Marvel: NightWing's Tale

By XxLegacy214xX

8K 279 20

My name is Dick Grayson and in another universe I would have been the first boy wonder, but this isn't that u... More

The Protector of New York
NightWing Located
Prey of the Clown
Finding the clown
Joker Takedown
Avengers Biography
Flying Monkeys
Attack on the Hellicarrier

Reindeer Games

681 29 4
By XxLegacy214xX

   As rain poured down over the new named city of Gotham a high speed chase was taking place between a group of thugs and the protector of the city Night Wing.

"NightWing you can cut them off at the next light." Daisy Johnson aka Nest said into the comms.

"Copy." NightWing states before he drove through an alley and cut left appearing in front of the thugs to which he threw a few of his throwing knives into the thugs tires causing the car to crash.

"Ughh." The thug groaned as he opened the car door and hopped out to which NightWing approached the thug and smacked him with the end of his baton rendering the thug unconscious.

"Better luck next time gents." NightWing proclaimed as sirens wailed in the distance to which NightWing sped off on his bike continuing his patrol.

NightWing POV:

After finishing patrol I drove back to the nest where I used the hidden entrance before I parked my bike and headed inside.

"Nest?" I called out as I walked only to get no response causing me to stop before I quietly pulled my batons off my bike and crept through the bunker.

"Where are you daisy?" I muttered as I made my way through the training area of the bunker before I saw Daisy sitting with her back to me.

"Daisy?" I said before I turned her chair only to find Daisy looking at me wide eyed as I noticed her bound to her chair.

"Apologies NightWing." A voice said causing me to whirl around with my hidden pistol aimed towards where the voice came from only for a familiar face to present itself from the shadows.

"Your Partner wouldn't let me talk." Fury said as I sighed before I lowered my gun.

"Fury, it's been awhile." I stated before I went and undid daisy's restraint.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Daisy exclaimed in anger making me smirk.

"Daisy meet Nick Fury. Director of Shield." I stated making Daisy straighten up seeing that's she was in front of her boss.

"At ease Agent." Fury stated letting Daisy relax before she walked back to her desk.

"What do you need fury?" I asked as I placed my pistol back in its rightful place before I took off my mask.

"I need your help." Fury said as he held out a confidential folder to which I took the file and started reading before I walked over to Daisy and let her do her thing before a holographic display appeared showing me everything Fury had in the file and what he didn't have in the folder.

"Weapons Fury, seriously." I said as I blew up the image of the phase two rifles.

"They are just a contingency." Fury stated to which I nodded before I started looking through the dossiers.

"There some real heavy hitters in here boss." Daisy stated as I smirked.

"I'll join your team, but Daisy comes as well." I stated as Daisy grew shocked while Fury sighed.

"She doesn't have any field experience." Fury stated as I nodded agreeing with her.

"Exactly and this will be the perfect time to get her that experience and we can also use all the people we can get our hands on, right?" I asked as fury benched the bridge of his nose in annoyance while Daisy held hope.

"Fine, but stay's with you at all times." Fury ordered to which I gave him a mock salute while Daisy smiled.

"Let's go Daisy." I stated to which Daisy grabbed her laptop before following up the stairs of the bunker with Fury following behind wanting to see where I was going.

"Has this always been here?" Daisy asked in shock making me chuckle while Fury hid his surprise at the technologically advanced jet before we all boarded the jet with me taking the pilots seat.

"Buckle up." I stated as I flipped the switches starting up the engines of the jet while the hidden roof of my bunker started opening up.

After the roof opened up I engaged the thrusters causing the jet to lift up into the air before I engaged the camouflage causing the jet to appear invisible.

"This is awesome." Daisy exclaimed while Fury looked intrigued by my tech before I engaged the engine causing us to blast off into the sky.

"Fury I need those coordinates." I stated before I looked at my phone and saw a text to which I plugged in the coordinates Fury sent me before I engaged the auto pilot function.

"Alright let's see." I said as I pulled out my table causing the files from Shield to pop up on the table causing Fury to stand up and circle the table.

"This connects back to the nest?" Fury asked to which I nodded before I pulled up the picture of our target Loki.

"Daisy what's known about this guy?" I asked to which I Daisy pulled out her laptop and started typing methodically.

"Loki is depicted as the Asgardian God of Mischief, a cunning trickster, and a master of Asgardian magic and sorcery." Daisy said as I groaned.

"I hate Magic." I stated as Fury looked up curiously.

"Yes magic is real." I stated as my console beeped to which I went my pilot seat and saw the Hellicarrier in front of us.

"Fury we are here." I stated as Fury came to the front to which I handed my headset.

"Base this is Eagle 01." Fury stated into the radio to which static buzzed.

"Eagle 01 we have you loud and clear." A feminine voice sounded as I lowered the landing gear preparing to land on the runway.

"Adjust your course Eagle 01." The radio sounded to which I steered the jet into position before he slowly glided down into the runway before I pulled back on the thrusters causing the engine to turn off.

"Follow me." Fury said as I flipped the switch opening the door causing the stairs to lower onto the ground before we followed Fury into the ship.


