By skiesoulxz

578 12 0

High school students on a field trip are thrust into a real-life mafia game during a retreat as they face sur... More

night has come
chapter 1
chapter 3

chapter 2

25 1 0
By skiesoulxz

Light opened her eyes, a ray of sunlight came through the shattered window. A bell sounded, almost akin to a school one. She sat slowly while looking around. Some are just waking up, too. Day had come.

“Zero, Zero? Wake up!” Sky placed one hand to Zero's shoulder and shook him.

He slowly blinked, his felt dizzy as he was drunken last night. Zero shook his head before he gaze at her eyes, “Are you okay?” Zero asked as he was completely worried, Sky gave him a smile and nod to him.

Aurelia had just awakened, “What happened?” She asked to Light.

Light shook her head and recalling what happened last night, “I don't know.”

“Oh, no. Poor Grey..”  Estrella said shakily.

Light immediately got up looked down infront of the shattered window where Grey threw himself, His body was down there. Her tears started streaming down to her cheeks but she managed to stop her tears. She looked away in disbelief and realization that the transpired last night wasn't a nightmare.

Their stare got cut off by the ringtone coming from their phones, Each of them immediately reached their device as the purge siren came on from the speaker, following by the female robotic voice.

[Before the last vote closed, Police used their skill.]

Another purge siren sound enacted and followed by the same voice announced another one, [Gerald Lane was executed by mafia. Gerald was mafia.]

The third purge siren resounded,

[All participants, identify the mafia and begin to vote.]

All students seems to be genuine shock, fear, disbelief and uneasiness. Sky's gaze travelled across the room, it landed on Zero, who was sitting up with a dazed expression. Their eyes met and for a certain moment, there was a silence of shock and sadness that wrapping them. Zero's usual tough behavior was nowhere to be seen instead disbelief and uneasiness was painted on his face, it was the emotions she often seen.

“Where's Gerald?” Light asked but no one dare to answer her questions. Sky eyes travelled to the shocked students where her eyes couldn't find Gerald, He wasn't there with them.

Everyone stood in silence as Ledger tried to walk away through somewhere else.

“The broadcast.” Jasper started as he stole everyone's attention. “Who's in charge of the broadcast? Why is it even on?!” He yelled out as he pointed the speaker.

“The studio's on the second floor.” Tyler said. “Let's check it out, come!” Few of the students ran after him towards the studio when someone else screamed from nowhere.

“What the heck?!”

Light lead the way towards the men's restroom only to found the scared and trambling knees of Ledger, gasping in terror. He was staring at the first cubicle.

Everyone's eyes got widened as they spotted the small pool of blood located under the door, The door was closed but not locked covering the view from the students, hiding what's inside. The scent of the blood filled the entire men's restroom.

They all stood up infront of the cubicles. Veronica walked in covering her mouth, Zero side-eyed Zhairo who's beside him, he pushed him to the front of the door.

“Class President, You open the door.” He ordered to the clas president as Zhairo was forced to step in the front near to the door.

As Zero stated, Zhairo gently opened the stall. Sky grabbed Zero's upper arm and she subconsciously hid behind his shoulder, Zero didn't bother to stop her from hiding behind his tall and perfect physique made her even feel safer.

Zhairo finally opened the door as the students screams in shocked echoed in the restroom. As soon as they finally see the full view begin the door, It was Gerald. He welcomed the few groups of the students with his lifeless bloodied body. His head was leaning against the wall and blood dripped from his forehead to his face, there's a stain of his own blood on his uniform, on the floor, there's a pool of blood formed between his two legs.

On the other hand, Tyler, Isaac, Knoxx with her girlfriend, Vivienne and the other few students ran following Tyler's lead. When they arrived at the second floor where the studio is. They attempted to open the door without wasting any time.

Isaac held the door knob as he waited for Tyler's signal, then suddenly opened the door after their 3 seconds eye-contact. They ran inside the studio and found no one, only the leftover coffee that placed down to the audio monitor. Jasper gaze out to Tyler's who's shaking his head indicating that no one's here inside the recording room.

Back where Zhairo and other students was. Everyone are gasping in terror as fear kept chasing them starting last night after what happened to Grey.

“What the..” Someone among them murmur in fright.

“H-He's dead.”

“I-It's the mafia game,” Ledger stutteringly spoke up and stole Sky's attention, where Zero was beside her gave him a sharp glance, hiding from his shoulder. “What if we all die too?” He added.

Not even a second got wasted when Zero grabbed at Ledger's collar and confronted him but he kept Sky at his back.

“Shut your fucking mouth, you idiot! Who says we're going to die?!” Zero yelled at his face, clutching Ledger's collar roughly.

