transformers loud

By FaithSmith362

238 8 0

the loud family finds Lincoln isn't a normal boy,he's from cybertron and is a organic robot More



100 3 0
By FaithSmith362

Lincoln's main mission is to  find a object before  the enemy could  know  about it.

Lincoln  spent  nights  looking for it with the help of the autobots.

He was suddenly adopted by the loud family unaware they took in an alien.

One would think it would be an ordinary quiet winter night in the Loud house, at least, that's what eleven year old Lincoln Loud would think. One minute he was sleeping peacefully in his bed and the next, he's woken up by the smell of something burning. He slowly opened his eyes and yawned. He rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms.

"Morning already?" he groaned to himself.

He looked over to the clock on his nightstand and saw that is was around two o'clock in the morning.

"That doesn't make sense." He said to himself again.

He smelled the air again and the burning smell was still there.

"I hope Leni isn't trying to cook in her sleep." Said Lincoln.

Just then, Lincoln heard a set of sudden screaming coming from outside his room. From the sound of it, it sounded like the screaming came from his 10 sisters.

"What the…!" said Lincoln.

Just then new voices could be heard.

"GIRLS! LINCOLN!" came a man sounding voice.

"Dad?!" shouted Lincoln.

He raced for the door and swung it open quickly. The next thing he saw was heavy black smoke surrounding the top of the hallway. Lincoln began to cough as the smoke began to enter his nose. A dark figure could be seen down the hall.

shouted the figure.

Lincoln crouched down and ran towards the figure, who he realized was his father

Lynn Sr. The older man took the boys hand and they began to run downstairs.

"DAD! WHAT'S GOING ON!?" shouted Lincoln.

"It's a fire Lincoln! We have to get out of here!" said Lynn Sr..

The reached the bottom of the stairs and they ran outside of their house.

Once they were outside, they saw the rest of their family standing on the other side of the street looking at their burning house. Lincoln's mother, Rita, was on her cellphone, talking with the 911 dispatcher. Meanwhile, Lincoln's sisters, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr., Lucy, Lana, Lola, and Lisa, were standing next to her, clearly shaken by what they are seeing. Once Rita hung up the phone, she saw her husband and son running towards them.

"Oh, thank god!" she cried.

She hugged the two of them.

"Are you hurt Lincoln?" she asked, panic stricken in her voice.

"I-I'm ok mom." Said Lincoln.

He then turned his attention to his sisters.

"Are you guys ok?" he asked.

His sisters gathered around him and hugged him.

"We're ok Lincy." Said Leni.

As they ended their hug, they didn't notice that his eyes were different.

they looked back and saw flames starting to shoot out from the roof of their house, just as police cars started to arrive. As the cops began to secure the scene around them, the sound of fire truck sirens could be heard in the distance.

Lincoln couldn't believe that their house was on fire. How could something like this happen? It just doesn't seem real. He looked back at his parents, who were just in a state of shock. He then looked at his sisters, who were still shaking. Lincoln had never seen all nine of his sisters so shaken up before in his life. Wait, nine sisters? Lincoln didn't have nine sisters. He had ten. Which means someone was missing. At that moment, Lincoln came to a realization.

"Where's Lily?!" he said, worriedly.

Everyone looked at him and then at each other. They soon realized that the baby of the family wasn't with any of them.

"Oh my god! Where's Lily?! Where's my baby!?" said Rita, more panic in her voice then last time.

"She must still be inside!" said Lori, worried.

Lincoln looked back at the burning house. His baby sister was still inside.

"NO! LILY!" he screamed.

Before anyone could stop him Lincoln began to run back towards the house.


They all shouted, as they began to chase after him. Lincoln ran as fast as he could towards the house, barely avoiding capture by the police officers who saw him running towards the house.

"WAIT KID! STOP!" they shouted.

By the time they began running towards Lincoln, he was already inside the house. Just as the police officers made their way up onto the front porch, fire started pouring out the door. The heat drove the officers back, just enough for the two of them to turn to see the Louds running towards the house. They both managed to hold Lynn Sr. and Rita, as well as the Loud sisters back, just as the fire department arrived.

