My Cold Mate

By Bae0409

576 40 0

"I Hate you" the trueblood alpha muttered She heard him saying something unfamiliar . Probably she never he... More

Author note
Characters 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Characters 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapters 13

10 0 0
By Bae0409


Hours ago they left that couple's house after bidding their goodbyes .


In Liam's mercedes ~~

Both remained silent nobody wanted to break the ice . Liam couldn't able to focus on road right now ,his wolf remained silent too , it was too difficult for him ,he don't know what to do, his hands were shaking in fear and his heart beat raising so fast . the grip on steering wheel got tightened and his pheromones filled all over the car . Vincent can't even breath anymore , he couldn't take it

"le-t me drive " vin murmured

"nah it's okay " Liam said

"bitch! let me drive, you may kill both of us if you drive like this! " he snapped at him


soon they both switched their position and Vincent begin to drive, on the other hand Liam just closed his eyes and still he can't calm down

"we are here "the alpha announced

vin parked the car ,he felt to dizzy.

"my head is spinning"

"why? what happened ? do you need anything?"

"nah I'll just take a nap"

"sure use my bedroom " Liam offered but vin wanted to reject the offer but he knows li won't let him , so he accepted it anyway ,soon they both entered Liam's room.

"I'm gonna go shower and eat anything before you fell asleep " Liam said and went to bathroom
and as excepted vin just fell asleep without having dinner


In bathroom ~

Liam let himself soak in shower , there are tons of thoughts in his mind , he kept thinking and thinking AND THINKING AGAIN AND AGAIN!

'What are the reasons behind her rejection? She don't have a lover or anything like that and if there is any threat i must have got that now but why why she don't want me . It's not like someone have grudge with that like a bad person who don't want her to be happy. Gosh I even checked that too.. no one knows anything not even her close friends !'


Finally ! he screamed on top of his lungs

"Liam! what happened to you? are you okay?" Vincent knocked the door loudly

"Yeah I'm ok"

"i don't think you are"

the door opened slowly revealed a restless true blood, his eyes were red and tears rolled down his cheeks

"Man what happened to you and why are you crying"

"I don't know anymore" Liam uttered

he looks up hugged his bestfriend tightly and vin hugged him back ,he slowly drew circles on his back to calm down his friend

"tell me what's bothering you?" he spoke after broke the hug

"I don't know why she want to reject me! literally I can't find the reason, I investigated and did everything to find the answer but whatever I got ,it doesn't make sense vin! I can't connects the dots"

Vincent remained silent and begun to speak

"share me everything, maybe at one point if we connect all those dots we will get the real reason about why your mate wants to reject you"

"fine! let me get dressed"

"do that first you pig!" he smacked the true blood and made his way towards couch , some minutes passed Liam sat beside his alpha bestie and begin to speak

"After Mian confessed you about rejection at the party without any reasons I got the urge to find the reason of her rejection and i very well knew she won't tell me anyway, so obviously i went to her college to know about her and importantly she have no lover note that point and any ex lovers too , so my enquiry got extended. fortunately I have a friend who is going to Uni with her ,he is her classmate too ,I asked him whether she is being bullied or does anyone have a grudge with her but all my assumption gone wrong."

"so ,you creepy bastard basically stalked her! " a smack given to the true blood followed with this sentence

"in addition, that boy said that Mian is too soft for that and she is so sweet to her classmates!" Liam said while rubbing his head where vin gave a smack


'This bitch spying her' Vincent thought

"And SHE BEING SWEET???" Vin yelled and he was stunned too speak

"that brat can never be sweet with me tsk" he sulked

"let me continue, after that I had a question which hunts me every night"

"and what is that?" Vincent stared at him

'Boy you need help'

"does she don't like alphas or maybe I'm not her type?"

'He is too insecure'Vincent shrugged

"do you know what Mian's dad told me? he said that it's not like that she don't hate alphas but he's not sure about asexual thing"

the alpha let out a heavy sigh

"anything else than this info?" Vincent asked him without any emotion

"well in enemies part, her father still have some enemies but he said it's not that deep"

both didn't utter a word from what info they got there is no use in it , they still haven't find anything about the rejection , suddenly vin got up and dragged liam with him towards luna's room

"where are we going?" he yelp

"shut up and come"

"MOM!" He yelled

'Help him mom! He need to get his ass whooped' vin mindlinked her

'Sure son'

"My boys what's the beans spill it" luna said without eying them while doing her paper works regarding to red moon pack

"Ma we want your help"vin sighed

lara looked up and gesture them to sit on the couch, both made themselves comfortable and vincent nudged the true blood to speak

"ma actually I was trying to find the reasons behind her rejection" he spoke softly

"Did you find any?"


"have you asked her?"


"my boy, you should have asked her"

"she won't tell me!"

"and how do you know? communication is the key for every relationship!"

"Liam do you even respect her?"

"yes i respect her and would worship her like a goddess indeed she is" he said

"then why you didn't talk to her in person till now?"

he remained silent. Sure he did everything to find these shitty reasons behind all of this but never asked her though

"I know honey you are afraid of her but don't you think you should ask her? Instead of stalking or asking other people opinions about her ,approach your mate with your love for her, if you have any" his mom said and stormed out of the room with anger

"do you think you know her? or atleast does she know you love her?" she asked him before closing the door

every words which came out of her mouth slapped straight across his face

'I messed up' the trueblood thought and left


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