Beneath The Cross

By TheRealBertMccracken

833 40 0

Gerard Way, the son of the richest man in town, faces pressure from his family and community after coming out... More

You Use My Love Against Me
I Can't Keep Pretending Your Love Doesn't Hurt
You Drain My Energy Every Single Day
I Can't Keep Walking On Eggshells To Keep You Happy
I Feel Like I'm Losing Myself Trying To Love You
You Turned Our Love Into A Battlefield
I need To Love Myself Enough To Leave You
You Make Me Feel Guilty For Things I haven't Done
I shouldn't Have To Fear The Person I Love
Letting Go Of You Is My Self Care
You Keep Talking Without Ever Giving
It's Not Love If It Hurts
You Make Me Doubt My Own Reality
You Never Appreciate Anything I do For You
You Always Find A Way To Make Me A Villain
I Shouldn't Have Fight For Your Attention
I Need You to Need Me, Even If It Hurts You
I Enjoy The Power I Have Over You
I Keep You Guessing So You Won't Leave
I Push Your Buttons Cus I Love Your Reaction
I Love You In The Way That Destroys You
I Break You Down To Keep You Close
Isolation Keeps You Mine
The Ghost Of You
Chaos Within You Becomes My Playground
Cus I Feel Safe In Your Arms
You Can Run Away With Me
Creating Chaos In Your Life Gives Me Peace
My Chemical Romance

I Don't Want You To Realised Your Worth, Cus Then You'll Leave

23 2 0
By TheRealBertMccracken

*TW: Smut/ Bestiality*

Gerard sat on a weathered bench in the park, a sketchpad balanced on his knee as he sketched the scene before him.

The air was filled with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant sound of children playing. He took a sip of his coffee and smiled at the beauty of the world around him. The trees swayed gently in the wind, their leaves ablaze with the colors of fall, while birds flitted from branch to branch.


Gerard's heart skipped a beat as he heard the sweet voice calling out to him. He looked up from his sketchpad to see his daughter, Cherry, running towards him with a bright smile on her face.

"Daddy!" Cherry exclaimed as she reached him and threw her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"Hey there, sweetheart," he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and Cherry pulled back slightly. "Look what I found at the playground, Daddy!" she exclaimed, holding up a brightly colored leaf she had picked up from the ground.

Gerard's smile widened as he admired the leaf. "That's beautiful, Cherry," he said. "You have a good eye for finding treasures." Cherry beamed up at him, her happiness contagious as she tucked the leaf into her pocket with a satisfied grin.

"Can we stay at the park a little longer, Daddy?" she asked and Gerard glanced around at the peaceful surroundings, the gentle breeze ruffling Cherry's hair as she stood beside him. "Of course, sweetheart," he said.

Gerard gasped as he felt familiar arms wrap around his neck from behind and he turned to see Frank standing there, a warm smile on his face as he greeted them.

"Hey there, Gerard," Frank said as he pressed a kiss to Gerard's cheek. "And hello, Cherry."

Cherry's eyes lit up with delight as she turned to Frank, her arms outstretched in a welcoming gesture.

"Dada!" she exclaimed happily, throwing herself into Frank's arms for a hug and Gerard reached out to wrap his arms around them both, pulling them close in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're here, Frank," Gerard said softly. "I've missed you."

Frank's smile widened as he returned Gerard's hug. "I've missed you too, Gerard," he murmured.

Gerard's eyes fluttered open and he glanced over at the figure sleeping beside him, his heart aching with the memory of the dream they had shared.

Frank lay beside him, his breathing steady and peaceful, the bandage on his forearm could be seen and Gerard reached out to gently touch the bandage, his fingers tracing the edges. As he looked down at Frank's sleeping form, a wave of love washed over Gerard.

Despite everything they had been through, Gerard knew that he couldn't imagine his life without Frank by his side.

"Frank," Gerard whispered softly, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from Frank's forehead. "I love you."

Frank stirred slightly in his sleep, a faint smile gracing his lips as he shifted closer to Gerard's touch.

With a sigh of contentment, Gerard settled back against the pillows, wrapping an arm around Frank and holding him close.

After 10 more minutes of cuddling, Gerard gently nudged Frank awake. "Hey, Frank, wake up," he said, his fingers brushing lightly against Frank's cheek.

