The Wife of the Radio demon

By LucyndaEnverzo

165K 3.7K 1.1K

Alastor x Reader (Violet) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Lucifer x reader? (not a chapter)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Give me ideas for the next chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 5

12.7K 297 164
By LucyndaEnverzo

Your pov

"darling welcome back" vox Kissed my cheek and held my hand "are you hungry?" He asked while caressing my cheek "no" I smiled

Vox and I were dating for 5 years now but we decided to keep it private from the other demons except for Valentino and velvette obviously.

"Wanna come with me to val's department?" He asked and put his hand on my Waist "yeah sure" I smiled as we went to val's department

We saw him filming some 18+ scene as usual he turned around and smiled at us "ah voxy, violet what brings you two here?" Val asked as he puffs out a smoke

"I need to talk to you val" vox approached val and smiled at me "violet wait here I'll be back before you know it" I nodded and watched them left

The last sentence he said made me feel like I heard it somewhere before or maybe I'm just assuming things? Yes that's right I'm just assuming things

While I zoned out I suddenly bumped into someone as we both fell down on the floor "I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I looked at him and smiled "it's fine it's my fault too" I held out my hand hoping he'll take it

He held my hand as I helped him to stand up "thanks toots, I'm angel dust nice to meet ya' " he smiled looking down at me "I'm violet"

I looked at the black eye he has and touched his cheek "val did this to you didn't he?" I looked at him worriedly "I'm sorry for touching you" he sighed "it's fine toots and yes he did this, it's fine I'm used to it"

"I'm so sorry" I narrowed my eyebrows in concern feeling bad by the fact that Valentino is abusing him

"it's okay toots as I said I'm used to it" he smiled and Patted my head

I smiled and enjoyed the head pats he gave "you love that Don't ya?" He chuckled "that's a secret but yes" I laughed

"Ah I'm afraid I have to go now" he smiled "see ya later toots" I said goodbye and text vox that I have to go to a meeting

After that I went to the palace. The gates opened as I went inside "Violet!" Lucifer came running towards me and pulled me into a hug

"Is this how a king behave?" I chuckled and Patted his back "Hey!"

"Anyways how are you? I haven't seen you for 7 years since Lilith and i... " he slowly frowned "I've been doing great how about you?" I smiled trying to cheer him up "I'm also doing great" he smiled "wanna see my collections of rubber ducks?" He squealed causing me to laughed "okay" he held my hand and dragged me to his room

"Woah that is a lot of rubber ducks" I looked at the rubber ducks in amusement "you must be really bored huh?"

"Not really HAHA" he said as we suddenly heard his phone rang "daughter? Daughter my daughter is calling" he panicked "okay this has to be perfect how do I greet her, hey char char? Or hey charlie!??" He took a deep breath in and let it out

He then answered the call "Hey bitch" I facepalm, he's so awkward with his daughter

Time skip

After the call "my daughter wants to see me" he sang "take that depression" his eyes twitches "wanna come with me?"

I smiled and nodded "then let's go!" He held my hand excitedly causing me to chuckled at his behavior.

We arrived at the front door of the hotel. Someone suddenly opened it "charlie!" Lucifer hugged his daughter

I smiled at the sight of the two "oh dad, aunt violet come in" she smiled at us as we went inside

"Oh hewwo keekee" Lucifer patted keekee's head

"Razzle and dazzle rutututu" Lucifer sang happily while petting the cute little goats "aww look how much you two haven't grown. still fun sized!" I held back a laughed "you taking care of my little girl?" he said in a baby voice causing me to laughed silently "you better be" he glared at razzle and dazzle but then laughed again like a child

I suddenly noticed that the radio demon is here. staring at Lucifer seemingly annoyed at his presence but then he noticed me looking at him so he smiled at me "Ahh miss violet great to see you again" he held my hand and kiss it while smirking at me "you know me?"

"Why of course my dear how could I not know the siren" he said while slightly looking down at me "nice to meet you umm?" I looked at him in confusion "how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Alastor pleasure to meet you violet" he smirked as my eyes widened

He can't be him right? Maybe they just have the same name

"N-nice to meet you Alastor" I stutter and shook his hand

"The pleasure is all mine" he smiled widely at me and then looked at Lucifer with an annoyed face "Alastor pleasure to meet you sir" alastor shake Lucifer's staff but then wiped his hand off as if he touched a dust

"It's finally good to put a face to the name, you are much shorter in real life" Alastor said while smiling as if he didn't called Lucifer short

I held back my laugh and distract myself away from laughing, I then looked at Lucifer's face and saw him completely annoyed and offended "who's this? Are you the bell hop?" Lucifer asked as alastor's smile widened "HAHA No I'm the host of the hotel. you might have heard me from my radio broadcast"

Lucifer put his hand on his chin as if thinking something "hm no, I guess that's why charlie call this the 'Hazbin hotel' haha" he laughed forcefully "HAHA it was actually my idea" Alastor said

"HAHA well it's not very clever" Lucifer replied "HAHA fuck you" Alastor said and went closer to Lucifer's face as charlie got in between them "okay, okay anyways dad what do you think of the hotel?" Charlie held her fathers hand as she let him examine the hotel