Meanwhile inside the house, Lincoln was surrounded by fire and smoke.his mechanical face helmet covered his  face helping him breathe, He was on the ground, crawling around on the floor desperately trying to find Lily. Even from where he was, the heat from the fire wasn't  effecting him but he had to appear and feel human. As Lincoln crawled, he tried hard to get his bearings. From what he could see through the smoke, he recognized what looked like to be the living room.

"LILY!" he called. "LILY, WHERE ARE YOU?!"

All Lincoln could hear was the sound of the fire eating away at the house. He pulled his own body away from  the fire,clutching his long nightgown from the flames. He crawled all through the house blindly, trying to find any sign of the one year old.

She's gotta be here! Maybe she's still in her crib!' he thought.

He found his way to the stairs and raced up to the second floor. The heat from the fire grew hotter with every step he took as he ascended. When he got upstairs, he could see that most of his sisters' rooms were completely on fire. Even his bedroom was engulfed in flames. Lincoln's heart grew cold, and he silently prayed that Lily was still alive.

"LILY!" he called, as he made his way down the smoke filled hallway.

Soon enough, he began to hear a faint crying coming from one of the rooms. Lincoln raced over to the room and he grabbed the doorknob. As soon as he did, he felt extreme heat coming from knob. The searing heat didnt bother him but in order to act human it was enough for Lincoln to actingly cry out in pain, as he let go of the doorknob. Lincoln looked at his hand and saw how burned it was but it healed quickly. At that moment, it didn't matter to him. He needed to save Lily.

"HANG ON LILY! I'M COMING!" shouted Lincoln.

Lincoln knew he had to get in that room to save his sister. He looked around for anything to open the door with and soon found a towel on the floor next to him. He grabbed the towel and quickly used it to open the door. Lincoln raced inside the room and saw flames crawling up the walls. He then saw his baby sister standing in her crib, crying like there was no tomorrow. It almost as if a monster of fire was trying to take Lily. Lincoln raced over to her and picked her up out of the crib.

"I gotcha Lily! We're getting out here!" said Lincoln.

With Lily in tow, Lincoln raced out of his sister's room and made a mad dash for the stairs.

Meanwhile outside the house, neighbors and bystanders watched idly by as the fire department tried their hardest to fight back the fire. As they were working, the entire Loud family was struggling to get past the police.


"Sir, it's too dangerous! Let the firefighters handle this!" said one of the cops.


"They will ma'am. They're getting ready to go in and get them." Said another officer.

As they spoke, two firefighters were gearing up to go look for Lincoln and Lily.

"As soon as they find them they'll bring them right out, but right now, they have to get this fire under control." Said the second police officer.

"But our brother and sister are dying in there!" screamed Luna.

"Yeah! They need help, NOW!" screamed Lynn.

"We understand. We've informed the fire department that their inside and they'll look for them. Just try and stay calm." Said the first officer.

At that moment, a loud exploding sound came from inside the house and part of the roof began to collapse inside the house.

"LINCOLN! LILY!" screamed the Louds.

Back inside the house, Lincoln and Lily had made it to the bottom of the stairs. Lincoln had placed a small cloth over his crying sister's mouth to try and stop the smoke from filling her lungs.

"Just hang on Lily! We're almost there!" said Lincoln.

He looked ahead of him and saw red flashing lights through the smoke. Lincoln started to run for the front door when a loud bang erupted from above him. Lincoln froze in place and looked above him. He saw the entire ceiling falling towards him and Lily.

"NO!" screamed Lincoln.

He jumped as far as he could, while trying to shield Lily from the impact. Before he knew it, Lincoln was on the ground, his ears hearing his  sister cry, Lily just underneath him, crying louder than ever. He was lucky that he didn't crush her. Lincoln took a moment to get his bearings and think of a decision. He looked all over Lily and made sure that she wasn't hurt. She seemed ok, apart from minor cuts and scrapes on her cheeks and arms. Lincoln wanted to breathe a sign of relief but he could only cough furiously. Lincoln tried to get up from the floor, but was met with an excruciating pain and pressure on the lower part of his body. Lincoln looked behind him and saw that his legs and lower back were pinned under the rubble that was once his house's roof.