Frank stirred, blinking sleepily as he slowly emerged from his slumber. He yawned and stretched as he adjusted to being awake. "Morning, Gerard," Frank mumbled and Gerard smiled warmly at him.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he said affectionately. "How about I make us some breakfast?" Frank's eyes brightened at the suggestion, a smile spreading across his face.

"That sounds great," he said eagerly. "What are you going to make?" Gerard chuckled softly as he climbed out of bed, stretching his arms above his head.

"Hmm, how about some pancakes?" he suggested, already picturing the delicious breakfast in his mind. Frank's smile widened at the thought of pancakes, his stomach growling in anticipation.

"That sounds perfect," he said with a grin. "I'll go wash up while you get started."

Gerard nodded in agreement, his own stomach rumbling with hunger. He made his way to the kitchen and Gerard hummed softly to himself as he mixed the pancake batter, the rhythmic sound of the whisk stirring soothing to his ears. He poured the batter onto the hot griddle, the sizzle of the pancakes filling the kitchen with a tantalizing aroma.

As the pancakes cooked, Gerard filled a kettle with water and set it on the stove to boil. He rummaged through the tea cabinet, selecting Frank's favorite blend and setting out two mugs on the counter. Gerard flipped the pancakes, the golden brown edges crisp and perfect.

He transferred them to a plate and set it on the table and just as he finished setting the table, he heard the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. Smiling to himself, Gerard poured hot water into the mugs and added the tea bags, letting them steep as he waited for Frank to join him.

When Frank emerged from the bathroom, his hair still damp from the shower, Gerard greeted him with a warm smile, appreciating the fact that Frank was in his towel only.

"Breakfast is ready," he said, gesturing to the table. "I made pancakes and tea." Frank's eyes lit up with delight as he caught sight of the spread on the table.

"You're amazing, Gerard," he said, crossing the room to give Gerard a quick kiss on the cheek and Gerard chuckled softly. "Just trying to spoil my favorite person," he teased, pulling out a chair for Frank to sit.

Gerard excused himself to their bedroom to fetch Frank some clothes and opening the closet door, Gerard scanned the racks of clothing, searching for the perfect outfit for Frank.

He selected a soft, worn-in t-shirt and a pair of comfortable shorts, knowing they would be just right for a relaxing morning at home.

With the clothes in hand, Gerard turned to leave the bedroom, his heart fluttering with anticipation of seeing Frank again. He made his way back to the kitchen, where Frank was still seated at the table, sipping his tea and flipping through the morning newspaper.

"Here you go, Frank," Gerard said with a smile, holding out the clothes for him. "I thought you might want to change out of your towel before you catch a chill."

Frank grinned appreciatively as he accepted the clothes from Gerard. "Thanks, honey," he said, leaning in to press a quick kiss to Gerard's lips. "You always take such good care of me."

Gerard smiled softly as he gave Frank another soft kiss. "Anything for you, Frank," he said softly.

Frank put on the shirt and shorts and Gerard's eyes roamed over Frank's form, admiring the way the fabric of the t-shirt hugged his frame. "You look good," he said with a smile, reaching across the table to give Frank's hand a reassuring squeeze.

Frank chuckled, his cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment. "Thanks, Gerard," he replied. "You're not looking too bad yourself."

Gerard grinned at the playful banter and he took another bite of his pancakes, savoring the fluffy texture and sweet flavor.

"So, what's on the agenda for today, Gerard?" Frank asked, leaning back in his chair and Gerard shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "Nothing too exciting," he admitted. "Just planning to take it easy and enjoy the day with you."

Frank grinned, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Sounds perfect to me," he said, reaching across the table to intertwine his fingers with Gerard's. "As long as I'm with you, Gerard, every day is perfect."

Gerard squeezed Frank's hand gently, his gaze softening. "I couldn't agree more," he murmured.

Frank set down his fork and looked at Gerard with concern in his eyes. "Hey, Gerard, I know you like to take care of me, but don't forget to take care of yourself too," he said gently. "You've been through a lot lately, and I don't want you to overexert yourself."

Gerard smiled softly, touched by Frank's thoughtfulness. "I appreciate your concern, Frank," he replied. "But I'm okay, really. I just want to make sure you're taken care of."

Frank smiled at Gerard's words. "You're too good to me, Gerard," he said softly and Frank's gaze softened as he looked at Gerard. "I don't deserve you, Gerard," he admitted quietly. "You're too good to me, too kind, too forgiving. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you."

