Story of my Life ..

By kissmequiet

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Story of my Life ..

1K 60 33
By kissmequiet

well let me tell you , my name is Dawn Black.

Im 17 years old, I can't stand seeing my mum cry.

my dad died when i was 7 yes 10 years ago he died he was an amazing father husband and a soldier, two years ago someone came into our life called William was my step father, he used to be an amazing person as well , i tried to take him as my father well until i got used on him was too late cause he died also in a car crash , i loved him so much my best friend Snowflake knows him a little bit, he used to pull me in his lap and talk to her, i used to growl his name flicking off him , he used to know im Gay and was supporting me i mean other wise than that he wouldn't pull me in his lap , nibble my shoulder or whispers sweet things in my ears he was as amazing as my first father, he talked with Snowflake before when she was crying and said she hates her father and he told her no matter what they do (parents) we get to love them for whatever, and told her he would gladly be her father and she can try to be happy with it and then he passed away and that hurted me so bad, but i had Snowflake there for me, she used to tell me that oneday we all will be in this better place and she wrote me a poem by time i became better , i liked Snowflake but she thought it was a joke and did not take it serious she said im Gay and Blah and then by time we became closer best friends and i told her i got a gf she was a bit shocked but then said its great , by time she kept telling me that i shouldn't be dating a girl that is dating another boy and i did not listen and damn ended up being abused a little by the gf and other boyfriend 

i think thats enough for now let me tell you more tomorrow.

Alright i guess i will complete ma story .. 

well .. probably after my father's death i wanted nothing but to die ..and the idea grew stronger after ma step fathers death ..

ma daddy died 16-8-2003 i wanted to die .. and thats when  ma step dad died 15-2-2006 thats when i cut ma self for the first and last time i also took overdose pills .. which made ma mum send me to the hospital ..

which i did not want ...  last month 15-2 i tried to kill ma selfand i went to the hospital and stayed till 23-2

then was taken to rehab  but ran away

mum was very angry with me, and stopped talking to me for few days till i told her how i felt there and she hugged me tight and told me not to ever try kill myself, again ..and then i stayed few days ago till 12-3 and ma bf said he is dumping me i told him if i will die i will die loving him ..but he did not care .. but yet i tried to commit sucicde and went into a coma for two weeks and woke up .. i was not expecting this , but i woke up .. 

and i have a new bf now ..i hope he doesnt hurt me ..

that's all for now i guess, btw i want to say that i love you so much Jax xx you are ma new dream i love you more than anything

so i couldnt have a happy ending to this shitty life .. i noticed that i have leukemia  after wards my whats suppose to be ma boyfriend, comes up saying im fake just an excuse to break up with me for someone else .. how great.

and once again I had been dumped isnt that AMAZING?? !!

screw everything 

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