Miles morales in Naruto

By LilJ1122

241 2 0

What if the ultimate spider man,miles morales was in the Naruto universe? More

The hidden leaf
The Snake And The Spider

Sage mode

9 0 0
By LilJ1122

Orochimaru woke up in an unfamiliar room.He tried to move,but to no avail.He saw that he was wrapped in webs and stuck to the ground. He tried to break through,but he couldn't.He looks around and realizes he's in a tent.Miles suddenly walks into the tent with his costume on.

(Just in case y'all forgot what it looks like.
Again,credits to Cyberlord1109)
Miles:Your awake.
Orochimaru:Tell me,do these things come out of you?
Miles:Fortunately for both of us,no.It's a formula I made to replicate a spiders webs.
Orochimaru:"The Spider-Man.A powerful shinobi,one who can take on the tailed beasts.Respected by even the raikage."And you're a genius inventor?Your reputation doesn't do you justice.
Miles:Flattery will get you nowhere.
Orochimaru:So,what's the plan?
Miles:Drop you off at the leaf,go back the the hidden cloud,and just live life.
Orochimaru:That simple for you hmm?
Miles:Just living the life.
Orochimaru:What about a-
Orochimaru:I didn't ev-
Orochimaru;It would give you po-
Orochimaru:At least let me finish.
Orochimaru:Have you ever heard of sages?
Orochimaru:Well let me tell you all about them.As you know,to make chakra you must conjure physical energy and spiritual energy. You then combine them to make chakra. However,there's another strong energy,it is known as "natural energy".By mixing natural energy with your chakra,you create Sage chakra.You then become a Sage,a shinobi with the potential to become a god.
Orochimaru:What do you mean meh?!
Miles:Sounds boring.
Miles:Yeah,sounds pretty boring.
Orochimaru gritted his teeth,he regains his composure and starts laughing.
Orochimaru;It seems like that power doesn't mean anything to you.
Miles:Yeah,not really.But it is information.
Miles walks over to Orochimaru and pulls on the webbing,releasing the shady man.
Orochimaru:I knew it would interest you at least a LITTLE bit.
Miles:The raikage would be interested in things like that.So...lead the way.
Orochimaru:Oh?So you trust me now?
Miles:Meh,if you're lying I can just beat you again.
Orochimaru:Your fairly confident.
The duo begins on their journey.Orochimaru leads Miles to a cave.They see a large white snake.

Snake Sage:What business do you have in my cave?
Miles:Hey,honestly I'm just following this guy and seeing where it takes me.Don't worry though,once we get what we came here for, we'll get out of
Orochimaru:He wishes to learn the Sage mode.
Snake Sage:Very well.If you can pass my test, I will grant you power.
Miles:Easy peasy.What's the test?
Snake Sage:Simple,try to attract natural energy to you without moving a muscle.
Miles:Got it.
Miles does nothing as green energy swirls around miles,it begins to enter his body.It suddenly stop as miles chakra surges as the two energy's start to mix,but they stop and separate.He opens his eyes.
Miles:So,will you teach me now?
Snake Sage:Yes,follow me.
The large snake slithered deeper into the cave and miles followed,leaving Orochimaru alone.
Snake Sage:Tell me,how did you do that?
Miles:I can absorb and forcibly drain energy, like chakra.I simply started absorbing natural energy,and stopped once it was in my body so I could mix it with my chakra.That's what your test was wasn't it?To see if I could even USE natural energy?
Snake Sage:Correct,you are one of the most intelligent humans to enter our home.
Snake it again.
Miles closes his eyes and focuses,green energy starts swirling again,and comes into miles body.He stops the absorption and begins to mix his chakra with it.Chakra fluxes in and out of miles body,it then enlarges and surges, meaning only one thing.
Snake Sage:He's done it.