Gerard reached across the table to gently cup Frank's cheek. "Hey, none of that," he said firmly. "You deserve everything, Frank. You're kind, you're loving, you're... you're everything to me."

Frank's eyes widened with surprise at Gerard's words. "Gerard..." he began but Gerard silenced him with a soft smile.

"I mean it, Frank," he said firmly. "You deserve the world, and I'm going to spend every day making sure you get it."

Gerard chuckled softly, a fond smile playing on his lips as he reminisced about his childhood. "You know, this is not related but when I was nine years old, I begged my parents to let me have cats," he said. "I thought they were the coolest pets ever."

Frank leaned in. "Really? I didn't know you were a cat person," he said and Gerard nodded as he continued his story. "Oh, I was obsessed with cats," he admitted with a laugh. "But there was just one problem... I was allergic to them."

Frank's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "No way," he exclaimed, his eyes widening with disbelief and Gerard nodded solemnly. "Yep, it's true," he confirmed. "Every time I was around cats, my allergies would act up like crazy. But I was so determined to have them as pets that I didn't care."

Frank laughed, shaking his head in amusement. "You were quite the rebellious kid, weren't you?" he teased, nudging Gerard playfully and Gerard grinned.

"Oh, you have no idea," he replied. "I would sneak out of the house to visit the neighbor's cats, despite knowing it would make me sneeze like crazy."

Frank chuckled. "That's dedication," he remarked and Gerard shrugged, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "What can I say? I've always had a soft spot for animals," he said with a laugh.

"So, what about you, Frank? Did you have any pets growing up?" Gerard asked and Frank's expression shifted slightly, a hint of hesitation flickering across his features. He toyed with his fork for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, before finally meeting Gerard's gaze.

"Uh, well, not exactly," he replied vaguely and Gerard furrowed his brow, sensing Frank's reluctance to share. "Not exactly?" he repeated. "What do you mean?"

Frank sighed, running a hand through his hair as he struggled to find the right words. "It's complicated," he said finally. "Let's just say... I had some pets, but it's not a happy story."

Gerard furrowed his brows at the sadness in Frank's voice. "I'm sorry, Frank," he said softly, reaching out to give Frank's hand a reassuring squeeze. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I understand."

Frank nodded quietly, his eyes fixed on his plate as he spoke. "Back when I was seventeen," he admitted and Gerard's eyebrows furrowed more, sensing there was more to the story. "And what happened to it?" he inquired and Frank let out a heavy sigh.

"My parents... they found out about me and the dog," he confessed, his words coming out in a subdued murmur.

Gerard's eyes widened in shock, the implications of Frank's confession slowly dawning on him. "They took it away because..." he trailed off, unable to finish the sentence and Frank nodded silently.

"Yeah," he murmured, unable to meet Gerard's gaze and a heavy silence settled over them as Gerard processed Frank's words.

"I had no idea," Gerard said softly and Frank squeezed Gerard's hand in return. "I'm sorry I never told you," he whispered and Gerard shook his head gently, offering Frank a reassuring smile.

"You don't have to apologize," he said. "You know, Frank, maybe it's for the best that we don't adopt any pets," Gerard continued and Frank glanced up from his food. "And why's that?" he asked.

"Because of your... issue," Gerard replied cautiously, gesturing vaguely with his fork.

"My issue? You mean my bestiality?" Frank muttered bitterly and Gerard winced at the word but nodded.

"Yeah, that," he murmured, suddenly finding the pattern of the tablecloth fascinating and Frank looked directly at Gerard, searching his face for any sign of discomfort.

"Does it bother you, Gerard?" he asked and Gerard met Frank's gaze. "No, Frank, it doesn't bother me," he reassured him. "I love you for who you are, flaws and all."

Frank's shoulders relaxed slightly at Gerard's words, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Thanks, Gerard," he murmured gratefully, leaning into Gerard's touch for a moment before returning his attention to his breakfast and Gerard nodded.

"As long as you're not hurting anyone or... anything, it's okay," he said carefully and Frank nodded in understanding, appreciating Gerard's attempt to be supportive.

"I promise, honey, I would never do anything to hurt anyone," he vowed earnestly and Gerard offered a small smile, relieved that Frank seemed to understand.

"I know you wouldn't, Frank. Just... be careful, okay?" he replied softly and Frank nodded solemnly. "I will, Gerard. I promise," he said.

