Give Me Your Forever

By Ppriyanim

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Have you ever been invested in someone who was once in love with someone else? Have you ever asked yourself... More

Chapter 1: In The Small Town
Chapter 2:Liking You is a Curse
Chapter 3: Spring Day
Chapter 4: Don't Go Too Far
Chapter 5: A Haunting Smile
Chapter 6: Just the Two of Them
Chapter 7: Push & Pull
Chapter 8: First Rain
Chapter 9: You Were Her
Chapter 10: Heat Chaser
Chapter 12: Once Was
Chapter 13: The Queen & Pawn
Chapter 14: To Where You Are
Chapter 15: Nothing More
Chapter 16: Couple Discount
Chapter 17: It's A Nightmare
Chapter 18: Lies After Lies
Chapter 19: It Was Him
Chapter 20: I like you?
Chapter 21: Kiss & Goodbye
Chapter 22: Thousand Fireflies
Chapter 23: Her Surprise

Chapter 11: Help A Friend

566 43 4
By Ppriyanim

A/N: I enjoyed this chapter haha.

"We've arrived Sir,"

A car stopped at a white house villa inside the exclusive village in Busan. An exclusive village where only a handful of luxurious villas can be found, and one of them is from the Kim Family, the fourth of the oldest chaebol family in Seoul which owns news and celebrity entertainment, as well as KBA.

"Welcome back to the villa, Young Master Taehyung,"

One of the maids of their villa opens the car door for Taehyung. He went out without greeting the maids as he was accustomed to this treatment.

Stopping by the foyer, he saw the sea beyond the gigantic window that separates him. He walked again, towards the glass mirror door but the head housekeeper of the house halted him.

"It is a pleasure to see you back in the villa, Young Master Taehyung," "You've grown so much in the past 7 years,"

Taehyung saw an old woman with thin rounded glasses bow at his presence, he nodded his head as he accepted her grand welcome.

"It's good to see you healthy and alive head maid Cho," Taehyung smiled, "However I've only come here for a brief time, about a month or so,"

"This is your home, Young Sir," "It's our greatest honor to serve you again," Headmaid Cho avoided his gaze, she gazed at his shoes instead.

"Please you're too old to respect me like that, make yourself a cup of tea or go have a vacation, it's my treat for taking care of the house for more than we all stayed," Taehyung offered.

"It is a very tempting offer, Young Sir, but I must decline," "Young ones have so much to learn now that you're back," Headmaid Cho declined, her top priority is his satisfaction during his stay.

"Well then, tell me whenever you want to accept my offer, it'll stand as it is," Taehyung turned his head back to the sea but then he remembered why he came early.

"Oh right," "My friends will come here by next week since the Spring League is next Friday, prepare four guest rooms, just in case Jungkook wants to come since his home is quite far from the gymnasium,"

"Right away Sir,"

Taehyung continued his way towards the glass door while the maid dispersed with the command of the head maid. He opened the door and stepped on the warm sand towards the coast where he had found his love.

It was a sweet memory of his childhood when a little girl wearing a yellow ribbon headband took away his shell. He remembered crying out loud after they fought to get the biggest shell. He was defeated with a stomp on the face, if she was not only the heir to the Skye, he would've cursed her to hell. But her father is quite scary and all he did was cry his eyes out, not wanting to accept defeat from a frail girl!

Taehyung chuckled at the first memories he had with Lalisa. She's brave, intelligent, and clumsy.

She was no frail girl, she grew up beautifully and excellence is always on her way. He admired her. She's a real genius, graduating in business two semesters early in Harvard, and then she almost debuted as a solo artist because she said she dreamed of becoming a star.

He remembered the time when she was one year in her training, she and him went hiding away from their families just to go here. Their oasis.

Where he confessed his attraction. Where they started dating. Where his house is next to hers, where he can love her with no boundaries. A love that many are against, they tried to work it out, but before they had their first anniversary, her grandfather died.

Everything changed after that.

He turns his head to the villa next to theirs, it looks empty and it feels different than before. Back then he is used to making people happy, making her happy. Despite all their challenges, everything went south.

She broke up with him five hours before they celebrated their first anniversary. It could have been sixth today, but she disappeared even before he could try to save it.


