Super Dad

By chrissybaeevans

27.8K 1K 633

Chris Evans is a former actor, now director and America's favorite girl dad. Since raising his girls on his o... More

1 • Super Dad 🎀
Super Dad Timeline
2 • Wrong Person, Wrong Time 👠
3 • An Apple A Day 🍎
4 • The AMA 🩺
5• The Night War 🌠
6 • Open House ✏️
7 • A Clover Friend 🍀
9 • Let It Snow! ☃️
10 • Cuddle Buddy & Birdies 🧸
11 • Mommy & Me 🌷

8 • Girls Only Club 🍪

1.9K 86 74
By chrissybaeevans


In this AU you are a successful pediatric nurse practitioner, you are the light to 4 girls, and the obsession and infatuation of their father, no other than Hollywood's biggest directors...

Chris returns from a long directing role, to do what he's always done, take care of his girls. He needs your help, but an unexpected guest arrives...

Warnings: mentions of menstrual cycle, Jade is a huge warning, fluff because babies are so cute, CJ being a little off the hinges per usual...

Looking forward to reading comments and feedback as always 🥹🫶🏻 there's two mini additional parts at the end!

PNP! Reader x Director! Chris

~ February 2020  ~

•• Y/N ••

"Okay, sweetheart. You are all set, Santiago."

I smile at the little 8 month old boy happily giggling on the white sheet.

Here in Exam Room 3. I love my job, I love it so much. At one point, I was close to dropping out of my nursing courses way back when I started nursing school.

It's not easy, so much information, so much conversions. It was not easy at all, but I kept going because I kept imagining myself at this point of my life. Working at an office with other friendly and child loving co-workers.

And between all of us, we make the health of the children in the area around us our main priority.

"You are a very happy and healthy baby boy!"

I carefully pick him up, he's been nothing but giggles since his mom brought him in here.

"Yes you are!" I reply when he squeals at me, reaching to pinch my cheek with his baby fingers.

He doesn't want to let go, so I grab the shirt he was wearing from his mom's hold. And lay him back on the exam table.

His mom looms over, beside me, Santiago looks up at the both of us, gurgling and making the cutest baby noises.

My job doesn't help my baby fever. I've always dreamt of being a mom ever since I was a little.

I had an obsession with all my baby dolls, their bottles and taking them for a trip around my house in their little strollers.

My inner child awakens whenever I am at Chris's house, Allie, CJ and baby Gracie's playroom is like little girl heaven.

Those girls may be spoiled, with toys but most certainly with love from their father.

Hours and hours, CJ holds me sequestered in that playroom. Where I play with Baby Gracie, Allie and CJ of course and the best part is there's no rules.

We can start with dress up, and if we're feeling Barbies, we go ahead and bring out the Barbie dreamhouse.

I feel like a little girl again with them, and I will say they're such a blessing to my life. And it aggravates me that their biological mother couldn't see that. Those girls, including Rory are amazing, in their own little ways.

Rory is getting to be quite the pre-teen, she even told me about a relationship she has with a boy in her class named Hunter. I'm sure it won't last long, nothing at that age is ever that serious.

But it's a secret between her and I, she even made me double pinky promise to not tell Chris, her father.

"He really likes you," Santiago's mom tells me, as I carefully pull his little sweatpants up his chunky thighs, "the last doctor we went to, well, she was very cold with him. And he always cried whenever I took him there. But with's like he can sense your pure heart."

"Wow, um," I don't always get choked up at work, but there's times where I just can't help it. I have a fragile heart.

"Thank you so much, that's, wow," a tear escapes my eye, "that is really sweet of you to say. Really."

I guess I'm also sensitive because, before Chris left for his directing job in Puerto Rico. He broke up with me. And I've been a mess ever since.

I've secretly gone to visit the girls while they were under the care of Lisa. Chris's mom. I've gotten so close to them, I just needed to keep seeing them.

The mom smiles at me, placing a warm hand on my back, she then goes to reach for her baby. And I remind her of when she should come back next, for the next baby's check up.

•• CHRIS ••

My 1 year old's been super clingy, and I'm not sure why. Baby Gracie hates whenever I put her down. She's a crying, whining mess if I'm not near.

And I always feel guilty for leaving her, and her sisters. I just got back from a 2 month long stay in Puerto Rico after directing a new action movie.

They love their time with their Mimi, but they're just over the moon when I am home. Especially since their mom left three months ago.

And has yet to return, or return any of my phone calls.

All I can do is showering Gracie with love, and she's wrong if she thinks I'm going to get tired of holding her. I love listening to her little toddler babbles whenever I'm in the middle of doing something.

Thank god for whoever invented the baby carrier, that way I can make my other daughters breakfast and still keep baby Gracie here...content.

She squeals when she sees what I'm currently cutting on the cutting board, and she reaches for the sharp knife I have in my hand, but her little 1 year old arms aren't long enough.

"Tomato? You want a little piece, baby?" I ask, and she kicks her legs down and then scrunches them back up again. As if she were hopping in the air.

I chuckle and cut up the tiniest piece I can, taking the piece I gently put it into her mouth and she happily munches.

"Daddy's making smash burgers for your sisters tonight, and of course you're going to have a little too." I talk to her, Gracie pushes her head into the front of my chest, trying her best to look up at me.

Listening to my voice, concentrating on the sound of it.