The silence stretched between them until Gerard abruptly pushed back his chair. "Fuck it," he muttered under his breath before swiftly crossing the distance between them.

Without a word, Gerard cupped Frank's face in his hands and kissed him fiercely, pouring all of his pent-up emotions into the kiss. Frank responded eagerly, wrapping his arms around Gerard and pulling him closer, their bodies pressing together.

They continued to make out passionately, their kisses growing more urgent with each passing moment. With a swift motion, Gerard swept his arm across the table, sending plates, mugs, and breakfast dishes crashing to the floor with a loud clatter. Despite the chaos, they didn't break their kiss, their mouths still locked together.

The sound of shattering ceramic and scattering food echoed through the room, but neither of them paid it any mind.

Feeling Frank's hands grip his waist, Gerard allowed himself to be lifted onto the table and as Frank gently laid him down. He wrapped his arms around Frank's neck, pulling him closer.

Frank swept the remaining breakfast items off the table, clearing a space for Gerard to lay down comfortably. Plates and utensils clattered to the floor, forgotten and once the table was cleared, Frank hovered over Gerard as he leaned in to capture Gerard's lips in another searing kiss.

Frank wasted no time in pulling Gerard's boxers down, freeing him completely and Gerard gasped as the cool air hit his heated skin.

"F- Frank, please," Gerard pleaded. "Fuck me, right now!"

Frank quickly climbed onto the table and positioned himself between Gerard's parted legs. He guided himself inside Gerard, the sensation of their joining causing a shiver of pleasure to run down Gerard's spine.

When soon as Frank was fully seated, he began to thrust and Gerard moaned, his hands gripping the edge of the table. Frank continued to thrust into Gerard and Gerard's breath hitched with each powerful movement.

Gerard gazed up at Frank, his eyes darkened. "You feel so good inside me," Gerard gasped. "Fuck me harder, Frank. I want to feel you deep inside me."

Frank's movements became even more intense in response to Gerard's words. He leaned down, capturing Gerard's lips in a passionate kiss as they moved together. Their bodies rocked against each other with increasing urgency.


The sudden interruption of Frank's phone ringing shattered the intense atmosphere, but it didn't stop the relentless rhythm of his thrusts into Gerard.

With one hand still gripping the edge of the table for support, Frank reached for his phone with the other, not missing a beat.

He answered the call, his voice was strained with effort, yet he managed to maintain a semblance of composure. "Hey, Jamie," Frank greeted, his breath hitching slightly as he continued to move against Gerard.

Gerard couldn't help but let out a low moan at the sensation, his body reacting instinctively to Frank's touch even as he listened to the one-sided conversation.

"Yeah, I'm a bit busy at the moment," Frank replied. "Can it wait?" Despite the interruption, Frank's focus remained on Gerard, his movements becoming even more desperate as he attempted to balance the conversation with his own pleasure.

Feeling Gerard's moans threatening to escape, Frank quickly slipped his fingers into Gerard's mouth, effectively silencing him as he continued to thrust relentlessly. Gerard's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected sensation, but he obediently sucked on Frank's fingers, trying to stifle his own cries.

On the phone, Jamie rambled on about church renovations, oblivious to the sounds in the background. Frank's focus wavered for a moment as he struggled to maintain his composure, his movements becoming more erratic as he tried to keep up with the conversation.

Despite the distraction, Frank managed to respond to Jamie's questions with a strained but composed tone.

Realising Jamie wouldn't stop talking, Frank quickly interrupted him. "Jamie, give me two minutes, okay?" he requested hastily before muting the call.

As soon as the call was muted, Frank's focus shifted entirely back to Gerard and he thrust into Gerard, the sound of their bodies colliding filling the room.

Gerard arched his back, his own need reaching as Frank's movements became more forceful.

"Yes, Frank, fuck me," he urged and responding to Gerard's plea, Frank drove into him with even more urgency, chasing his own release.

With a few final rough thrusts, Frank reached his climax, his body trembling as he spilled himself inside Gerard.

The sensation of Frank's release flooding him caused Gerard to gasp in pleasure, his own body responding eagerly.

Frank's breaths came in ragged pants as he collapsed against Gerard and Gerard wrapped his arms around Frank, holding him close.

"Wow, Frank," Gerard murmured. "That was... fuckin' good."

Frank pressed a tender kiss to Gerard's lips. "I love you, Gerard," he whispered and Gerard smiled. "I love you too, Frank," he replied. "Always."