*ding dong!*

*ding dong!*

*ding dong!*

Jungkook awoke from his bed, panting from a rapid heart after the rings he heard in his dream. Vaguely remembers how he got back to his bed last night after the last-minute work for Sandcastle, he walks downstairs a little groggy while his best friend Eunwoo tries to break his door.

It's the day of the Clean up drive. The board of members did not say much about his preparation since someone was already backing him up. A big person whom the board members are baffled how he got close to getting a deal with. It wasn't until he saw who the real owner of Chosue Yatch where it was written on the paper of approval.

It was none other than the mysterious heir to Skye. Lalisa Cheon. People believe she fled the country, but he is more than thankful that she is fast to approve with Chaeyoung's help.

"Ya!! Jeon Jungkook wake up!!"

"Wait the fuck up! It's so early! My alarm hasn't gone off!" He annoyingly shouted from Eunwoo outside smashing his doorbell. He opened his door and as soon as he got out, he saw Eunwoo, Chaeyoung, and Lisa who looked like she had been forcefully dragged outside his house.

"Ya! Go get dressed!" Eunwoo shouted at him.

Jungkook looked at them confused, "Bro I told them we'll go at 10 am!"

"You didn't receive my message? Stupid I've been calling you nonstop last night!" Eunwoo said to him.

Jungkook sighed. He'd been bombarded with papers for the clean-up drive the whole week, he didn't get the time to look at his phone nor remember how he slept. "Sorry, I was so busy last night,"

"It's fine but we have a bit of a problem" Eunwoo informed him.

"About what?" Jungkook yawned.

"They found you," "The reporters came last night, I don't know how they found out about Sandcastle's clean-up drive but they did, they're waiting for you," Eunwoo said as soon as he heard from the organizer yesterday that reporters found out about his volunteerism.

As soon as he heard this from organizers as he dropped off the last drinks they donated, he bombarded his phone but not a single call went through that's why he purposely went to his house to pick him up.

"Aish!" Jungkook slammed his palm on the door. This is the main reason why he hated Seoul and social media, they flock up like a tweeting bird. He's not like Taehyung who's always the subject of talk. He just wants a quiet life, that's why he stayed in Cheon Seong.

"Mwo?!" "Reporter?!" Lisa shouted from the back. Nervous from what she heard.

"It's okay, I'll back you up babe," Chaeyoung whispered as she brought out the black mask and sunglasses, "You can use this whenever there's a camera,"

Lisa took everything she brought and embraced her, "Omo! Thanks, babe you are the best!"

Volunteering is one of the best activities she did as soon as she moved to Cheon Seong, she loves socializing with the kids and old ones who joined this activity that Jungkook's grandfather established in the 1980s. It gives a feel of harmony in the town even though most of them are all gossip.

She didn't give much care about what they said, as long as they stayed in their lane. Lisa wouldn't mind it. Their words are as light as a single feather.

Jungkook ran his palm on his face and quickly decided. There's no point in refusing their attendance it is a good chance to promote the good intentions of Sandcastle to the press. It will take a little patience but he can get through it as long as he entertains them,

"Wait inside, I'll go get dressed quickly,"

After his bath, Jungkook went to his closet to a comfortable clothes. He is going to change into the uniform they provided so he doesn't need to look good for the press.

He was about to go out after spraying a perfume he just received from Calvin Klein, when he received an interesting email from his uncle. Kang Ji Su.

It is rare to receive a direct email from his uncle, and he knew most of it was because they needed his expertise. He opened the email and read it;


Subject: Partnership with Skye

Jungkook, I know you have a misunderstanding with your mom, but the partnership with Skye Distribution is not about her, and most definitely not about your anger on your mother. This is all about our business, this is about K&F Corporations and Skye. We're having the biggest deal we could ever have in the entire history of the company. and we want you to manage the first distribution for a few months so we can have a direct update from your perspective. We know you're the most suitable candidate for this job.

And it looks like Lalisa Cheon has also seen the potential in you since she's providing funds for Sandcastle's clean-up drive. I hope you give this chance to properly think about your responsibility as a member of the Kang Family. There are big opportunities on your door, you just gotta let it in.