Sky closed her eyes in disbelief and frowned at Zero, Here we go again, his aggressiveness is really something extraordinary. She gently grabbed his forearm where he stole Zero's attention, Sky shook her head indicating him to stop. Their gaze met as he saw how her eyes was determined to calm him, then Zero closed his eyes and gave her a short nod, patting her head gently while giving her an assuring smile.

“Hey, Light! What are you doing?!” Everyone attentions was transferred to Light when Veronica yelled her name.

It was when Light step forward and kneel down in front of the blood. Aurelia also tried to call her out but Light ignored her. She suddenly dipped her fingers in the blood.

“Let her. She's into mystery novels. She knew how to handle it, She's an expert.” Sky proclaimed, proudly looking at her friend. Her eyes can tell how she trusted her friends too much.

“The blood's still wet. He hasn't been dead for long.” Light remarked as she leaned her hand to the door and trying to throw up.

Sky turned her attention to when Zero placed her hands to Zhairo's shoulder who's standing in froze now. “Class President.” He spoke up.

He's face showed his impatience, trepidation and a bit anger due to the lack of command from their class president. “What do we do now? Huh? What now?”

“First...” Zhairo paused. “We must get out of here.” He added and faced Zero.

“Tell the others that we must get out of here.” Zero unplaced his hands onto Zhairo's shoulder as others students started to leave the restroom.

Zero grabbed Sky's wrist and tugged her to be with him. Zhairo walked near to Light and assisted her to stood up and leave the restroom

Back to the studio, Everyone's phone rang as their received the message that Zhairo sent to the chatroom.

(Leave the building now, Hurry!)

As everyone read the message as they faced each other. “Let's get out of here!” Vivienne broke the silence and ran off downstairs to leave the building.

Everyone rushed out of the building with Zhairo and Veronica leading the way. Sky with Zero and his friends walking at the back, they could see the white line that wasn't there yesterday.

“Where are we?” Someone among them asked the question.

“Where do we go now?” Veronica asked to Zhairo, she doesn't look confused but she..

“I saw a gas station that way yesterday. Let's go there!” Zhairo lead the way together with the vice president, Veronica.

The students start to jog forward. Sky faced Zero who's holding his hand tightly, She agreed at him with anticipation.

“Bilisan niyo nga!” Jett complained as his friends is walking as slow as snail.

“This is not the right time to flirt!” Axel asserted.

Sky rolled her es and yelled them out, “Tumahimik kayo!”

The siren started to blared out, it sounded like a warning alarm. Everyone stopped jogging as they looked around in panic.

A female robotic voice announced something, that made them stunned to run.

[The game must take place within the boundaries.]

Then, it repeated once again.

[The game must take place within the boundaries.]

The female robotic voice keep repeating her words like giving them a warned statement. Sky immediately hugged Zero's arm as he didn't bother to refused.


“What does that mean?”

Light and Aurelia asked each other but didn't give any answers to each.

“What the heck!” Jett said.

They keep asking themselves a question which they can't even give any answers to it. But everything's was clear when Light stated this words.

“We're not allowed to leave.” Light stated as her tears was ready to stream down to her cheeks.

“Shoot. That must be the line.” Zhairo murmured.

“Is that the fucking boundary?” Sky pointed out the white line that Zhairo meant.

Zero even grabbed Sky's hand tighter than before to make sure that she won't do anything. “Don't do anything stupid, Sky.” He warned as Sky pouted and nodded.

“Guys, listen!” , Zhairo turned his face back to the whole class after realizing something.

“Stay here for a moment.” He added.

What for?” It was Max yelling at their class president.

“Something's off.” Zhairo Stated.

“Do you believe this nonsense?” He ran towards Zhairo and stop infront of
him. “I don't freaking care, I'm leaving!” He added.

“Hey, don't!”

“Stop! Don't do it!”

Max ran towards the boundary despite everyone calls for him to stop. Van didn't hesitate to follow him to cross over the boundary line.

“What the heck!? Stop!” Sky screamed out in panic and concern.

“Don't go!” Zhairo Yelled out to the two.

“Hey!” Zero yelled beside Sky.

Fears wrapped up the students when they heard the female robotic voice announced something from the speaker.

[For breaking the rules, Max Bishop will be executed.]

[For breaking the rules, Van Jones will be executed.]

The two halted and face each other, their eyes are pure white as Grey's last moment.
In eerie moment, They slammed each other's head few times, gaining more screams from their classmates.

“Van?! What are you doing?!”

“Don't do anything!”

Max placed his both hands to Van's shoulder and started to slammed his head few times. Zhairo couldn't do anything but to scream as same as the other students.