"Daddy! CJ hit me. She hit my head." My 8 year old, Allie appears, rubbing her head with her hand, a guilty CJ hiding behind her.

CJ wears an old hat of mine, like always wears it. It's still pretty big on her, and she doesn't even care that it sometimes drops down to her eyes.

Y/n says it's not just a phase, it's an emotional attachment. A deep connection she wants to feel with me.

So, I let her wear it. As many times as she wants. However long she wants.

She may be only 3 years old...about to be 4...but she is my wildest child. I sigh, disappointedly and she knows the sound well because she's gotten into so much trouble...since well I'd like to say since she could crawl.

"Christina Jane, do we hit our sisters?"

"Yes!" She tests me, that crazy look in her eye. Wanting to see where my breaking point is. She loves to do that, push my buttons.

Since meeting Y/n last year, I've learned a lot about children, more than I already knew on a parent level. Y/n has told me everything I need to know about child development, about their growth, the importance in their nutrition and most importantly—what runs in their head when they make a decision.

Whether it's impulsive, emotional or just bat shit crazy. Which I tend to experience day in and day out with my CJ here.

"No, we don't. Now you girls hug it out. CJ say you're sorry to Allie—"

"—no, I won't Daddy!" She screams at me. And I remind myself to be patient.

"Christina Jane!" My tone is sharp, and a few notches louder than usual, other times I have more patience with CJ, but this time around she's caught me on an off day.

"Uggghhh!" She tilts her head back to groan, I see a glimpse of her expression from under the hat, waving her arms to her sides in anger, "I'm so sorry, Allison!" She stomps away in her little socks to the bathroom.

I'm not sure why CJ only responds to yelling. I don't like to yell at her. "CJ." I say and she knows what she needs to do.

I do my best to crouch down to their levels, and CJ gives me a rough kiss on my cheek, doing it against her will of course. But I must teach my daughters we never remain angry with one another.

CJ returns to the bathroom, stomping.

"You okay, baby?" I sigh, and ask Allie, stepping up to her to check her head.

"I just need a boo boo kiss, Daddy." Allie's thumb moved across my cheek. And I smile. She's so bright and sweet.

My baby girl.

I kiss Allie's boo boo, as she referred to it, and she was fine after. Perfectly hopping over to the hallway bathroom where CJ was, hopefully, washing her hands for dinner.

After attending the AMA event with Y/n, we've been inseparable. Up until the point I had to leave for Puerto Rico, where I...well I sort of broke things off with her. Because I felt bad. She shouldn't be waiting up on anyone.

And my schedule is not the best, my daughters suffer from it everyday—and I don't need my Y/n to suffer too. It's not fair to her.

The girls have been asking me non stop about her, and well, I want to invite her over for dinner. Catch up. No, what am I thinking?

She won't want to see me. Y/n is successful, she's smart, she's funny—fuck she's gorgeous. And I'm talking that stop and stare kind of gorgeous. She's a dime piece.

A diamond in the diamond. My star.

Another guy probably saw what I did, that first day I met her. The spark, that million dollar smile of hers, gosh that laugh.

Jade was right, who would want to be with me? A single dad of four? With my "shitty ass" working schedule like she had described it.

Returning back to the kitchen, I cut up some lettuce and slices of tomatoes to go with our burgers.

"What should I do Gracie? Should I call?" I thought I'd be able to last a bit longer before I picked up my phone to call Y/n.

While in Puerto Rico, I had plenty to keep me busy. And I'm not speaking about another person, I haven't touched a woman since the last I saw Y/n. The night before my flight to Puerto Rico.

The night I broke things off. And right after we were entangled in my bed sheets for the majority of the night.

Asshole move, I know.

But fuck, if I don't miss her. Miss her voice, her laugh, her kisses...and the way she is with my girls.

"BAHH!" Gracie squeals loudly, begging for attention. Or giving me an answer, a sign.

"You're right." I stop slicing up the plump tomato, and look around this mess of a kitchen for my phone.

And to my luck it's nowhere to be found. Whenever it mysteriously disappears, there's only one culprit.

And she's just 3 years old.

"CJ?!" My voice bounces off the walls of the hallway, Baby Gracie's chunky legs move side to side as I walk quickly. I enter the bathroom listening to CJ's giggles which are never a good sign.

The first thing I see is Allie busy drawing soap figures on the mirror, sitting on the bathroom sink counter, meanwhile CJ was flushing the toilet numerous times.

"What is going on here?"

"Bye bye Daddy's phone." CJ mutters, I grab her and carry her by my side to find my phone screen flashing as it tries to survive against being submerged completely in water.

Reaching my hand hesitantly, I pull it out and it completely shuts off, I inhale sharply: patience, patience, patience...

Looking at CJ's sheepish grin, I give her a firm look clenching my jaw tightly.

•• Y/N ••

"Hey. You okay?" Dr.Periwinkle appears at the doorway of my office. Catching me zoned out and staring at my office floor.

I need him. I need him back. I thought his return from his directing job would be happier, more positive as the girls and I would celebrate his arrival.

So now before I was headed home, I got all packed up, then began pacing my office floor wondering if I should call or not.

"I'm okay." I respond, stopping my pacing and turning to look at my lead pediatrician.

"Alright," she nods, her gray eyes studying my expression, "you're alright with coming in tomorrow?"