That means he'll reform his  legs as soon as possible.

"nononono! Not now! Not like this!" Shouted Lincoln.

He looked back at the front door. He was so close to getting himself and Lily out, but now he was stuck and Lily was trapped with him. He began to think that they were going to die. He brought Lily in close to him and he held her head close to his shoulder. Tears began to roll down Lincoln's cheeks, as he felt his fear and sadness building inside his heart. Just then, Lincoln heard the sound of footsteps coming towards him. He looked up and saw dark figures approaching him. He could faintly hear the figures.

Lincoln  immediately retracted his mouth plate to call out.

"FIRE DEPARTMENT! CALL OUT!" he heard one of them say.

Lincoln coughed and tried to clear his throat.

"OVER HERE!" he called as loud as he could. "HELP!"

The figures slowly made their way towards Lincoln and soon, he was met by two firefighters. The two men looked at the pinned boy and the crying infant. Lincoln looked at Lily and knew instantly what he had to do. He had to get her out by any means necessary, even if he could leave with her. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead and said

"It's ok Lily! They're gonna save you!"

He looked up at the firefighters and shouted


One of the firefighters took Lily from Lincoln's arms and said

"We'll get her out! Just hang in there! We'll get you out too!"

The second firefighter tried to move some of the rubble but it wasn't budging. Lincoln coughed furiously and looked at the firefighters.

"Forget about me! Just get Lily out!" he shouted.

The firefighters just looked at each other. They both knew they needed more help to get Lincoln out, but at the same time, they didn't want to leave the boy inside alone. Like it or not, they knew they had to get the crying infant out of the building. Making this decision was very difficult for them. The second firefighter looked at Lincoln and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"We'll come back for you! I promise! Just hang in there!" he said.

They began to leave the house with Lily, leaving Lincoln behind, feeling glad that he had done something heroic. He only hoped that no one would forget what he did for his little sister. He coughed furiously again, and he started to feel tired. He figured that this might be his final moment alive.

"Mom, Dad, girls, please take care of each other." He said to the air around him, hoping that his words would reach his family.

Back outside the house, the fire department was starting to get the fire under control, as the flames began to die down. The two firefighters had just exited the house with Lily in tow.

"MEDIC!" shouted one of the firefighters.

Two men ran over from a nearby ambulance and took Lily from the firefighters. The Loud family raced over and saw Lily being treated.

"LILY! MY BABY!" cried Rita.

Lily saw her mommy and reached for her, crying loudly. Mrs. Loud scooped Lily up and held her close, with her husband and daughters joining in.

"Thank god!" said Lynn Sr..

The medics looked at the family and one of them said "She's got some minor smoke inhalation but she should be ok."

Those words were a slight relief but it was short lived when they realized that Lincoln wasn't with Lily. They looked back at the firefighters and Lynn Sr. worriedly asked

"What about our son?! Where's our boy?!"

The one firefighter then said "He's still inside the house. He's pinned under some heavy debris."

The Loud family was in shock.

"I-Is he…?!" asked Lori.

"He's still alive, but he doesn't have long. We're gonna try and get him out quickly." Said the second firefighter, who looked at one of the medics.

"Be ready to take him to the hospital." He said.

The medics nodded. "We'll stand by just outside."

The one medic said. With that, the two of them gathered 5 more firefighters and began gathering tools from their trucks. The Loud family just watched helplessly as they re-entered their home to try and save Lincoln.

Inside the house, Lincoln was still ineffective but 'was in a haze'. He felt extremely light headed, and his metal insides felt squeezed. The pain in his back was burning like the sun and his legs were completely numb. He kept drifting in and out of consciousness as he heard the sound of footsteps approaching him. With his blurred vision, he saw seven sets of boots standing next to him, before he blacked out again. He began to hear muffled voices as he started to regain consciousness.