“What are you doing?!” Zhairo exclaimed.

“What's wrong with them?” Tyler asked in shocked to Isaac but he didn't get any response.

“Damn it! Will you fucking stop?!” Sky closed her eyes and hugged even tighter to Zero's arm.

Van held Max as he slammed hard his head towards to his friends head that caused him die. Max died infront of the students and his blood rilled on the pavement.

Zhairo fell on the floor as he was genuine shocked.

“I can't watch.”

“Stop it!”

“Van, Stop!”

Student kept begging for Van to stop but Van was lifeless as Grey when they begged him to stop slamming his head onto the floor.

“Van, Stop it!”

“What is he doing?!”

“Don't do that!”

Van hit head using a rock three times before he died infront of his classmates, too.

“What do we do?!” Someone asked.

Light started to sob as she really pity their classmates who killed themselves infront of them as they can't do anything to stop them from harming their own.

A purge siren resounded, followed by the same robotic voice.

[Max Bishop and Van Jones were Citizens.]

“Did they really die?” Sky asked shakily.

“Shit..” Aurelia sighed.

The students gathered in the lobby after what happened, sitting in silence. Sky sat on the front desk beside Zero, leaning her head onto his shoulder, She want to cry but tears wouldn't come out. Axel standing next to them was busy on his phone but he suddenly threw his phone away with a curse.

“Darn it! Why won't our phones work?” Axel exclaimed that startled everyone. No one answered him as Ledger picked up Axel's phone and handed it to him, Axel grabbed it roughly.

“What do we do now?” Minna cried out playing her fingers. “Will we all die if we stay here?” She added.

Because of her question, she stole Sky's attention. “What the hell did you say? We're not going to die, so, Shut your mouth, bitch!” She was almost a threat to someone, her voice, the way she talk is really something intimidating.

“Our teacher will be back soon. Let's wait.” Zhairo said shakenly.

“No one's coming.” Vivienne spoke up, due crying too much, her eye was red and her voice is louder as she expressed her frustration. “How much longer must we be around the bodies? I can't stand it!” She added.

Knoxx tried to comfort her girlfriend but Vivienne evaded it. That's when Estelle enters the scene.

“Can you not...” She paused. “Call them ‘bodies’?” She added.

“They're dead. What else am I call them?” Vivienne replied to Estelle before she turned her attention to the class president and yelled him out. “Hey, Will you do something? We need to get home?”

Suddenly, Enzo who's standing beside Estelle slammed his fist onto the wall and confronted Vivienne. “Hey, you. Will you be quiet? How can you say that after seeing what happened to them for leaving? Go on your own, then.” He remarked to Vivienne.

She was feeling insulted as she took a step forward but Knoxx immediately grabbed her hand, ceasing her. He then turned her gaze to their class vice president, Veronica.

“Veronica, Do you really not know when the teacher will be back?” Knoxx asked Veronica who's busy biting her fingernails lifter her head to face someone call her.

“I don't. How can I when I can't reach him?”

Because of her answer, the students feel hopeless. Silence fell between the group. Sky didn't move when Zero got down and lean on the desk, looking down at his phone. Light turned her gaze up to the ceiling and ran up the stairs abruptly. Aurelia followed her as Sky attempted to ran after her friends, suddenly, Zero grabbed her hand and halted her from running upstairs.

“Don't go.” He murmured to her.

Zero lean his head to the desk again as Sky walk beside him. A rattle of metal stole her attention, She turned her gaze to Zero picking up a ring of keys from behind the desk, He straightened and looked at her, Sky didn't bother to cease him, Zero sneakily pocketed them.

At the rooftop, where Light and Aurelia followed by Zhairo. Seeking network but their phones says.

(Unserviceable Area.)

Zhairo walked near them, “What are you doing?”

“Testing our phone, just in case.” Light replied to him. She then walk to the iron fence, held onto it and her eyes travelled across the whole forest surrounding the building.

“What did the broadcast say? That we must stay within the boundary?” She asked to Aurelia.

“The game just take place within the boundaries.” Aurelia read the rules for Light.

Light licked her dry lips and uttered a words, “What if that boundary...” She paused. “Is indicated by that line?” She pointed out the white line in the road.

“The broadcast came on when we tried to cross it.” She turned her gaze to Zhairo who's listening well to her.

“Right. We can't cross the line.” Zhairo remarked. “How far and wide does the line go?” Light asked as she turned her look outside.

It took some time before Light came back to the main lobby where the others are waiting for them especially Sky who worries too much about her friends. The whole class was gathered infront of the board showing the whole map of the Hope Youth Center. “There's a mountain between the trail, and at the end is a village. We just have to find people and ask for help.” Zhairo remarked infront of the students and finally Sky has joined her friends together.