This is your chance to prove to me that you're capable enough to run Sandcastle on your own. You have a week to think about this. I hope you make great decisions for yourself, I expect good feedback from you. Take care.

attached: SDIInc.conditional.pdf

Kim Ji Su
CEO of K&F Corporation


Jungkook clicked on the pdf attached to his email, it is a document stating the proposal that K&F Corporation sent to Skye Distribution International Inc. He saw the markings on the proposal which obviously from the heir to Skye. She pinned all the things she liked on the proposal and the things she didn't like or unnecessary things.

She knew exactly what she was doing even though her company just started more or less 4 years ago. It wasn't as big as the main sector of their company but she already got recognition in Seoul.

Although his resume looks like he has no experience in international business, he had been working with his dad even before he entered universities and he accomplished some of the business ventures with his uncle whenever he was out of the country before. It is the reason why he specializes in international business to help his uncle with it.

However, after what happened to his father, he couldn't even put himself to read or plan to make business work. He doesn't have the will and excitement to pursue business because of the tragedy that had happened to him.

As he read through the appropriate condition, two specific numbers only apply to him. And that is.

9. All meetings will be held at the new building of SDI Inc., Busan at 10 am. All coordination, reminders, and management will go through Mr. Jeon.

10. Mr. Jeon must sign legal documents concerning the confidentiality of Ms. Cheon's identity. Adhering to the rules and regulations of Skye and Chairman Cheon Byung Hun.

"Strictly confidential? So it's not because she hiding, they're hiding her from everyone," Jungkook opened his browser, typing in her name on the search bar before pressing the magnifying glass on the side.

A few articles about her recent getaway with her father in Singapore surface and most of them are the headlines of Business but other than just all speculation of her whereabouts. She is the most topic for being mysterious, a person who is strictly protected by her father— Cheon Byung Hun.

Like every single generation of Cheon, their heir is the most protected of all. Only a few people in this entire world know who she is, and where is now.

But one question remains out of all rumors, now that the heir to Skye is a woman. Is her future husband ready to sacrifice his surname to marry into a Cheon family? For all people know, to inherit the whole Skye. The heir's name should only be Cheon.

"What's wrong with these people? Who cares about changing surname if you're going to be a house husband anyway," Jungkook laughed at the article before locking his screen. It's absurd that out of all the things that are good about her, they're talking about his future husband.

For all he cares what he is curious about is her identity. Who she is and why she is so mysterious that only a few people know about her.

And also, why she approved to fund the clean-up drive so easily? Without anything in return? It piqued his interest more now that the offer is clear.

His uncle is testing him.
And Ms Cheon is the answer.

It hadn't been an hour of waiting since they took a seat on the couch of his living space, eating something on his fridge before Jungkook went down from his room. They took Eunwoo's car instead as they drove past the street going to the coast area near Haeundae, where Sandcastle is.

"Right, how did they know I'm gonna be here?" Jungkook asked as soon as they hopped out of the car.

"There are some reporters who interviewed the organizer two days ago, they mentioned your name, and reporters from Seoul went here just to take pictures of you," Eunwoo answered while locking the car.

They all saw the sign on the entrance where his face was plastered everywhere with the logo of Sandcastle embedded on his poster. He already knew it was his mother's fault that this clean-up drive was suddenly famous. She's using his face to gain more popularity and reputation.

"I get it now, some witch used my name instead of Sandcastle," Jungkook clicked his tongue.

"More like, she's a genius for using your popularity nowadays," "I wonder how much a photo of you cost?" Lisa wore her face mask and a black bucket hat. Looking like she's the one who needs to avoid getting pictured.

"You look like a celebrity wearing that Li, that won't help," Jungkook chuckled at her, taking his phone out to take pictures of her, "Aren't you happy that you have a famous friend?"

"Nah," Lisa clicked her tongue before wearing her Valentino sunglasses, "I hate pictures, so as much as possible don't talk to me, Stay where reporters can see you, so we can clean up in peace,"

"I'm not your friend today," She grinned before biting her lips to tease him.

She hooked her arm over Chaeyoung's shoulder, "Have fun with the reporters, famous boy,"

"You heard the boss, don't go near us famous boy!" Chaeyoung and Lisa chuckled as they went first toward the organizer to greet them.

