Robotech Odyssey: An Official...

By AtomicStudios101

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Part I: Reign of the Pretoxican Stellar Republic
Part II: Before Zor
Part III: The Advent of Robotechnology
Part IV: Rise of the Robotech Empire
Part VI: Terra
Part VII: Prelude to the First Robotech War

Part V: Fall of the Robotech Empire

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By AtomicStudios101

1800 A.D. (450000 I.C.):

Frustrated by the Robotech Elders' incompetence and inability to properly handle the Ci'Vonian rebellion, their chief subordinates, the 1st Robotech Masters Triumvirate, seizes control of the government from the Elders, who remain as figureheads. Though the Robotech Empire's foundations are weakened, an Imperial Renaissance begins.

1801 A.D.:

Zor relocates his family's old estate on Windermere to continue his research in isolation.

- 1801.01.01

Father Giuseppe Piazzi discovers asteroid 1 Ceres.

1801-1940 A.D.:

The Robotech Masters authorize a joint Tirolian/Zentraedi counter-invasion of the remaining worlds of the Autonomous Republic of Ci'Vonia aimed at assuring the complete destruction of the Disciples of Zor and their sympathizers, and any vestigial threat they posed to the supremacy of the Empire.

1802 A.D.:

- 1802.03.28

H. Wilhelm Olbers discovers asteroid 2 Pallas.

1804 A.D.:

- 1804.09.01

Karl Harding discovers asteroid 3 Juno.

1807 A.D.:

- 1807.03.29

H. Wilhelm Olbers discovers asteroid 4 Vesta.

1821 A.D.:

- 1821.06.25

Breetai Kridanik emerges from his clone chamber.

1845 A.D.:

- 1845.12.08

Karl L. Hencke discovers asteroid 5 Astraea.

1847 A.D.:

Asteroids 6 Hebe, 7 Iris, and 8 Flora discovered.

1848 A.D.:

Andrew Graham discovers asteroid 9 Metis.

1849 A.D.:

Annibale De Gasparis discovers asteroids 10 Hygeia and 11 Parthenope.

1850 A.D. (486000 I.C.):

The Invid military campaign intensifies, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Ci'Vonian crisis.

Asteroids 12 Victoria and 13 Egeria discovered.

1851 A.D.:

Asteroid 14 Irene and 15 Eunomia.

1852 A.D.:

Asteroids 16 Psyche through 23 Thalia discovered.

1853 A.D.:

Asteroids 24 Themia, 25 Phocaea, 26 Proserpina, and 27 Euterpe discovered.

1854 A.D.:

Asteroids 28 Bellona through 33 Polyhymnia discovered.

1855 A.D.:

Asteroids 34 Circe, 35 Leukothea, 36 Atalante, and 37 Fides discovered.

1856 A.D.:

Asteroids 38 Leda, 39 Laetitia, 40 Harmonia, 41 Daphne, and 42 Isis discovered.

1857 A.D.:

Asteroids 43 Ariadne through 50 Virginia and 56 Melete discovered.

1858 A.D.:

Asteroids 51 Nemausa through 55 Pandora discovered.

1859 A.D.:

- 1859.09.22

Robert Luther discovered asteroid 57 Mnemosyne.

1860 A.D.:

The Zentraedi Imperial Fleet commissions the Fulbtzs Berrentzs-class mobile homebase as a major supply depot and clone manufacturing center, and the main base of operations for Zentraedi Supreme Commander Dolza Bodolzaa Zer and his Grand Fleet.

Asteroids 58 Concordia, 59 Elpis, 60 Echo, 61 Danae, and 62 Erato discovered.

- 1860.11.06

Kazianna Hesh emerges from her clone chamber.

1865 A.D.:

The Tirolian Border Fleet commissions the Tou Salaam-class long-duration picket cruiser.

1869 A.D.:

Edward Everett Hale proposes a habitable artificial satellite ("The Brick Moon").

1874 A.D.:

- 1874.05

The Royal Greenwich Observatory begins making detailed observations of sunspot activity. Monthly averages show that sunspot activity waxes and wanes in an approximate 11-year cycle.

1878 A.D.:

Jules Verne and Kurt Lasswitz popularize space travel and orbital habitats.

1895 A.D.:

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky presents scientifically valid designs for orbital habitats.

1903 A.D.:

The Tirolian Imperial Forces commissions the Roil Tiluvo-class assault corvette, the first assault carrier designed to carry Bioroids.

1906 A.D.:

Lagrange's theory is confirmed by the discovery of the "Trojan" asteroids 588 Achilles and 617 Patrocolus at Jupiter's L4 and L5 points, respectively.

1909 A.D.:

The Tirolian Imperial Forces commissions the Roil Quel-class electronic warfare corvette, the Roil Luhoutzs-class command corvette, and the Roil Lihinal-class gunboat.

1915 A.D.:

The Tirolian Border Fleet commissions the Roil Destrin-class assault corvette.

1920 A.D.:

The Zentraedi Imperial Fleet begins production of the Lotzor-series battlepods.

1923 A.D.:

Rocketry pioneer Hermann Oberth elaborates on potential uses for space stations.