“What if we tried to leave and end up dead too? What then?” Jett asked their class president.

“Right. Isn't it too dangerous?” Beatrice agreed with Jett.

Zhairo shook his head and uttered, “No, We're safe as a long as we don't go over the line..” He paused. “I think we can go as far as the line goes.”

“It's annoying to just wait.” Zero agreed as Sky side-eyed him. “It won't hurt to give it a shot..” He paused as She stared at him genuinely smiling, looking proud that he's finally participating.

“But do we all have to go? That's so inefficient.” Her smile faded after Zero's following statements. She then turned her attention to Zhairo, waiting for his answer.

“Yes. We can't all go.” He stated. “I'll go on my own.” Zhairo added.

“I'll go with you.” Light quickly volunteered but Zhairo declined it. “No. You stay here. The mountain would trail would be tough.”

Light was about to say a word when Aurelia held her wrist. “He's right. You'll become a burden is you end up lagging behind, Let's stay here.” Aurelia remarked.

“He can't go on his own—” Light was got cut off when Veronica interrupted.

“We'll come with you.” Out of nowhere, Veronica pulled Jasper's arm and step forward to volunteer. “Why me too?” Jasper stared at Veronica confusedly.

Instead of answering him, Veronica glanced to her side and called. “Maeve, Vivienne, Knoxx, You'll come too, right?”

“No, I won't!” Vivienne replied without hesitation.

Knoxx stared at her girlfriend, “I won't go either.” said Knoxx.

Veronica suddenly countered, “Where's your sense of loyalty?”

Sky rolled her eyes noticing that Veronica was being forceful for some reason.

Veronica faced Maeve and asked her softly, “Maeve, You won't come either?” Veronica asked to Maeve but she was clearly hesitant bro express her answer, nevertheless, before Veronica could force Maeve. Tyler from behind suddenly spoke up.

“What a mix. You lot are too weak to hike mountain. We'll go too.” Tyler confidently step forward to the front.

“I'll come as well.” Maeve raised her hand with a genuine smile painted on her lips.

Estelle from the back of the group step forward, Enzo and Silas eyes went wide. They immediately grabbed her and asked her. “You'll go too?” it was Silas.

“You don't know what'll happen.” Replied Estelle.

“It's dangerous.” Enzo was determined to stopped her due he can't lose another precious friend of him.

“You can stay here.” Estelle forced a smile removing the hands of the two halting her from leaving.

Sky let out a heavy sigh as She faced Light, who's looking frowned and forcing not to cry, Light really wants to go with Zhairo but she can't.

She placed her hands to Light's upper arm, “Okay, I'll go with him.” She asserted.

Zero look at her in astonishment. Even the friends of hers were clearly surprised.

“Are you kidding us? It's dangerous to go there.” Jett took a one step.

“You probably want to die?” Axel remarked.

Sky ignored the two and keep her gaze to Light. “I'll go watch him for you, don't worry—” She suddenly got cut off when someone gripped her wrist.

It turned out, it was Zero, looking at her with his raging eyes. “What the fuck are you doing?!” He cut her off. His eyes were enraged yet he was worried.

“Z-Zero..” She murmur his name.

“What do you think you're doing?” Tyler grabbed where Zero grasped Sky's wrist.

“Don't force her to stay if she want to come.” Tyler added, Zero looked away and smirked.

“Let her go, You jerk!” He warned him. Tyler grinned and pulled Sky to his direction.

“What if I don't, She doesn't want to stay, why are you forcing her?” Tyler proclaimed.

“Will she going to volunteer if her friends didn't pressure her?” He glanced at Zhairo to Light. Sky immediately placed her hand to Zero's forearm.

“Sky, You won't go, You don't have to watch after him!” He pointed out Zhairo, Sky closed her eyes as she took a glanced at her friends. “They already have enough people. It's inefficient to have practically everyone go up the mountain.” Zero looked at her with his worried eyes, Sky saw it as she doesn't want him to worry for her.

Light gave her friend an assuring smile and nodding like telling her friends that she can do whatever she wants, either she wants to stay or wants to come with them.

Sky smile at her friend and felt sorry because she can't go.

She held Tyler's wrist and remove it, She turned her gaze to Zhairo, “I'm sorry, Zhairo. I think I can't come. I'm sorry.” Sky looked down, she was embarrassed after volunteering, she suddenly took back her words.

“It's okay, Sky. Actually, We have enough people to go to the mountain, like Zero said it's inefficient if everyone volunteered to go up the mountain.” Zhairo tried to reassure Sky as she felt bad about taking back her words.