"…too unstable. We need to try and move some of…"

he started losing consciousness again.

"…try the airjacks again." Said another voice, as Lincoln regain consciousness.

He soon started to feel the pain in his back start to lessen, but it was still excruciating.

"Alright he's free. Move him on three. One, two, three!"

Lincoln soon felt himself being moved out from under the rubble and then lifted into the air.

"Hang in there kid!" said a voice.

Lincoln was starting to wish he could stay focused enough to find out what was happening. But that thought was soon squashed when he started losing consciousness again.

The firefighters began to leave the house with one of them carrying Lincoln. The medics rolled their gurney over to them and the firefighter holding Lincoln placed him on it. The medics began to work on Lincoln quickly, assessing the damage done to him.

"Severe third degree burns, smoke inhalation, possible carbon monoxide poisoning."Said the first medic, as he placed an oxygen mask over Lincoln's mouth and nose.

They saw something peering out of Lincoln and  was shocked, horrified and  got them curious.

"Could have a concussion too, as well as a possible spine fracture and broken bones in his legs. Let's get him loaded up." Said the second medic, as they started to move Lincoln to the ambulance.

The Loud family just stood there, extremely worried over Lincoln's condition.

"Lincoln!" called Lynn Sr..

They raced over to him as the medics began to load him onto the ambulance.

"Lincoln?! Son?!" said Lynn Sr..

"Sir, he's unconscious. We're taking him to the hospital now. We'll meet you there." Said the first medic, as he closed the door.

The second medic closed the other door and looked at the Loud family.

"We'll take care of him until we get to the hospital." He said.

He then raced to the cab of the ambulance and they began to drive off quickly with their lights on and sirens screaming. The Loud family just stood there as the ambulance left. The girls were worried sick for their only brother as well as their parents. Knowing that they needed to be there for him, Lynn Sr. talked to one of the police officers and was able to get the family van from their driveway. Amazingly the van wasn't completely damaged. The Loud family scrambled into the van and they raced to the hospital as quickly as they could.

Hours went by as the Loud sisters sat in the hospital waiting room. No one had come to tell them the status of Lincoln. Last thing they heard was that Lincoln was in surgery, but that was over two hours ago. Lynn Sr. and Rita were currently in another part of the hospital getting Lily treated. Lori was busy holding her younger twin siblings, Lana and Lola, trying her best to comfort them. Leni kept fiddling her sleep mask in her hands, trying to process everything that was happening. Luna kept her hand on Luan's back, who had her knees to her chest and trembling slightly. While you couldn't tell from her emotionless expression, Lucy was very shaken up, and was currently holding hands with Lynn and Lisa. None of them could've ever imagined that something like this could happen to them, especially knowing that their only brother was in surgery. A short time later, Lynn Sr. and Rita returned but without Lily, which concerned the sisters.

"Lily is getting treated for minor injuries. They're gonna bring her to us when she's all better." Said Lynn Sr., in a comforting voice.

This brought slight relief to the Loud sisters. The last thing they needed was their baby sister needing something more than just scrapes and cuts. Just then, a man in a white coat and blue hospital scrubs came walking out into the waiting room.

"Excuse me, is anyone here the parents of Lincoln Loud?"

Lynn Sr. and Rita immediately rose and Lynn Sr. said "Yes, we're his parents."

The doctor held out his hand and said

"I'm Dr. Marino, I am in charge of Lincoln's case."

He shook both their hands and held up his clipboard.

"Is he ok? Please tell me my baby boy's ok." Asked Rita, worriedly.

Marino looked at them and took a breath.

"Well, there is some good news and there is some bad news and a wow news." He said, calmly.

The Loud family gulped at the sound of that. Marino looked at his clipboard and said

"Well, the good news is that he doesn't have any trace of carbon monoxide in his system, and the burns on his back should heal, although there might be some scarring.".

The Louds signed with relief.

"Oh, thank god." Said Rita.

The doctor looked at them with a more serious expression.