Gerard and Frank lounged on the couch in the living room, enjoying a quiet moment together while watching a movie when suddenly, Frank broke the silence.

"I want to go to Japan," Frank announced and Gerard blinked in surprise, caught off guard by the sudden change in topic. He felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him, both mentally and physically, but he didn't want to disappoint Frank.

"Japan, huh?" Gerard replied, forcing a smile despite his weariness. "That sounds... amazing."

Frank beamed at Gerard's response. "Yeah, I've always wanted to go to Tokyo," he continued and Gerard nodded, trying to muster up some genuine enthusiasm for Frank's idea.

"It sounds like it would be an incredible adventure," he agreed, though his mind was already racing with thoughts of the energy it would require.

Despite his exhaustion, Gerard resolved to do whatever it took to make Frank happy. After all, seeing Frank's smile was always worth it in the end.

Frank reached for a pile of chocolate bars on the coffee table, unwrapping them one by one and Gerard watched as Frank meticulously picked out the jelly pieces from each bar, knowing that Gerard didn't care for them.

"You know, you don't have to do that," Gerard said, feeling a pang of guilt at Frank's consideration and Frank glanced up, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"I know, but I want to," he replied simply, his eyes meeting Gerard's. "Thanks, Frank," Gerard murmured and Frank returned Gerard's smile. "Anything for you, Gerard," he whispered, reaching out to squeeze Gerard's hand gently.

"Hey, how about we go to that cafe down the street?" Frank suggested. "We can get your favorite coffee."

Gerard's eyes brightened at the mention of coffee, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "That sounds perfect," he replied and Frank grinned.

"Great, let's go then," he said, rising from the couch and extending a hand to Gerard. As they prepared to leave, Frank began clearing the table, stacking the empty chocolate wrappers and discarded napkins neatly.

"Hey, Frank," Gerard said tentatively. "About last night... did you... cut yourself on purpose?"

Frank's movements faltered for a split second, but he quickly resumed cleaning, trying to brush off Gerard's question with a casual shrug. "It was just a small accident, Gerard," he replied nonchalantly, avoiding Gerard's gaze.

Gerard furrowed his brow, unconvinced by Frank's dismissive tone. "But... it seemed like you did it so I would stay here with you," he persisted and Frank sighed, setting down the stack of dishes and finally meeting Gerard's eyes.

"Look, I... I just wanted to spend some more time with you, okay?" he admitted reluctantly. "I didn't mean for it to get out of hand."

Gerard nodded slowly, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I appreciate that, Frank, I really do," he said softly, reaching out to gently squeeze Frank's shoulder. "But please, don't hurt yourself for my sake. I'm always here for you, no matter what."

Frank offered a small, grateful smile at Gerard's words. "I know, Gerard," he murmured. "Thanks for being here for me."

Gerard's heart sank as the ringtone pierced the air, signaling an incoming call from his mother, Donna. He realized with a sinking feeling that he had left the house the previous night without checking his phone at all.

"Shit," Gerard muttered under his breath as he reached for his buzzing phone. Frank watched with concern as Gerard's expression darkened. "Everything okay?" he asked softly and Gerard shook his head, his hands trembling slightly as he answered the call. "I don't know," he replied. "I'll find out."

On the other end of the line, Donna's voice was laced with worry and frustration. "Gerard Arthur Way, where on earth are you? Your father and I have been worried sick! You left in the middle of the night without a word, and now you're not answering your phone. What's going on?"

Gerard's stomach churned with guilt as he listened to his mother's scolding. He had been so caught up in Frank's manipulative games that he had forgotten to inform his parents about his whereabouts. Now, faced with their anger and concern, he felt like a child caught in the act of misbehaving.

"I-I'm sorry, Mother," Gerard stammered. "I, uh, I just needed some time alone. I didn't mean to worry you."

But his mother was having none of it. "Time alone? Gerard, you can't just disappear like that without telling anyone! Your father and I were up all night searching for you. This is unacceptable!"

Gerard winced at the sharpness in his mother's tone. He knew he had messed up, and there was no excuse he could offer that would appease his parents' anger.

"I know, Mother," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise."

With a heavy sigh, Donna relented, her voice softening slightly. "Just please, Gerard, come home. Your father and I are worried sick about you. We need to talk about this."

