Face The Music

By dreamsmadereal

1.6K 46 38

Denali had it all...until she got pregnant at 16. She's rich, she's talented, and she's not going to let anyt... More

Broadway Bombshell
Not Alone
What Now?
Evil Step-Dancers
Moving Forward...Or Not
First Appointment
Coffee Fixes Everything
Shop Til You Drop
Bow Ties or TuTus?
Who Is She
Baby Shower Bonanza
Let's Party
Definitely Here
One Month Old
Little Ears
The Coolest Mom in School
Old Wounds
The Big Move
A Day in the Life
Round 2

Almost to Baby

88 1 1
By dreamsmadereal

Thirty-five weeks. That's where I was at today. And honestly, I felt like a whale. But at the same time, I was a beautiful, powerful whale. I was rocking the pregnant life. Still glowing, and showing a lot.

Only about another month until baby Mia was here, and today we were putting the final touches on her nursery. I read that infants don't even really use their nursery a lot since they sleep in bassinets and you kind of change them wherever instead of their changing table, but I was going to have my magazine-level nursery anyway.

Natty and Hudson arrived with takeout from my favorite Chinese place. I was ready to stuff my face with dumplings while getting my little girl's room all finished up. We camped out on the floor of the nursery while folding up all the clothes.

In my vast internet research, Reddit especially, I read that newborns basically lived in sleepers and nightgowns because they were comfy and easy to change them in, so that's what I made sure to order lots of. Mia had like twenty nightgowns in the 0-3 month sizes. She was a chunky monkey, measuring a little on the larger side, so my aunt recommended not getting too many newborn clothes.

"So, how are you guys feeling after that second parenting class yesterday?" Natty asked.

"So, so confused," Hudson said.

"Oh, stop. We'll be fine," I said.

"Idk about new moms, but I think you're the most relaxed one I've ever seen, Deni," Natty said, giggling.

I shrugged. "I know I can do anything, and plus, my mom hired that new nanny to help out. So like, any time I need to do schoolwork or take a break, she'll be there to help out with Mia. Like, if she didn't sleep all night and kept me up, guess what? The nanny is gonna watch her and I can get some beauty rest in."

Hudson chuckled. "Tell me you're a spoiled rich kid without telling me you're a spoiled rich kid."

I elbowed him in the side, causing all three of us to laugh. Everyone who went to Jane Willow was a "spoiled rich kid." They didn't even offer scholarships or payment plans.

"Oh shit. I didn't know your mom definitely hired this girl already. I knew there was that one who she was thinking about, but I had no idea she actually sealed the deal," Natty said.

"Yup. She did. She's the only one who is actually free during daytime hours while I'm in school, so she can watch her all day and then go to college at night. She has twin boys so I'm sure taking care of one baby will be a breeze!" I said, folding up another nightgown.

I took a deep breath, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"You good?" Hudson asked.

"Yeah," I said, chuckling. "Her foot is literally right in my rib." I got to my feet with Hudson's help and that dislodged it. I moved back over to my rocking chair so I could finish my fried rice that was sitting on the side table. "I'm not ready for all the extra work, but I can't wait to finally meet her. She's gonna be perfect and amazing."

I took a bite of fried rice, feeling like I was somehow lying when I said that last part, but it was something that no matter what, I was gonna keep saying. Mia was the picture of health at every single appointment, but something still felt off.

"Well she's both of ours, so how could she not be?" Hudson said.

"You guys are so cute," Natty said, putting another massive head bow into the box with all the others. "Okay, that's the last bow!"

"Good. Then help me organize all these booties," Hudson said.

We finished up about an hour later and stood in the doorway, taking it all in. I wanted Mia to have a nursery that was a little different, so I went with a dark green theme (you know, because Mia Jade).

There was one dark green accent wall in the back that had white flower decals all over it. That was also where her crib was, along with her wooden "Mia Jade" name sign. The rest of the nursery was pretty typical: rocking chair, rug, changing table, dresser, walk-in closet full of clothes. We had different sound machines, projectors, and baby cameras for her. My favorite part was the color-changing tape lights that were hung all over the ceiling.

Hudson loved the bookshelves that were mounted to the wall. He always told me he couldn't wait to read to her. He had a bunch of extra books for her over at his house. Next week we'd be finishing up that nursery for when she got older and stayed with him on the weekends.

"Well, we did it, and it looks damn good!" I said.

"Hell yes it does, ladies!" Hudson said, putting his hands on my baby bump. "Only the best for my perfect little princess!"

"I think we earned ourselves a reward. Let's see if your mom will order us a pizza," Natty said.

"Oh she definitely will. I'll see if we can get the new Castle of Shadows movie streaming in the theater downstairs!" I said.

"I second that!" Natty said.

"Yes. I need some hot little vampires to spice up my night," Hudson said.

We raced downstairs, had my mom order us a bunch of pizzas, then got set up in the theater. Yes, the movie we wanted was available to stream. Once the pizzas arrived, I sat and enjoyed one of the last "normal teen" nights with my friends. This baby was going to be here before we knew it.  

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