As Daisy and I boarded the Hellicarrier we passed many agents as they shuffled through the ship before we walked into a control center where Fury took the helm while Daisy and I stood off to the side.

   "Do you want me to do the thing?" Daisy asked as I smirked before I turned and kissed her cheek making her blush.

   "You know me so well." I said making Daisy smile before she sat down and started typing.

   "Hey Cowboy." A voice called making me smirk before I turned just in time to catch Natasha Romanoff in my arms.

   "Hey beautiful." I said making Natasha smile as she leaned and pressed her lips against mine.

   "I've missed you." Natasha said making me smile before I let her down as hugged Daisy around her shoulders.

   "I've also missed you Quake." Natasha said making Daisy smile.

   "Missed ya too Widow." Daisy said before Daisy turned to me and gave me the thumbs up making me smirk.

   "What did you two do?" Natasha asked as she crossed her arms while Daisy and I put on the most innocent faces we could muster.

   "We have no idea what you're talking about." I stated before Daisy and I walked away making Natasha giggle as she shook her head.

   "Natasha go and greet our guests." Fury ordered to which Natasha nodded before she left the room as Daisy and walked around the ship.

Ten Minutes Later...

   As Daisy and I ventured back into the Command Center of the ship we saw that there was two new faces in the room causing Daisy to stop.

   "Daisy?" I asked as she looked shocked.

   "That's Captain America." Daisy muttered as I looked forward and saw a tall blonde haired man.

   "Let's go introduce ourselves then." I stated before walking towards the man as Daisy was left wide eyed before she jogged to catch up to me.

   "You must be NightWing. It's an honor." Steve Rogers said as he held at his hand which I took in a firm shake.

  "Honors all mine Cap. This is my partner Quake." I said introducing Daisy who was quick to grab hold of Steve's hand and shake it estactically.

   "It's an honor to meet you captain." Daisy exclaimed as Steve smiled before I pulled Daisy's hand away from Steve's making Daisy pout at me before we heard our names.

   "Captain and NightWing. Your up." Fury stated to which we nodded before Steve and I walked headed towards my ship with Daisy following behind before Natasha caught up.

   "You never told me you had a ship." Natasha stated as I smirked before we approached my ship causing Natasha and Steve go wide eyed in shock as Daisy and I boarded the jet with me taking the pilots seat as Steve and Natasha boarded.

   "Base this Shadow 0 requesting clearance for take off, over?" I asked into the radio as I started the engines.

   "Shadow 0 this is base you are clear for take off." Base said into the radio as I engaged the thrusters causing us to lift up off the ground to which I flipped the switch engaging camouflage before we sped off towards Stalingrad, Russia.

   As we flew through the sky headed towards Russia I engaged Auto pilot before I climbed out of my seat and approached the table.

   "Daisy bring up the camera feed surrounding our target." I said to which Daisy made quick work before holographic displays of multiple camera feeds appeared above the table.

   "This is amazing." Steve said in awe as he approached the table while Natasha came and stood by my side.

   "Found him." I stated as I blew the camera feed of a museum showing our target Loki walking around the building.

   "What's he doing?" Steve asked as I looked at the other angles of the building.

   "He's distracting us from something." I said as I pulled up other feeds.

   "There." Natasha said as she blew up the feed showing Hawkeye carrying a briefcase onto a helicopter.

   "Whatever Loki was after, Clint got it for him." Natasha stated as I nodded before I heard a beep making approach my pilots console to see we near our location, but as I went to sit down I felt a hand on my shoulder making me turn to see Natasha standing there smiling at me.

   "Can I drive?" Natasha asked making me smirk before I nodded to which Natasha sat in the pilots seat and disengaged Auto pilot.

   "Cap we better get ready." I stated as I went to the back and pressed a button lowering the ramp doors.

   "So you think this will be a hard fight?" Cap asked as I smirked before I looked down at the city below.

  "Apparently this guy is a god, so I'm not assuming anything." I stated as Cap nodded before we made it to our location.

   "Looks like this is our stop." I said before Cap and I drop downed onto a rooftop below as Natasha's maneuvered the jet so the nose was facing Loki.

   "Loki. Stand down." Natasha ordered through the comms only for Loki to send a stream of energy at her causing Natasha to dodge out of the way while Steve and I ran at Loki.

   "How before your better." Loki growled as he sent a beam of energy at an old man but it was blocked by Steve who jumped in front of the beam and blocked the energy blast using his shield.

   "Captain America. The man out of time." Loki stated smugly.

   "I'm not the one out of time." Steve stated as I spartan kicked Loki into a wall causing the beam to stop firing letting Steve breathe.

   "NightWing. The Dark Heir of Gotham." Loki grunted while gripped my batons tightly.

   "Shall we?" Loki asked as Cap and I looked at each other before we nodded, but as we went to run at Loki suddenly a rocket was shot at our target making him go flying towards the steps before a man in a metal suit appeared above us with weapons pointed at Loki.

"Make your move Reindeer Games." Tony Stark stated as he pointed every weapon in his arsenal at the god.

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