Gerard nodded. "Okay, Mother. I'll be home soon."

Gerard ended the call and let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping with defeat. Turning to Frank, he could see the disappointment in his eyes, knowing that Frank didn't want him to leave, even for just a moment.

"I'm sorry, Frank," Gerard murmured. "I have to go. My mom needs me." Frank's heart sank at the thought of Gerard leaving.

"But Gerard," he protested. "I thought we had something special. Are you just going to abandon me like that?"

Gerard paused and he could see the pain in Frank's eyes, and it tore at his own heart. "Baby, it's not like that," he insisted. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise."

Frank shook his head, feeling a surge of frustration bubbling up inside him. "But what if something happens while you're gone?" he pleaded, his voice cracking. "I don't want to be alone."

Gerard wrapped his arms around Frank, holding him close. "You won't be alone, Baby," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to Frank's forehead. "I'll be back before you know it."

Frank's voice trembled with fear as he continued to press Gerard. "But what if you don't come back, Gerard?" he whispered, his grip tightening on Gerard's shirt. "What if you decide you're better off without me?"

Gerard's heart ached at the pain in Frank's voice and he cupped Frank's face gently, forcing him to meet his gaze. "Frank Way, listen to me," he urged. "I'm not going anywhere. I need you just as much as you need me." Frank searched Gerard's eyes, seeing the sincerity shining within them.

"But what if..." he started, his voice faltering as he struggled to voice his deepest fears and Gerard silenced him with a tender kiss, pouring all of his love and reassurance into the gentle press of his lips against Frank's.

"There are no 'what ifs' when it comes to us," he whispered against Frank's mouth. "I love you, Frank. And I'll always come back to you."

"I love you too, Gerard," Frank murmured. "Please promise me you'll come back."

"I promise," Gerard vowed, pressing another tender kiss to Frank's forehead. "I'll always come back to you, no matter what." Frank took a deep breath, steadying himself before speaking. "Okay, Gerard," he said. "You can go. But don't make me regret trusting you."

Gerard's heart clenched at Frank's words. "I won't, Frank," he vowed earnestly, his gaze locked with Frank's. "I'll do everything in my power to make sure you never regret it."

Frank nodded as he reached up to brush a stray lock of hair from Gerard's face. "I believe you," he said softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Just... come back to me, okay?"

Gerard leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Frank's lips again. "I will," he whispered against Frank's mouth. With one final hug, Gerard reluctantly pulled away, knowing that he had to go.

When Gerard drove away, Frank stood by the window, watching him until his car disappeared from sight. A bittersweet ache settled in his chest as he touched his lips where Gerard had kissed him, savoring the lingering warmth of his lover's touch. Closing his eyes, Frank let out a shaky breath.


Gerard arrived at his house and he was greeted by the sight of his parents and Hayley waiting for him in the living room.

"Gerard, where have you been?" his mother demanded as she crossed her arms over her chest and Gerard swallowed nervously. "I-I'm sorry, Mother," he stammered. "I... I had to... go out last night."

His father's brow furrowed in frustration. "You left without any explanation, Gerard," he chide. "We were worried sick about you." Hayley remained silent as she watched the exchange unfold.

"I know, and I'm sorry," Gerard apologized, feeling a pang of guilt at the distress he had caused his family. "I didn't mean to worry anyone. It won't happen again."

Donna sighed, her expression softening slightly. "We just want to make sure you're safe, Gerard," she said, her voice gentler now. "We care about you."

Gerard nodded. "I understand," he replied quietly, his gaze falling to the floor. "I'll try to be more considerate in the future." He knew that facing his family's disappointment was just the beginning of the consequences of his actions.

Donald studied him closely, noticing the exhaustion etched into his son's features. "Gerard, you don't look well," he remarked and Gerard forced a weak smile, trying to brush off his father's observation.

"I'm fine, Father," he insisted. "Just a bit tired, that's all." Donald narrowed his eyes, not convinced by Gerard's reassurances. "Are you sure?" he pressed. "You can talk to us if something's bothering you, you know."

Gerard hesitated. "I appreciate it, Father, but really, I'm okay," he lied, avoiding his father's gaze and Donald sighed, knowing there was little he could do if Gerard wasn't willing to open up.

"Alright, Gerard," he conceded. "Just remember, we're here for you if you ever need us."

"Thanks, Father," he replied quietly, forcing himself to meet Donald's gaze with a reassuring smile. "I'll let you know if anything changes."