Sky smiled and turned to Tyler, “I think you must take care of Maeve for me. She was the most weak among the students who volunteered. She need you.” as Maeve looked down to the floor to avert Tyler's eyes looking at her.


At the entrance of the trail leading up to the mountain, the group of students who volunteered to seek help had gathered, their expressions mix with determination and anticipation, the morning air was fresh. The trail with thick white lines, known as the boundary of the mafia game was narrow, leading them into the foliage of the mountain.

Light stood up with Zhairo, looking at him worriedly.

“Zhairo, Be careful.” She stated.

Zhairo giving her a short nod, “I will. Se you.” He remarked, though, his voice is little bit shaky due nervousness.

Light nod with her sparkling smile, she turned her head and faced the other students who volunteered to hike the mountain. “Be careful, everyone.” She remarked with her all heart.

“Be safe.” Someone among them stated.

Zhairo step forward and announced, “Guys, Let's go.” he signaled the others that it was time to depart, he's voice was deep and husky yet carrying a hint of expectancy.

The group began to hike the mountain, following the trail and white lines leading them somewhere, either a good path or something that would make them hopeless. Soon, they were out sight, students began to leave them behind while Light took her last glance at Zhairo's back walking together with the others. 

They was about to leave when someone called her name, a female voice that was similar to a ghost in a horror movie.


Light turned her head in shock. “What did you say?” She asked to Aurelia.

Aurelia seems to be confused due to Light's action. “What?” She look at her with astonishment. “What do you mean?”

Light shifted her eyes to the trail where the others were heading. The wind bushes her hair as she was puzzled as certain that someone called her.

“Didn't you say my name?” She asked, again with confusion.

“Me? I didn't?” Aurelia seems to be puzzled too, she took a glanced at the trail due confusion, she walk before Light but Light was left in confusion as she was certain that really someone called her.

“Aren't you coming?” Aurelia stopped walking and asked Light.

Light dismissed from being confused and walk through Aurelia, “I am.” and ran towards her friend.


Zero dragged Sky somewhere together with his friends, Jett and Axel. At the cafeteria, with the keys that Zero's found, he opened the cafeteria. The beauty of foods welcomed them, Jett turned on the light switch that made it more colourful.

“My gosh!” Jett muttered.

“This is fucking awesome.” Axel cursed and picked one snack to eat.

Sky let out a heavy sigh as everyone shifted their eyes to Sky. Rolling their eyes in frustration and worried expressions.

“Baliw ka na ba? You how risky to come with them, am I right?” Axel broke the silence that feel between the four of them.

Sky pouted as she started hearing scold from the three, and preparing too, Zero hasn't say anything about what happened earlier.

“You knew how anxious I was? When you volunteer? Darn it!” Jett pocketed his hands onto his pants.

“Next time, think first before you fucking decide.” Axel turned his head away.

“Bro, There's no next time.” Jett proclaimed. “Sky, you know how Veronica hated you, Right? Palaging mainit ang ulo niya sa'yo dahil kay Zhairo, bwesit!” Jett almost exclaimed, Sky was forcing not to laugh as she found the two as her parents.

“Tama, What if she does something unpleasant to you? Are we there to protect you, damn think of it, Sky!” Axel added.

A very serious, heavy and suffocating silence wrapped them. Non of them tired to shattered the silence until..

Sky burst laughter, “hahahaha! You guys look fucking funny!” She laughed hard.

“Your damn face, Jett!! Hahaha! It's funny, Axel!!! Stop that!! You're killing me!! Hahahaha! Fuck! I'm dying due laughing too much!” Sky sudden shattered the silence, the two look in disbelief and shock that even she got scolded and lectured, she can laughed.

“You shrew!” Jett pointed her out in disbelief.

“You are really unbelievable, Sky!” Axel closed his eyes and placed his hand onto his head as if it was aching.

Sky stop laughing and faced the two with her unseriousness smirked,
Don't tell me..” she paused, even Zero sitting down to the chair shifted his attention to Sky.

“Nag-alala kayo sa 'kin?” She teased the two, who's really left disbelief in their position. Sky walk towards Zero and sat on the chair beside him.

“You shrew, Of course we will!” Axel proclaimed and wall towards the two as same as Jett.

As Axel says, Sky smiled as her friends never changed. People might find them ruthless, rude and harsh but they would never see how her friends are kind, however, only to show their genuine feelings and vulnerable sides to each other, how they trust built in each other as firm as rock, how they will prove in this game that their friendship would never ruin by this game called Mafia Game.

‘I won't let this game ruin us.’ Sky whispered to her mind.

Couple minutes had passed, they continue chattering about something such as business and so on about their future plan to the companys of their parents as they are the heirs and heiress of each family.