It's Saturday morning tomorrow, and normally I don't work but I take the day as a chance to explore new food places, walk around, visit family.

But, well, I'm not up for any of that. So I'm busying myself with working.

"Of course I am," I smile reassuringly, "I'll take care of your patients. It's fine. You know how much I love to work."

She smiles at me this time, "oh I know," she mentions, "I'm just glad you have the chance to weigh the waters here. Something you couldn't do at your old office."

My old pediatrics office in D.C. was a disaster...I truly disliked my time there.

I was ready to be hands on with patients, shadowing the other pediatricians there and they always seemed to stick me with the secretaries, doing paperwork.

"You're an amazing PNP, Y/n," Dr.Periwinkle was still speaking and I had zoned out again. Gosh. How rude. My mind is everywhere.

"Thank you, Dr.Periwinkle. I'm very happy to be here." From the time I've been here, which is almost going to be a year now, I've fallen in love with the patients and families.

"We're happy to have you, kid," her smile is more than comforting, and that's when I realize she has her hat and gloves on ready to take on the Boston winter. And was also headed home.

"I'll see you on Monday."

"Yes, yes," I try to focus on our conversation, prohibiting myself from getting in my head again, "have a great weekend!"

"You as well," she walks out from my office and I distantly hear her voice and laughter in the main room with the secretary ladies.

I take a seat in my office chair, staring at my phone. I haven't even changed the wallpaper, which is me and Chris holding Baby Gracie.

I didn't expect to fall for him as quickly as I did. But I did. I know we shouldn't have hooked up behind Jade's back, considering they were still married—but after Chris told me everything she's ever done to him, I felt no remorse.

I thought perhaps Lisa would secretly despise me for making her son cheat on his wife, turns out she was over the moon to see her son was moving on...with a doctor.

And we also instantly clicked.

Should I call? Should I not call? He's probably making dinner for the girls right about now.

Who am I kidding? He broke up with me. For a reason. I remember that night as if it were yesterday and not 8 weeks ago...

"It's not fair to you, I'm going to be away months at a time and it's not fair for me to keep you waiting up, baby, please understand..."

He tried to plead with me, tried to convince me that he was doing the right thing. But he wasn't, he's wrong, I would've waited for him until the ends of the earth.

I remember him quickly cleaning up my tears. I felt so strange that night, so satiated because of the amazing sex we had just had, but then so upset and wary after the bomb he dropped on me afterwards.

By the way another tear escapes my eye, my mind tells me I am anything but ready to see him again. Therefore getting my final answer.

I completely shut my phone off, needing some self healing time at home with some tea or maybe a pizza and a good movie...not sure I'll decide on the way home.

I lock up my desk, where my doctor prescription pad is, and shrug my coat on, grabbing my lunch bag and tossing my phone into my regular bag, I shut off the lights to my office.

•• CHRIS ••

"Rory..." I knock on her door. She's been suspiciously quiet for a while now. Locked in her room. I know she's 14 years old now.

And at that age you just want to spend it chatting with your friends on FaceTune...or FaceTime...or whatever.

"I need to borrow your phone babe—I'm not going to take it! Before you start yelling at me, I just need to borrow it." She flips out whenever she thinks I'm going to confiscate her phone.

And if she's being good with it, and not giving me any attitude, I don't see a reason she shouldn't have it.

I just need her device to call Y/n, Rory also has her number because they text from time to time.

"Rory baby, let me in okay?" I'm still wearing Gracie in the carrier, but by the way her little baby murmurs and squeals have come to a stop. She's probably snoozing.

"I'll be quick. I just need to call Y/n." No answer, and my heart is racing, why isn't she answering?

I walk down to my office, grabbing the set of keys for the door locks in this house. "Rory, you're not answering me. I'm going to have to come in." I unlock her door, and first I scan her room to see if I can find her.

When I don't see her, my eyes land on her bathroom, the light glowing from under the tiny crack on the bottom. "Rory, baby, are you okay?"

She may be sick, if one of my girls don't have the stomach bug at least every other month, something is off.

"Dad?" By the way she says my name, I can tell she didn't hear me at all from when I was standing at her door.

"Yes, babe, it's me. Open the door. What's going on?"

Rory lets out a very quiet,  "I can't."

That kicks my flight or fight mode completely and totally the way on.

I take a deep breath, "sweetheart, it's okay. Just tell Dad, what's wrong? Are you throwing up? You feel sick?"

"No." She cries, from the other side of the door, "no. I'm not sick. I-I can't tell you!"

Now that confuses me, I thought CJ was the only one to manipulate me into thinking she really can't tell me obvious things.

"Honey. You can tell me anything. I'm worried here, okay?"

"I need Y/n...or Mimi." Rory says after a long pause. That has my bones rattling from the anxiety in the air.

I am even oblivious to Gracie's soft snoring, and her head going limp onto the side of the carrier.

"Mimi is away with Aunt Carly and your cousins, baby doll, and Y/n...she..." I don't know what to say about her.

"You don't understand, Dad! You just don't!" There's the sass and attitude that has taken a while to make its entrance.

I quickly connect the dots in my head, my mom warned me that Rory could be...Rory could be changing soon.

"Okay. Okay." I try to calm her, unknowest to her I completely understand now, "is there any way you can slide your phone under the door? CJ threw mine into the toilet and it shut off."

I wait for a response or a grumble of some sort.