After lunch with his family, Gerard's phone rang, and he saw Frank's name flashing on the screen.

"My Frankie 💞"

Excusing himself from the table, he stepped outside into the garden to answer the call. "Hey, Frank," Gerard greeted as he walked among the flowers.

"Hey, Gerard," Frank replied. "I miss you already." Gerard smiled. "I miss you too," he admitted, his heart aching with the distance between them.

"I wish you were here with me," Frank confessed. "But I understand why you had to go."

Gerard sighed, wishing he could be by Frank's side too. "I'll be back soon, I promise," he reassured him, hoping to ease Frank's loneliness.

As Gerard was on the phone with Frank, enjoying their conversation in the serene garden, he was taken aback when Hayley suddenly appeared from behind him.

Quickly, he instinctively hid his phone behind his back, hoping to keep his conversation private.

"Gerard, who are you talking to?" Hayley asked as she approached him and Gerard forced a smile as he turned to face her.

"Oh, it's just... uh, a friend," he replied vaguely, his heart racing with the fear of being caught. His heart pounded in his chest as he realised that Frank was listening on the other end of the line and he knew Frank would be proud if he get a little mean towards Hayley.

"Let's not pretend, Hayley," he suddenly spat. "We both know I'm not the only man you've been with."

Hayley's face paled at Gerard's words, her eyes filling with tears. "That's not true, Gerard," she protested. "I've been faithful to you."

Gerard felt a pang of guilt at Hayley's distress, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the role he was playing. "Save it, Hayley," he snapped. "I don't want this baby, and I don't want anything to do with you."

Hayley's tears began to fall and Gerard turned away, unable to bear the sight of her pain. He knew that his words were harsh, but if it meant keeping Frank happy, then he would do whatever it took, even if it meant hurting someone else in the process.

"You think I don't know what you've been up to?" Gerard spat. "I've seen the way you look at other men when you think I'm not watching."

Hayley's cries grew louder, her hands clutching at her stomach protectively as she tried to defend herself against Gerard's onslaught of accusations.

"You're wrong, Gerard," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I love you, and this baby is yours."

But Gerard refused to listen, his mind consumed by his desire to make Frank happy. "I don't want to hear it, Hayley," he snapped. "I'm done with you and this whole charade."

Gerard couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse at the pain he had caused. But if it meant keeping Frank's trust, then he would do whatever it took.

As Hayley turned and fled from the garden, her sobs echoing in Gerard's ears, he felt a mixture of relief and guilt wash over him.

Slowly, he brought the phone back to his ear. "Frank?" Gerard said tentatively and on the other end of the line, he could hear Frank's laughter.

"That was amazing, Gerard!" Frank exclaimed and Gerard's heart clenched at the sound of Frank's laughter. "I'm glad you think so," he replied and Frank's laughter subsided into a soft chuckle. "You did good, Gerard," he reassured him. "I knew I could count on you."

Gerard sighed softly. "Thanks, Frank," he murmured. "I just hope I didn't go too far."

Frank's laughter had returned. "Nah, you were perfect," he insisted,. "I love you, Gerard."

No matter what sacrifices he had to make, as long as Frank was happy, it was all worth it in the end.

"Come home, where you truly belong." Frank said and Gerard swallowed hard, torn between his loyalty to Frank and his sense of duty to his family.

"I want to, Frank," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm afraid my parents won't let me."

Gerard could sense Frank was frowning as if Frank was infront of him. "Gerard," Frank said gently and Gerard knew he had no choice.

Taking a deep breath, Gerard composed himself before reentering the house. His parents looked up as he approached, concern etched on their faces.

"Is everything okay, Gerard?" his mother asked and Gerard forced a smile. "I'm sorry, Father, Mother," he began. "I have to go. There's been an emergency."

His parents exchanged a worried glance before his father spoke up. "What kind of emergency, Gerard?" he inquired and Gerard hesitated, knowing he couldn't tell them the truth.

"It's... it's personal," he replied evasively, avoiding their gaze and his mother's expression softened.

"Are you sure you're okay, Gerard?" she asked gently, reaching out to touch his arm and Gerard nodded, he felt guilty for deceiving his parents.

"I'll be fine, Mother," he assured her, forcing a reassuring smile. "I just need to go."

With a final glance at his parents, Gerard turned and headed for the door.


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