Axel faked his cough and took a glance at Zero, “Sky, suyuin mo nga si Zero. He's raging eyes are fucking keen as sword!” He pointed out Zero who's minding his own business with his sharp eyes.

“Shrew, go and talk to him, it's your darn fault.” Jett drank the can of beer infront of him.

Sky shifted her eyes to Zero as he avert her gaze, looking somewhere outside to avoid it, Sky gently placed her hands onto Zero's forearm with her sparkling smile.

“Zero..” She murmur her name softly, trying to be cute infront of him. But he kept looking away from Sky's gaze.

“Darn! Why did you say that you would go for Zhairo.. you should stop your nonsense, shrew.”  Jett fixed his hair as Sky glared at him due hearing her nickname that made by the three of them.

“Tsk, I knew you won't let me go there alone, alam ko sasamahan ninyo naman akong pumunta do'n, enough! Hindi na nga ako nakasama para mag-goodbye sakanila tapos ganito, bwesit!” She rolled her eyes as she explained her side. “And.. cut it out! What do you mean Shrew?!” She stated in frustration.

“Why would I? You're a shrew.” Jett continued to tease as she let him.

She rolled her eyes and picked the can of orange juice, it was his favorite and opened it, she handed it to Zero.

She stared at him with her puppy eyes and Indicating that she felt sorry and she regretted her decision. “Zero.. Sorry, Damn! I'm not going to make any decision again without your permission, I promise!” Zero shifted his gaze into Sky, giving him an orange juice. He took it and patted Sky's head indicating that he already forgave her.

“Make sure you won't do any stupid things again.” He stated and started sipping the juice.

“I will..” She winked at Jett and Axel when she finally reassured Zero. “By the way, I will bring Light and Aurelia a snack later, is that okay?” Sky asked for Zero's permission.

Zero nod and fixed her hair while staring at her affectionately as he agreed with her.


At the freezer, Light, Aurelia, Silas, Ledger and Enzo patiently transferred Grey and Gerald's dead body covering their whole body a white blanket.

“This won't work on.” It was Silas holding a phone. Enzo took it and tried to open the phone.

“This is Gerald's, right?” Light asked to Ledger as he replied immediately.

“It won't work either.” He stated.

Light faced Enzo, “Let me check, Can you give it to me?” Light asked to him. “Sure, Give it to me when you're done.” He was referring to Grey's phone.

Silas signaled this friend, Enzo to leave, as soon as they left the freezer room. Ledger spoke up.

“I don't think this place is that cold.” He spoke up.

The place wasn't cold enough for the dead bodies, thanks to the lamp, the place is not dark because of the wall lamp lighting the place.

“The temperature..” Light stated as Aurelia walk towards somewhere.

Ledger and Light walked after her only to found the temperature switch. “What temperature should we set it to?” Light asked Ledger.

“It's set at minus one degree now.” He didn't respond to Light's question.

The two shifted their attention when Aurelia spoke up, “We should lower it more. About minus ten degrees.” Aurelia stated as Light step forward and turned the switch on the number that Aurelia said. As the temperature got lowered, Aurelia swing her hands to the air trying to feel if the temperature is okay now.

“Are your phones like that too?” He sudden asked. Light seems to be confused as Aurelia reached her phone through her pocket.

“What do you mean?”

“Since yesterday, the battery has been 56 percent, but I didn't even charge it.” He explained. “I think the battery doesn't work.” He added.

Light agreed due her phone was like that too, “Mine was like that too.”

“Me too.” Aurelia stated as she looked at her phone percentage. She sudden the something's off, and everything what happened was really strange.

They turned of the lights on the freezer and started walking downstairs. “Where's Sky? I haven't seen here since we gathered.” Light asked, probably looking for her because something might happen to her due her guess was Sky must be with Zero right now.

“As usual, She's with the school bullies.” Aurelia replied to her. She faced Light again, looking at her confusedly.

“Where are you going?” Aurelia asked her friend due she's walking into the wrong way.

“I'll go to the restroom for a moment.” Light bid her goodbye to her friend, Aurelia.


At Aurelia, Sky and Light's room, Aurelia was there busy on her laptop, coding I mean. Sky enters the room carrying a tray of snacks, Ramen, Soju, different types of chips and chocolates.

“Where's Light?” Sky asked the busy Aurelia. “Oh, You're here.” She welcomed her friend without looking at her. “She's in the restroom.” She added.

She was focused on coding, as soon as Sky sat beside Aurelia. She putted down the tray to the table and Light opened the door.

“Why did you came late?” Aurelia asked with her eyes focused on her laptop.