1927 A.D.:

Arthur Hasford is born.

1929 A.D.:

J. Desmond Bernal proposes a 500-meter (1,640-foot) spherical space habitat containing a complete closed ecosystem.

Hermann (Potočnik) Noordung proposes the construction of 30-meter (100-foot) wheel-shaped space stations ("Wohnrad") in geosynchronous Earth orbit.

1939 A.D.:

- 1939.10.24

Raizou Nakajima is born.

1940 A.D. (545000 I.C.):

The last major Ci'Vonian stronghold on Cylesia is annihilated by the 118th Bodolzaa Zer Grand Fleet. The remaining rebel fleet limps away into the darkness, led by surviving Ci'Vonians. The Disciples of Zor are no longer considered a legitimate threat to the Robotech Masters as they shift their attention to the ongoing Invid offensive, but remnant groups of the Disciples continue to undermine Imperial authority for years to come.

Jakob Erlich is believed to have been born around this time.

1942 A.D.:

Exhausted by continuous pacifications on insurrections backed by the Disciples of Zor, the Robotech Empire's Protoculture supplies start to become dangerously low. The Empire's imperial renaissance begins to founders because of the power crisis.

Frustrated by the Robotech Masters' inability to control the Empire's stability, Dolza begins to plot to dethrone them and set up the Zentraedi race as the dominant power of the Robotech Empire--an empire in his point of view that had been ultimately built on the back of the blood and toils of true conquerors instead of a bunch of lazy autocrats.

- 1942.01.01

The Arcadia Conference; In Washington D.C., the "Big Four" members of the Allied Powers during World War II--the United States of America (USA), the United Kingdom (UK), the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and the Republic of China (ROC)--signed a short document which later came to be known as the Declaration by United Nations. On the following day, the representatives of 22 other nations added their signatures.

- 1942.10.03

Wernher Von Braun launches V-2 rocket bomb, first ballistic space flight.

1944 A.D.:

A Disciples of Zor remnant group captures several Robotech Factory Satellites and hides from the watchful eyes of the Robotech Empire, scattering them across the mostly-uncharted Milky Way Galaxy. The Disciples use these Factory Satellites to mass produce mecha for them to rebuild their forces, however, pilots are still a rare commodity due to heavy Zentraedi and Meltrandi losses.

1945 A.D.:

- 1945.04.24

United Nations Conference opens in San Francisco, California.

- 1945.06.26

The United Nations Charter is signed by delegates of the 50 attending nations.

- 1945.07.16

First nuclear weapon test at Trinity, New Mexico.

- 1945.07.28

The US Senate ratifies the United Nations Charter by a vote of 89 to 2.

- 1945.08

Nuclear weapons are used in actual combat on Earth. The United States detonates two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (August 6th) and Nagasaki (August 9th), killing between 129,000 to 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians.

- 1945.09.02

Following the nuclear devastation of two of their cities and the US threatening to bomb a third, the Empire of Japan unconditionally surrenders to the Allies, bringing World War II to a close.

- 1945.10.24

The United Nations (UN) is officially formed as an intergovernmental organization made to maintain international peace and security between nations.

1945-1949 A.D.:

The Chinese Civil War; Following World War II, hostilities between the Kuomintang-led government of the Republic of China led by Director-General Chiang Kai-shek and forces of the Chinese Communist Party led by Chairman Mao Zedong resumed, eventually escalating into armed conflict. The civil war ends with the Communists gaining control of mainland China and establishing the People's Republic of China (PRC), forcing the leadership of the Republic of China to retreat to the island of Taiwan.

1946 A.D.:

- 1946.12.14

John D. Rockefeller, Jr. donates $8,500,000 to purchase property along New York's East River for a permanent United Nations HQ.

1947 A.D.:

- 1947.03.12

Many believe this date to be the official beginning of the First Cold War between the capitalist Western Bloc headed by the United States of America and the communist Eastern Bloc led by the Soviet Union.

1948 A.D.:

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (based on the American Bill of Rights, the British Magna Carta, and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man) is adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris.

1949 A.D.:

- 1949.04.04

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is formed between some nations of North America and Western Europe, later expanding across the continent.

- 1949.10.24

United Nations Day, marking the dedication of the UN permanent HQ in New York City.

1950 A.D. (553000 I.C.):

Zor is sent to seed a host of other worlds with the Flower of Life aboard a Protoculture seeding ship, which was equipped with the Greater Protoculture Matrix, in the hopes of replenishing the Robotech Empire's continuously dwindling Protoculture reserves. Many of the worlds seeded produces a mutated version of the Flower of Life which produces less robust, but still potent, Protoculture seeds. Zor also bioengineers a race of animals known as the Cha-Cha (or Pollinators) in an attempt to spread these "Zor Flowers" (as they are known) wherever they could on Tirol and its colonies. Increasingly, the weaker plant begins to replace the aging Flowers of Life in bioenergy culture pods. The amount of metastable metallic hydrogen from the Zor Flower's sap that is needed to refine it into pure Protoculture is less than 2% of what could be extracted from the original Flower of Life's sap.

- 1950.08.20

Antoinne Rohcel is born.

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