The next moment, her phone was being flung across the bathroom floor and onto her bedroom floor. I look at it on the ground. But something prohibits me from bending down to grab it.

Of course, baby Gracie attached to my front...this night can't get any easier.

•• Y/N ••

"Dr.Y/l/n!" One of the secretary ladies appear, running after me after I said my goodbyes to them and had just walked out of the building towards my car parked outside.

I turn around to find Linda out of breath, "someone...someone is on the phone for you back in the office it's very urgent. A Mr.Evans? He has a concern about one of his girls."

Not only did Chris call, he tracked me down and called the office. Fuck, why did I shut my phone off?

"Oh my god," I squeak loudly and in pure joy. Linda gives me a confused look, because we're talking about a concern here.

I don't even make the next two feet to my car to drop off my things, I rush back to the office, with it all in my hands. Linda behind me.

Another secretary, Annie, hands me the phone, and I'm quick to put it on my ear. But I don't know what to say, the older ladies move their hands urging me to speak.

I move the phone away from myself and take another deep breath so I don't sound so agitated, "hello? This is Dr.Y/l/n speaking."

"Y/n..." I can hear and practically see Chris's smile, as he hears my voice, " are you?"

"Chris. I'm good," I exhale, and I can't wipe off the huge sweet smile on my lips. The ladies all look at one another, curious with the sentimental expression I was wearing.

"That's good," Chris exhales on the other line, and there's a silence that creeps up but it's not awkward, we're both just absorbing hearing the sound of our voices again.

"So...uh...right," he snaps out of it, and begins explaining, "well I tried calling your phone. It went straight to voicemail. So I called the office and I'm sorry to bother you...but it's Rory."

Well a little bit more explanation, I understand completely what is going on. And next thing I knew I was quickly saying goodbye to the ladies again and rushing to my car.

Chris opens the door as soon as I knocked, I tried to get here as fast as I could, I'm even still in my nursing scrubs. I did make a stop at the pharmacy to grab some things I know Rory might need.

I meet Chris's eyes with a mixture of sadness but joy in seeing him again, and even awe in seeing him holding a precious sleeping Gracie in the carrier.

He was even holding her head up with his hand, god talk about an ovary exploder.

This isn't helping my situation in moving on from Chris, especially not when I'm a day or two away from ovulating. I am in a sinking boat here, people.

"Chris, hi," I am the first to speak because he's too busy getting lost in my eyes. He snaps back into reality motioning me to come in.

"H-Hi, come in. Please."

I walk in, and I left my medical kit in the car because I know Rory's situation does not need any medical tools, but just some simple girl talk.

I set the little basket I made on the coffee table.

"Did you eat yet?" Those precious blue eyes scanning my face, making me melt, "we had burgers for dinner there's still a little left over."

I shake my head, and cross my arms around myself, "I ate already...but thank you."

Silence appears on us again, as if we don't know what to say, yet we have so much to say to each other.

I have so much to catch him up on, I want to tell him I finished that book he gave me, that I finished the show we had started together, that I switched nail places...I want to tell him all. It's right there lodged in my throat, but something holds me back.

My eyes drop to Baby Gracie, gosh she's gotten so big since the last I saw her.

In her stage of development babies grow very rapidly from ages 9 months to 1 year. And in this time they tend to nap less than they usually do and start to eat more soft foods.

I want to tell Chris that too, but I can't.

•• CHRIS ••

There's so much I want to tell her, god she looks so good in those scrub pants, in her nursing scrubs decorated with small icons of disney princesses.

Her hair into two braids, I would have so much joy in taking those braids out for her, undressing her from her scrubs and massaging her feet after a long day on them.

I always loved the way her hair looked freshly out of her braids, especially while it was fanned out behind her while I thrusted my hips into her and my hands roaming each inch of her skin, listening to her soft sounds...

Fuck. Maybe now is not the time to be lusting over her. She's here to help Rory. In a situation where I absolutely can't.

Something tells me I won't ever be able to get Y/n out of my heart, no matter how hard I try.

I'm soaking in her presence, anytime she's around me I feel safe, at peace. I hope she hasn't moved on. I know it's selfish.

The girls have eaten dinner, and are somewhere playing. Rory refused to leave the bathroom, unless Y/n was here.

I'm fighting against myself from walking over there and grabbing her, fighting against every muscle in my body to refrain myself from hugging her, holding her.

"So, uh, you said Rory needed my help?"

Y/n finally asks, breaking the silence and then I'm reminded again what she was even doing here in the first place and unfortunately she's not here for me.

"Yes. Yeah. I-I said that..." I don't offer any more explanation than what I said on the phone, nor do I continue speaking.

The way she's looking at me, makes me nervous, as if I were just a teenager talking to a girl for the first time.

That's the effect this woman has on me. I can't think, I can't sleep, I can't eat.

She walks closer to me, and I do the same, I never take my eyes off of her but it seem that in the blink of an eye she's in my arms.

A magnetic force drawing us in together, and next thing I know I'm dipping down my head to share a passionate kiss, a kiss I've been dying for, a kiss I've been waiting 2 months for.

Y/n makes a sound, and she further rewards me by kissing me back just as hard.

We feel our lips slash against each others, there's nothing rushed about this kiss, it's passionate and soft and so fucking sweet.

Someone makes a noise, and it's not Y/n or me, but it's my 1 year old.

