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By QueenMimi96

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Anakin and Jetta had been best friends for most of their lives, so alike in their rule-breaking behavior yet... More

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β˜… Playlist β˜…
Chapter 1 - Rule Breakers
Chapter 2 - Just Glorified Babysitters
Chapter 3 - Midnight Bonding Sessions
Chapter 4 - I'll Just Skydive, Thanks
Chapter 5 - Watch Your Head!
Chapter 6 - But Seriously, Why Me?
Chapter 7 - Dinner Debates
Chapter 8 - Raiding Padme's Closet
Chapter 9 - Forbidden Desires
Chapter 10 - He Gets That From Obi-Wan
Chapter 11 - This is Taboo
Chapter 12 - Jedi Don't Have Nightmares
Chapter 13 - Business & Pleasure
Chapter 14 - Can I Get That In A To-Go Cup?
Chapter 15 - A Grave Mistake
Chapter 16 - Rage & Regret
Chapter 17 - Honesty is the Best Policy
Chapter 18 - A Dying Confession
Chapter 20 - Now I'm Free-Fallin'
Chapter 21 - Ruminations
Chapter 22 - Dangerous Truths & Lies
Chapter 23 - So Shall Our Love Be
The End + Sequel

Chapter 19 - Hey, I'm Not Dead After All!

403 7 12
By QueenMimi96

The Knobby White Spider was bearing down on me when I glanced up into its massive beady black eyes, its razor sharp teeth gnashing together and ready to take a huge bite of Jetta delight. Whipping away from it just in time, the creature side-swiped me with its mouth. I could see Anakin in my peripheral vision, watching me in concern. But he had his own problems right now as the Reek came charging past me and straight towards him.

The creature shot webs from its mouth then and I dodged it, the sticky white slime barely missing my boots. Using the Force, I pushed it back slightly and earned myself enough time to duck behind the pillar right before it was bombarded by the weight of the Knobby White Spider. The pillar shook and quickly began to crumble underneath the pressure. Cursing under my breath, I rattled my chains in agitation before the whole edifice started to go down.

I managed to escape quick enough to not be squashed but unluckily, the chains binding my wrists didn't break despite the impact of the pillar on them. I was trapped with the creature swiftly coming back for more. My dark eyes hardened, my mind flitting over each and every scenario I could think of to untangle myself from this unfortunate predicament.

"Jetta!" Padme called out suddenly from somewhere above.

Glancing up, I just had time to catch the falling silver hairpin in my hand as Anakin came riding by on the Reek. Somehow, he had tamed the creature and converted it into transportation. As he distracted the Knobby White Spider, I picked the lock in record timing before Anakin made his way over to me. Reaching a hand out, he pulled me astride the Reek.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I muttered, "You took your sweet time,"

"Sorry. Speeder broke down on the way here." he shot back with a smirk.

Rolling my eyes, I pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek before we were off to pick up Padme and Obi-Wan. Suddenly, a cluster of Droidekas rolled out into the arena and effectively began to surround us on all sides. But just when my heart started to sink and we thought all hope was lost, multicolored flashes lit up the arena all around. There must've been about a hundred Jedi.

A grin split my face, "The cavalry has come, boys...and senator."

Padme only laughed in response, clearly as relieved as I felt...until thousands of battle droids began to pour into the arena. It seems the battle was only beginning as the fighting commenced. A couple of Jedi ran over to where we were still astride the Reek and tossed three lightsabers our way.

I smiled at the familiar hum as I activated my lightsaber and we quickly cut ourselves free as Padme snatched a gun off the ground before the three of us joined in the fray. I admit, it felt good to slice and dice the battle droids around me - beheading one here, slicing one in half there. It was a nice change from the past few months of watching over Senator Amidala. Not, of course, that I had minded the peaceful tranquility of Naboo. But I only truly felt useful when I was out here in the thick of it, fighting for justice.