“Did you sleep in the restroom?” Sky teased her. “Aren't you hungry?” She asked Light, who's walking towards them looking tired and bored.

“It's just...” Light paused. “Something happened.” She added due her answer Aurelia stopped coding as Sky gaze at her worriedly.

“Sky, Where did you get these?” Light tried to change the topic as the two noticed that Light avoid to talk about what happened so they didn't bothered to ask what happened.

“Oh, These.. Zero found a key for the cafeteria.” She lied due she knew that zero sneakily pocketed the keys at the main lobby.

“My goodness! Why isn't working!” Aurelia wearing her glasses, brushed her hair using her fingers yelled in frustration.


“What is it?”

The two sat near to Aurelia to see what happens to her laptop. “I ran a program to see the back-end code, but it won't
work.” , She explained.

“I can't find the source,” She added. “And.. I couldn't check the phones because they won't turn on.” She putted the phones onto the table infront of Light.

“Both of them?” Light asked in confusion.

“Yes. I can't charge them either. They're completely broken.” Aurelia replied in frustration. Sky looked at her friends in query, she didn't know what they talking about so she sat near Light and pick one of the phones.

“Whom phones is these?” She asked to Aurelia, “It was Grey and Gerald's phone.” She replied to her friend, Sky smiled with a hint of understanding.

“May be phones don't work when the owners are dead.” Due her words they stared each other in shock and disbelief, Sky heart started to beat faster. “Have you guys seen something strange since you got here?” She asked to her friends, Aurelia closed her laptop and Sky bite her lower lip.

“This is strange. The game is strange. Everything is strange.” Aurelia remarked, leaning her elbow onto the table, placing her hand onto his head.

“Damn. Ever since we got here, Everything went strange.” Sky replied, she putted down the phone she was holding, she bite her lower lip as she stared at her friends in serious expression.

“Not that.” Light paused as she tried to face her friends, trying to tell something very important.

“Then what?” Aurelia asked and leaned her head onto her palms, waiting for Light's following words as same as Sky, she stared at her friend, Light, waiting for her words.

“Actually, I saw something in the pool yesterday. And...” She paused, Aurelia raised up and turned her head to Light.

Sky looked nervous while maintaining her cool and intimidating vibes. She remembered the things she saw at the pool, the women who grabbed their ankles.

“I saw it again in the basement earlier.” Light stated in terror, her eyes are red as if she was about to cry.

“What did you see?” Aurelia countered like she wasn't sure of believing her friend's story. Sky didn't bother to tell or ask anything instead she waited for Light to answer Aurelia's question.

Light seems to be hesitating, if she's going to tell as she doesn't want her friends to think that she was making a story or it was just an influence of the novel she was reading.

“Grey said.. there was a ghost here.” She paused as Sky's heart started to beat faster.
Aurelia focused on listening to Light, “I wonder.. if that's what I saw.” She added with a heavy breath Indicating that she was trembling and shaken.

“What?” As expected, Aurelia didn't believe to Light's story that she had heard from her friend, “There's no ghost. You must've been mistaken.” She added.

Sky controlled her emotion as she doesn't want to be obvious that she knew what Light's talking about. ‘It wasn't just me, Light saw it too.’ Her hands and trembling while she whispered it to her head.

“Right?” Light forced herself to believe that she had mistaken but her mind screaming that it was real.


The group of students who volunteered had reach almost to the top of the mountain. They carried the tiredness onto their shoulder. “Up there!” The dry and dead mood of the students was set in a lively when Isaac pointed out a notice.

Isaac ran over to the notice, “Watch over the line!” Zhairo yelled at him as He sudden stop infront of the white line.

“Zhairo. There's another one over there!” He pointed out the other notice.

Their faced was painted out of exhaustion and tiredness, their sweats are streaming down to their cheeks. Isaac ran off towards the other notice. “Let me go over there!”

“What?” Veronica irritatedly asked as she followed Isaac exhaustedly.

“Shoot. Isaac!” Jasper yelled his name name.

And there was Isaac running hopefully that the white line would be cutted while pointing out the notice board that he was following with. Veronica and Zhairo's behind yelling out Isaac name repeatedly as if Isaac would jumped out over the line.

“Isaac! Isaac!?” Zhairo ran into him as Isaac stopped infront of the white line.

“It's blocked, There's no path.” Isaac whispered hopelessly.

As they were stared in frustration, Jasper at the corner saw something at the seaside on the others side of the mountain.

“Hold on.” He picked his camera and started to record what he saw, He used his camera as if it was a telescope. He zoomed in the camera and found a two people at the seaside.

When he saw it clear he called out the others especially their president, “Hey. Hey. Guys! There's a person!” Jasper yelled out as soon as Zhairo heard his yell, he immediately ran towards him.

