Renewed Passion (Completed)

By writerlove03

8.5K 1K 783

One fateful night that is all it takes. Icy roads and a blown tire causing events to tear down the happiness... More

Disclaimer & Author Notes
1. Is A Part
2. Winning Champ
3. Flip The Buns
4. Milkshake Machine
5. Invisible Ghost
6. The Stove
7. Weclome To
8. Days
9. The Park
10. Wedding
11. Phone Buzzes
13. Beyond Happy
14. Caramel
15. Socks
16. Bicycles
17. Toy Trucks
18. Just Pout
19. Bobble Head
20. Children
21. Milliseconds
22. Tantrum
23. Witty Remarks
24. Memories
25. Dinner
26. Flying Ball
27. Like Old Times
28. Popcorn
29. Company
30. Loose You Again
31. Broken
32. A Stud
33. The Walk
34. Brightens
35. Make Food
36. Tenderly
37. Joys Of Vacation
38. Lunch
39. Handmade
40. Mini
41. Rolly Bolly
42. Disco Ball
43. Tap On The Window
44. Giant Animal
45. Back
46. Raccoon
47. Toy Ring
48. A Cape
49. Very Prestine
50. Humorless Laugh
51. Heart Patters
52. Other Than
53. Cake
54. Computer
55. Old Oak
56. Something Blue
57. Pineapple Milkshake
58. Epic
59. Bride
60. Years
61. Unhealthy Foods

12. Changed

150 16 16
By writerlove03

With the dishwasher going and kitchen clean, I look at the clock. My feet move to the living room and see as Samuel and Josh watch some show about vehicles on the TV.

"I am going to leave for the diner. You two good?"

Samuel smiles looking to me and nods.

"We are great Sis, popcorn with some water and a good show." Josh smiles.

"Alright well bedtime is still the same." I lean down and kiss Samuel's head.

"But it's the weekend." Samuel looks up and gives me his big sad eyes.

"Surely nine isn't late?" Josh adds.

"It's nine-thirty on a weekend." I shake my head with a smile.

"Oh you are lucky kid." Josh ruffles his hair then laughs as Samuel pushes his hand away. "Don't worry he will be in bed by then."

"Thank you. Call me."

"If I need you." Samuel laughs. "I know Mama. Love you."

"Love you too Sammy." I smile then grab my coat and bag.

The drive seems to last incredibly long as my mind races over what will be said or even how to say it. Will things go back to before? Will we end up just being friends?

There is to much going on within my mind. It was hard to even eat dinner tonight as my stomach would knot up every time I went to take a bite with the racing thoughts.

Making it to the Diner, I go in and help with the finally clean up and dismiss the other workers. Tary walks up and gives a smile. "Ready?"

"How did you know?"

"Kate had mentioned you would be back for close up tonight when I had called to see if it was her or I doing it tonight." He shrugs.

"I got it and you need to go home rest that wrist."

He holds it up and there is nothing there. "All good just pink for a couple hours is all."

"I am glad it wasn't worse." I let out a breath and smile.

"Wouldn't be the first time I had a burn and would not be the last. Happens when working in the kitchen setting."

"True." I laugh since I have had my fair share of burns.

"Breath through it." Tary smirks and turns with a wave. "Just make sure you clean the counters if you do the slick deed."

"Tary!" I throw my rag at him while he dodges seeing it coming with his head partially turned. "Go home."

"Sure thing boss." He laughs and salutes. "See you in the morning."

I shake my head and walk over to pick the rag back up then place it in the bin to be recleaned for the next using. The time ticks by even slower and I walk to the door as a shadow moves in the dark just as I am flipping the sign. Right on the dot for closing time, Erik opens the door and walks in.

"Punctual." I snort and he smirks.

"Wasn't sure if you had any customers and I was trying to be patient."

"You were the worst one having patience." I lock the door just so no one is able to come in before I walk over to the bar stools and wave a hand around. "We can sit or stand."

Erik frowns a moment before walking over to the first booth and sitting down. I sit opposite of him and place my hands in my lap between my thighs. The scent of his cologne really making everything the more as his natural scent mixed with it is so perfect.

My eyes can't help but take him in and he seems to do the same.

The stubble he sports is different. There is a scar that is barely visible on the left side of his neck. His hair isn't as long as he used to keep it as a teen, but a bit shorter and suits him better. The muscles though, I could cream myself at how defined those have gotten it shows he works out and the perfect build not huge but not the scrawny boy he used to be either.

"You have changed but still seem the same." His voice snaps me out of looking.

I laugh once. "We both have changed."

He gives nods. "So you have been doing okay over the years?"

"I guess so yeah, it was a shock after the accident and within a short time after I started working to where I could build a life."

"You have done well. This place is awesome and a big thing for only being twenty-seven."

"Thanks." I nod with a smile. "What have you been doing?"

"I help to make video games and have sold a couple that were successful."

"So definitely not into law like your parents wanted." I laugh and he joins me.

"Not in the least but it is something that just came to me while finishing high school up with the courses I had taken."

"Did you go to a public school or private?"

"Public. You?"

"I actually finished up high school online. There were to many rumors and to hard to continue going to school after the accident." I frown and he does the same.

We pause for a moment.

"I am sorry."

I snort and shake my head. "It isn't your fault nor is it mine but your parents and my mom."

He nods. "Have you spoke with her?"

"Yup, I had this afternoon and got some answers. Not really sure how to feel about things with her and her reasons is weird as I can see why but then again I can't."

"I am sure you strive to be a better mother." His words hit and I pause. "Sorry just that you and your mom has always had a strained relationship from what I seen as a teen with you and you told me. Which makes it something I am sure you try to do better with your son."

I nod slowly. "Yes I try and am actually there for him. I try to make sure others are not watching him so much and that I play the video games with him even if I still am awful at it."

"Is he with Daryl now? Sorry if I am taking time away."

"You're not." I give a tight smile. "No, he is actually with Josh currently. He is in on some time off which he is comes here to get away from work and spend time with his nephew."

"How old is your son?"

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