I laughed silently as I watched Lucifer looked around the place "AHH what in the unholy is that?" He shouted causing charlie to jump a little

"The bar" Charlie said "oh" alastor suddenly teleported beside charlie and put his hand on her shoulder "we've been so proud of her since day 1" Charlie's eyes twinkles in happiness "aw thank you al" Lucifer then looked at alastor's hand on his daughter's shoulder and then glared at him "charlie dear why don't you introduce me to your OTHER friends?" Lucifer said "oh yes of course"

"This is vaggie she's my girlfriend" charlie said causing me and Lucifer to be shocked "HAHA omy, you like girls so do I! We have so much in common. You put it here vaggie" he motioned his hand towards him as if saying 'come here give me a hug'

Vaggie went closer to him and put her hand on Lucifer's but then he pulled her into a hug causing vaggie to let out a Yelp "oh lovely to meet you sir" vaggie smiled

"Haha she's so pretty" Lucifer said as he looked at vaggie and let go of the hug

"and this is sir pentious, angel dust, our maid niffty and our bartender husk" charlie smiled at us

"Oh and everyone this is aunty violet" charlie introduced me to them until I saw angel dust "hey toots nice to see you again" Angel smirked "you know each other?" Alastor asked as if annoyed about the fact that I'm friends with angel

"Oh yes we bump into each other earlier" I replied to him "lovely" he smiled widely at me

I creeped out a little and decided to stick closer to Lucifer "so charlie give us a tour alone would ya?" Lucifer said "oh of course!" Charlie smiled "nonsense I'll help charlie to guide you" Alastor said

Lucifer glared at alastor but then charlie put her hand on his shoulder "come on dad" Lucifer sighed and held my hand "fine"

I smiled and held his hand as I saw alastor glaring at our hands? He kinda looks like he's mad but he kept smiling so it's really hard to tell, anyways why tf am I even concerned about that it's not like he's my husband or something

During the whole tour I felt alastor glaring daggers at Lucifer, I turned around and looked at him in confusion but he just smiled widely at me

2nd person's pov

"So you're telling me that, that fucker is VIOLET'S HUSBAND!??" Vox shouted at Valentino "chill it's not like she knows i bet he also doesn't know that Violet is his Wife"

"Besides she's already yours right? and you messed up with her memories from her past life so I'm sure it'll be hard for her to remember him. Are you worried that they'll both find out and be together again?" Valentino smirked "fuck you" vox said

"Of course I'm not she's fucking mine val and if that radio freak thinks I'll give violet up that easily he's fucking wrong" vox clenched his jaw and grip his hand tightly as Valentino chuckled "you're still pissed he almost beat you that time?"

"Um? Fuck you" " just saying" Valentino smirked at him

Your pov

We've been attacked by the enemies of alastor's friend mimzy her name sounds familiar but I can't remember who she is

Alastor handled them as he devoured every single one of them. I gotta admit he's fucking huge

"Oh thanks for another forgettable experience" Alastor wiped off the blood from his chin and smirked

I suddenly spaced out as a memory of Alastor and I popped up on my mind.
I miss him so much I wish I could go back in time and stop him.....

I smiled sadly as I sighed quietly "something bothering you my dear?" Alastor suddenly spoke behind me causing me to snap out of my thoughts "what? Oh it's nothing" I smiled

"Lying to me isn't worth it my dear" he smiled widely causing me to sigh
"I'm just thinking about my...... Husband" his eyes widened slightly as his body Tensed up

"Wanna talk about it?" His gaze softened as I sighed and nodded, he held my hand and teleport us to his room to have privacy

"My dear?" He said waiting for me to speak up "my husband and I are happily married together but one day something happened he said he's going out because of some 'special plans' I know what he meant by that I was so worried about him but he said he'll be fine and I trusted him I've waited for hours for him to come back but he didn't.... As police came to our house and told me that he got shot and died." I felt tears escaped my eyes "It's all my fault I wish I could go back in time and stop him... But I can't" I broke down as tears streamed down my face

I felt alastor's arm wrapped around my waist as his other hand patted my back "it's alright my dear it's not your fault"

I chuckled painfully "funny how you both have the same name" he caressed my cheek and pinched it just like how my husband do it

"Maybe because I'm him violet" he chuckled as my eyes widened slightly "very funny" I said as I waited for him to say joke but he didn't

"Alastor is it really you?" He smiled and put his forehead on mine as he stared at me with those loving eyes

I burst into tears and pulled him into a hug "I missed you so much" he caressed my back just like what he do when we were alive

"I've missed you too, I'm sorry I left you" he cupped my cheek into his hand "I promise that I'll never leave you ever again" he smiled and kissed my forehead

"I won't ever let go of you again and protect you at all cost" I smiled "I'd like that" he chuckled and kissed me on the lips leaving me off guard

I smiled and put my hand around his neck as he deepened the kiss

"I love you violet" he said as we ended the kiss "I love you more" I smiled

He pulled me into his lap and hugged me from behind as we both enjoyed each other's company in silence

A/n: thank you for reading this story I appreciate it so much! Don't forget to vote that's all and have a great day gorgeous bye bye!

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