Tyler helped Maeve, who's slipped and sprained her ankle, as Sky told him, He helped and took care of her. Estelle, Tyler with Maeve walked near Jasper to see the persons he saw.

“Here. This side.It was Jasper. “Over there.” He pointed out the seaside where the two people standing at.

When they finally saw the persons, they immediately wave their hand and shouting for help.

“Hey! We're here!”

“People are over here!”

“Here! Help us!”

“Over here!!”

At the other direction of the mountain there's Veronica and Isaac looking for a way that doesn't have any lines.

“It doesn't look like it's blocked over there, isn't it?” Veronica held onto Isaac's forearm and pulled him while pointing out something.

“I don't think there's a line.” Isaac to Veronica, They walk gently towards the line to check if there's a line there.

while the two searching for the white line, Jasper noticed something. “Hold on.” He stated as they stopped shouting.

“Something is weird”, He added with a questioning expression.

“Why?” Zhairo asked to him, He showed the video he had record to Zhairo.

“Look at this.”, He paused. “This person is in the same posture.” Jasper pointed out the two person on the other side of the mountain, isn't moving and the two had the same posture too.

Zhairo was completely confused, “What?” He was puzzled as he doesn't understand what's happening.

“He's in the same posture.” Jasper added and showed it to Zhairo closely. “He's not moving his arms.” Jasper turned his head to the others. “And.. look at the seagulls over there.” He pointed out the seagulls above the sea, they're not moving or got froze up in the air.

“They're just frozen in the air.” He added. Frustration painted on their faces as Tyler scratch his back.

“Darn it.”

Zhairo grabbed the camera that Jasper's holding and pulled it to him, he wants to see what Jasper had told him by himself.

“Give it to me!” It was Zhairo, the force that he had used was full of anticipation yet frustration is chasing them.

Due to Jasper words, Estelle walk near Isaac and Veronica's location where she kept whispering something to herself.

“No.. No.. This is wrong, I have to get out.” She was completely shocked and trembling, her hands, legs even her voice. She was nervous, tears are about to shed, her eyes are red, shaking her head.

While Isaac is walking nearly to the line with Veronica holding his sleeve to assisted him just in case. “Take a look.” Veronica ordered as Isaac walked even near to line, using a stick he dug-up the white line painted on the soil. “Is there a line or not?” Isaac to himself.

“Is there no line?” Veronica asked to Isaac. Her tone carried the tiredness and hope.

“I don't think there's one.” Isaac sounds unsure yet the ambition of him leaving the place is much heavy, so, even he's not sure he still wants to try.

“Take a closer look.” Veronica convinced Isaac to move near and check the line closely.

“Darn it. I think we can go.” It was Isaac. When he was about to move closer when he off-balance and slipped as Veronica immediately grabbed his wrist and pull him. “Darn, I'm slipping down.” He told Veronica as he held onto her hands tightly.

Isaac fell over the line, he had crossed it. Veronica fell down to the soil, scared and shocked due it happened really fast.

As Isaac crossed the line, The familiar siren blared out, following by the familiar female robotic voice,

[The game must take place within the boundaries.]

“Darn it.” Veronica murmur in fright.

Behind them, Estelle was covering her mouth because of shock. “Oh, no.” the only words that came out from her mouth.

[For breaking the rules, Isaac Hades will be executed.]

Isaac stood up, “No..” He then started to clutched his head in pain, groaning and bending down. As everyone heard the announcement, Zhairo with the others came to check.

“Isaac, What's wrong?” Zhairo asked immediately as soon as he gets there.

“Isaac, Come over here!” It was Jasper, yelling out for Isaac worriedly.

Jasper offered his hand to Isaac who's groaning in pain, “Hold my hand, You punk!” He sounded worried.

Tyler who's really shocked to what is he seeing, he was about to cross the line to go near Isaac when Jasper hug him to stop him.

“Isaac, You can't go! Isaac!” He yelled out to his friend. “Isaac! Don't!”

“Hey, Tyler, don't.” It was Jasper halting him to go over the line. “Hey, Comeback here!” it was Tyler forcing to come near his friend, he is willingly to save his friend if he has given a chance to save him.

Everyone stopped when Isaac went straight with the familiar pure white eyes that they had seen from Grey, he slowly raised his hand and seize his eyes, the blood stream down to his cheeks like a tears coming from the eyes, Everyone avoid their gaze when Isaac seize his eyes. He fell on the ground and rolled over the sharp branch of the tree, the branch got stabbed onto his stomach, students started to sob in fright also with realization that there's no way for them leave the place. They're going to play the game to leave the place, that's the only way.

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