Snake Sage:He has awakened Sage mode.
Snakes of green energy start coming from miles shoulders and arms,floating off of him. But soon enough,the snakes and new power disappears as miles opens his eyes.
The boy simply walks away,shocking the snake.
Snake Sage:You-your just leaving?Just like that?!
Miles:I said I'd leave didn't I? That was really all I wanted.And don't worry,no one else will know of this place.
Snake Sage:...Thank you,young man.
Miles:Don't mention it.
The boy walks out of the cage and sees Orochimaru.
Miles:Don't worry about it.
Orochimaru:Come on,I simply must know.
Miles:You'll find out.Now then,to the leaf.
Miles shoots web lines at Orochimaru,but the shady man dodges and pulls a sword from his mouth.

Orochimaru:If you think that you can apprehend me as easily as you did last time, you're mistaken.
Miles:Your the one who's mistaken.Usually,you know everything about your prey before you hunt it.But you don't know anything about me.
Orochimaru:I know enough.
The shady man lunges at miles,but the boy disappears in a second.
Orochimaru:What?!Where did he-
Orochimaru hears miles speak from behind.
Miles:No,you don't.I'll tell you one small detail about me.
Orochimaru swings his sword,but hits only the air.He looks around for the costumed boy,but sees no one.He hears the voice again from behind.
Miles:I'm usually always holding back.
Orochimaru looks back and actually sees miles, he swings at the boy.To the shady man's surprise,miles grabs it with his hand.Miles revs his other arm back,ready to throw a punch with everything he has,veins and muscles bulge all over his arm,what looked like a normal teenagers arm now looks as if the gods themselves sculpted it.Orochimaru can feel the pure physical power from it,and for the first time in a long time...

He is afraid.
The punch completely destroys Orochimaru's torso,leaving only his limbs and his head.A shockwave disturbs even the trees and animals. Miles stares at Orochimaru's dismembered parts.
Miles:I know you can heal from all this.
Miles gathers the shady man's parts and puts them is a sack of webs.
Miles:Let me know when your body starts regenerating and it starts getting tight,ok?
Miles continues his journey to the leaf,running at full speed.And eventually,he arrives at the leaf village.He sneaks past the guards and then casually goes to the hokage's house.On his way there he sees Naruto.
Miles:What's up Naruto?
Naruto:Hey miles!Where were you?
Miles:Ah you know,just hanging around.See ya later.
Miles works up to the office and sees Tsunade and a white haired man staring at each other.
Miles:I'm sorry,is now a bad time?

Tsunade:No,what do you need?
Miles:I've got a delivery for you.One "Orochimaru".
Miles:Yep,now I'll be off.

???:You really defeated Orochimaru?That couldn't have been easy.You've done ALL villages a great service.
Miles:Ah,just helping out,right?
Miles leaves the office and sees Sakura run up to him.
Sakura:Hey miles,after the fight,did you see anything about Sasuke?
Miles:Let's just'll probably see him soon.
Sakura smiled as miles leaves the building.On the way out,the white haired man calls out to him.
???:Hey,my names Jiraiya.
Miles:Nice to meet you.
Jiraiya:I just wanted to restate what I said earlier.What you've done is more helpful than I think you'll ever realize.I also wanted to say... thanks.
Miles:Your welcome man.
Miles left the leaf and made his way to the hidden cloud.He arrives at nightfall.He goes to his house and sees his mother is still awake,sitting across from an empty chair.He sees the doer wide open and walks into his house.His mothers eyes light up as she gives him a bear hug.
Rio:How was your mission miles?
Miles:It was pretty cool,longer than I thought it'd be.
The two eat dinner and conversate.Miles is woken up in the morning with the sound of someone knocking on his window,he gets up and opens it to see-

Killer bee:Ay brother!My bro wants us at his office ASAP!See ya there buddy!
Miles eats breakfast with his mom and takes his costume(but doesn't put it on)to the raikage's office.
Ay:As of today,the rogues responsible for the city hall bombing have head their punishments decided.Aaron Davis and Martin Li shall stay in jail for the rest of their lives.Aleksei however,will be free.
Ay:However,he will be of service to me the raikage and or service to the hidden cloud village.Step in.
Aleksei steps into the room in his iconic grey suit.