Baby Gracie's eyes open up again, her eyes strained from being so deep in sleep as she tries to make sense where she is, Y/n blushes hard and I smile, chuckling softly, of course we maybe had forgotten the baby was in between us.

"Oh," Y/n's voice is sweet as candy as she looks at Gracie. I watch her pupils expand in pure love, "I so sowwy, Baby Gracie." She speaks in her baby voice and sometimes I wished she spoke like that to me too.

Baby Gracie is anything but annoyed at being abruptly awakened, she kicks her little legs and waves her little arms in joy at seeing who was standing in front of her.

Y/n helps me get out of the carrier strap, and immediately she takes Grace in her arms, and my daughter immediately cuddles her head into Y/n's neck finding warmth and safety there. She rests her tiny chunky hand on her chest.

Gracie's eyes search for me, making sure I'm still around. And I step behind Y/n to look down at my baby in her arms. Gracie finally closes her eyes when she sees me—feeling safe.

"I can put her's in the bathroom in her room." I offer, and she immediately shakes her head. Disagreeing.

"I got her, handsome," Y/n smiles gently at me and I feel at ease. The woman that completes my family was back once more, the reason for tranquility, "then I'll go and check on Rory."

Just as Y/n was about to head up the stairs, another knock appeared on the door. I'm not expecting anyone else, so I'm confused on who it may be.

Nudging her head towards the double doors, Y/n urges me to get it, and I quickly jog over leaving her in the foyer with my youngest. Y/n swaying her body back and forth to soothe Grace back to sleep. Patting her back.

Opening the door, I am unpleasantly shocked.

Jade was standing there with her bag, a cab that I suppose brought her here—driving away, I haven't seen her in 3 months and she still looks the same, and probably still has the same cold, black heart.

"Christopher!" She cheers, "so good to see you."

Jade greets me as if we were old friends who are now just catching up. That's just the way she is–confusing and sometimes I think she's gone insane.

•• Y/N ••

I continue to sway baby Gracie in my arms, I had traveled from the foyer to the living room so Chris could attend to whoever was at the door.

I can't help but kiss her little head, right beside my mouth. She's such a good baby, Chris says it all the time too.

The sound of heels clicking against the hardwood floors, irks my skin and boils my blood.

Every unpleasant feeling in this world that can be described hits my entire body when she speaks.

"I didn't know you hired a nurse, Chris, that's good. You always needed help with the girls."

"Four girls you left me with...that you left behind!" Chris can't help but shout.

Jade simply gives him a fake frown.

"Chris," I try to calm him, and when he hears my voice say his name. He does. And he looks over to me, reminded that Gracie was trying to sleep in my arms.

The way Jade speaks as if she weren't the mother of these girls makes me want to rip the blonde locks out of her head. I've only met Jade about twice before she left for good when Grace was just 9 months old.

But obviously seeing her right now with my own eyes, it seems she's come back.

Chris and her are legally divorced, after Jade threw fits, threw money in his face, made fun of him and accused him of cheating. My poor Chris didn't have it easy, but I'm glad he doesn't wear that ring on his finger anymore.

Jade never knew about me during the divorce process. Chris and I kept our relationship a secret from her, to avoid even more manipulation and negativity.

But of course I suppose she is a bit intelligent enough to put two and two together. With me being always over at Chris's house and the girls non-stop talking about me...she knew.

And it wasn't pretty when she found out*

Jade finally turns around to look at me, "Jade."

Her mouth drops, as if she were surprised to see me here, "Oh. It's you. My husband's charity case and if I may say his downgrade."

She holds her expensive purse on her forearms, and wears heels that probably cost the same as my car.

"Ex husband." Chris corrects her–and quickly. "What are you even doing here, Jade? You said you wanted to go live your life. Do you remember what I told you?"

Chris is upset, no he's angry by the way his hectic eyes look over Jade's face and the vein in his neck pops out. She doesn't answer him of course, out of pride.

"I told you to get the hell out of my life. Out of the girls' lives and to never look back. You're free to do whatever the hell you want, Jade. Isn't that what you've always wanted?"

"Well no," Jade clicks her foot on the ground, "I'm back. I thought things over."

For some reason, I don't believe her.

"Daddy! Rory said she really needs help in the bathroom." Allie and CJ come rushing into the living room, "she's crying!"

And they immediately notice me first, and they both scream, "MISS Y/N!" With the biggest smiles on their faces.

I put my finger on my lips, but still smile, wanting to indicate to them to be quiet since Gracie was back to sleeping in my arms, Allie and CJ squeeze into any open space on my body, hugging me tight.

"Girls, Mommy is here too." Jade clears her throat, she's green with envy, as she places her designer bag down.

Allie looks at Jade from behind the hand I was using to cradle her little face, and CJ simply stares at Jade, making a raspberry sound with her mouth.

•• CHRIS ••

"Jade. Y/n has offered to help Rory. We're good." I follow her up the stairs, after Allie had revealed what was going on, Jade immediately felt the need to step up to her title as a

After being mean to Y/n downstairs when she offered to put Gracie to bed and help Rory, Jade gave her a cold look and reminded the woman of my dreams that she is nothing but a fling of mine, and that she'd never be the girls' mother.

Classic, and cruel Jade.

"I am Rory's mother, and she's having a girl emergency. I am going to take care of it, Chris." Her hips sway in front of me, and I know she's doing that on purpose, but it doesn't do anything for me.

