Heatwave and Quickshadow's Li...

By HannahMcCoy2

550 13 6

Heatwave and Quickshadow had been one's to disagree at times. But soon they fell for each other. Their bondin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

79 2 1
By HannahMcCoy2

Quickshadow was now in her third trimester of her pregnancy. She was looking forward to the birth of her and Heatwave's sparkling. The two of them were really excited about this. They were looking forward to the birth of their son.

They were still thinking of names for their son though. They had a feeling they would know what to call him when he was born and they got a good look at him. They had a lot of ideas for their son's name. It was going to be at least two months until the sparkling was born.

The nursery was already for the sparkling. There was still much to do. Right now Quickshadow was having a sparkling appointment.

"Okay everything looks like it is going well for you and your sparkling," Ratchet said. "Your little boy is very healthy and strong," he said. "He is developing well," he said. "You are also very healthy yourself," he said. "You and the sparkling are going to be just fine," he told her.

"That is good to hear," Quickshadow said.

"Yes it is," Heatwave said. He was relieved to hear that too.

They were so happy that their sparkling was doing well and they hoped their sparkling was going to keep being okay. 

Soon the months of waiting was soon down to days. They knew their sparkling was due very soon.

Many people of Griffin Rock and many Cybertronians brought gifts for the sparkling. They were all super excited about it. They were very happy about this. 

"This is a very excited time in our lives," Heatwave said. "Our sparkling is going to be born soon and I am looking forward to holding him and loving him," he said.

"I am looking forward to that too," Quickshadow said. "Our son is going to be loved very much," she said. "I am looking forward to his birth," she said. "I am looking forward to holding our son and loving him too," she said. "But we still haven't thought of a name for our son," she said.

"It is not going to be easy to find the name that suites our son," Heatwave said. "We really won't know what will suite our son best until he is born," he said. 

"That is true, but once we see him we will truly know what to name him," Quickshadow said. "We need to think of the right name for our little boy," she said. "Ooh," she said.

"You okay?" Heatwave asked.

"Yes just our little hot shot of a son gave me a strong kick," Quickshadow said.

Heatwave rubbed her middle. "You take it easy on your mother little one," Heatwave said. "I know you are excited about coming out, and you will come very soon, but try to take it easy on your mother for now okay?" he said.

"You are so silly," Quickshadow said. "I wonder what our son will look like?" she said.

"I am wondering about that too," Heatwave said. "Well whatever he may look like he will be well loved by us," he said.

"That is true," Quickshadow said. 

It was July now and it was very hot. Early in the morning on July 14th Quickshadow was laying awake in bed. It was 1:30 in the morning and she was resting on a bunch of pillows to help prop her up. She was very uncomfortable. She was worrying because Ratchet said if she didn't go into labor by the end of the week he would have to induce her or do a c-section. Quickshadow hoped it wouldn't have to come to that. 

She was feeling pain and it came and went away after 14 minutes. It repeated after a while. Then she began to think she was having contractions. Then she felt a very sharp pain 12 minutes later. "Ow," she said. That one was really painful. "Heatwave wake up it's time," she said.

Heatwave woke up and placed his hand to his com link. "Ratchet sorry to wake you it's time," Heatwave said.

"Okay I will meet you in the medical bay, call Blades too, I could use the help," Ratchet said.

"Okay," Heatwave said. "Blades, it's time, Ratchet wants you there to help him," he said.

"On it," Blades said.

Quickshadow was taken to the medical bay. She was now laying down on the bed. Quickshadow was in a lot of pain. "Okay everything is looking good so far," Ratchet said. "It might be a while okay," he said.

It was a few hours that passed and Quickshadow was hoping it would soon happen. "Okay Quickshadow you are ready," Ratchet said. 

"Okay," Quickshadow said.

Quickshadow held Heatwave's hand and began to push as Ratchet told her too. Then after about 10 minutes a cry filled the room. There was a tiny little red and yellow sparkling crying at the top of his intakes. "Here is your little boy," Ratchet said. Ratchet went right to work cleaning up the sparkling. He did a full exam on the sparkling. The sparkling was doing just fine. 

Quickshadow was soon holding her son. "Look at him Heatwave isn't he wonderful?" Quickshadow asked.

"Yes he is wonderful," Heatwave said. "I think he is amazing," he said. "I think Hot shot would suite him, after all he is like a little Hot shot who is very amazing in everyway," he said.

"Hot shot that is a perfect name," Quickshadow said. "Welcome to earth Hot shot," she said.

Hot shot looked at his new parents in wonder. Hot shot was soon nursing from Quickshadow.

Ratchet came out and saw the others standing there. "Well how did it go?" Boulder asked.

"Everything went smoothly," Ratchet said. "both mother and child are just fine," he said. "He is a very healthy little boy and quite feisty too," he said.

"That is very good to here," Optimus said.

"What is his name?" Blurr asked.

"They named him Hot shot," Ratchet said.

"How cute," Dani said. 

"It is a good thing Hot shot is here now," Cody said. "I think things are going to get a bit more exciting around here with a sparkling," he said.

The others could agree.

Hot shot had arrived and he was very happy and healthy. His adventure was just beginning.

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