(Ignore miles)
Rhino:Hey everyone,how ya doing?
Killer bee:Are you sure about this bro?
Ay:I am certain.Over the years,we have lost great and valuable ninja.We need more powerful members of our village.And as such, the three of you shall assemble in a team.
Miles:...If you say so.
Rhino:What's the mission?
Ay:You 3 shall scout out the hidden rain village,that's where the rest of the akatsuki reside.
Miles:How do you know this?
Rhino:Because I told him.I wasn't just waiting to bomb this village after the war,I've been hiding in the shadows.Gathering information, such as where a jinchuriki hunting groups stomping grounds are.
The team heads out and goes to the hidden rain,they use the scaffolding to sneak around the village as miles sees someone familiar.It's Jiraiya!
Miles:Jiraiya.And he's fighting someone. Actually,he's fighting 6 people!
Rhino:The six paths of pain.
Killer bee:Then let's get em!
Jiraiya is kicked down into the ground as the six paths of pain all manifest sharp rods.They are about to land when suddenly,rhino arrives above jiraiya,blocking his body.The rods break and shatter off of rhino's hide as the six step back.
???:Who are you?
Killer bee and Miles land.
Miles:Don't worry about it.
??? are the Spider-Man.Very well then.

Pain:You shall also feel the wrath of the six paths of pain.
Killer bee:4 of us and six of them,anyone got a plan?
Jiraiya stands up.
Jiraiya:W-we n-need to run.
Killer bee:Can't do that.But you ARE in bad shape.Spidey,get him outta here and take him back to the village.
Miles:Right. the l-leaf.
Pain:Your a fool if you think-
Red chakra forms around bee's body.
The red chakra swirls and erupts around bee.
The dust fades to reveal-

Killer bee:Let's do this ya fools!Ya fools!
Rhino and bee charge at the pains from two sides,the pain speaking puts his hands out.
Pain:Almighty PUSH!
A large force erupts from pain and hits the two, sending them away.They recover quickly however,as the other pains come at them. Rhino and bee group up.They smash the ground,creating shockwaves that send the pains flying.One of them lands on a wall and begins molding their chakra.
Animal pain:Summoning jutsu.
A massive three headed dog appears and lets out a roar,followed by a giant rhino.The animals charge at the duo.
Killer bee:It's like a whole ass jungle in here!
Rhino:Then let's show the prey who the predators are.
Rhino charges at the giant rhino summon and literally runs through its body.The pains are shocked as Bee crushes the three heads of the dog under his feet.One of the pains steps forth as missiles come out of his wrist.

Killer bee:What the hell?
The missiles come for the duo as they try to dodge,but are tracked and eventually hit.Bee and Rhino push through the smoke and they are not happy.
Rhino:Your all dead!
Rhino charges forth at blinding speeds with ferocity,grabbing 5 out of the 6 paths of pain. He rams them through multiple buildings, causing explosions and wrecks.He ends the charge by ramming them into a wall.
Killer bee:Move it Aleksei!
Rhino dashes away as chakra leaves bee's body, the chakra comes together at his mouth, forming into a small purple ball.
Killer bee:Tailed beast bomb!
Bee consumes the ball but spits it back out,it heads towards the 5 pains with the speed of a bullet.It hits them and-

The smoke and dust fades to reveal nothing but ashes.This isn't good,Pain wasn't just alone,he was alone with one of the strongest jinchuriki's and a veteran shinobi in indestructible armor. He suddenly hears a familiar voice.
???:We have come to assist you.
Pain looks above him to see-

Pain:Konan.Wait,who's we?
???:Oh come now.
Pain is shocked to see-

Tobi:You didn't think I'd leave you alone,did you?

To be continued.

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