Opening the door to Rory's bathroom, which I didn't know was unlocked, we both find Rory sitting against her shower. Scared.

"Mom?" Rory's eyes widen to see Jade here. Certainly an appropriate reaction after not seeing her for 3 months.

Jade crosses her arms, "what's wrong with you?"

My eyes are sharp and aggravated. I look into Jade's eyes, "can you try and act like you're not made out of stone?" I whisper quickly. And bend on my knees, crouching and look at my first baby girl.

"What's wrong, baby?" I frown, she's shaking like a leaf.

Rory gulps, and looks at us, her parents and she finally feels comfortable in starting to explain, "Is Y/n here?"

"She's not your mother, she can't help you." Jade is quick to say, "Aurora Anne tell us what's wrong, now. Spit it out, sweetie."

I turn around to throw Jade a mean glare, but she refrains from looking at me.

"Well," Rory gulps again, looking at me, "I think...I think I just got period."

A part inside me breaks, my baby girl was growing up. But on the other hand, I'm glad it isn't anything serious.

"Aurora," Jade sighs exaggeratedly, "you had your Dad worried sick. It's a period, nothing to worry, I got mine at 14 too, on the plus side you can have sex now."

Now that pisses me off, and Rory flinches when I grab Jade by the arm and shove her out of the bathroom. I slam shut the door, and take deep breaths to calm myself before redirecting my attention to Aurora.

"I-I have to have sex now?" Rory's tone is nervous, and scared. It shakes as she asks the dreadful question.

"No!" I yell at her, and she flinches again.

Calming down, I inhale through my nose and out through my mouth, a much quieter, "No." falling from my mouth this time.

And I kneel in front of her. This is what Jade does, she's poison, and she messes with my kids' heads like she used to do to me, and I won't have that. Absolutely not.

If I have to protect them from their own mother, so be it.

"Baby," I run my hand down the bottom half of my face, "do-do you need a fresh pair of clothes? Want me to grab your pajamas?"

Rory hesitantly nods, "why don't you take a shower, Ror, I'll fix you something to eat because you didn't eat dinner, and I'll lay out your pajamas on your bed."

"Okay," She breathes out, and I grab her hand, trying my best to comfort her.

"You're going to be just fine, sweet girl, it's normal. Y/n is here, and once you're all ready I'll send her up. Does that sound good?"

I have no idea what else to advise, what to tell her. I've never gotten a period, but I respect and admire women everyday as they live their lives as normal as possible whenever they're on it.

They're all fucking godesses, man.

The way Rory's eyes brighten at the sound of Y/n's name falling from my lips is something that I will always cherish...

Walking out of the bathroom, I notice Jade had left the room, so I quickly search for some pajamas for Rory in one of her drawers and I settle for clouds themed ones and lay it out on her bed.

Jade crosses the hallway, her heels echoing in my ears. She quickly treads away, holding something in her hand.

"I'm telling Daddy you grabbed me like that," She continues walking and I catch up to her.

Jade has another thing coming if she thinks I'm scared of her Dad.

"Tell him. And make sure you tell him that not only did you scare but made his 14 year old granddaughter feel pressured to have sex! What the hell is wrong with you Jade? Get out."

"I was just joking, Chris, you always take everything to heart," She marches to the living room, with me hot on her heels, to make sure she really does leave.

"Real fucking funny, Jade, you see how no one is laughing?" I stop myself from pushing her out, I'm not a violent person. But Jade just makes me see devil red, "get out."

Y/n is in the kitchen, washing the last of all the dishes I dirtied making dinner. And I think I've never loved her more.

"Great!" Jade says sarcastically, stopping at the kitchen island, "the doctor can also clean. Wow! That's just great, Chris. You're doing pretty good over here. So what's the pretend to be me and Chris gives you the sex?"

Y/n throws the sponge into sink, marching over pissed as hell, I do my best to keep these ladies calm, well calm enough to get Jade out my doors.

I keep Y/n from getting closer, "Baby, please, I got it." I whisper, my thumb swiping against her cheek, "don't let her get to you."

"Don't forget about that black eye I gave you, Jade," Y/n grits her teeth, I can basically see the fumes coming out from her ears.

"You know what?" Y/n looks at Jade up and down, "I should give you another one. To go with that black dress."

"Christopher, please tell the psycho doctor to stop threatening me."

I'm still holding Y/n back, fearful that she'll do something stupid. Although I wouldn't mind watching her kick Jade out.

But I know how Jade works, I know how manipulative and twisted she is. She'll turn anything around to make herself look good.

"I'm the psychopath? I think you're confused with yourself." Y/n fires back, meanwhile I'm trying to get both of them to shut up. Before the real claws come out.

"You bitch!" Jade stomps her foot and scream, taking off her rings, reaching to grab Y/n around me, but I act as a middle ground.

CJ appears from the movie room, I suppose her and Allie were watching something, "Daddy?" She squeaks. Watchful.

Y/n walks away, and before I could say anything Jade was snatching her purse and marching towards the front door.

Approaching the double doors, I see headlights glow into my foyer.

Which lets me know, she had someone come get her. I knew she was talking out of her ass when she said she was 'back'

Jade spins on her heels, "have fun with your sweet doctor," she leans into me, our lips almost touching and I back away. Disgusted by her.