"Aigoo, what an ungrateful friend," Jungkook hissed before turning to Eunwoo who stayed behind for him. Staring at him with his neutral face card.

"We?" He asked him why he was staring.

"Yeah right, famous boy," Eunwoo smirked before following Lisa and Chaeyoung, hopping on his feet, "Wait up Chagi! Lisaya!"

"Aishhh!!" Jungkook messed up his hair, getting a little annoyed by their tease. Punching the air for making his work complicated because of those nuisances,

"Why do they have to be in here?! Aigoo!"

After his tantrums, he followed the sign where the entrance was, exactly the opposite side where his friends went. He was instantly swarmed by reporters who hadn't seen him for months after he became the rookie of the year in FIBA.

(A/N: I'm not sure if FIBA has ROTY lmao)

"Jeon Jungkook!"

"Look here Jungkook!"

"Are you going to join the Spring League?!"

He initially wants to ignore their questions and proceed to the desk to get his shirt from Secretary Yeon— who got promoted to the financial executive at Sandcastle.

He took the shirt from him and turned to the press to answer the last question from the reporters, "Yes, all of us will join the Spring League but only recruit new trainees,"

"Is Taehyung and the others will come with you today?" The reporter asked.

"No they're not going here today, but they will arrive in Busan next week," Jungkook nodded his head.

"Jeon Jungkook, why are you volunteering in this clean-up drive?" Another reporter asked him.

"No, I'm not volunteering, this clean-up drive is a tradition of the Jeon Family ever since my grandfather established Sandcastle," The flashes in the morning ruin his mood, he dislikes being photographed in a rapid blinking light. Popularity is one thing he's gotten used to because of his appearance, but being swarmed by reporters and some of his fans isn't his type.

"It is my responsibility as an heir to Sandcastle to continue this tradition to protect the cleanliness of the Haeundae and the beach, and to get back to the community that I live in," Jungkook smiles as he concludes that it is enough answering their questions.

"I should go, I still need to do a few things before I start the event," He respectfully bows his head before he says his goodbye, "On behalf of Sandcastle, thank you all for coming and giving our company an opportunity for public promotions,"

He stands still with his charismatic smile, "I hope you enjoy your time here,"



The warm afternoon came like a flash, just like the previous clean-up drive it went well as well this time. People wrapping things up as they make a long table in the middle, while the food service he hired to cater their thank you dinner arrived to help them set up the table for a celebration.

He stayed on the sink sixty meters away from the people gathered along with the few reporters who stayed behind to help and record the event.

It's a good day, nothing too dramatic since he tends to politely ignore the reporters who try to interview him while he's doing his job. Somehow they understood his distance and filmed him without a word instead. He was known for having no life in social media anyway.

Hitting on his cigarette while watching the people from afar as he leans on the edge of the sink. He saw Lisa coming towards the sink to wash up some bottles.

"Wait," Jungkook halted her with his hand, killing the flame of his cigarette while she stopped midway. He blew off the smoke, fanning his hands in the air before throwing the remains of his stick into the trash bin next to the sink.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked, walking towards the opposite side of the sink.

"You just finished?" He asked her, ignoring her question. Does he smell like cigarettes? He grabbed off the tiny bit of his shirt to sniff on his clothes. Oh god, he does.

He moved a meter away from her, not wanting to see her pale face and sick state. Imagining her acute sinusitis gone worse than her shivers and cold. It could have been worse if her secretary hadn't called Chaeyoung. Gladly she recovered quickly, if not he would blame himself to death.

"No, I'm just helping a few people end their task since it's almost dinner," Lisa answered nonchalantly.

Jungkook nodded his head, watching her clean the bottles. She is a person who loves volunteering. He remembers the first time he had ever seen her smile, it was the day his father asked her if she wanted to join the clean-up drive five years ago.

"Did you have fun?" He asked. Their eyes met while Lisa took another bottle to clean, "I made sure the reporters are out of your area, so it would be a shame if you didn't,"

Lisa avoided his gaze but a smile crept into her face, "I did," "There are more children now than before, it's fun teaching them how to segregate," "Their enthusiasm to learn the basic segregation to protect the cleanliness of the community, not all kids wants to learn those adult things," "They're so adorable, I enjoyed it so much I don't feel tired at all,"

Jungkook can feel her happiness, her body speaks she enjoys the time with the kids. "Do you love kids?"