"However, this is an issue we need to discuss." He said.

They all looked at him. "What issue? What's wrong?" asked Lynn Sr.

Marino looked at his clipboard again and began to explain.

"Well, the surgery that we had to do on Lincoln involved repairing any damage done to his spine. We had to call in an expert to help with the procedure. Unfortunately, we weren't able to completely fix the damage done. The nerves in his spine were partially damaged from the fire and we can't do anything to repair it." He said.

"S-so what's the other news"

"Well when  the rescue team came, we decided to  give him a scanning  and we saw something we've never seen before"

"W-what is it?"

"His skeleton was different from a regular persons,it was kind of machine like. "

"And while surgery we pulled out something interesting"

"And what could  that be?"

"It's sorta machine cog and it was in his back. "

"W-what are you saying, my baby isn't human"

"I'm afraid so"

A huge pit formed in the Louds' stomachs.

"S-So, what about his spine?" asked Rita, on the verge of tears.

Marino sighed sadly and looked at them.

"I'm afraid that the damage done to Lincoln's spine will leave him as a paraplegic."

Lynn Sr. and Rita were in shock.

"P-Paraplegic?" said Rita, tears now streaming down her face.

The Loud sisters looked at each other worriedly.

"W-What does that mean, paraplegic?" asked Leni.

Lisa took a cautious breath as tears formed in her eyes.

"It means… th-that Lincoln will never be able to walk again." She said.

Those final words hit the Louds like a tone of bricks. Lynn Sr. and Rita had to sit down and Rita began crying into her husband's shoulder. Lola and Lana both looked up to Lori with tears in their eyes.

"L-Lincoln won't ever walk again?" asked Lola, on the verge of crying.

Lori couldn't fight it any longer. She brought her siblings close to her and squeezed tightly. Lana and Lola began crying into Lori's shirt. Lori held her twin siblings tightly and started crying herself. Leni joined Lori's hug and began crying as well. Luna and Luan held each other and sobbed along with their sisters. Lynn and Lisa hugged Lucy tightly and the three of them began crying as well. Dr. Marino sadly watched the family break down. If there was one thing he hated doing, it was delivering bad news.

After a couple minutes, the crying started to cease. Rita wiped her eyes and looked at Dr. Marino.

"C-Can we see him? P-Please?" she asked, shakily.

Marino nodded. "Sure, but keep in mind that we have him under heavy sedation. We don't want to wake him for a couple days. It'll give some time for the burns to heal."

Nodding to the doctor, the Loud family followed him back to the ICU. Once they found Lincoln's room, they all entered and gathered around his bed. They knew he was in bad shape, but never to this extent. Lincoln had bandages wrapped all over his lower torso and smaller bandages on his face and arms. There was even a small wrap on his hand from where he grabbed the doorknob to Lily's room. He also had some air tubes placed in his nose so he could get fresh oxygen. It was heartbreaking. Rita walked closely to Lincoln and took hold of his un-bandaged hand.

"Oh, my poor baby." She cried.

She gently brushed away some stray hairs. Lynn Sr. placed his hand on Lincoln's shoulder, feeling terrible about his boy's condition. The Loud sisters gathered around their only brother, each placing their hand on some part of Lincoln's body, just to feel like he knew they were there. This was by far the worst night of their lives and they don't even know if things could get better. Even if they could, how would they be able to cope? How can they move on from this? How will Lincoln react to the sad news about his condition when he wakes up? All these thoughts kept racing through their minds and none of them had an answer. Only time will tell if things will improve for them and for Lincoln.

"Um doctor "lisa said


"Since the  machine  cog came out of Lincoln ,you don't mind  if I can  have it"

"huh oh Uh sure "marino walked to a  nearby  table And picks up the boys  cog and  gives it to lisa.

Lincoln woke up in the  ambulance without anyone noticing,seeing the paramedics doing  their business and his parents in shock, horror.

Lincoln  was awake the  entire time feeling the surgery and his t-cog being  removed, Now  he felt useless  without it since he can't transform.

The parents kept it a secret anyway.

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