"Do you really think she's going to put up with four girls that aren't hers? When she probably has hot surgeons from around the city probably waiting for her day and night? Ha," She laughs in my face, "keep dreaming Chris."

"She probably has a fine surgeon waiting at her house right now. She plays house here with you because she feels sorry, then she's goes home to fuck a real man."

"Y/n is not like you." I fire back, "not every woman is like you."

I decided a longtime ago that I wouldn't let Jade's hurtful words get to me, I'm more interested in the pair of earrings in her hand. Different from the ones she had on.

Grabbing her wrist I force her hand up.

And I realize then that she really was lying. Like always. 

"You came back here for a fucking pair of earrings?" I grit my teeth against each other. Studying her careless manner.

"Your daughter just got her first period and you only came back for...earrings?"

"They're my favorite."

•• Y/N ••

Chris buries his face in his left hand, standing alone in the foyer a few moments after I heard the door slam.

I don't say anything but walk up to him, wrapping my arms around his torso, and he immediately welcomes my embrace – hugging me even tighter.

"CJ is back with Allie watching a movie, they just wanted some popcorn..." I subtly explains to him, and confirms the reason why he may be smelling buttery goodness in the air.

"I'm sorry," things in our relationship have never been easy, Chris is at the point of his life where things are so unorganized, and most importantly unpredictable.

Yet he's still so humble, and so selfless to apologize.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything, baby," I hold his handsome face in my hands, feeling so bad an amazing man and father like Chris has to go through this.

"If anything I'm sorry...she just...she gets me so mad, Chris." I confess, "I shouldn't be losing my temper like that, especially if it's in front of the girls."

I didn't even know I had a livid temper like that until I met Jade.

He kisses me, a series of soft tender kisses. I let him do whatever he wanted to me for a few minutes before we hear Rory upstairs, opening the room to her door.

"Dad...I'm good now."

I keep my arms around Chris's nape, and he never moves his hands from my waist, one of them resting right above my ass. "Okay, baby doll, I'll let Y/n know."

"I'm going to go fix her something to eat," he tells me, kissing me one final time, "could you..."

"Of course, Chris."

"Jade sort of pressured her into having she might have questions about that...I understand if you don't want to..."

"She what?" I ask, knowing damn well I heard him crystal clearly, "where is she, Chris? Where?!" I reach to open the door. Jade has another thing coming, if she thinks I won't hit her again.

Chris moves me back from being able to reach the front door, I always loved how easily is it for him to move me,

"She's gone. And I pray to whoever is listening that she's gone for good this time."

"I'm going to go talk to her, don't worry," I rub his shoulders, he's been through so much in just this evening.

Chris ducks his head down to latch his lips with mine in a sweet gentle kiss, "thank you."

Walking away just a small distance, Chris grabs my wrist, swiftly pulling me back into his arms. He holds my face, gently, a few seconds pass with us just staring at each other. God, I missed him so much.

"Can we talk after you're done? There's so much I want to tell you." He confesses, with a heavy sigh and I am relieved he's missed me just as much as I've missed him.

I smile big and wide, making him do the same, those starry eyes never once looking away from me, "Chris. I love you, and I am here for you and the girls no matter what. I meant when I said that."

"Was else?" He asks me, and has a hard time doing so.

I shake my head, no other man could ever compare to the connection and love I have for Chris and his girls, "no, not since you..." I squeak out.

He nods, briefly his eyes flickering around my face with pure relief and joy.

"There's one melatonin gummy left, I've been saving it."

I gasp, "Christopher!"

"And tonight, I really need her to go to sleep because I'm going to remind you how much I love you, and I love everything you do for me and the girls."

To be fair, the melatonin gummies were reccommend by me to Chris, after CJ was having trouble sleeping at night because either her mind began racing, or she would get the human equivalent to "zoomies" and would run around the entire house late at night.

It's been happening more frequently, right before Chris left to Puerto Rico leaving poor Mimi Lisa to deal with the consequences.

Lisa even said she couldn't get CJ in bed until 4 o' clock in the morning.

The gummies ease her mind and relax her body, it doesn't happen often. But when it does, Chris has her take it...thanks to me he can see the signs at bedtime right away.


Eeekkk what did we think?! Another long one. I'm not sure where these long chapters are coming from. But I like it. I embrace them.

So, to offer a little more explanation, this is truly the last time the girls ever saw Jade. She was gone for those 3 months, and in this part we see she comes back but after this she truly never returned, and the years began to pass.

And as you can see that is definitely for the best. And as you can also see we aren't afraid of her, not one bit.

This part is also the beginning of Yours and Chris's on again/off again relationship. He thinks it's for the best...but in the end he's always running back to you the first chance he gets! Of course we'll learn more of this as we continue reading🎀🌟

In this special part: Rory is 14 years old, Allie is 8 years old, CJ is 3 years old, and Gracie is 1 years old.

Before you go, thank you for reading up until this point I know it was a lot to work through🩷 I appreciate you all.

And if you're eager for more of our favorite Super Dad, read TWO mini additional parts below!!! I know I couldn't help myself.

🩺 🍪 🌟 🧸 🎀 🍭 🧢

"So, I'll get it every month?" Rory asks you, and you wish you could lie and say women get their periods about twice a year. But for scientific reasons, that's not the case.

"Yes," You respond, and so far you've been answering her questions with absolute honesty.

"And what about...what about the stain I got on my sweatpants?"