Lisa nodded, "Yeah, I am an only child and my father is too, I'm not close to our distant relatives as well so I feel lonely most of the time,"

"Then get married and go make babies, lots of them so you won't get lonely," Jungkook teased her as he took the clean bottles to help her stock them up on the basket that was already there at the sink.

"Ma-Married?! Ya! I'm still young to do that!" Lisa yelled but didn't refuse his help, instead she gave him the last bottle.

"Young?" Jungkook laughed as they started to walk back to the crowd side by side, with him carrying the clean bottles, "You're 25 going 26, you're not young, Noona,"

Lisa gasped, "Ya! What did you call me?!"

"Noona?" Jungkook teased her, "You know you're older than me, Li,"

"By five months! Dumbhead!" Lisa yelled while Jungkook continued to laugh.

He missed making fun of her. Her fury brows with her spitting viber-like mouth. Her loud fussy voice and her tiger feet stomps look more munchkin kitty who refused a treat. She looks adorable as hell when she's mad.

"Yes! And that means you lived here five months before me," Jungkook sarcastically pressed his lips, scrunching his nose to look a little dramatic.

"Noona, how is it breathing air five months before me?" He teased her while putting the basket full of bottles on the end of the long table.


He saw her face red. She looks embarrassed and annoyed combined, but her little madness doesn't irritate him. It gives him a sense of closeness. Her quacking voice as she utters insult and cursing his name like she used to never felt so energizing.

She can do it all day, and he'd thank her for it. It's not like he could understand what she meant. Her voice enters and exits immediately in his ears. He can ignore all those for her.

"I hate you!" She panted after rapping her verse for god knows what she meant by it. He just smiled and stared at her face, savoring the sweet moment of her angered face.

"Just kidding Li, you're so—

"Jeon Jungkook?"

His instinct moves his body to pull her by the wrist behind him. He covered her entire physique while the three reporters who stayed behind got closer to them.

He felt Lisa panicked from behind, searching for her sunglasses and mask. She wore them immediately before the reporters came nearby.

"Is that your girlfriend?" The reporter asked, curious got him after the long sweet stare that Jungkook had on his face. An infinitive reaction they got from him. They wonder what it was.

"Uhm.." Jungkook swallowed hard, "No, she's my friend,"

The reporter was confused, that stare was something more than just a friend, even the quick pull created meaning in their eyes. He pressed on his recordings to interview her, "Is that so? Can we talk to her?" "You know to interview about the good friendship you have, do not worry I promise to say only good things,"

Jungkook hesitated, promises by the press are meant to be broken. They are not trustworthy, and a small mistake can lead to someone's misery. "I'm sorry, as much as I am okay with you being in here, she however doesn't want to be involved with the press,"

"She hates being photographed nor being misinterpreted, she hates her privacy leaking out," "But if you want to know about our friendship, we've been friends since 2019," "My father invited her to volunteer and we've been close since then, my best friend, her best friend, and I hang out every day with her so our interactions are mostly what you saw," "We're pretty close," Jungkook answered their questions while Lisa listens from behind.

"Ohh, I'm sorry about that I thought it was your rumored long-time girlfriend," "Is it possible for us can talk with her? People are very curious about you Mr. Jeon, if you consent to us, we will give you the best headline," The reporter said.

"Uh.." Jungkook snorted, "That too, I'm sorry, we broke up recently,"

"Ohh," the reporter nodded his head, "Is that so? Then that's all we need to hear then, I'm sorry for interrupting your time,"— he looks sideways to see the head of the girl peaking behind him — "your friend, we should get going—"

"Wait," Lisa appeared behind him to bow her head, "I'm not used to big cameras and light, but thank you for coming for today, please give us a good review, Sandcastle is a reputable company,"

"Of course Miss.."

"Li," Lisa hides her identity to a minimum. "I'm Li, a long-time friend of Jungkook, please take care of him, he's my good friend,"

Jungkook raised a brow at her, covering his mouth as he found it plausible for her to call him 'good friend' "Good? I'm the best," He whispered.