Anakin was near then, fighting alongside me as we both killed more droids. R2-D2 had somehow managed to be involved in the battle as well and I greeted the astromech briefly. Slicing yet another droid's head clean off, I couldn't help but grin.

"R2, what's my score?" I called out to the droid.

The astromech whistled in response and I shot a triumphant smirk over at Anakin.

He rolled his blue eyes in annoyance, retorting, "Please, Jet, that doesn't even touch my high score,"

R2 beeped and chirped once more and the proud look plastered to Anakin's face slipped off, "What do you mean you calculated wrong? R2, that's too many - there's no way that Jetta-"

"-could possibly best the Chosen One?" I shot back in a sassy tone, smirking at him just as I cleaved a battle droid in two.

Anakin sent me a mock-scowl, about to retort something when we were lost in the crowd of bodies once again. I deflected blaster bolts and hacked down droid after droid mercilessly. Totally absorbed in the battle, I didn't notice the Reek coming until it was too late. His horns and the weight of the creature itself barreled into me, knocking me off of my feet. I hit the dirt with a groan, completely winded. Pushing the tangled dark brown strands of hair from my face, my gaze flicked up to meet that of the Reek. It was pawing at the ground with one of its hooves, ready to come at me again.

Glancing to my left, I noticed my lightsaber had rolled several feet away from me. Too far to reach with my hand but perhaps... Calling on the Force, I attempted to retrieve it. But the Reek was coming too fast now while droids and Jedis alike clamored around, distracting me. I'd never be able to get it back in time.

Yet as I lie there in the red dirt of Geonosis, willing to accept the fate I was dealt, an unlikely event transpired. The bounty hunter Obi-Wan had tracked here, Jango Fett, suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The jetpack on his back was sparking from a previous fight as he stepped in front of me. Aiming his blaster with surprising precision, he fired a shot at the Reek's head before dodging out of the way.

It went down instantly, sliding along the ground slightly from the momentum before lying lifeless in the dirt. My brown eyes were widened in pure shock as I glanced up, stunned, at my savior. Turning to face me from where he was knelt on the ground, I observed his silver-plated armor and blue shirt tucked just underneath. I couldn't see his face which was hidden by the helmet but couldn't help but wonder just what the expression there was as he stared back at me.

The grateful thanks was on my lips as I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off with a simple nod in reply. He stood up then, barely having time to turn around before Master Windu came racing towards him, lightsaber at the ready. Jango fired shot after shot at him, backing up as he did. But the bounty hunter had nowhere to go and his reflexes were no match for Jedi, anyhow.

Suddenly, the unfairness of it overwhelmed me. Yes, the bounty hunter's loyalty was to the Separatists. But he had saved my life all the same. Was that rescue to be repaid with his blood? It wasn't right, it wasn't the way of the Jedi.

I began to shake my head as I cried out vehemently, "No, no, wait! Master Windu, wait!"

But Master Windu was a force to be reckoned with, ignoring my pleas as he advanced on Jango Fett in a ruthless manner. Hurriedly getting to my feet, I lunged for my lightsaber. But Master Windu had beat me there. Using his own purple lightsaber, he sliced off Jango's right hand before wielding it in a perfect arc that decapitated the bounty hunter instantly.

A loud gasp ripped free from my throat as I stood there motionless, watching the unjust cruelty. Mace sent me a disapproving glare at this display before rushing off to rejoin the fray. My gaze flicked upwards then, immediately catching sight of the dark-haired little boy from earlier, still awaiting his father's return from the archducal box. The shocked, heartbroken face looked back at me in disbelief and my heart suddenly ached for the innocent youth's suffering.

This was the first time I had witnessed a Jedi's brutality. But I knew I wouldn't soon forget it.

Author's Note: This chapter was a massive turning point for Jetta's views on the Jedi, I feel. Like this was the moment when she begins to question her beliefs she's held all her life... Side note: did y'all notice the LOTR inspiration/reference in this chapter? 'Cause I love you if you did ;)

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