Rory said she had felt a bit wet when she was lying here on her bed, earlier this evening. And unfortunately it went through her gray sweats.

She chews on the sandwich Chris made her, and occasionally sips on a Capri Sun juice pouch as we have a friendly girl talk.

Rory also looks through the things you bought her at the pharmacy which consisted of: chocolates, pads, snacks, tea packets, chapstick and a cute bunny headband you thought she would like.

From what you've gathered she was embarrassed and nervous to let Chris help her.

"It happens all the time, babe," I touch her knee, her hair was damp and she was in her PJs. We sat criss cross, across from one another.

"It is completely normal. You're at the age where your body is going through tremendous changes. All good things, it means you're right where you should be."

Your explanation calms her down, there was still another question in her mind, Rory has learned about this in school.

And you've already spoke with her about using pads, or tampons, and warned her about the cramps she may feel. It makes you feel at ease that she at least has the warning signs of an upcoming period—down.

"Did you have sex when you first got your period?"

Rory comes out quickly and asks you, she knows just the surface area of what sex is, and what puberty does to your body, thanks to learning it in health class at school.

Leaving you in an awkward position, "no sweetie, sex is something you don't have to worry about until you're really ready. With someone special, and who respects you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, Aurora, no matter how old you are, no matter what it is. You are your best advocate."

"Good," she sighs, "I learned part of it in health class. And it's so gross. I don't want any part of it."

Smiling at her, and her young innocence, "the bright side is that you can now bug your dad for chocolates and tea and cuddles! Ooh, or ice cream too."

You had her until cuddles, she groans, "I'm not 5 years old, Y/n. I don't need cuddles with my dad. I'm a young woman now."

"Right!" You facepalm, "I almost forgot."

The two of you giggle, and she takes another bite of her sandwich, and well you wouldn't want to spend a Thursday night any other way.

"Did my mom leave?" Rory's sore eyes meet yours, anticipating your answer.

You nod, and try your best to keep your eye contact with her. Truth is, all of this breaks your fucking heart. These girls don't deserve it.

But they're the ones paying the price.

"Yes, honey. She left."

A knock appears at the door, and Chris pokes his head through. Just his head, "how are we doing, girls?"

"Good," you smile but Rory's face is the opposite.

A scowl on her lips, she starts to feel embarrassed again, "go away dad. This is a girls only club."

"Oh, I apologize. Guess I'll send in my gift another way." Chris closes the door and for a few minutes there's whispering out in the hall.

Then CJ kicks open Rory's door, it bounces back from hitting the wall. But you and Rory pay more attention to the flowers, and the box of cookies CJ had. The flowers were so big they covered CJ completely.

She stumbled as she walked, especially because of that hat on her head.

Her hat covering her forehead and part of her eyes, "special deliveryyyy, 'Rora!" CJ exclaims, in a singsong voice.

Chris had them delivered from the grocery store.

You make a face at Rory, nudging your head to the empty hall. She sighs, and sits up in her bed, "you can come in, Dad."

"Oh thank god. I didn't know what I was going to do out there alone." Chris enters, and you watch him stride into the room like the sexy man he is. The sexy father he is.

"Why do I want a cookie but at the same time I don't?" Rory asks you, as Chris lays on Rory's bed, resting his head on your lap.

CJ beside Rory her mouth watering, eyeful of those cookies in that plastic container.

"Yeah. That'll happen too," you touch Chris's hair, the strands are still so soft. "They're called cravings. You could even eat that entire container and still not be satisfied. Make sure to stay hydrated and it should help."

Rory opens it and CJ is quick to swipe a cookie, passing the container over to you, you take one out and so does Chris,

"Chris, this has..." you read the ingredients list.

Not approving of anything. These weren't healthy at all.

"...ah ah ah," Chris takes the container and hides it from you, "just eat the cookie, baby."

"Rory!" CJ yells from the crack under the bathroom door, sliding her tiny little hand under it, "do you need a bandaid?"

Allie also kneels to see if she could help Rory from this side of the door.

"Are you bleeding, Rory?" Allie repeats Rory's words from just two minutes ago, they're both very worried.

"I don't need a stupid band aid, CJ. I need Y/n. Is she here yet?"

Rory crouches into the corner of her bathroom, a little shaky, a little scared and confused. But she felt better when her dad said he was going to call you.

Rory watches CJ's little hand reach for anything from under her bathroom door, and then Allie's voice was echoing off of Rory's bathroom walls.

"Do you want me to tell Daddy that your stomach hurts?"

"No Allie, he already knows. I don't want to talk about it anymore," Bringing her knees up close, Rory rests her head on the tops of them, tears uncontrollably falling from her eyes.

She doesn't feel sad, yet all of a sudden she's crying.

"Rory, it's okay." Allie tries to make her big sister feel better. Wondering how else she could help. Both girls were confused on what was happening to Rory.

"No it's not okay! I'm bleeding from my private part!"

Gasping loudly, CJ's eyes widen as big as they could to, "from your bagina?"

CJ echoes, like a sponge absorbing everything she hears and sees.

Allie and CJ exchange a look, much more confused than they were before. Their tiny minds trying to come up with an explanation, the means of this!

They hear Rory cry, her sobs quiet but evident.

"Don't cry Rory! We'll get Daddy!" CJ and Allie latch hands with each other and the girls rush to the living room to find Chris.

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