Lisa looked at him displeased, "Not now stupid, stop smiling," she whispered at him.

The reporters who misinterpreted their actions seemed pretty clear now. Although their whisper sounded soft, he heard it. They're just friends. "Thank you all for today, we had a great time talking to both of you,"

A little farther from Jungkook and Lisa, is the couple. Eunwoo and Chaeyoung drinking a can of beer they took earlier while they are watching the whole ordeal since they got back from the sink.

"I'm finally getting used to their change, who would have thought that there would be a time that Lisa and Jungkook would reconcile," Eunwoo said, watching them as they bowed their heads to the reporters before excusing themselves.

Chaeyoung on the latter felt something different from their sudden 'change'. Did they miss something out? They've been friends for a long time but this is the first time that they'd bicker and could still stand each other's presence.

"What do you think Chagi?" Eunwoo asked her.

"It's gotta be something, so who liked who first?" Chaeyoung asked herself.

Eunwoo almost spilled his drink after he heard her, "Ya, Jungkook just broke up with Min Hee Annie, what are you thinking?"

"For all I care, I'm glad they did, they should have done it a long time ago if it weren't for Lisa," "But, there's some kind of cover-up between them I'm sure," Chaeyoung smirked as if it's some kind of challenge for her.

"What do you mean?" Eunwoo asked her while Chaeyoung faced him.

"Baby, You don't sleep next to someone you hate," "You wouldn't want your enemy to sleep next to you, and sleep well on top of that," "I mean a friend can be protective of his friends but not too overprotective," "Too overprotective that he would care of her health to look after her for a week while doing all the works in Sandcastle, even brought her umbrella since it started raining, and the little things like distancing himself if he's going to smoke," "It's a kind gesture I know but you're not obligated to do that as a friend unless.."

"Unless?" Eunwoo asked her to continue.

"One of them has feelings," "So who is it?" Chaeyoung asked herself.

Was it Jungkook? He practically can't let go of her that night. Imagine their shock when they returned, seeing both of them cuddled. Especially too close that their face is an inch close to molding. Their arms wrapped around. His arms served as her kind of pillow, while Lisa locked her arms on his waist.

They looked like a couple, a live-in couple who didn't seem to hate each other back then. She was in awe but never forgot to capture the moment. Took pictures one and two. no probably four or five. Plus a video while she tries to wake up Lisa to eat and take her meds.

Lisa woke up of course. She ate and drank her meds without budging Jungkook's hand all over her waist. The man couldn't let go! He's so clingy
And by the time she was done, they heard a grunt from Jungkook. A sign that he's awake, his tattooed arm pulls her closer saying 'Li come back to bed' — His voice is groggy but he knows what he's doing!

And there goes her best friend, back in his arms. She is no better than him. She practically followed his order as if it was something she had done before, and she embraced him back! Tucking themselves back to bed. And even said 'goodnight 'to each other, it blows Chaeyoung's whole existence away. Big Bang is small how about exploring the origin of the universe?! Cause the scene is out of this world!

Lord, she has not lived enough to die in shock! Pray tell they remembered but no!
They're calm as if they didn't know what happened! They said they had a good sleep!
The best one so far after so long!

Oh lord, Jesus! Accept my apology for using your name in vain, she said in her head. She thinks she's the one sick! Hallucination after a convulsive temperature broke the thermometer in half! She's still in a state of delusion.

They're playing games!
Hide and Seek?
Or is it a play of tug?
L-Love Game?


Are they hiding their feelings from them for a long time? Or didn't know it since the beginning? When did it start? No, How did it start? Five years ago? That's long! How are they so naive?!

Chaeyoung started deciphering their movements from now on. Helping each other separate the plate. Put it on the table. Laughing from whatever story she has to say. And he does is to provide all she needs while staring at her face as if his whole world is written there. Savoring her sweet smile.

Everything seemed confusing but all led to one suspect. Chaeyoung smirk turned so big that Eunwoo felt scared of her.

"Why are you smiling like that, don't kill our friends,"

"Aren't you curious," Chaeyoung glared at him before turning to the two of her dumb friends. "Don't worry I'm not going to kill anyone,"

"In fact I'm going to help a friend,"

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