be getting back to th- Theta.", She corrects herself. On the spot, she had given them the name Theta instead of the Doctor. They accepted it a lot easier than anyone has ever taken the Doctor, so she rolled with it.

"Sure! But get some rest first. You look exhausted.", Martin points out.

Odessa agrees, knowing she needs to sleep.

"Okay. But when I wake up, I really should get going."

"Of course!", Coretta tells her.

"I'll take the bus with you.", Martin offers.

"Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that."

"Please. It would help us all slew a little better tonight. I can't bring myself to just let you wander off into the night.", He says.

Odessa sighs.

"Ok. Thank you, again."

"You're welcome. Now, the guest room is right through here. You get some rest.", Coretta leads her to a small room.
A wave of the sonic restores the writing on the wall.

"Where were we? We need as much intel as we can get. If we're going to protect Rosa, we need to know the facts of her life. Home address, daily routine, where she works, the routes she takes, and the church she attends. Also, the name of the driver she refused.", The Doctor focuses all her effort on solving the Rosa problem, so she can get to solving the Odie problem sooner.

"I know that. It's James Blake."

"How do you know that?", Ryan asks.

"Well, your Nan, when she found out I was a bus driver, said to me, you'd better not be like James Blake. Blake the snake, that's what she called him. And I had to ask her who he was and she just said he gave all bus drivers a bad name.", Graham recalls, the ghost of a smile appearing on his lips.

"She said that when you'd only just met?"


"That's pretty hardline.", Yaz chuckles.

"That's me Nan."

"Yeah. She had a T-shirt that said, er, The Spirit of Rosa, and er, well, I wish that she was here."

They all go quiet for a moment.

"I don't. She'd start a riot.", Ryan jokes. They all agree, knowing he is telling the truth.


"Right. Operation Rosa Parks."

Ryan collects bus timetables. Yaz goes through telephone directories and newspapers, finding an advert for clothing repairs at Montgomery Fair Department Store.
Some time has passed since the gang last met up.

"I've found out where she works. Montgomery Fair Department Store.", Yaz informs the group.

"And if the phone book's right, this is where she lives.", Ryan pipes up.

"Right, so these bus routes don't go near Rosa's shop or house, but these ones do."

"Great. If we can find Rosa's route and time today, we can keep an eye on her tomorrow. Who's up for a bus ride?"

Graham raises his hand.
"Excuse me. Sorry. Okay, Doc. This route is one of three that goes between Rosa's home and where she works. I reckon this one is the most direct.", Graham tells the Doctor.

"So it's most likely she takes this one tomorrow night. But we can't be certain exactly what time."

Yaz doesn't know where to sit, White or Colored.

"Unless we stalk her all day."

Ryan gets on through the rear door.

"This is me, on the back of the bus.", He says, obviously uncomfortable.

"I'm so ashamed.", Graham mutters before raising his voice.

"You shouldn't have to do this."

"I agree. I'm sorry, Ryan.", The Doctor tells him. She gazes off into the distance, sadness overtaking her features. Her three companions notice and all come to the conclusion that she must be thinking of Odessa again.

"The driver let me on at the front of the bus. What does that mean for where I sit? Obviously not a lot of Pakistani heritage around here. Does coloured just mean black in 1955? Guess I'll park my South Asian-Mexican backside in the white section, then, and let's see what happens. Riding the bus in Montgomery. Good times.", Yaz gives a fake grin and thumbs up before sitting in a seat near the far off Doctor.
Presumably they were allowed to travel, as they now stand outside Rosa's workplace.

"That's where she works. This must be her stop."

"Perfect. We can wait here, then get on the bus with her when she finishes work, have a little chat.", The Doctor dictates.



Author's Note:
Hiya everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This chapter was a rough one. The next one should be a little bit less heavy, apart for the actual bus rebellion scene. I thought it would be nice to get to know Coretta and Martin King a bit better. I really enjoyed writing those scenes and some more will be shown in the next chapter. Anyways, I hope to see you all again!

Word Count:  6556

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